
颜色代表的意义 颜色带给你的感受

2017-09-27 13页 doc 39KB 35阅读




颜色代表的意义 颜色带给你的感受颜色代表的意义 颜色带给你的感受 红 色 具体—血液、夕阳、心脏、火焰 抽象—热情、危险、喜庆、反抗、爆发 橙 色 具体—橘子、晚霞、柳橙、秋叶 抽象—温情、快乐、炽热、积极、明朗 黄 色 具体—香蕉、黄金、黄菊、注意信号 抽象—明快、注意、光明、不安、野心 绿 色 具体—树叶、草木、公园、安全信号 抽象—和平、理想、希望、成长、安全 蓝 色 具体—海洋、蓝天、远山、湖海 抽象—沈静、忧郁、凉爽、理性、自由 紫 色 具体—葡萄、茄子、紫罗兰、紫菜 抽象—高贵、神秘、嫉妒、优雅、病态 白 色 具体—白雪、白纸、白云、护士 抽象...
颜色代表的意义 颜色带给你的感受
颜色代的意义 颜色带给你的感受 红 色 具体—血液、夕阳、心脏、火焰 抽象—热情、危险、喜庆、反抗、爆发 橙 色 具体—橘子、晚霞、柳橙、秋叶 抽象—温情、快乐、炽热、积极、明朗 黄 色 具体—香蕉、黄金、黄菊、注意信号 抽象—明快、注意、光明、不安、野心 绿 色 具体—树叶、草木、公园、安全信号 抽象—和平、理想、希望、成长、安全 蓝 色 具体—海洋、蓝天、远山、湖海 抽象—沈静、忧郁、凉爽、理性、自由 紫 色 具体—葡萄、茄子、紫罗兰、紫菜 抽象—高贵、神秘、嫉妒、优雅、病态 白 色 具体—白雪、白纸、白云、护士 抽象—纯洁、朴素、神圣、虔诚、虚无 黑 色 具体—夜晚、墨、木炭、头发 抽象—死亡、邪恶、恐怖、严肃、孤独 颜色的含义 红色 兴奋、精力、热情、欲望、速度、力量、热爱、侵略 黄色 享受、幸福、乐观、理想主义、想象力、希望、阳光、夏天、哲学 蓝色 和平、平静、稳定性、和谐、统一、信任、真相、信心 桔色 精力、平衡、温暖、热情、颤动、率直、火焰、注意、要求 绿色 自然、环境、健康、好运气、更新、青春、努力、春天、慷慨、富饶 紫色 灵性、高贵、仪式、神秘、转变、智慧、启发、残酷 灰色 安全、可靠性、智力、固定、谦逊、尊严、成熟、团体、保守、实际 褐色 土、炉床、家、户外、可靠性、安逸、耐力、稳定性、简洁 白色 尊敬、纯净、简洁、清洁、和平、谦卑、精密、清白、青春、出生 黑色 力量、精深、正式、优雅、财富、谜、害怕、魔鬼、匿名 颜色所能带给你的感受 红色 是一种激奋的色彩。有刺激效果,能使人产生冲动、愤怒、热情、活力的感。 黄色 具有快乐、希望、智慧和轻快的个性,它的明度最高,能充分反映光线。 蓝色 是最具凉爽、清朗的色彩。它与白色混合后能显现柔顺、淡雅的气氛。 桔色 也是一种激奋的色彩,具有轻快、欢欣、热烈、温馨、庄严的效果。 绿色 介于冷暖两咱色彩的中间,属中间色,显得和睦、宁静、健全、安息的感觉。它与金黄、淡白配合,能产生优雅、舒适的气氛。 紫色 是最具神秘感的彩色,能产生高贵、庄严、豪华的气氛。 灰色 具有中庸、平凡、温和、谦让、中立、忏悔的感受。 白色 具有洁白、明快、纯真、清洁的感受。 黑色 具有寂静、悲哀、罪恶、绝望、灭亡等感受。色的含义 of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into administrative service center to carry out "one-stop" service for enterprises, and the masses start to make ... ... Administrative approval "process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, people's satisfaction." Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to "villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township 红色 兴奋、精力、热情、欲望、速度、力量、热爱、侵略 黄色 享受、幸福、乐观、理想主义、想象力、希望、阳光、夏天、哲学 蓝色 和平、平静、稳定性、和谐、统一、信任、真相、信心 桔色 精力、平衡、温暖、热情、颤动、率直、火焰、注意、要求 绿色 自然、环境、健康、好运气、更新、青春、努力、春天、慷慨、富饶 紫色 灵性、高贵、仪式、神秘、转变、智慧、启发、残酷 灰色 安全、可靠性、智力、固定、谦逊、尊严、成熟、团体、保守、实际 褐色 土、炉床、家、户外、可靠性、安逸、耐力、稳定性、简洁 白色 尊敬、纯净、简洁、清洁、和平、谦卑、精密、清白、青春、出生 黑色 力量、精深、正式、优雅、财富、谜、害怕、魔鬼、匿名 颜色所能带给你的感受 红色 是一种激奋的色彩。