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四冲程摩托车发动机的种类和特点四冲程摩托车发动机的种类和特点 众所周知,发动机是摩托车的心脏。当您讨论一辆摩托车的性能时,话题一定会讨论到发动机。这是因为人们在驾乘摩托车的过程中,始终以肉体直接感受到发动机运动时的振动、热力和排气声音。发动机作为摩托车重量最重的组件,它的重量和重心都会直接影响驾乘者的操控乐趣。其实,直接影响驾乘者操控乐趣的关键是发动机的布局,各式各样的气缸布局使无数车迷为之倾倒,这是汽车所望尘莫及的。当然,这里还存在一个敏感的成本造价问题。本文拟就四冲程发动机气缸的排列方式和优缺点,以及大家普遍关心的一些热门话题展开讨论。 一、单气缸...
四冲程摩托车发动机的种类和特点 众所周知,发动机是摩托车的心脏。当您讨论一辆摩托车的性能时,话题一定会讨论到发动机。这是因为人们在驾乘摩托车的过程中,始终以肉体直接感受到发动机运动时的振动、热力和排气声音。发动机作为摩托车重量最重的组件,它的重量和重心都会直接影响驾乘者的操控乐趣。其实,直接影响驾乘者操控乐趣的关键是发动机的布局,各式各样的气缸布局使无数车迷为之倾倒,这是汽车所望尘莫及的。当然,这里还存在一个敏感的成本造价问题。本文拟就四冲程发动机气缸的排列方式和优缺点,以及大家普遍关心的一些热门话题展开讨论。 一、单气缸 单气缸是所有发动机的基本起点,也是发明摩托车发动机时采用的排列方式。不同型式的发动机都是由不同数量的单缸布置而成。由于曲轴需要旋转两周才会燃烧做功一次,因此工作的流畅感不佳,驾驶者会很清楚地感受到气缸内的活塞上下运动的振动。从面上看,在性能上是缺点,但在主观情感上有的车迷却偏爱这种感受。 优点:价格便宜、造型简单、风阻和外形尺寸小。由于曲柄轴长度较短和发动机宽度窄,气缸低,有利于发动机倾斜转向,为驾乘者and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. Adhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of various corruption and self-discipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self-serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrades, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass-roots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovation 提供轻快的乘骑感受。此外,单缸发动机还比多缸发动机较省油。 缺点:燃烧效率会随着燃烧室容积的增大而不断下降。加上排气量越大,发动机活塞越大,其重量也随之增加,造成转速不能设计过高,限制了大功率的输出。单缸发动机常见于小排量(一般不大于125ml)摩托车或以轻巧为上的各种车款。 二、并列(平行)双缸 简单来说,并列双缸发动机可以想象为把两个单气缸发动机连接在一个180º的曲轴上。当一个活塞在上止点时,另一个活塞则在下止点位置(少数发动机如本田CD250除外)。由于两气缸活塞上下运动惯性差不多,可以互相抵消,因此运动零件引起的震荡较单缸少。 优点:在同一排量条件下,燃烧速率较单气缸发动机为好,发动机部件的重量和体积均细小,有利于作较高转速的功率发挥,化油器和进气管的布局也较简单。 缺点:由于气缸数的增加,相应的曲轴、气缸、活塞、活塞环、活塞销等零件数量就会增加。此外,像化油器、气缸盖、曲轴、进排气系统等专用零件的结构要比单缸机更加复杂,这无疑使得双缸机的制造成本会大大高于单缸机,而且由于零件数量的增加,会导致发动and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. Adhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of various corruption and self-discipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self-serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrades, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass-roots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovation 机的故障点增多,再加上增加了调整双缸机的平衡,因此使用维护也更复杂。 三、V型双缸 气缸呈V型布置的发动机,可以从简单的V2发动机说起。不同的气缸V型夹角,可使发动机产生很大的变化。夹角越小,工作越不流畅,这也是美式巡航车营造强烈节奏感的源头。 优点:使对向布置的连杆都装在同一个曲柄销上,减少了曲轴的长度,有利于减小发动机体积并使之轻量化,营造轻巧的转向特性。V2发动机的工作顺畅程度一般以90º夹角最为流畅,所以高性能的V型发动机跑车多以90º夹角布置。因为在V型夹角的开阔空间里可以放置化油器等附件,利用V型气缸不同轴向运转动作来相互抵消因活塞上下运动而产生的振动,这对于转速在10000r/min以上的发动机,此特佳。 缺点:制造较为昂贵、结构比较复杂。虽然化油器或电子燃油喷射系统可以放在V2的夹角中,但后排气缸的排气、排气系统的布置和散热效果都是V型发动机常见的问题。如果把V型夹角做成70º~75º时,和90º夹角相反,发动机便发出“哒、哒、哒”有规律的振动声,这种振动能一直传递到骑手的身体。美国and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. Adhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of various corruption and self-discipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self-serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrades, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass-roots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovation 名车哈利V型双缸摩托车就是这样,当夹角只有42º时,排气声更使人感到像马蹄声一样,这就是哈利迷们如痴如醉的哈利声浪。 