首页 > 浙二医院进修感想


2018-08-05 10页 doc 34KB 29阅读




浙二医院进修感想浙二医院进修感想 记忆是需要偶尔整理一下的,更需要用可靠的载体记录下来,以免那些个值得珍藏一生的欢笑和泪水被如水的时光所冲淡。或许是为了晋升职称的需要;或许是为了获得更多的专业知识;或许是为了满足梦寐以求的“浙医情结”,一年前匆匆去了浙二医院进修。 现在进修回来已经一月有余,关于在浙二医院进修的记忆倒是随着时间的推移反而鲜活起来。虽然在去之前就早已听闻是何等“锻炼”人之处,但一年后回后的总体感觉是:辛苦那是真的很辛苦,但又绝不仅仅只限于辛苦,若干感想,与大家分享: 入院后的第一个感觉可以用一个词概括,那就是--时间。这个...
浙二医院进修感想 记忆是需要偶尔整理一下的,更需要用可靠的载体记录下来,以免那些个值得珍藏一生的欢笑和泪水被如水的时光所冲淡。或许是为了晋升职称的需要;或许是为了获得更多的专业知识;或许是为了满足梦寐以求的“浙医情结”,一年前匆匆去了浙二医院进修。 现在进修回来已经一月有余,关于在浙二医院进修的记忆倒是随着时间的推移反而鲜活起来。虽然在去之前就早已听闻是何等“锻炼”人之处,但一年后回后的总体感觉是:辛苦那是真的很辛苦,但又绝不仅仅只限于辛苦,若干感想,与大家分享: 入院后的第一个感觉可以用一个词概括,那就是--时间。这个时间不仅是个名词,更多时候它是动词。它不仅需要你要有时间观念,更需要你在有限的时间内尽可能完成更多的事件,当然前提是安全。因为浙二的手术量实在太大了,这就每一个人要有高度的时间观念,因为我们没有时间可以浪费,你的一分钟的确只是你的个人行为,在你生命中几乎微小而不可数,但是当你融入这个团队,你的一分钟也是整个外科团队的一分钟,甚至是整个包括外科系统在内的每一个成员的一分钟,而这样计算起来一分钟就变成一个小时甚至数个小时,而这损失最终的承担者就是病人。 劳动强度真的很大~这可能是每一个外科医师及所有来过浙二学习轮转的人的共同体会吧,有限的手术间及人员,巨大的手术量,而比值即是劳动强度。别的医院可能下午三四点就没事了,而在这干到七八点,甚至十一二点那都是很常见的,据说还有干到凌晨的,难以想像。一直以来觉得自己当一个外科医生已经很幸苦了,没想到浙二外科医师According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrap-up session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, quality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order to ensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his party, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the company, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calendar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plans arrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraph organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustment progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop for, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The project skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, all other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished product testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of finished and semi-finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an 劳动强度更大,没有懒觉,没有午睡。 第二个词那就是--严谨,跟时间一样,它也不仅仅只是个形容词。从入科的第一天到现在你渐渐熟悉的每一天,严谨一词无时不刻出现在外科的每一个角落。氛围的形成最初可能来只源于某一两位学科带头人,但后来逐渐成为每一个科室成员的自觉行为,因为大家都深刻体会到了严谨的“好处”,严谨那是为了更安全,更高效,更优质,而最终体现形式是外科医生内心的更充实和更自信。 在浙二医院进修的最大收获是结识了几位良师益友(李江涛、徐斌、李志宇、王勇、王建伟等),老师们都特别重情意。对业务上的指导自不必说,全天候提供远程会诊或现场指导;闲暇时小聚一番,品一杯黄酒,说说生活的烦恼、谈谈工作的事情、分享成功的喜悦,那些只言片语的鼓励和鞭策在迷茫中给我以指引、在无助时给我以力量、在前行时给我以智慧、在抉择时给我以方向。 带我时间最长的是李江涛老师,他性格温和,总是面带微笑,感觉没什么压力。可跟他上台的时候,总是有一种莫名的压力,总是手忙脚乱的。可能是因为李老师在台上不怎么说话,动作又特别快,记忆最深刻的是叹服李老师的心灵手巧。 在外科学习期间,李江涛主任医师(彭淑牖教授的博士后)带领大家一起审查对新入院病人的诊断、讲解相关CT解剖和次日手术的术式及相关手术方式的对比。这样,每位病房医师除了熟悉自己接诊的病人外,也能对全科现有病人的大体情况有所了解。彭淑牖教授不定期带领三级医师进行严格正规的教学查房,无论是专业知识的学习还是今后According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrap-up session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, quality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order to ensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his party, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the company, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calendar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plans arrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraph organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustment progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop for, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The project skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, all other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished product testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of finished and semi-finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an 对待工作的态度,更有在具体繁琐的工作中如何掌握知识的方法,大家都觉得有种拔云见日的感觉。从彭教授的精彩讲课、观摩他那细致入微、充满技巧的手术到看VIP门诊时面对各路高级别领导时的不卑不亢和恢谐幽默,让我领略了彭教授的儒雅、睿智和大气。 记得有一个外科周凡医师要求我们进修医生,每天必须至少巡视两次病人,早晨的一次是了解病人前一晚发生的事和对病情的了解。而下午的一次,就是和病人的自由沟通时间,可以将一些检查结果进行告知,也可以了解病人的生活背景情况。那个周医师说我们医生看病时不仅仅是医病,很大的程度上是医心。我觉得这句话说的很对,读懂病人的心,让他了解医生真的明白他所需要的东西,并且在尽力帮助他的时候,就能得到病人的充分信任,如果卸下了病人的防备,工作起来就容易的多了。 良好的学习氛围,“学习”这是第三个可以形容外科的词。一周工作六天(周六常规加班),有周都有不同形式的学习:学术领域的最新进展,国内外交流学习体会,临床工作的总结与交流,不良事件和安全隐患点评等等,让每一个人每天都处于充电的状态,尽量跟上日新月异的外科学专业领域发展。