

2017-09-18 35页 doc 135KB 22阅读




联通客服,专业术语联通客服,专业术语 客户—维系 落基伟业联通合作营业厅针对目前市场的需求做出以下明细: 一.大众客户群: 校园客户: 落基伟业合作营业厅之校园专区: 主题: 沃是随时随地生活在移动互联网的生活群体,将无数的个体力量,汇聚成无限的群体力量。 让网络上的喜悦、开心,都能通过群聚力量,从小变大,从少变多;让网络不再是一对一的倾诉,而是广泛的号召参与让感情不再是简单的传递,而是赢得全体回应跟共鸣。 相关报道 打好3G发展这张牌 据媒体11月15日报道,近日国务院国有大型企业监事会主席孙来燕在中国联通集团陕西省分...
联通客服,专业术语 客户—维系 落基伟业联通合作营业厅针对目前市场的需求做出以下明细: 一.大众客户群: 校园客户: 落基伟业合作营业厅之校园专区: 主: 沃是随时随地生活在移动互联网的生活群体,将无数的个体力量,汇聚成无限的群体力量。 让网络上的喜悦、开心,都能通过群聚力量,从小变大,从少变多;让网络不再是一对一的倾诉,而是广泛的号召参与让感情不再是简单的传递,而是赢得全体回应跟共鸣。 相关报道 打好3G发展这张牌 据媒体11月15日报道,近日国务院国有大型企业监事会主席孙来燕在中国联通集团陕西省分公司调研检查时强调,3G是当前发展的关键,要抓住机遇期,发挥差异化优势。孙来燕听取了陕西联通关于经营发展、招投标管理、渠道建设、薪酬激励等情况的汇报,并与陕西联通领导班子成员及相关部门负责人进行了座谈,对陕西联通在加快网络建设,创新发展模式、渠道模式、管理模式、激励模式,“聚焦一线、经营管理上收、资源支撑下沉,全面提升营销服务能力”等方面所做的工作和取得的成效给予充分肯定。孙来燕指出,中国联通面临非常难得的机遇期,要按照总部的统一安排,聚焦市场,深化改革,加强管理,争取更大的发展。首先,要盯住市场、盯住服务,做出成效。要进一步扩大3G网络覆盖面和容量,提高网络覆盖的深度和广度。对于看准的、有回报的项目加快推进,有效支撑发展。在3G发展方面,要把握有限的时间窗口,积极探索新的发展路径和办法,快速扩大用户规模,提高市场份额。要下大力气提升服务“软实力”,重点解决好服务短板,完善服务内容。其次,要加大改革力度,从组织机构和人力资源两个方面入手,减少管理层级,完善“省-市-网格”三级架构,有效配置资源,强化对一线的支撑,提高效率,快速反应。要以人为本,坚持物质奖励与非物质激励相结合,重奖能够为企业创造效益的优秀员工,充分调动员工的工作积极性。 3G手机也能平民化 联通推新定义千元智能机 11月8日-12月12日期间,中国联通面向广大用户推出联通“万台沃•3G千元智能机派送风暴活动”的活动,在一个多月中将连续每天派送出免费领取手机并入网沃?3G的机会,机型均是目前市场上热销的智能3G手机,此活动能让更多用户使用上3G手机,全面掀起3G手机热潮,加速普及3G手机。“不足千元2G升3G”,近期联通将联合国内外知名手机厂商,重磅打造多款千元3G智能手机,不足千元,即可让您轻松换掉2G手机,即刻享受3G手机带给您的智能生活新体验。中国联通3G采用的WCDMA作为全球第三代移动通信的主流标准之一,能够提供比2G更快的传输速率、更大的系统容量、更好的通信质量,并能在全球范围内更好地实现无缝漫游,同时为用户提供话音、数据以及多媒体等多种业务,真正实现了“任何人、在任何地点、任何时间、与任何人”都能便利通信这个目标。基于WCDMA成熟的网络和业务支撑平台,联通3G业务非常丰富,提供无线上网卡、手机上网、手机音乐、手机电视、手机搜索、可视电话、即时通讯、手机邮箱、手机报等多种信息服务,为您带来一个高速移动、更好听更好看、更多体验、融入生活工作消费娱乐等方方面面的精彩世界。3G时代全面来临,中国联通3G为您带来创新的通信体验,即更快的速度、更个性的选organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 择、更宽广的网络覆盖、更丰富的业务,让信息和沟通更自由、更精彩。