有刺激效果,能使人产生冲动、愤怒、热情、活力的感。 黄色 具有快乐、希望、智慧和轻快的个性,它的明度最高,能充分反映光线。 蓝色 是最具凉爽、清朗的色彩。它与白色混合后能显现柔顺、淡雅的气氛。 桔色 也是一种激奋的色彩,具有轻快、欢欣、热烈、温馨、庄严的效果。 绿色 介于冷暖两咱色彩的中间,属中间色,显得和睦、宁静、健全、安息的感觉。它与金黄、淡白配合,能产生优雅、舒适的气氛。 紫色 是最具神秘感的彩色,能产生高贵、庄严、豪华的气氛。 灰色 具有中庸、平凡、温和、谦让、中立、忏悔的感受。 白色 具有洁白、明快、纯真、清洁的感受。 黑色 具有寂静、悲哀、罪恶、绝望、灭亡等感受。 另一组解释: ====================================== 红色Red 红色是热烈、冲动、强有力的色彩,它能使肌肉的机能和血液循环加快。由于红色容易引起注意,所以在各种媒体中也被广泛的利用,除了具有较佳的明视效果之外,更被用来传达有活力,积极,热诚,温暖,前进等涵义的企业形象与精神,另外红色也常用来作为警告,危险,禁止,防火等标示用色,人们在一些场合或物品上,看到红色标示时,常不必仔细看内容,及能了解警告危险之意,在工业安全用色中,红色即是警告,危险,禁止,防火的指定色。 大红色一般用来醒目,如红旗、万绿丛中一点红;浅红色一般较为温柔、幼嫩,如:新房的布置、孩童的衣饰等;深红色一般可以作衬托,有比较深沉热烈的感觉。 红色与浅黄色最为匹配,大红色与绿色、橙色、蓝色(尤其是深一点的蓝色)相斥,与奶黄色、灰色为中性搭配。 of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into administrative service center to carry out "one-stop" service for enterprises, and the masses start to make ... ... Administrative approval "process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, people's satisfaction." Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to "villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township 橙色 Orange 橙色是欢快活泼的光辉色彩,是暖色系中最温暖的色,它使人联想到金色的秋天,丰硕的果实,是一种富足、快乐而幸福的颜色。橙色稍稍混入黑色或白色,会变成一种稳重、含蓄又明快的暖色,但混入较多的黑色,就成为一种烧焦的色;橙色中加入较多的白色会带来一种甜腻的感觉。 橙色明视度高,在工业安全用色中,橙色即是警戒色,如火车头,登山服装,背包,救生衣等,橙色一般可作为喜庆的颜色,同时也可作富贵色,如皇宫里的许多装饰。橙色可作餐厅的布置色,据说在餐厅里多用橙色可以增加食欲。 橙色与浅绿色和浅蓝色相配,可以构成最响亮、最欢乐的色彩。橙色与淡黄色相配有一种很舒服的过渡感。橙色一般不能与紫色或深蓝色相配,这将给人一种不干净、晦涩的感觉。由于橙色非常明亮刺眼,有时会使人有负面低俗的意象,这种状况尤其容易发生在服饰的运用上,所以在运用橙色时,要注意选择搭配的色彩和表现方式,才能把橙色明亮活泼具有口感的特性发挥出来。 黄色 Yellow 黄色的灿烂、辉煌,有着太阳般的光辉,象征着照亮黑暗的智慧之光。黄色有着金色的光芒,有象征着财富和权利,它是骄傲的色彩。在工业用色上,黄色常用来警告危险或提醒注意,如交通标志上的黄灯,工程用的大型机器,学生用雨衣,雨鞋等,都使用黄色。黄色在黑色和紫色的衬托下可以达到力量的无限扩大,淡淡的粉红色也可以像少女一样将黄色这骄傲的王子征服。黄色与绿色相配,显得很有朝气,有活力;黄色与蓝色相配,显得美丽、清新;淡黄色与深黄色相配显得最为高雅。 