

2017-09-24 39页 doc 221KB 271阅读




纯电动汽车外文翻译纯电动汽车外文翻译 纯电动汽车 1 电动汽车技术概述 电动汽车的优点是具有简单的机械传动机构。电动汽车能够像传统的汽车一样将本身的能量转变成汽车的动能,但它却还可以沿相反方向进行转换,利用能量再生制动系统将动能转换成汽车的电能储备,这说明它的能源和工作回路是双向的。此外,电动汽车的运动部件电动马达主要由电枢(直流电机)或转子(交流电机)和轴承组成,电机不仅仅具有结构简单效率高的优点,而且它的输出扭矩适合车辆的扭矩曲线。电动汽车的动力传动系统往往只需要一个传动比,不需要倒档,因为旋转运动方向的变换可以通过改变电力输入的极性...
纯电动汽车外文翻译 纯电动汽车 1 电动汽车技术概述 电动汽车的优点是具有简单的机械传动机构。电动汽车能够像传统的汽车一样将本身的能量转变成汽车的动能,但它却还可以沿相反方向进行转换,利用能量再生制动系统将动能转换成汽车的电能储备,这说明它的能源和工作回路是双向的。此外,电动汽车的运动部件电动马达主要由电枢(直流电机)或转子(交流电机)和轴承组成,电机不仅仅具有结构简单效率高的优点,而且它的输出扭矩适合车辆的扭矩曲线。电动汽车的动力传动系统往往只需要一个传动比,不需要倒档,因为旋转运动方向的变换可以通过改变电力输入的极性来实现。 电池系统的充电是相当复杂的。通过电源插座传送的是交流电,必须转换成直流电,才能被用来为电动汽车电池充电。如果电动汽车采用了直流电动机,来自电池的能源必须被“切”成具有一定周期的可变占空比,才能用以控制发动机的速度和扭矩。随着电动汽车越来越多的采用交流电机,为了提供交流电和控制汽车动力输出的能量,从电池来的直流电必须进行复杂的能源转换。纯电动汽车的主要缺点是电池能源有限,而混合电动汽车的复杂的动力系统是困扰其质量提高和成本的居高不下的原因。 2 纯电动汽车 纯电动汽车,也叫电池电动汽车,它有一部分作为一些专用汽车,另一部分作为汽油车的替代品。下面介绍一些电动车,像通用公司的EV1、福特的Ranger和丰田的Prius。 2.1 通用电动车EV1 第二代的通用EV1的主要设计目的在于提高其软件方面的品味,使其具有良好的通过性和操作性能,通用EV1的主要零部件见图1。首先EV1具有两种蓄电池技术:分别是更先进、容量更大的铅酸蓄电池和可选装的镍氢电池。 2.1.1 动力/电子设备 ,发动机布置形式:横置安装、前轮驱动。 ,电动机形式:三相交流电机。 ,额定功率:在7000转每分钟时的功率是102千瓦(137马力)。 ,驱动桥类型:双级主减速器。 ,电源管理系统:绝缘栅双极晶体管(IGBT)逆变电源。 ,蓄电组: :26组阀控式大容量铅酸模块。 可选择的:26组阀控式镍氢模块。 ,蓄电池组的额定容量: 标准:大容量铅酸电池组容量是18.7千瓦时每60安时(312伏)。 选配:镍氢电池组容量是26.4千瓦时每77安时(343伏)。 电池重量: 标准:大容量铅酸电池是594.21千克。 图1 通用汽车EV1的部件 选配:镍氢电池组520.27千克。 ,充电及充电器端口:根据美国保险商实验室标准制造。 ,蓄电池组、充电系统:按美国保险商实验室制定的标准制造的室内充电系统。 2.1.2 车身/底盘 ,2人座。 ,车身类型:通过焊接、铆接和粘结剂粘接的方式组合的铝合金结构车身。 ,抗弯/耐蚀的复合材料的蒙板:发动机罩、车门、底板和行李箱(复合式装饰板)、前挡泥板、后翼子板、平衡板、后轮侧板、尾翼。 ,车身底板采用了100%的可重复利用的轻量化材料。 2.1.3 悬架 ,前悬架:由铝制长臂螺旋弹簧和带有稳定杆的减震器构成。 ,后悬架:采用多连杆式铝制梁。 2.1.4 转向系统 ,转向类型:电控液力齿轮齿条式助力转向(速度灵敏,作用力可变)。 ,转向传动比:16.5:1。 ,转弯半径:32.5英尺(10.21米)。 ,转向车轮转动极限:3.0(从最左边到最右边)。 2.1.5 制动系统 ,制动系统:前轮制动系统采用电控液力助力式,后轮制动系统则具有制动力混合再生和防抱死功能。 前轮:9.65英寸(245.11毫米)铝制整体结构盘式制动器。 后轮:8.9英寸(226.06毫米)电动助力装置的鼓式制动器。 ,驻车制动:由棘轮机构和按钮开关组成。 2.1.6 车轮 ,车轮:14英寸(355.6毫米)、铝合金结构。 ,轮胎:P175/65R14米其林轮胎,全季节型、自封闭式和刺穿自修补功能。 2.1.7 安全功能 ,防抱死制动系统。 ,牵引力控制系统。 ,轮胎压力监测系统。 ,安全气囊和三点式安全带。 ,具有低投影光束和反射光线功能的远光灯。 ,日间运行灯。 ,电子键盘输入、车辆激活系统与可编程的个人识别号码。 ,电动车窗除霜器。 ,电子控制后车窗加热器。 2.1.8 舒适性和方便性功能 ,电动车窗、门锁和双后视镜。 ,具备速度上下调整的巡航控制系统。 ,具有调幅/调频功能立体声磁带机和CD播放机,具有4个扬声器,附带数字时钟功能。 ,采用无氟制冷剂的电控加热泵气候控制系统,具有空气温度调节功能,采用全新设计 的电热水器。 ,中控台安装有真空荧光屏。 ,可反射和吸收太阳光的玻璃。 ,间歇性风窗玻璃清洗的洗涤系统。 ,可远程控制发动机罩和行李箱盖的打开和关闭。 ,轻量级合金结构的四方向可调式座椅。 ,地毯。 ,带有清理功能的货物区。 2.1.9 性能 ,0-60英里(0-96.56千米)加速时间不超过9秒。 ,电力作用时最高速度达到80英里每小时(128.75千米每小时)。 ,空阻系数为0.19(比其它的任何汽车低25%)。 ,估计续驶里程: 标准:大容量铅酸电池组—每55-95英里(88.51-152.89千米)充一次电。 选配:镍氢电池组—每75-130英里(120.70-209.21千米)充一次电。 ,估计能量消耗信息(千瓦时每100英里): 标准:大容量铅酸蓄电池组—能量消耗26千瓦时每100英里在城市工况及高速公路 工况。 选配:镍氢电池组--能量消耗34千瓦时每100英里在城市工况;30千瓦时每100英 里在高速路工况 ,在正常湿度和70摄氏度的条件下,完全充满电估计所用的时间: 标准:大容量铅酸蓄电池组用220伏(6.6千瓦)充电器要用5.5到6小时;用110伏(1.2 千瓦)简易充电器则需22到24小时。 选配:镍氢蓄电池组用220伏(6.6千瓦)充电器需6到8小时。 ,60-0英里每小时的制动距离是160英尺(48.77米)。 ,(图2.2): 轴距:98.9英寸(2512毫米)。 车长:169.7英寸(4310毫米)。 车宽:69.5英寸(1766毫米)。 车高:50.5英寸(1282毫米)。 轮距(前):49.0英寸(1270毫米)。 轮距(后):49.0英寸(1244毫米)。 车辆的载重量:铅酸蓄电池:3086磅(1400千克)。 镍氢蓄电池:2908磅(1320千克)。 ,最小离地间隙:5.0英寸,如图2所示通用汽车是127毫米。 图2 通用电动汽车 ,头部空间:37.6英寸(955毫米)。 ,肩部空间:54.4英寸(1381毫米)。 ,腿部空间:42.6英寸(1083毫米)。 ,环保局标准客运承载力:50.4立方英尺2.2(1427毫米)。 ,环保局标准货物承载力:9.7立方英尺2.2(275升)。 2.2 福特Ranger 汽车特点说明(图3): 图3 福特Ranger ,零排放车。 ,可用铅酸和镍氢两类蓄电池。 ,轴距112英寸(2845毫米)。 ,采用90马力(67.1千瓦)、140磅(190牛米)扭矩的高效三相交流电机。 ,单速后轮驱动桥。 ,行驶里程:采用镍氢电池:65-80英里(105-129千米)。 ,低滚动阻力轮胎。 ,驾驶员及乘客侧面安全气囊。 ,4轮防抱死和能量再生制动系统。 ,车辆的载重量:镍氢:1250磅(567千克),铅:650磅(294.8千克)。 ,车载充电系统。 ,轻型铝制车轮。 电池容量: ,23千瓦时(在85%放电时18千瓦时)。 估计续驶里程: ,在地铁或公路路况下是77英里(124千米时)。(在正常的气候和驾驶条件下,最佳续 驶里程大约是50英里(80.5千米)。) 额定时速: ,在动力模式下可达到75英里每小时(120千米每小时)。 ,在经济模式下可达到65英里每小时(105千米每小时)。 达到0-50英里每小时的速度需时间: ,12.5秒。 车辆特点: ,短轴距,长驾驶室的车身风格。 ,90马力(67.1千瓦)的高效三相交流电机。 ,单速后轮驱动变速器。 ,4轮防抱死和再生制动系统。 ,有效载重量700磅(371.5千克)。 ,双安全气囊。 ,电子液压助力转向。 ,车载充电。 ,气候控制。 ,轻型铝制车轮。 ,低滚动阻力轮胎。 Ranger电动汽车燃料规格(镍氢): 为了即将到来的1999年,福特推出的Ranger电动汽车采用镍氢燃料。在该电动车 上还可以通过进行改进使有效载重量增加到1250磅(567千克)。 规格: ,25个112伏的镍氢模块;300伏系统。 ,有效载重量:1250磅(567千克),车辆总重5350磅(2427千克)。 估计行驶里程: ,在地铁或公路路况下90英里(美国东部地区,145千米)。 ,(在正常的气候和驾驶条件下,续驶里程约为68-85英里(104.6-136.8千米)。全负 荷运转时距离可能会降低到45英里(72.4千米))。 2.3 本田电动车Plus 本田电动车Plus是一辆全新打造的电动汽车,并非通过改装现有的汽油车制造的,如图2.4所示。这是一个双门掀背车,有4个座位,后排座椅折叠后可增加货舱容积。它的汽车座椅厂计划制造阿库拉NSX跑车。本田汽车公司打算于1998年在加利福尼亚州租赁出约400辆电动汽车,以评估潜在电动车客户的驾驶习惯和生活方式。该电动汽车是非卖品,只是通过了本田的36个月的“宪章租赁计划”。 图4 本田 EV Plus 2.3.1 性能 ,续驶里程:环保局规定的城市工况100英里(160.9千米),怠速工况84英里(135.2千米)。 ,加速时间:0-30英里需4.9秒,0-60英里加速17秒(该车的表现相当不错)。 ,最高速度:大于80英里每小时(129千米每小时)。 2.3.2 驱动系/电池/充电器 ,电机:高效永磁电机。输出功率:在1700-8500转每分的输出功率是49千瓦(约66马力);在0-1700转/分时输出扭矩是275牛米。 ,变速器:一个档位,直接驱动。 ,充电器:车载充电系统(需110伏或220伏的电源输出支持)。 ,充电时间:6-8小时(220伏80,放电的情况下)。本田电动车业主需要安装一个220伏调节/隔离的电源用于在车库中充电(安装费用1905美元)。 2.3.3 底盘/悬挂 ,前轮驱动,承载式车身结构。 ,前麦弗逊滑柱、后横梁悬架结构。 ,电动助力齿轮齿条式转向系统。 ,基于高灵敏度传感器的再生制动和防抱死制动系统(再生制动可让您获得上下坡时散失的动力,使用电动机作为发电机,从而延长汽车的行驶里程)。 ,14英寸(355.6毫米)低滚动阻力195/65轮胎,铝合金轮毂。 2.3.4 舒适性/方便性 ,电动车窗、车门、后视镜,和自动对气候进行加热和冷却控制的气候自调节系统(该系统通过“热泵”进行气候调节)。 ,AM/FM/CD:拥有无钥匙进入警报和解除警报的多功能遥控器(你可以使用这种遥控器优先决定驾驶室温度和控制电池充电~)。 ,反射玻璃,可折叠后排座椅:它可以很方便的让乘客从后座通过(折叠后可大大的增加后座腿部空间)。 2.3.5 安全/防盗 ,双安全气囊,在座位边上配有3点式安全带。 ,盗窃威慑系统。 ,在地板设置导轨来布置电池。 ,电力隔离控制系统。 ,智能碰撞检测系统以便及时断开所有的动力。 ,高性能节能气体放电大灯。 