3G时代您的手机换3G了吗,关注2011年11月8日开始的联通“万台沃•3G千元智能机派送风暴活动”活动,3G手机抢先换。 套餐特点 , 套餐中语音资费采用“长市漫一体化”结构,国内接听免费; , 赠送M/T、可视电话时长、来电显示、手机邮箱。 资费详情 A 3846 66 96 126 156 186 226 286 586 886 6 套餐月费(元) 国内语音拨打分1250 50 240 320 420 510 700 900 1950 3000 钟数 50 3004005006507509501.3国内流量 150MB 300MB 2GB 3GB 套餐包含 MB MB MB MB MB MB GB 国内短信发送条0 240 0 数 接听免费 国内(含可视电话) 国内语音拨打(元0.25元/0.20元/0.15元/分钟 /分钟) 分钟 分钟 套餐超出及其他国内流量 0.0003元/KB 业务收费 国内可视电话拨0.60元/分钟 打 其他业务 执行标准资费 M个数 3 6 12 20 20 20 30 40 50 60 90 T个数 5 10 20 20 40 40 40 50 50 100 120 赠送 国内可视电话拨5 10 10 15 20 20 25 30 50 100 180 打分钟数 增值业务 来电显示、手机邮箱 温馨提示 , 国内指中国内地,不含台、港、澳地区;“本地通话拨打”是指用户在归属地拨打归 属地号码的移动电话、固定电话等各类电话;“国内语音拨打”指用户在国内任何地区发 起的拨打国内电话;“国内可视电话拨打” 指用户在国内任何地区发起的拨打国内可视 电话。 , 套餐包内赠送的手机邮箱为6元版(10G)。 , 手机上网流量6GB封顶;当月数据流量超过6GB后自动关闭数据功能,下月自动开 通,并提供短信流量提醒。 , 用户使用中国联通3G手机,互联网接入点设置为3GWAP,并通过3GWAP接入点上 网登录中国联通手机WAP门户网站(wo.com.cn)不收取流量费,浏览、使用其他互联 网内容收取流量费。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and , 3G套餐中赠送的可视电话、M/T等业务需要移动电话终端具有相应功能支持,因移动电话终端功能各异,个性化配置差异很大,部分终端可能无法全部支持相关业务,请用户按需选择;中国联通不因终端支持业务与套餐内容的差异对用户进行补偿。 标准资费 3G标准资费 月租 50元/月 基本通话费 拨打0.36元/分钟,接听免费 语音 国内漫游费 拨打0.6元/分钟,接听0.4元/分钟 国内长途费 0.07元/6秒 短信 0.1元/条 手机上网流量费 0.01元/KB 彩信 0.9元/条 多媒体使用费 1.0元/M(M为多媒体使用单位) 文本使用费 0.2元/T(T为文本使用单位) 基本通话费 拨打0.9元/分钟,接听免费 可视电国内漫游费 拨打1.2元/分钟,接听0.9元/分钟 话 国内长途费 1.2元/分钟 什么是M,什么是T, , 用户使用中国联通3G手机门户内的多媒体或文本内容采用统一计价,不再区分通信费和信息费,仅收取M、T或M+,、T+,(“,“的中文名称为“x元”,指中国联通代合作伙伴收取的业务内容费用,简称“代收内容费”),不另收取流量费。 , M即Media的首个字母,是多媒体内容的计价单位,多媒体内容包括图像、音频、视像及相关应用程序内容下载及流媒体播放服务等,如看一段视频或下载一首歌曲,一个多媒体内容的价格为n个M。 , T即Text的首个字母,是文本内容的计价单位,文本内容包括以文字为主的内容浏览和下载,如浏览一条新闻,下载一段文字,一个文本内容的价格为n个T。 套餐特点 , 套餐中语音资费采用“长市漫一体化”结构,国内接听免费; , 赠送M/T、可视电话时长、来电显示、手机邮箱。 