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河南省人口与计划生育条例河南省人口与计划生育条例 河南关于修改《河南省人口与计划生育条例》的决定 2011-12-23 08:59:16 来源: 大河网(郑州) 河南省人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改《河南省人口与计划生育条例》的决定 (2011年11月25日河南省第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议通过) 一、在第十七条增加一项作为第(七)项。修改为:“符合下列条件之一要求生育的,经批准可以按计划生育第二个子女: (一)经县级计划生育医学鉴定组织鉴定,报省辖市计划生育医学鉴定组织确诊第一个子女为非遗传性残疾,不能成长为正常劳动力的; ...
河南省人口与生育条例 河南关于修改《河南省人口与计划生育条例》的决定 2011-12-23 08:59:16 来源: 大河网(郑州) 河南省人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改《河南省人口与计划生育条例》的决定 (2011年11月25日河南省第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议通过) 一、在第十七条增加一项作为第(七)项。修改为:“符合下列条件之一要求生育的,经批准可以按计划生育第二个子女: (一)经县级计划生育医学鉴定组织鉴定,报省辖市计划生育医学鉴定组织确诊第一个子女为非遗传性残疾,不能成长为正常劳动力的; (二)经鉴定患不育症,合法收养一个子女后怀孕的; (三)夫妻双方系归国华侨或回本省定居的港、澳、台同胞,身边只有一个子女的; (四)夫妻一方为六级以上伤残军人或者烈士的独生子女的; (五)夫妻一方连续从事矿区井下采掘作业五年以上,只有一个女孩,且继续从事井下采掘作业的; (六)再婚夫妻,再婚前一方只生育一个子女,另一方未生育的; (七)夫妻双方均为独生子女的。” 二、将第十八条第(一)项修改为:“夫妻只生育一个女孩的”。 三、删除第二十七条。 四、将第三十条改为第二十九条,第一款修改为:“经县级以上计划生育医学鉴定组织鉴定,确因计划生育手术引起的并发症,按照国家有关规定享受免费治疗,所需经费由县级以上财政或政府购买的保险予以保障。治疗终结前,是国家机关、社会团体、企业事业单位职工的,视为出勤,发给工资、福利;是农村居民和城镇居民生活困难的,由所在村(居)民委员会给予照顾,并由当地人民政府酌情给予救济。” 五、增加一条,作为第三十一条:“各级人民政府有关部门制定有关经济与社会发展政策,应当征求同级人口和计划生育部门的意见,做好相关政策与人口和计划生育利益导向政策的衔接,保证计划生育家庭优先优惠分享改革发展成果,并随着经济社会发展提高奖扶标准。” 六、增加一条,作为第三十五条:“按照规定采取避孕措施的,分别享受以下待遇: (一)放置宫内节育器,休息二天,七天内不安排重体力劳动; (二)结扎输精管,休息二十一天; (三)结扎输卵管,休息二十一天。 休假期间,是国家机关工作人员或者企业事业单位职工的,视为出勤,发给工资、福利。城镇无业居民和农村居民接受上述手术的,由所在县(市、区)或者乡(镇)人民政府从计划生育经费中给予补贴。” 七、增加一条,作为第三十六条:“女职工符合人口与计划生育有关规定终introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas 止妊娠,按照职工生育保险有关规定休假和享受生育津贴。” 八、将第三十五条改为第三十七条, 第(一)项修改为:“从发证之月起至子女满十八周岁止,奖给独生子女父母每人每月奖励费二十元以上。” 将第(三)项修改为:“农村在调整责任田时,对独生子女父母每人按二人(份)分给;按人分配城镇拆迁安置、移民搬迁安置、新农村建设安置、集体经济收入、集体福利、征地补偿等经济利益时,独生子女家庭多分一人份;在招收乡(镇)、村集体企业事业职工及农业经济发展、贷款、扶贫、救灾等方面给予优先照顾。” 