四、水平对置双气缸 水平对置的双气缸发动机夹角为180º,两个活塞连杆分别装在两个相位角差180º的曲柄销上,形成一个绝佳的活塞惯性抵消作用。由于两个活塞犹如拳击手搏击般运动,因此,人们都习惯称这种发动机为Boxer(意译为拳师)发动机,也称拳击手。 优点:发动机的重心低,在弯道中的操控稳定性十分优良。由于两个气缸横向延伸,风冷效果显著,维修也较方便。水平对置双缸机因其活塞顶正面相对,像两个拳击运动员对打一样,活塞和曲轴的惯性力能被对向布置的两个气缸抵消而过到平衡。从力学上,惯性力的一阶振动和二阶振动都能完全平衡。而且两个气缸的点火间隔相等,以上两点都有助于提高发动机的平稳性,因此,从平衡角度来看,这是一种很好的结构型式。 缺点:因这种发动机采用顶置式气门,所以不能用于高速发动机(如果凸轮轴上置便可用于高速机,但左右各需要一个传动链)。发动机横向体积巨大,如果不幸发生事故,发动机容易受到结构性伤害,尤其是转弯时,若车身过分倾斜,气缸盖容易擦地损坏机件。 and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. Adhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of various corruption and self-discipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self-serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrades, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass-roots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovation 对Boxer发动机最为津津乐道的是宝马摩托车,除了各代F650和C-1系列之外,几乎所有宝马摩托车仍然使用这种发动机。倘若您骑在宝马车上,会发现左右两气缸中心线并不在一条线上,而是前后错开一定的距离,气缸下的左右踏板也是前后错开的。我国早期生产的长江CJ750跨斗式摩托车就是采用这种水平对置双缸机。总而言之,装用水平对置双缸发动机的摩托车,是在高速路上做长途旅行最适宜的车型。 五、并列3气缸 可以想象,为把3个单气缸发动机连接在一个120º的曲轴上,它需要糅合单缸和多缸发动机的优点,在重量和运动性能方面提供一个中间的落脚点。 优点:以并列3气缸为例,制造成本比V3发动机便宜,随着电脑加工中心CNC技术的发展,制造标准的120º曲轴已经非常容易。并列3气缸发动机的性能比并列双气缸要好,但重量却比直列4缸或V4发动机轻许多,成本也低不少。再有,曲柄旋转的惯性效应较4缸发动机低,能为大排量摩托车提供较为轻快的驾乘感受。 缺点:发动机的工作流畅仍不及4缸以上的发动机,曲轴相位的and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. Adhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of various corruption and self-discipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self-serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrades, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass-roots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovation 准确度也需要技术调校。目前仍沿用3缸发动机的摩托车主要以英国凯旋Triumph为主流,并为其树立了独特风格的卖点。 六、并列4气缸 顾名思义,4气缸发动机可以说是把4个单气缸发动机并列在一起。第一和第四活塞平衡了第二和第三活塞的运动惯性,这是250ml以上的街车或跑车最乐意采用的标准布局。 优点:发动机工作流畅,振动小,排气声浑厚连绵。加上发动机部件轻巧,燃烧速率高,有利于高转速发动机的功率发挥,供油系统和排气系统的布置也十分方便。况且各气缸都能够接触自然风散热,不仅可布置水冷系统,采用风冷散热也可。 缺点:发动机体积庞大、沉重,结构较为紧密,造价昂贵。曲轴旋转的惯性效应较高,不利于发动机倾斜转向,同时,燃油消耗也较高。 采用并列4气缸发动机的摩托车以高性能的街车(CR/KJR/ZRX/GSX)和跑车(CBR/YZF-R/ZX-R/GSX-R)为主,以及强调极速的ZX-12R、CBR1100和GSX-1300R,都采用并列4气缸的设计。 and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. Adhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of various corruption and self-discipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self-serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrades, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass-roots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovation 七、V4气缸 V4发动机,简单来说是把两台V2发动机结合在一起而得来的。当然,这种结构在进气系统和排气系统的布置上将更为复杂。 优点:如果将V4气缸发动机与并列4气缸作比较,则V4对向布置的两个气缸的连杆可以使用同一个曲柄销,缩短了曲轴长度,大大节省了空间和发动机的重量,轴距也可以设计较短,即使大排量的发动机,其宽度也比直列4气缸发动机窄,这样,容许车身有更深的倾斜度。采用V4发动机的车种通常都是高性能的跑车或重型巡航车。 缺点:发动机的结构紧密复杂,不利于维修保养作业,且价格较为昂贵,不是一般工薪阶层易拥有的“宝驹”。 八、水平对向6气缸 水平对向6气缸发动机可以想象是三台Boxer发动机前、中、后排在一起再塞入车架中。在摩托车的世界里属于极为罕见的品种。这是因为发动机宠大的体积和沉重的重量,非一般摩托车能把它容纳。近代仍然采用水平对向6气缸发动机的摩托车,是广为人知的本田金翼1800,它装有全球定位巡航系统等世界最尖端技术的仪器,是所有车迷朝思暮想的超级豪华摩托车。 