资费详情 B计划 46 66 96 126 156 186 套餐月 费(元) 国内语音拨打分钟数 120 200 450 680 920 1180 套餐包含 国内流量 40MB 60MB 80M100M120M150MB organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and B B B 接听免费 国内(含可视电话) 0.25元/分0.20元/分0.15元/分国内语音拨打(元/分钟) 钟 钟 钟 套餐超出及其他业务收国内流量 0.0003元/KB 费 国内可视电话拨打 0.60元/分钟 其他业务 执行标准资费 M个数 3 6 12 20 20 20 T个数 5 10 20 20 40 40 赠送 国内可视电话拨打分钟数 5 10 10 15 20 20 增值业务 来电显示、手机邮箱 温馨提示 , 国内指中国内地,不含台、港、澳地区;“本地通话拨打”是指用户在归属地拨打归属地号码的移动电话、固定电话等各类电话;“国内语音拨打”指用户在国内任何地区发起的拨打国内电话;“国内可视电话拨打” 指用户在国内任何地区发起的拨打国内可视电话。 , 套餐包内赠送的手机邮箱为6元版(10G)。 , 手机上网流量6GB封顶;当月数据流量超过6GB后自动关闭数据功能,下月自动开通,并提供短信流量提醒。 , 用户使用中国联通3G手机,互联网接入点设置为3GWAP,并通过3GWAP接入点上网登录中国联通手机WAP门户网站(wo.com.cn)不收取流量费,浏览、使用其他互联网内容收取流量费。 , 3G套餐中赠送的可视电话、M/T等业务需要移动电话终端具有相应功能支持,因移动电话终端功能各异,个性化配置差异很大,部分终端可能无法全部支持相关业务,请用户按需选择;中国联通不因终端支持业务与套餐内容的差异对用户进行补偿。 标准资费 3G标准资费 月租 50元/月 基本通话费 拨打0.36元/分钟,接听免费 语音 国内漫游费 拨打0.6元/分钟,接听0.4元/分钟 短信 0.1元/条 手机上网流量费 0.01元/KB 彩信 0.9元/条 多媒体使用费 1.0元/M(M为多媒体使用单位) 文本使用费 0.2元/T(T为文本使用单位) 基本通话费 拨打0.9元/分钟,接听免费 可视电话 国内漫游费 拨打1.2元/分钟,接听0.9元/分钟 国内长途费 1.2元/分钟 什么是M,什么是T, organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and , 用户使用中国联通3G手机门户内的多媒体或文本内容采用统一计价,不再区分通信费和信息费,仅收取M、T或M+,、T+,(“,“的中文名称为“x元”,指中国联通代合作伙伴收取的业务内容费用,简称“代收内容费”),不另收取流量费。 , M即Media的首个字母,是多媒体内容的计价单位,多媒体内容包括图像、音频、视像及相关应用程序内容下载及流媒体播放服务等,如看一段视频或下载一首歌曲,一个多媒体内容的价格为n个M。 , T即Text的首个字母,是文本内容的计价单位,文本内容包括以文字为主的内容浏览和下载,如浏览一条新闻,下载一段文字,一个文本内容的价格为n个T。 套餐特点 , 套餐内包含本地通话拨打分钟数和国内流量,超出部分语音资费采用“长市漫一体化”结构,国内接听免费。 , 赠送M/T、可视电话时长、来电显示、手机邮箱。 资费详情 C计划 46 66 96 套餐月 费(元) 本地通话拨打分钟数 260 380 550 套餐包含 国内流量 40MB 60MB 80MB 接听免费 国内(含可视电话) 0.20元/分0.20元/分0.15元/分国内语音拨打(元/分钟) 钟 钟 钟 套餐超出及其他业务收国内流量 0.0003元/KB 费 国内可视电话拨打 0.60元/分钟 其他业务 执行标准资费 M个数 3 6 12 T个数 5 10 20 赠送 国内可视电话拨打分钟数 5 10 10 增值业务 来电显示、手机邮箱 温馨提示 , 国内指中国内地,不含台、港、澳地区;“本地通话拨打”是指用户在归属地拨打归属地号码的移动电话、固定电话等各类电话;“国内语音拨打”指用户在国内任何地区发起的拨打国内电话;“国内可视电话拨打” 指用户在国内任何地区发起的拨打国内可视电话。 , 套餐包内赠送的手机邮箱为6元版(10G)。 , 手机上网流量6GB封顶;当月数据流量超过6GB后自动关闭数据功能,下月自动开 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 通,并提供短信流量提醒。 , 用户使用中国联通3G手机,互联网接入点设置为3GWAP,并通过3GWAP接入点上网登录中国联通手机WAP门户网站(wo.com.cn)不收取流量费,浏览、使用其他互联网内容收取流量费。 , 3G套餐中赠送的可视电话、M/T等业务需要移动电话终端具有相应功能支持,因移动电话终端功能各异,个性化配置差异很大,部分终端可能无法全部支持相关业务,请用户按需选择;中国联通不因终端支持业务与套餐内容的差异对用户进行补偿。 标准资费 3G标准资费 月租 50元/月 基本通话费 拨打0.36元/分钟,接听免费 语音 国内漫游费 拨打0.6元/分钟,接听0.4元/分钟 国内长途费 0.07元/6秒 短信 0.1元/条 手机上网流量费 0.01元/KB 彩信 0.9元/条 多媒体使用费 1.0元/M(M为多媒体使用单位) 文本使用费 0.2元/T(T为文本使用单位) 基本通话费 拨打0.9元/分钟,接听免费 可视电国内漫游费 拨打1.2元/分钟,接听0.9元/分钟 话 国内长途费 1.2元/分钟 什么是M,什么是T, , 用户使用中国联通3G手机门户内的多媒体或文本内容采用统一计价,不再区分通信费和信息费,仅收取M、T或M+,、T+,(“,“的中文名称为“x元”,指中国联通代合作伙伴收取的业务内容费用,简称“代收内容费”),不另收取流量费。 , M即Media的首个字母,是多媒体内容的计价单位,多媒体内容包括图像、音频、视像及相关应用程序内容下载及流媒体播放服务等,如看一段视频或下载一首歌曲,一个多媒体内容的价格为n个M。 , T即Text的首个字母,是文本内容的计价单位,文本内容包括以文字为主的内容浏览和下载,如浏览一条新闻,下载一段文字,一个文本内容的价格为n个T。 Iphone套餐 资费详情 8 套餐月费(元) 66 96 126 156 186 226 286 386 586 8 6 3包国内语音 0160 240 320 420 510 700 900 1250 1950 拨打分钟数 0 0 包国内流量 220MB 340M450M570M720M850M1.1G1.6G2.5G4 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and B B B B B B B B G B 8包国内点 50 80 120 150 180 220 280 380 580 8对点短信条数 0 包国内点 95 10 15 17 20 25 30 40 65 对点彩信条数 5 超出部分国内语 0.20元/分0.15元/分钟 音拨打(元/分钟) 钟 接听免费范围 全国 超出流量 0.0003元/KB 其他业务 执行标准资费 赠送增值业务 来电显示 温馨提示 , 套餐内赠送来电显示功能。 , 套餐可叠加短信和彩信可选包,超出可选包后按短信和彩信标准资费执行。 , 套餐中所提到的“国内”均不含台港澳地区。 , 套餐内所包含“国内语音拨打分钟数”指您在本地和国内漫游地发起的任何3G、2G语音国内拨打时长。 , 为保证所有用户能公平使用数据流量,当您的当月数据流量超过6G后自动关闭数据功能,下月自动开通。我们将为您提供短信流量提醒。 