增加一项作为第(四)项:城镇无业人员、个体经营者和农村居民申请最低生活保障、保障性住房和其它社会保障时,应当优先保障,并给予优惠。其享受的各种计划生育奖励、扶助资金和其它优惠资金不计入家庭收入。 九、增加一条作为第三十八条:“对年满六十周岁,符合国家有关计划生育家庭奖励扶助条件的夫妻,按照国家和本省有关规定给予奖励扶助。 奖励扶助标准应随着经济社会发展逐步提高,并建立利益增长机制,具体办法由省人民政府制定。 “对独生子女残疾、死亡的夫妻和计划生育手术并发症患者,符合国家有关特别扶助条件的,在国家扶助标准的基础上,再增加一倍的特别扶助金。” 十、将第三十六条改为第三十九条,修改为:“对参加城乡居民社会养老保险、新型农村合作医疗和城镇居民医疗保险的独生子女父母和计划生育双女父母,当地人民政府应当给予适当补贴。对居家养老的独生子女父母和计划生育双女父母,实行政府购买养老服务。” 十一、删去第四十七条。 十二、对条文顺序作相应调整。 本决定自公布之日起施行。 《河南省人口与计划生育条例》根据本决定修改后,重新公布。 河南省人口与计划生育条例 (2002年11月30日河南省第九届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十一次会议通过根据2010年7月30日河南省第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第十六次会议《关于修改部分地方性法规的决定》第一次修正根据2011年11月25日河南省第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议《关于修改〈河南省人口与计划生育条例〉的决定》第二次修正) 目录 第一章总则 第二章人口发展规划的制定与实施 第三章生育调节 第四章计划生育技术服务 第五章奖励和社会保障 第六章法律责任 第七章附则 introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas 第一章总则 第一条为了实现人口与经济、社会、资源、环境的协调发展,推行计划生育,维护公民的合法权益,促进家庭幸福、民族繁荣与社会进步,根据《中华人民共和国人口与计划生育法》和国家有关规定,结合本省实际,制定本条例。 第二条实行计划生育是我国的一项基本国策,是全社会的共同责任。 采取综合措施,控制人口数量,提高人口素质。 依靠宣传教育、科学技术进步、依法管理、综合服务、建立健全奖励和社会保障,开展人口与计划生育工作。 第三条各级人民政府必须加强对人口与计划生育工作的领导,负责本条例的贯彻实施。 第四条各级人民政府的计划生育行政部门主管本行政区域内的计划生育工作和与计划生育有关的人口工作。 有关部门在各自的职责范围内,负责有关的人口与计划生育工作。 社会团体、企业事业单位、村(居)民委员会和公民应当协助人民政府开展人口与计划生育工作。 第五条各级人民政府及其工作人员在推行计划生育工作中应当严格依法行政,文明执法,不得侵犯公民的合法权益。 计划生育行政部门及其工作人员依法执行公务受法律保护。 第六条每年的一月为全省人口与计划生育宣传月。 第二章人口发展规划的制定与实施 第七条县级以上人民政府应根据国家和上一级人民政府的人口发展规划,结合本地实际,制定本行政区域的人口发展规划,并将其纳入国民经济和社会发展计划。 第八条县级以上人民政府应根据人口发展规划,制定人口与计划生育实施并组织实施,对人口与计划生育工作实行分类指导,加强管理和检查监督,保证人口发展规划和实施方案的落实。 乡(镇)人民政府和街道办事处负责本管辖区域内的人口与计划生育工作,贯彻落实人口与计划生育实施方案。 各级人民政府对人口与计划生育工作实行行政首长负责制,加强对下级人民政府及本级工作部门的人口与计划生育目标管理。人口与计划生育工作应作为考核政府及其有关工作部门政绩的重要依据。 第九条各级人民政府应把人口与计划生育经费纳入财政预算,予以保证。逐年提高对人口与计划生育经费投入的总体水平,人口与计划生育事业费增长幅度高于财政收入的增长幅度。 鼓励社会团体、企业事业单位和个人为人口与计划生育工作提供捐助。 任何单位和个人不得截留、克扣、挪用、虚报人口与计划生育工作费用。 