首页 > 在有线路由器下的无线路由器连接上网


2018-08-03 19页 doc 248KB 5阅读




在有线路由器下的无线路由器连接上网在有线路由器下的无线路由器连接上网 前天买了一台TP-LINK TL-WR740N 150M的无线路由器,于是晚上迫不及待的想尝试一下无线网络的滋味,但是如何将两台路由器连接却又成了一个大问题。 目前家里的网络情况:电信宽带从外部接入,连入家用的TP-LINK TL-R402的有线路由器的WAN口,再从有线路由器的LAN口引出网线连接各个屋子。现在,我不想将这个有线路由器换成无线的,而是只想用从LAN口出来的引入我的屋子的网线实现无线网络。这个需要怎么做呢, 其实网络上跟我想法的人不少,我通过搜索引擎和自己的摸索终于成功搞...
在有线路由器下的无线路由器连接上网 前天买了一台TP-LINK TL-WR740N 150M的无线路由器,于是晚上迫不及待的想尝试一下无线网络的滋味,但是如何将两台路由器连接却又成了一个大问题。 目前家里的网络情况:电信宽带从外部接入,连入家用的TP-LINK TL-R402的有线路由器的WAN口,再从有线路由器的LAN口引出网线连接各个屋子。现在,我不想将这个有线路由器换成无线的,而是只想用从LAN口出来的引入我的屋子的网线实现无线网络。这个需要怎么做呢, 其实网络上跟我想法的人不少,我通过搜索引擎和自己的摸索终于成功搞定~经过测试从有线路由器接出的网线,可以通过连接无线路由器的WAN口和LAN口两种方式实现无线网络上网。 先说说试料:有线路由器TP-LINK TL-R402和无线路由器TP-LINK TL-WR740N ,都是TP-LINK的产品,两者进入管理页面的地址均为192.168.1.1,默认登录名:admin;默认登录密码:admin;有线路由器的WAN口连接外部网络,通过LAN接入的网线可以正常上网。 一、有线路由器LAN口出来的网线连接无线路由器的WAN口,计算机再通过无线网络配置进行上网,无线路由器起到路由器的功能。 首先找一段网线,两端分别连接无线路由器的LAN口和电脑的网线端口。这样可以通过192.168.1.1,进入到无线路由器的管理界面。 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws 在管理界面,选择“网络参数”—>”LAN口设置”,默认情况下,LAN口的IP地址是192.168.1.1,这个也是路由器的登陆地址。由于无线和有线路由都是TP-LINK的产品,他们的登陆地址都是192.168.1.1,为了避免以后的IP冲突,需要进行IP的修改,在这里修改无线路由器LAN口的IP地址。主要修改C网段地址,变为192.168.0.1,当然也可以同时修改A、B网段的地址,比如变为10.211.1.1等等。 保存后,会提示重启路由器,然后设置本机无线网卡属性,将无线网卡的属性中IP地址修改为192.168.0.X (X取自然数范围2—254),我这里修改为192.168.0.10 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws 当然,这里面不填写也可以,直接选择“自动获得IP地址”即可(前提是无线路由器打开DHCP服务)。 打开浏览器,重新进入无线路由器登陆界面,这次登陆就需要填写192.168.0.1了 重新进入无线路由器管理界面后,设置无线路由器的WAN口,在WAN口联接类型中选择静态IP,将其设置为:IP地址192.168.1.X (X取自然数范围2—254) 子网掩码255.255.255.0 默认网关192.168.1.1 。注意IP地址192.168.1.X,spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws 其中X,一定要是在局域网中没有用过IP地址,否则会造成冲突,这里我设置的是192.168.1.10 设置完成保存重启无线路由器即可。 将电脑与无线路由器连接的网线去除,将从有线路由器的LAN口出来的网线插入无线路由器的WAN口,然后设置无线局域网。 我使用的系统是Windows 7,系统可以自动发现无线网络,点击“连接”后,出现“设置新网络”的提示 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws 点击“确定”后,出现界面,填写无线路由器的PIN码。无线路由器的PIN码在 路由器背面的标签处,添入即可 然后是设置无线网络的一些参数,默认安全级别是“WPA2”这个网络安全设置已 经够高了,一般的蹭网软件不容易破解WPA2型的密码。 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws 设置完成后就可以使用无线网络了。 注意: 1、由于无线和有线路由都是TP-LINK的产品,他们的登陆地址都是192.168.1.1,为了避免IP冲突,需要进行IP的修改,修改无线路由器地址为192.168.0.1(也可改为其他地址,只要不是同网段就行) 2、此时无线网卡的IP一定要设置成192.168.0.X(X取自然数范围2—254),网关和DNS都设置成192.168.0.1即可。但如果无线路由器打开DHCP服务,可能不需要此项设置。 3、进入有线路由器的IP地址是192.162.1.1 无线路由器是192.168.0.1 4、联接完成后,由于无线路由器也起到路由器的功能。所以连接到无线路由器上面的电脑TCP/IP属性和无线路由器保持一致,即设置为192.168.0.X 二、有线路由器LAN口出来的网线连接无线路由器的LAN口,计算机再通过无线网络进行上网。无线路由器起到交换机的作用。 这种连接方式没有使用无线路由器的WAN口,没有必要配置无线路由的WAN口了,因此比较简单。 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws 同样,电脑先用网线连接到无线路由器的LAN口,由于无线路由器默认IP为,浏览器内输入192.168.1.1,进入无线路由器设置界面,点击“DHCP 服务器”—>“DHCP服务”—> “不启用” 更改无线路由器的LAN口IP地址,比如改为 只要和别的已经使用 的IP地址不冲突就可以了 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws 设置完成,保存重启后,即可。 随后,将电脑与无线路由器连接的网线去除,将从有线路由器的LAN口出来的网线插入无线路由器的LAN口,然后设置无线局域网。后面的步骤跟上面的是一样的。 注意: 1、由于无线路由器与有线路由器的IP都是192.168.1.1,因此在设置无线路由器时,一定先不要连接有线路由器接出的网络。 2、设置好无线路由器,并将两台路由器的LAN口连接后,进入无线路由器的IP地址为:这里你设置的无线路由器LAN口的IP地址是什么,就实际输入什么);进入有线路由器的IP地址为: 3、由于连接后,无线路由器只起到无线路由的功能。因此在要进入不同的路由器设置时,一定要注意输入不同的IP地址。无线路由器就相当于一台“无线交换机”,所以连接在无线路由器上面的电脑TCP/IP属性所处的网段要和有线路由器保持一致,这就相当于这些电脑是连接在有线路由器下面的~ 补充: TP-LINK路由器,忘记了登录路由器的用户名和密码怎么办(如何将路由器复位), spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws 忘记了登录路由器的用户名和密码只能将路由器恢复到出厂默认设置,即复位。 在路由器的后面板上有一个标识为RESET的圆孔,这就是复位键。通电状态下, 找一尖状物按下RESET键5秒钟,SYS指示灯快速闪烁3次后松开RESET键,复 位成功。 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws
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