标准资费 3G标准资费 月租 50元/月 基本通话费 拨打0.36元/分钟,接听免费 语音 国内漫游费 拨打0.6元/分钟,接听0.4元/分钟 国内长途费 0.07元/6秒 短信 0.1元/条 手机上网流量费 0.01元/KB 彩信 0.9元/条 多媒体使用费 1.0元/M(M为多媒体使用单位) 文本使用费 0.2元/T(T为文本使用单位) 基本通话费 拨打0.9元/分钟,接听免费 可视电国内漫游费 拨打1.2元/分钟,接听0.9元/分钟 话 国内长途费 1.2元/分钟 什么是M,什么是T, , 用户使用中国联通3G手机门户内的多媒体或文本内容采用统一计价,不再区分通信费和信息费,仅收取M、T或M+,、T+,(“,“的中文名称为“x元”,指中国联通代合作伙伴收取的业务内容费用,简称“代收内容费”),不另收取流量费。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and , M即Media的首个字母,是多媒体内容的计价单位,多媒体内容包括图像、音频、视像及相关应用程序内容下载及流媒体播放服务等,如看一段视频或下载一首歌曲,一个多媒体内容的价格为n个M。 , T即Text的首个字母,是文本内容的计价单位,文本内容包括以文字为主的内容浏览和下载,如浏览一条新闻,下载一段文字,一个文本内容的价格为n个T。 3G预付费A套餐——更多数据流量 套餐包含 套餐超出及其他业务收费 赠送 国国套内国内餐 国内国短内可增月语音国内可视电MT内信 接听 语 国内 视 其他 值 费拨 个个话拨打分钟流发免费 音流量 电业务 业(元打分数 数 数 量 送拨话务 ) 钟数 条打 拨 数 打 来 电0.全国显250.60(含执行0.000元元/ 示 46150可 3元标准50 0 3 5 5 元 分手MB / 视电资费 /KB 分钟 机话) 钟 邮 箱 来 电0.全国显200.60(含执行0.000元元/ 示 663001可 3元标准50 240 6 10 元 分手MB / 0 视电资费 /KB 分钟 机话) 钟 邮 箱 3G预付费B套餐——更多语音通话 套餐包含 套餐超出及其他业务收费 赠送 套国国内餐 内国内语音MT月国内接听 语 国内 可视 其他 国内可视电话增值 拨 个个费流量 免费 音流量 电话业务 拨打分钟数 业务 打分数 数 (元) 拨拨打 钟数 打 全国执行标来电46120 40M0.20.0000.603 5 5 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 元 (含3元元/ 准资费 显示 B 5 可 元/ 分钟 手机/KB 视电分邮箱 话) 钟 全国0.2来电(含00.0000.60执行标显示 6660M可 元/ 3元元/ 200 6 10 10 元 准资费 手机B 视电分分钟 /KB 邮箱 话) 钟 3G预付费C套餐——更多本地通话 套餐包含 套餐超出及其他业务收费 赠送 套国本地餐 内国内通话MT月国内接听 语 国内 可视 其他 国内可视电话增值 拨 个个费流量 免费 音流量 电话业务 拨打分钟数 业务 打分数 数 (元) 拨拨打 钟数 打 全国0.2来电(含00.0000.60执行标显示 4640M可 元/ 3元元/ 260 3 5 5 元 准资费 手机B 视电分分钟 /KB 邮箱 话) 钟 全国0.2来电(含00.0000.60执行标显示 6660M可 元/ 3元元/ 380 6 10 10 元 准资费 手机B 视电分分钟 /KB 邮箱 话) 钟 温馨提示 , 国内指中国内地,不含台、港、澳地区;“本地通话拨打”是指用户在归属地拨打归属地号码的移动电话、固定电话等各类电话;“国内语音拨打”指用户在国内任何地区发起的拨打国内电话;“国内可视电话拨打” 指用户在国内任何地区发起的拨打国内可视电话。 , 套餐包内赠送的手机邮箱为6元版(10G)。 , 手机上网流量6GB封顶;当月数据流量超过6GB后自动关闭数据功能,下月自动开通,并提供短信流量提醒。 , 用户使用中国联通3G手机,互联网接入点设置为3GWAP,并通过3GWAP接入点上网登录中国联通手机WAP门户网站(wo.com.cn)不收取流量费,浏览、使用其他互联网内容收取流量费。 , 3G套餐中赠送的可视电话、M/T等业务需要移动电话终端具有相应功能支持,因移动电话终端功能各异,个性化配置差异很大,部分终端可能无法全部支持相关业务,请 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 用户按需选择;中国联通不因终端支持业务与套餐内容的差异对用户进行补偿。 3G预付费36元套餐 国内语音 套餐 国内可套餐外包国内(长市漫月费接听 视 流量 其他业务 增值业务 流量 合一) (元) 电话 全国免费10GB手机(含可 0.30元/分0.60元/执行标准0.000336元 邮箱 150MB 视电话) 钟 分钟 元/KB 资费 来电显示 温馨提示 , 套餐内所包含“国内语音拨打”指用户在本地或国内漫游地发起的任何3G、2G语音国内(不含台港澳)拨打时长。“国内流量”指在国内使用手机上网所产生的收费数据流量。使用手机上网按流量计费,以KB为单位计费,不足1KB的部分按1KB计。 , 3G预付费36元套餐卡激活使用首月扣费规则:国内流量按照0.0003元/KB计费,只有当数据流量使用费用达到36元时,才执行沃3G预付费36元套餐资费。国内语音、国 元套餐卡资费计费。次月按照沃内可视电话接听全国免费,拨打按照沃3G预付费36 3G预付费36元套餐卡资费标准计费。 , 套餐包含150MB国内流量,当您使用手机上网产生的收费数据流量超过150MB后,您需要按照0.0003元/KB(约0.3元/MB)支付上网费用。 , 为保证所有用户能公平使用数据流量,当您的当月数据流量超过6G后自动关闭数据功能,下月自动开通。我们将为您提供短信流量提醒。 标准资费 3G标准资费 月租 50元/月 基本通话费 拨打0.36元/分钟,接听免费 语音 国内漫游费 拨打0.6元/分钟,接听0.4元/分钟 国内长途费 0.07元/6秒 短信 0.1元/条 手机上网流量费 0.01元/KB 彩信 0.9元/条 多媒体使用费 1.0元/M(M为多媒体使用单位) 文本使用费 0.2元/T(T为文本使用单位) 基本通话费 拨打0.9元/分钟,接听免费 可视电国内漫游费 拨打1.2元/分钟,接听0.9元/分钟 话 国内长途费 1.2元/分钟 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 什么是M,什么是T, , 用户使用中国联通3G手机门户内的多媒体或文本内容采用统一计价,不再区分通信费和信息费,仅收取M、T或M+,、T+,(“,“的中文名称为“x元”,指中国联通代合作伙伴收取的业务内容费用,简称“代收内容费”),不另收取流量费。 , M即Media的首个字母,是多媒体内容的计价单位,多媒体内容包括图像、音频、视像及相关应用程序内容下载及流媒体播放服务等,如看一段视频或下载一首歌曲,一个多媒体内容的价格为n个M。 , T即Text的首个字母,是文本内容的计价单位,文本内容包括以文字为主的内容浏览和下载,如浏览一条新闻,下载一段文字,一个文本内容的价格为n个T。 无线上网卡资费(不含国际及台港澳资费) , 标准资费:上网费 0.01元/KB,短信 0.10元/条。 50元学生套餐 套餐月费 包含国内流量 超出后资费 50元/月 0.10元/MB 600MB 温馨提示 , 不收取功能费,您只需交纳上网费和短信费用。 , 上网费不区分本地、漫游,您在国内(不含台港澳地区)任何3G网络覆盖地区上网一个价。 , 本套餐按流量计费,计费单位为MB,不足1MB的部分按1MB计,套餐不实行自动升级,超出套餐流量按实际使用流量计费。 , 用户入网(激活)当月按实际使用流量和0.100元/MB的标准计费,不实行自动升级,次月自动按照50元包600MB套餐资费执行。 , 月使用达到15GB流量后系统自动关闭用户上网功能,次月自动恢复开通。 , 本套餐用户可更改套餐转入现行无线上网卡预付费80元及以上套餐或选择0.01元/KB的标准资费,当月申请次月生效,并按照所选择套餐的相应业务和资费规定执行。原有预付费80元及以上套餐用户可以转入本套餐,当月申请次月生效,转入后按照本套餐业务规定执行,不实行套餐自动升级。 