第十条计划生育、教育、科技、文化、卫生、民政、新闻出版、广播电视等部门应当组织开展人口与计划生育宣传教育。 大众传媒负有开展人口与计划生育的社会公益性宣传的义务。 学校应当在学生中,以符合受教育者特征的适当方式,有计划地开展生理卫introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas 生教育、青春期教育和性健康教育。 育龄人员享有接受婚育、生殖健康等知识教育的权利。 第十一条所有国家机关、社会团体、企业事业单位、村(居)民委员会应当根据需要配备计划生育专(兼)职工作人员,依法做好本单位、本辖区的计划生育工作,并实行法定代表人或主要负责人责任制。 上述单位应当每年将计划生育情况张榜公布,接受群众监督。 第十二条人口统计必须实事求是,如实上报,任何单位和个人都不得弄虚作假,伪造或者篡改统计数据。 第十三条流动人口的计划生育管理工作,按照国务院和省人民政府的有关规定执行。 第三章生育调节 第十四条公民有生育的权利,也有依法实行计划生育的义务。夫妻双方在实行计划生育中负有共同的责任。 公民实行计划生育的合法权益受法律保护。 第十五条鼓励公民晚婚晚育。提倡一对夫妻生育一个子女,严格控制生育第二个子女,禁止生育第三个子女。 女方年满二十三周岁以上初婚为晚婚,男方年满二十五周岁以上初婚为晚婚;女方晚婚生育或者二十四周岁以上生育第一个子女的为晚育。 第十六条实行计划生育,以避孕为主。 育龄夫妻应当自觉落实计划生育避孕节育措施,接受计划生育技术服务指导。 第十七条符合下列条件之一要求生育的,经批准可以按计划生育第二个子女: (一)经县级计划生育医学鉴定组织鉴定,报省辖市计划生育医学鉴定组织确诊第一个子女为非遗传性残疾,不能成长为正常劳动力的; (二)经鉴定患不育症,合法收养一个子女后怀孕的; (三)夫妻双方系归国华侨或回本省定居的港、澳、台同胞,身边只有一个子女的; (四)夫妻一方为六级以上伤残军人或者烈士的独生子女的; (五)夫妻一方连续从事矿区井下采掘作业五年以上,只有一个女孩,且继续从事井下采掘作业的; (六)再婚夫妻,再婚前一方只生育一个子女,另一方未生育的; (七)夫妻双方均为独生子女的。 第十八条夫妻双方均为农村居民,除适用第十七条的规定外,符合下列条件之一要求生育的,经批准可以按计划生育第二个子女: (一)夫妻只生育一个女孩的; (二)男到有女无儿的家庭结婚落户,并赡养女方父母的(若姊妹数人,只照顾一人); (三)在深山村定居五年以上,并继续定居的; (四)夫妻双方为少数民族的。 introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas 户籍原在城镇,后转入农村或农村居民被聘用为国家工作人员的,不适用前款规定,但因依法结婚从城镇转入农村的除外。 第十九条对符合生育第二个子女规定的,仍鼓励和提倡只生育一个子女。 符合规定生育第二个子女的,女方应有四年以上生育间隔时间,但二十八周岁以上者除外。 第二十条实行生育证制度,持有生育证的夫妻方可生育。 要求生育第一个子女的夫妻,凭所在单位或村(居)民委员会出具的婚育状况证明,到女方户籍所在乡(镇)人民政府、街道办事处登记,领取生育证。符合规定的,乡(镇)人民政府、街道办事处应当予以办理。 符合生育第二个子女规定要求生育的,夫妻双方应向所在单位或村(居)民委员会提出书面申请,经女方户籍所在乡(镇)人民政府或街道办事处审核,报县级计划生育行政部门批准。县级计划生育行政部门应当自收到申请之日起三十日内予以办理。批准生育的签定计划生育书,退回《独生子女父母光荣证》和已领取的独生子女父母奖励费和其他奖励,发给生育证;不予批准的应当书面通知申请人并告知理由。 生育证由省计划生育行政部门统一印制,免费发放。 第四章计划生育技术服务 第二十一条提倡优生。结婚应依法进行婚前医学检查。 计划生育技术服务机构和从事计划生育技术服务的医疗、保健机构应建立优生、节育咨询门诊,进行优生、节育指导。 严禁利用超声技术和其他技术手段进行非医学需要的胎儿性别鉴定;严禁非医学需要的选择性别的人工终止妊娠。 第二十二条医疗、保健机构发现育龄夫妻患有严重遗传性疾病的,应当提出医学意见;限于现有医疗技术水平难以确诊的,应当向当事人说明情况。育龄夫妻可以选择避孕、节育、不孕等相应的医学措施。 