淡黄色几乎能与所有的颜色相配,但如果要醒目,不能放在其它的浅色上,尤其是白色,因为它将是你什么也看不见。深黄色一般不能与深红色及深紫色相配,也不适合与黑色相配,因为它会使人感到晦涩和垃圾箱的感觉。 绿色 Green 在商业中,绿色所传达的清爽,理想,希望,生长的意象,符合了服务业,卫生保健业的诉求,在工厂中为了避免*作时眼睛疲劳,许多工作的机械也是采用绿色,一般的医疗机构场所,也常采用绿色来作空间色彩规划即标示医疗用品。 鲜艳的绿色是一种非常美丽、优雅的颜色,它生机勃勃,象征着生命。绿色宽容、大度,几乎能容纳所有的颜色。绿色的用途极为广阔,无论是童年、青年、中年、还是老年,使用绿色决不失其活泼、大方。在各种绘画、装饰中都离不开绿色,绿色还可以作为一种休闲的颜色。 of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into administrative service center to carry out "one-stop" service for enterprises, and the masses start to make ... ... Administrative approval "process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, people's satisfaction." Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to "villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township 绿色中渗入黄色为黄绿色,它单纯、年轻;绿色中渗入蓝色为蓝绿色,它清秀、豁达。含灰的绿色,仍是一种宁静、平和的色彩,就像暮色中的森林或晨雾中的田野。深绿色和浅绿色相配有一种和谐、安宁的感觉;绿色与白色相配,显得很年轻;浅绿色与黑色相配,显得美丽、大方。绿色与浅红色相配,象征着春天的到来。但深绿色一般不与深红色及紫红色相配,那样会有杂乱、不洁之感。 蓝色 Blue 蓝色是博大的色彩,天空和大海这辽阔的景色都呈蔚蓝色。蓝色是永恒的象征,它是最冷的色彩。纯净的蓝色表现出一种美丽、文静、 理智、安祥与洁净。 由于蓝色沉稳的特性,具有理智,准确的意象,在商业设计中,强调科技,效率的商品或企业形象,大多选用蓝色当标准色,企业色,如电脑,汽车,影印机,摄影器材等等,另外蓝色也代表忧郁,这是受了西方文化的影响,这个意象也运用在文学作品或感性诉求的商业设计中。 蓝色的用途很广,蓝色可以安定情绪,天蓝色可用作医院、卫生设备的装饰,或者夏日的衣饰、窗帘等。在一般的绘画及各类饰品也决离不开蓝色。 不同的蓝色与白色相配,表现出明朗、清爽与洁净;蓝色与黄色相配,对比度大,较为明快;大块的蓝色一般不与绿色相配,它们只能互相渗入,变成蓝绿色、湖蓝色或青色,这也是令人陶醉的颜色;浅绿色与黑色相配,显得庄重、老成、有修养。深蓝色不能与深红色、紫红色、深棕色与黑色相配,因为这样既无对比度,也无明快度,只有一种赃兮兮、乱糟糟的感觉。 紫色 purple 由于具有强烈的女性化性格,在商业设计用色中,紫色也受到相当的限制,除了和女性有关的商品或企业形象之外,其他类的设计不常采用为主色。 紫色是波长最短的可见光波。紫色是非知觉的色,它美丽而又神秘,给人深刻的印象,它既富有威胁性,又富有鼓舞性。紫色是象征虔诚的色相,当光明与理解照亮了蒙昧的虔诚之色时,优美可爱的晕色就会使人心醉~ 用紫色表现孤独与献身,用紫红色表现神圣的爱与精神的统辖领域,这就是紫色带来的表现价值。 紫色处于冷暖之间游离不定的状态,加上它的低明度性质,构成了这一色彩心理上的消极感。与黄色不同,紫色不能容纳许多色彩,但它可以容纳许多淡化的层次,一个暗的纯紫色只要加入少量的白色,就会成为一种十分优美、柔和的色彩。随着白色的不断加入,产生出许多of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into administrative service center to carry out "one-stop" service for enterprises, and the masses start to make ... ... Administrative approval "process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, people's satisfaction." Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to "villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township 层次的淡紫色,而每一层次的淡紫色,都显得那样柔美、动人。 褐色 brown 褐色通常用来表现原始材料的质感,如麻,木材,竹片,软木等,或用来传达某些饮品原料的色泽即味感,如咖啡,茶,麦类等,或强调格调古典优雅的企业或商品形象。 白色 white 白色具有高级,科技的意象,通常需和其他色彩搭配使用,纯白色会带给别人寒冷,严峻的感觉,所以在使用白色时,都会掺一些其他的色彩,如象牙白,米白,乳白,苹果白,在生活用品,服饰用色上,白色是永远流行的主要色,可以和任何颜色作搭配。 黑色 Black 黑色具有高贵,稳重,科技的意象,许多科技产品的用色,如电视,跑车,摄影机,音响,仪器的色彩,大多采用黑色,在其他方面,黑色的庄严的意象,也常用在一些特殊场合的空间设计,生活用品和服饰设计大多利用黑色来塑造高贵的形象,也是一种永远流行的主要颜色,适合和许多色彩作搭配。 灰色 Gray 灰色具有柔和,高雅的意象,而且属于中间性格,男女皆能接受,所以灰色也是永远流行的主要颜色,在许多的高科技产品,尤其是和金属材料有关的,几乎都采用灰色来传达高级,科技的形象,使用灰色时,大多利用不同的层次变化组合或他配其他色彩,才不会过单一,沉闷,而有呆板,僵硬的感觉。 黑色与白色是对色彩的最后抽象,代表色彩世界的阴极和阳极。太极图案就是以黑、白两色的循环形式来表现宇宙永恒的运动的。黑色意味着空无,像太阳的毁灭,像永恒的沉默,没有未来,失去希望。而白色的沉默是有无穷的可能。黑白两色是极端对立的色,它们又总是以对方的存在显示自身的力量。它们似乎是整个色彩世界的主宰。 在色彩体系中灰色恐怕是最被动的色彩了,它是彻底的中性色,依靠邻近的色彩获得生命。灰色意味着一切色彩对比的消失,是视觉最安稳的休息点。然而,人眼不能长久地、无限地注视着灰色,因为无休止的休息意味着死亡。 黑、白、灰在色彩配色中占有相当主要的地位,它们活跃在各种配色中,最大限度地改变对方的明度、亮度与色相,产生出多层次、多品种的优美色彩,因此它们是决不可忽视的无彩色。 of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into administrative service center to carry out "one-stop" service for enterprises, and the masses start to make ... ... Administrative approval "process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, people's satisfaction." Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to "villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into administrative service center to carry out "one-stop" service for enterprises, and the masses start to make ... ... Administrative approval "process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, people's satisfaction." Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to "villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township
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