80-300元套餐 套餐月费 包含国内流量 超出后资费 80元/月 1GB 150元/月 3GB 0.10元/MB 200元/月 5GB 300元/月 10GB 温馨提示 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and , 不收取功能费,您只需交纳上网费和短信费用。 , 上网费不区分本地、漫游,您在国内(不含台港澳地区)任何3G网络覆盖地区上网 一个价。 , 自2010年5月1日零时起,无线上网卡用户入网或激活当月按实际使用流量计费,资 费标准为:0.100元/MB,当数据流量使用费(不含短信)达到80元(即流量到达800MB) 后,自动按80元套餐计费,并执行套餐自动升级。次月起按80元默认套餐或用户所选套 餐计费。 , 所有已售出尚未激活使用的无线上网卡自2010年5月1日零时起,均执行新的入网或 激活当月计费规定。 , 您选择套餐的前提下执行套餐自动升级模式:(参见与传统计费模式对比表举例) 1)先扣除您所申请套餐内包含的数据流量,超出部分按照流量计费; 2)当原套餐月费与超出部分使用费用之和达到更高一级套餐月费时,自动向更高一级套 餐升级; 3)下月自动恢复到您选择的套餐档。 , 无论您选用标准资费或套餐,上网流量15G封顶。 , 为体现资源公平使用原则,当月数据流量达到15G后自动关闭数据功能,次月自动 开通。 套餐自动升级 与传统计费计 算比较(以套餐自动升级计算方法 (以下是套餐档自动跳升三级例传统计算方法 月使用7024MB子) 数据流量为例) 用户选择套餐 80元 / 1GB(1GB=1024MB) 80元 / 1GB 本月使用数据7024MB 7024MB 流量 超出用户申请6000MB 6000MB 套餐流量 1)当超出套餐流量达700MB,即累计使用流量达1724MB (=1GB+700MB)时,费用达到150元,自动跳升一级至 150元/3GB 套餐档; 2)当超出150元套餐档流量达500MB,即累计使用流量达超出后费用 3572MB(=3GB+500MB)时,费用达到200元,再跳升一6000MB x 0.10(0.10元/MB) 级至200元/5GB套餐档; 元=600元 3)当超出200元套餐档流量达1000MB,即累计使用流量达 6120MB(=5GB+1000MB)时,费用达到300元,再跳升 一级至300元/10GB套餐档;跳至该套餐档后按本月累计使 用流量7024MB计算 80 + 600= 680本月总收费 300元 元 , 您也可根据月累计使用流量与费用对比表计算本月消费选择80元默认套餐 区间序号 本月累计流量 本月费用总计 80元 1 < = 1024 MB 80 — 150元 2 1024 — 1724 MB organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 150元 3 1724 — 3072 MB 150 — 200元 4 3072 — 3572 MB 200元 5 3572 — 5120 MB 200 — 300元 6 5120 — 6120 MB 300元 7 6120 — 10240 MB 300 — 800元 8 10240 — 15360 MB 自动关闭上网功能,下月自动开通 9 >=15360 MB 预付费3GB半年卡和6GB年卡 套餐名 费用 包含国内流量 赠送国内短信条数 超出赠送条数后的短信资费 3GB半年3003GB 50 卡 元 0.10元/条 6006GB年卡 6GB 100 元 温馨提示 , 无线上网卡3GB半年卡套餐包含的流量和赠送的短信在180天内有效,6GB年卡套餐包含的流量和赠送的短信在360天内有效。 , 在此期间内,如套餐内包含的流量用完,则有效期提前结束,未使用完的赠送短信作废,不能再使用。超过期限后,套餐未使用完的流量和未使用完的赠送短信同时作废,不能再使用。 , 本产品只允许使用激活,不允许充值激活。