第二十三条妇女妊娠期间,所在单位应当调换对其健康有害的工作岗位或场所,以保护孕妇和胎儿。 第二十四条育龄夫妻享有计划生育技术服务的权利。 凡不符合本条例规定的生育条件的育龄夫妻都应采取避孕节育措施,女方应按期参加生殖健康检查。 计划生育技术服务人员应当指导实行计划生育的公民知情选择安全、有效、适宜的避孕措施。 对已生育子女的夫妻提倡采取长效避孕措施。 第二十五条有下列行为之一的,应当在计划生育技术服务人员指导下采取补救措施,终止妊娠: (一)非婚妊娠的; (二)已生育一个子女,无生育证又妊娠的; (三)以不正当手段获取生育证妊娠的。 第二十六条实行计划生育的育龄夫妻免费享受国家规定的避孕药具、孕情检查、放取宫内节育器、人工终止妊娠术、输卵(精)管结扎术、复通术和计划生育introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas 手术并发症的诊治等基本项目的计划生育技术服务。所需经费由各级人民政府按照国家有关规定列入财政预算或者由社会保险予以保障。 第二十七条计划生育技术服务机构和从事计划生育技术服务的医疗、保健机构的设置标准、业务范围、服务项目,按国务院《计划生育技术服务管理条例》的规定执行。 个体医疗机构和未取得计划生育技术服务许可的计划生育技术服务机构和医疗、保健机构不得施行节育手术。 第二十八条依法开展助产接生服务的计划生育技术服务机构、医疗、保健机构和人员,须查验孕产妇的生育证;发现无证生育的,应当在接收孕产妇之日将孕产妇的基本情况报告当地计划生育行政部门。 第二十九条经县级以上计划生育医学鉴定组织鉴定,确因计划生育手术引起的并发症,按照国家有关规定享受免费治疗,所需经费由县级以上财政或政府购买的保险予以保障。治疗终结前,是国家机关、社会团体、企业事业单位职工的,视为出勤,发给工资、福利;是农村居民和城镇居民生活困难的,由所在村(居)民委员会给予照顾,并由当地人民政府酌情给予救济。 计划生育技术服务机构和医疗、保健机构发生的计划生育手术事故,经计划生育医学鉴定组织或医疗事故鉴定委员会鉴定,按处理医疗事故的有关规定处理。 第三十条县(市、区)设立计划生育宣传技术站,乡(镇)设立计划生育宣传技术所,村设立计划生育宣传技术室,负责计划生育宣传教育、提供生殖保健技术服务。 县级以上计划生育行政部门的药具管理机构负责本行政区域内计划生育药具及用品的免费发放管理工作。 第五章奖励和社会保障 第三十一条各级人民政府有关部门制定有关经济与社会发展政策,应当征求同级人口和计划生育部门的意见,做好相关政策与人口和计划生育利益导向政策的衔接,保证计划生育家庭优先优惠分享改革发展成果,并随着经济社会发展提高奖扶标准。 第三十二条对人口与计划生育工作取得显著成绩的单位和个人,各级人民政府或计划生育行政部门应给予奖励。 第三十三条国家机关、社会团体、企业事业单位职工,实行晚婚的,除国家规定的婚假外,增加婚假十八天;实行晚育的,除国家规定的产假外,增加产假三个月,给予其配偶护理假一个月;婚假、产假、护理假期间视为出勤。 公民晚婚晚育的,当地人民政府应给予适当照顾。 第三十四条夫妻只有一个子女,不再生育的,由夫妻双方申请,所在单位核实,经乡(镇)人民政府或街道办事处批准,发给《独生子女父母光荣证》。 符合规定生育的子女,如系双胞胎或多胞胎,不享受独生子女待遇。 第三十五条 按照规定采取避孕措施的,分别享受以下待遇: (一)放置宫内节育器,休息二天,七天内不安排重体力劳动; introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas (二)结扎输精管,休息二十一天; (三)结扎输卵管,休息二十一天。 休假期间,是国家机关工作人员或者企业事业单位职工的,视为出勤,发给工资、福利。城镇无业居民和农村居民接受上述手术的,由所在县(市、区)或者乡(镇)人民政府从计划生育经费中给予补贴。 第三十六条女职工符合人口与计划生育有关规定终止妊娠,按照职工生育保险有关规定休假和享受生育津贴。 第三十七条凡领取《独生子女父母光荣证》的,凭证享受下列待遇: (一)从发证之月起至子女满十八周岁止,奖给独生子女父母每人每月奖励费二十元以上。 (二)在入托、入学、就医、招生、招工、征兵、农村划分宅基地等方面优先照顾独生子女及其父母。独生子女父母退休时,各地可根据实际情况给予必要的补助。 (三)农村在调整责任田时,对独生子女父母每人按二人(份)分给;按人分配城镇拆迁安置、移民搬迁安置、新农村建设安置、集体经济收入、集体福利、征地补偿等经济利益时,独生子女家庭多分一人份;在招收乡(镇)、村集体企业事业职工及农业经济发展、贷款、扶贫、救灾等方面给予优先照顾。 (四)城镇无业人员、个体经营者和农村居民申请最低生活保障、保障性住房和其它社会保障时,应当优先保障,并给予优惠。其享受的各种计划生育奖励、扶助资金和其它优惠资金不计入家庭收入。 (五)对符合条件允许生育第二个子女,而自愿终生只生育一个子女的夫妻,除享受上述待遇外,应给予表彰,并奖励二千元以上奖金,由夫妻双方所在单位各奖励百分之五十,农村居民和城镇居民由当地人民政府奖励。 第三十八条 对年满六十周岁,符合国家有关计划生育家庭奖励扶助条件的夫妻,按照国家和本省有关规定给予奖励扶助。 奖励扶助标准应随着经济社会发展逐步提高,并建立利益增长机制,具体办法由省人民政府制定。 对独生子女残疾、死亡的夫妻和计划生育手术并发症患者,符合国家有关特别扶助条件的,在国家扶助标准的基础上,再增加一倍的特别扶助金。 第三十九条对参加城乡居民社会养老保险、新型农村合作医疗和城镇居民医疗保险的独生子女父母和计划生育双女父母,当地人民政府应当给予适当补贴。对居家养老的独生子女父母和计划生育双女父母,实行政府购买养老服务。 第六章法律责任 第四十条有下列行为之一的,由计划生育行政部门给予警告,并限期改正;逾期不改正的,给予以下处罚: (一)不按期参加生殖健康检查的,处五十元以上五百元以下罚款; (二)不按规定采取补救措施、终止妊娠的,处二百元以上五百元以下罚款; (三)违反生育证管理规定,生育第一个子女的,处二百元以上五百元以下罚款;生育第二个子女的,处五百元以上二千元以下罚款。 introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas 第四十一条有下列行为之一的,从发现违法行为之日起,按照国务院《社会抚养费征收管理办法》的规定征收男女双方的社会抚养费: (一)不符合本条例第十七条、第十八条规定,生育第二个子女的,分别按男方和女方所在地上一年度城镇居民年人均可支配收入或农村居民年人均纯收入的三倍征收社会抚养费,个人实际收入高于所在地城镇居民年人均可支配收入或农村居民年人均纯收入一倍以上的,按其实际收入的三倍计征社会抚养费。 (二)不符合本条例规定生育三个以上子女的,每多生育一个子女,分别按男方和女方所在地上一年度城镇居民年人均可支配收入或农村居民年人均纯收入的六倍征收社会抚养费;个人实际收入高于所在地城镇居民年人均可支配收入或农村居民年人均纯收入一倍以上的,按其实际收入的六倍计征社会抚养费。 违法收养子女的,按前款规定处理。 第四十二条社会抚养费的征收、管理和使用按照国务院《社会抚养费征收管理办法》的规定执行。 第四十三条按照本条例第四十一条规定缴纳社会抚养费的人员,是国家工作人员或村(居)民委员会成员,生育两个子女的,不得担任领导职务,是国家工作人员的,给予记大过以上行政处分直至开除公职;生育三个以上子女的,开除男女双方的公职;其他人员还应当由其所在单位或者组织给予纪律处分。 第四十四条按照本条例第四十一条规定缴纳社会抚养费的农村居民,生育第 份)的集体经济收入、二个子女的,从发现违法行为之日起七年之内,少分一人( 集体福利和责任田等;生育第三个子女的,从发现违法行为之日起十四年之内,少分二人(份)的集体经济收入、集体福利和责任田等。 第四十五条领取《独生子女父母光荣证》后又违反本条例规定生育的,除按本条例有关规定处理外,终止享受相关的优惠待遇,并收回《独生子女父母光荣证》、独生子女父母奖励费和其他计划生育奖励。 