示教室那个舞台不仅仅只属于老师,也属于同学或进修医生,让他们在给别人带来知识的同时也让自己的能力有了巨大的提高。难能可贵的是:每周都能坚持,每人都会来听~课后是一顿大餐,所以说既紧张又快乐嘛。听了老师的课还要老师请客吃饭,真是天下奇闻。 浙二对病人的健康教育及医学知识的普及非常重视。护士站有许According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrap-up session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, quality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order to ensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his party, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the company, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calendar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plans arrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraph organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustment progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop for, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The project skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, all other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished product testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of finished and semi-finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an 多关于该科各种疾病的科普手册,种类多,每本约20-30页,对各类疾病的介绍比较细致,不亚于教科书。从而加深患者对疾病的了解,更加理解医生,有助于预防医疗纠纷的出现。 最让我兴奋的就数肿瘤科每周二MDT(多学科讨论)了。毕业多年之后,能听到像郑树、张苏展等各位顶尖教授的旁征博引、看到他们的挥洒自如、观摩各种疑难病例手术录像的精彩纷呈确实是一种享受。尤其是为这些疑难病例组织的疑难病例讨论,有放射科专家老到的阅片讲解、有肿瘤外科专家专业的建议,有病理科专家的一言九鼎,不仅让进修医师极大地开阔了眼界,更让进修医师看到了顶尖医院多学科协同配合的综合实力。 进修期间,我也参加了浙二主办的各种学习班、无论是学习班上高频度的对临床理论高度概括的讲座,还是会议上精彩手术的观摩都让人受益匪浅。 一位副院长在进修医生结业酒会上曾这样说道:“我相信,每一位进修医生都是一个美丽的故事。请记住他们的名字。因为各科的门急诊及病房在过去的一年中所取得的骄人业绩离不开他们默默无闻的奉献和努力,医院在过去一年所取得的成就中也有他们的一份汗水和辛苦~” 曾经有个进修医生回来说:“我在浙二进修的那一年,是我最认真、最充实、最受益、最长见识的一年。至今想来,犹如发生在昨天。” 我想:每个医务人员基本都要出去进修,但是学到什么,学了多少,真的是大有不同。有的进修只是去镀金、自我放假、轻松一下,不According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrap-up session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, quality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order to ensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his party, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the company, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calendar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plans arrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraph organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustment progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop for, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The project skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, all other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished product testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of finished and semi-finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an 能严格要求自己,真的很难学到什么。有的严格要求自己,认真对待进修,确实能学到不少东西,不要单从医疗知识、诊疗水平的提高与否来看待进修的效果,要从意识上、理念上、眼界上综合看待进修的效果,这些效果会对你今后的从医之路起到很重要的作用,甚至改变人的一生。 回眸在浙二进修的岁月,浙二给我的感受就和我第一次看到故宫一样,就是“博大精深”~那种从骨子里的震撼是难以言的,更有对浙二医院的感激之情。我相信自己在浙二医院进修的这一段经历、浙二医院教给我的思维和理念将伴随我今后的学习和工作,我非常感谢曾经给予帮助的各位老师,也祝愿浙二医院百尺竿头,更上一层。 According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrap-up session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, quality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order to ensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his party, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the company, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calendar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plans arrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraph organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustment progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop for, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The project skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, all other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished product testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of finished and semi-finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an
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