and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. Adhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of various corruption and self-discipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self-serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrades, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass-roots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovation 优点:发动机运行极为平滑顺畅,全区域的功率扭矩输出都非常出色,很少有其它类型的发动机可以与它抗衡。 缺点:发动机的体积、重量和宽度都十分地惊人。结构之复杂造价之昂贵,是其它类型的摩托车发动机所望尘莫及的。 以上介绍了这么多类型的摩托车发动机,其中单列气缸和并列双缸发动机在我国摩托车市场上最多。有人不禁要问,在发动机排量相同的情况下,究竟是单缸机好,还是双缸机好,要回答这个问题,我们需要将单缸机与双缸机的特点进行对比,通过比较才能明白这个问题。 单缸四冲程发动机,曲轴每转两圈才燃烧做功一次,因此,能明显地感到发动机的工作是断续的,排气声音的断续性更强。 由于上述特点,单缸摩托车给人一种冲劲和节奏感。而从工作圆滑角度来看,单缸机肯定不如双缸机好,特别是在低转速时,单缸发动机工作不平稳,转速波动大,而且一旦失火,二次燃烧时间间隔较长,很容易使发动机熄火停机。在相同排量条件下,和双缸相比,单缸发动机的运动件惯性力不能互相抵消,因此,单缸机的振动大,特别是高转速时,这个问题表现得尤为突出。此外,在相同排量的条件下,and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. Adhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of various corruption and self-discipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self-serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrades, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass-roots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovation 单缸机缸径较大,燃烧室尺寸大,因此混合气的燃烧相对较差。当然各运动件的尺寸也较大,譬如活塞、连杆等。这些因素不利于发动机提高转速,也不利于提高功率。上述这种倾向会随着发动机的排量增加而明显。所以单缸机排量越大,升功率越小,但是单缸机的脉动感却越强。 在摩托车上,发动机是最重要的装置,由于单缸机重量轻,结构尺寸小,它的宽度比双缸机窄,因此单缸机对整车布置十分有利,便于实现整车造型的苗条化。同时,由于单缸机有利于减轻整车的重量,也提高了方向把的灵活性。这是由于单缸机曲轴短而轻,尤其是横置发动机,曲轴旋转的陀螺效应阻碍摩托车侧倾转弯,而且曲轴越重转速越高,陀螺效应也越大。在这一点上,单缸机比较好,陀螺效应低,因此,车辆左右侧倾十分轻便,再加上单缸机尺寸短,不会妨碍摩托车的侧倾。此外,单缸机尺寸小,风阻也较小。单缸机的另一个特点是,在同一排量条件下,构成单缸机的零部件数量也较少,且不需要进行左右气缸的平衡调整,故障点少。同时,较小的结构又决定了单缸机具有制造和装配工艺简单、技术难度小等特点,因而单缸机制造成本低,使用维护简便,具有很好的经济性。 而双缸机的结构相比之下就要复杂多了,由于气缸数的增加,相应的曲轴、活塞、活塞环、活塞销等零件数量就会增加。此外,像化油器、气缸盖、曲轴、进排气系统等专用零件的结构就比单缸机更加and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. Adhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of various corruption and self-discipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self-serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrades, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass-roots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovation 复杂,这无疑使得双缸机的制造成本会大大高于单缸机,而且由于零件数量的增加,会导致发动机的故障点增多,再加上还需要增加调整双缸机的平衡因此使用维护也更加复杂。事物都是一分为二的,双缸机也有单缸机不可比拟的优势:双缸机的活塞、气缸直径小,曲轴、飞轮的质量也相应要轻,活塞的行程短,因此即便是在活塞保持相同线性速度的情况下,双缸机可以通过提高转速来增加发动机的最大功率。 单缸机在实际使用较多的中低速范围内,其扭矩较大、加速爬坡性能确实优于双缸机,但在噪声振动方面,由于双缸机往复运动及回转运动零件的质量小,其惯性力相对较小,且发动机的爆发次数是单缸机的数倍,因此,发动机扭矩变动幅度小,振动比单缸机小许多,排气噪声也明显低于单缸机,在平坦道路上车速快于单缸机,整车显得平稳顺畅。但是,单缸机可以采用特别设计的平衡轴或平衡块来减少振动,达到与双缸机的同等效果。从这个意义上说,不能片面地讲是单缸机好,还是双缸机好。 and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. Adhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of various corruption and self-discipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self-serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrades, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass-roots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovation
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