第四十六条侮辱、威胁、殴打从事计划生育的工作人员、医务人员和其他人员,毁坏其财物,或以其他方式阻碍计划生育工作正常进行的,由公安机关按照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》处罚;是国家工作人员的,并给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 第四十七条违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一的,由计划生育行政部门或者卫生行政部门依据职权责令改正,给予警告,没收违法所得;违法所得一万元以上的,处违法所得二倍以上六倍以下的罚款;没有违法所得或者违法所得不足一万元的,处一万元以上三万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,由原发证机关吊销执业证书;是国家工作人员的,并给予记大过以上行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任: (一)非法为他人施行计划生育手术的; (二)利用超声技术和其他技术手段为他人进行非医学需要的胎儿性别鉴定或者选择性别的人工终止妊娠的; (三)实施假节育手术、进行假医学鉴定、出具假计划生育证明的。 第四十八条伪造、变造、买卖计划生育证明,由计划生育行政部门没收违法所得,违法所得五千元以上的,处违法所得二倍以上十倍以下的罚款;没有违法introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas 所得或者违法所得不足五千元的,处五千元以上二万元以下罚款;是国家工作人员的,并给予记大过以上行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 以不正当手段取得计划生育证明的,由计划生育行政部门取消其计划生育证明;是国家工作人员的,并给予行政处分;出具证明的单位有过错的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分。 第四十九条溺婴、弃婴、虐待婴儿致残、致死的,除按有关法律、法规处罚外,不再发给生育证。 第五十条国家机关工作人员在计划生育工作中,有下列行为之一,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分;有违法所得的,没收违法所得: (一)侵犯公民人身权、财产权和其他合法权益的; (二)滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的; (三)索取、收受贿赂的; (四)对公民的生育申请在法定期限内无正当理由不予办理或故意刁难申请人的; (五)故意以征收社会抚养费代替采取补救措施的; (六)贪污、挪用、截留、克扣、虚报计划生育经费或者社会抚养费的; (七)虚报、瞒报、伪造、篡改、拒报人口与计划生育统计数据的。 第五十一条违反本条例规定,不履行协助计划生育管理义务的,由有关地方人民政府责令改正,并给予通报批评;对单位法定代表人或主要负责人、直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分。 第五十二条对不履行人口与计划生育,或者没有完成年度人口与计划生育工作目标的省辖市、县(市、区)、乡(镇)人民政府、街道办事处和国家机关、社会团体、企业事业单位、村(居)民委员会给予下列处理: (一)当年不得评为综合性先进集体和文明单位; (二)通报批评; (三)根据情况,分别追究主要领导、分管领导和分管部门领导的责任。 第五十三条违反本条例规定应当由县级以上计划生育行政部门给予行政处罚的,县级以上计划生育行政部门也可以委托乡(镇)人民政府、街道办事处实施行政处罚。 第七章附则 第五十四条本省有关计划生育的规定,与本条例相抵触的,一律按本条例执行。 第五十五条本条例施行以前,违反计划生育政策法规规定,已按当时政策法规作出处理决定的,继续有效;尚未处理的,按本条例规定处理。 第五十六条本条例自2003年1月1日起施行。1990年4月12日河南省第七届人民代表大会常务委员会第十五次会议通过、2000年3月30日河南省第九届人民代表大会常务委员会第十五次会议修订的《河南省计划生育条例》同时废止。 introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas
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