当用户首次上网或首次发送短信时激活本产品,其它方式均不能激活。 , 本产品使用激活后立即扣除套餐费用并赠送相应的短信条数。 , 本产品的默认有效期为产品激活次日零时起计算的累计天数。有效期到期后,用户充值后可以继续使用。 二、相关的3G业务 手机音乐 业务名称 业务类型 资费 振铃 1M/首(含流量费) 按次1M/首(含流量费) 整曲 点播 2M/首(含流量费) MV 2M/首(含流量费) 手机音乐 5-15 M/月(含流量费) 专区包月不限量产品 5-15元/月+流量费 3-15 M/月(含流量费) 包月限次产品 3-15元/月+流量费 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 手机电视 业务名称 业务类型 资费标准 备注 1M 点播/下载类 2M 2M/天 手机电视 直单频道 原有半价促销活动同时取消 12M/月 播 3M/天 类 多频道 19M/月 手机邮箱 Push 功能邮箱附件网络硬 产品 Mail功流量费 其他 费 容量 大小 盘 能 免费版 0 500MB 10MB 500MB 无 邮件到达免费短信通知 6元/自写短信0.1元/条 10G版 10GB 30MB 1GB 有 月 按套餐或标准资费自写彩信0.3元/条 收费 彩信邮件0.3元/条 无限量15元/ 无限 50MB 10GB 有 日程提醒下发短信0.1元/版 月 条 手机116114 1. 免收功能费、信息费。 2. 手机用户使用手机116114客户端和WAP浏览过程中调用语音及短信功能,资费按照用户正常语音及短信通信费收取。 3. 手机用户使用手机116114客户端和WAP浏览产生的流量费按照用户选择的套餐或者标准资费收取 参与“沃在校园”感受应用体验 校园应用体验 校园活动期间,中国联通落基伟业合作营业厅将开展"精彩沃体验"进校园活动,全国各省重点高校活动现场将设立专门的沃3G• 精彩沃体验区,体验区内将有手机达人帮您免费安装应用,带您体验手机音乐、沃阅读、沃友校园版、视频分享等3G重点业务,展示沃3G校园定制终端。您还可以通过现场播放的"沃爱organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 生活" 视频宣传片和《校园黄页》(内含《沃3G重点业务宣传手册》)详细了解沃3G重点业务,感受沃的精彩~同时,我们还将定期在校园开展有组织的"精彩沃体验"活动,活动现场将有3G讲师讲解终端操作、3G数据业务及热点应用,并向您介绍优惠的"沃3G定制终端合约计划",现场还将有手机达人帮您辅导、安装学习、生活、影音等各类热点软件,快来参加"精彩沃体验"活动吧~ 沃在校园沃自一派音乐之声校园路演活动 2011年8月15日中国联通推出了面向青少年群体的新业务板块-沃派。在此背景下,为了走近年轻人的梦想,还原他们对音乐的渴望与追求,2011年9-10月,中国联通将针对大学生群体在全国多个省份开展一场群星闪耀、精彩纷呈的大型校园音乐之旅巡演活动,与广大高校的学生零距离接触。 本次活动由中国联通沃派携手中央人民广播电台共同推出,活动主题为"2011MusicRadio 音乐之声 有音乐• 没距离 沃在校园 沃自一派 校园之旅"。 本活动自9月15日起,前后历时近两个月时间,覆盖北京、天津、哈尔滨、长春、沈阳、郑州、山东、武汉、长沙、杭州、上海、南京、广州等多个城市,将在上述城市中各选择一所知名高校举行,届时每场将邀请深受学生喜爱的明星现场倾情完美钜献,同时每个学校还将推选出六组校园新星共同参与当场表演,给予同学们一个闪耀登场,展现才艺的机会。另外,深受年轻人喜爱的音乐之声DJ们也将走出直播间与校园人气主持一起,将热情和欢乐带到每一所高校。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and
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