2.3.6 外部/内部尺寸 ,轴距:99.6英寸(2529毫米)。 ,车长:159.3英寸(4046.22毫米)。 ,车高:64.2英寸(1630.68毫米)。 ,车宽:68.9英寸(1750.06毫米)。 ,轮距(前/后):59.1/58.7英寸(1501.14/1490.98毫米)。 ,额定重量:3590磅(1628.40千克)。 ,头部空间(前/后):59.1/58.7英寸(1501.14/1490.98毫米)。 ,腿部空间(前/后):41.9/34.2英寸(1064.26/868.68毫米)。 ,肩部空间(前/后):53.2/51.9英寸(1351.28/1318.26毫米)。 ,行李箱容积:11.5立方英尺(3325.64立方微米)。 ,载客量:89.1立方英尺(2523.03立方微米)。 ,承载能力:700磅(旅客和货物合计317.5千克)。 2.3.7 租期/购买 该宪章租赁计划中的所有的租赁都是36个月。租赁包含所有的维修项目,一周24小时路边援助、碰撞和综合保险(承租人必须提供责任保险),也可以利用租用的车为政府部门服务。目前在北加州的租赁价格是每月454美元,但在租期结束后没有收购该车。 汽车标签价格是53999美元,但你不能购买该车,因为汽车享有4000美元的联邦税收抵免和5000美元在美国加州的税收激励(本田使用此九千美元将租赁价格减少至每月454美元)。 关于通用EV1,Ranger和本田的Plus的一些功能比较列于表1。 表1 关于通用EV1,Ranger和本田的Plus的一些功能比较 厂商 动力 电池 范围 最高车速 充电 每次充电55-95英里 26伏带电压(88.5-152.9千米)(铅 80英里每 通用 三相交流感调节的铅酸酸模块) 小时(129车载充 EV1 应电动机 蓄电池: 每次充电75-130英千米每小电 镍氢蓄电池 里(12.7-209.2千米)( 时) 镍氢模块) 75英里每福特 三相交流电铅酸蓄电池: 车载充77英里(123.9千米) 小时(120Range 动机 镍氢蓄电池 电 千米每时) (续) 厂商 动力 电池 范围 最高车速 充电 >80英里 本田24/12伏镍氢100英里(1160.9千每小时 车载充 永磁电动机 Plus 蓄电池 米) (129千米电 每小时) 2.4 电动自行车和滑板车 电动自行车就是在传统的自行车上加上电池助力。它们看起来和普通自行车一样,但却有能力使行驶速度达到18英里每小时(29千米每小时),并实现零排放。电动自行车,作为环境友好的交通工具,完全符合现在的发展政策。 电动自行车可以运行多久,电动自行车可以为不是很长的路程提供一定的帮助。如果你一边使用电池助力,并在同时踩踏板,可以将速度提高到15英里每小时(24.1千米每小时),当然这还取决于自行车形式、地形和骑车者的重量。 对电动自行车的充电只需要几个小时。自动和便携式充电器可以插入任何标准电源插座。安全电路可以保证电池组不会被过充电。电池可以很容易地搬运,这便于更换旧电池,或将电池拿到家里充电而不用搬自行车。 在人口稠密的城市,电动自行车或摩托车作为一种方便节能的交通方式,为污染和交通堵塞等问题提供解决的办法。例如,由于上海地处平原,适合驾驶电动车,因此把优势确定为发展电动车,大力支持发展电动自行车来取代使用燃料的两轮踏板车。 近年来,许多公司像凤凰、永久、齐奏新民威等都开发出了新风格的电动自行车和滑板车。销售量逐月上升,出口市场也同样很有发展前景。 2.4.1 电动自行车 以福特TH~NK电动自行车作为例子来说明电动自行车的性能。 图5 TH!NK 旅行者自行车 图6 TH!NK 细胞1号自行车 说明(TH~NK旅行者自行车): ,实际尺寸: 车长:55.2英寸(1402.08毫米)。 车宽:21.3英寸(541.02毫米)。 车高:29.5-35.4英寸(749.3-899.16毫米)。 ,折叠后尺寸: 车长:27.6英寸(701.04毫米)。 车宽:19.7英寸(500.38毫米)。 车高:23.6英寸(8.16毫米)。 ,重量49磅(22.23千克)。 ,电池重量18磅(8.16千克)。 ,20英寸(508毫米)车轮。 ,承载能力230磅(104.33千克)。 性能: ,400瓦电机(峰值)。 ,24伏的能量来源。 ,平均续驶里程升至16英里(25.7千米)。 ,采用110伏交流电进行充电所需的时间是6个小时。 ,铝制框架和组件。 ,双“V”型刹车。 ,电子助力。 安全/防盗: ,内置诊断系统。 ,制动时电机输出轴将自动脱离。 ,电动助力续驶里程可达18英里(29千米每小时)。 ,自行车双腿站立。 ,内置电池。 ,一级能源指标。 舒适性: ,巡航控制。 ,宽大舒适乘客座椅。 ,符合人体工程学的驾驶座椅及手把。 方便性: ,电池可单独进行充电。 ,能级指示灯。 ,指针式扭握变速器。 ,电池可被轻松拆卸。 价格: ,2001年在美国1195美元不含税。 优点: ,折叠式框架。 ,结构紧凑,便于运输。 ,直流电刷马达,噪声小。 ,从踏板到电力驱动转换便捷。 ,易弯曲结构便于主线路排布。 ,采用电能,零排放。 ,多齿轮传动。 2.4.2 电动滑板车 电动滑板车的发展也同样解决了环境问题,从而引起能源消费的关注。在许多东南 亚国家的城市中,轻型摩托车是主要的运输手段,但它们产生了大量的污染。在台湾省, 从2000年起在电动滑板车行业的大力推进下,使电动滑板车的销售配额降到2,,台湾 的环保局也提出“发展电动滑板车行动计划”。 下面看一些踏板车的发展实例: 规格是HCF两轮摩托车: ,尺寸:1200毫米(长)×540毫米(宽)×940毫米(高)。 ,重量:27千克或60磅(电池除外)。 ,电池重量:13.5千克或30磅(便携式)。 ,轮胎:121/2英寸×21/4英寸(317.5毫米×57.2毫米)。 ,环保材料:铝合金。 ,电池:24伏20安时的密封铅蓄电池。 ,最高速度:20-25千米每小时或0-16英里每小时。 ,行驶里程:30-35千米或19-22英里。 图7 HCF滑板车(台湾省)2000 图8 Pride三轮车(美国) ,电机:直流24V。 ,充电系统:交流110-220伏(带有自动断电器)。 ,充电时间:6-8小时。 o,爬坡度:约12斜坡。 ,承载驾车者最大重量:120千克或264磅。 ,制动系统:前悬臂后轮鼓制动。 ,在运行中的噪音:60分贝。 ,空气污染:无。 Pride三轮车2000年说明: ,车身类型:可拆卸。 ,全重:188磅(85.28千克)。 ,最大容量:300磅(136.08千克)。 ,最大续驶里程:20至25英里(32.2-40.2千米)。 ,最大速度:5.25英里每小时(38.45千米每小时)。 ,尺寸(长/宽):48.5×24英寸(1231.9×609.6毫米)。 ,轮胎(前/后):3×10/4×10。 ,转弯半径:41英寸(1041毫米)。 ,车头和车尾均采用主动悬架。 ,10英寸轮胎用来加强防震效果。 ,带护垫扶手的座椅。 o,根据需要可进行360旋转。 ,大灯和运行灯。 ,前车篮。 ,可选电池,行驶里程可长达30英里(48.3千米)。 ,键盘锁定。 ,防滑表面。 ,后保险杠。 ,喇叭报警器 表2中显示在台湾省的主要制造商生产的电动滑板车的生产状况。 表2 在台湾省主要电动滑板车的生产状况 产品 型号和技术规格 客源市场 说明规格 ,1992年上市。3000 辆踏板车出口和1500,电池:ITACHI/36,发展第三代滑板辆当地出售。 伏 Kangyang 车(MK1,MK2,MK3) ,MK3售价约新台币 ,电机:直流有刷 独立式 43000美元(20000补,传输:链传动 贴)。 ,1997年11月上市。 ,SW2售价是63000美,电池:CSB/40Ah48 ,发展SW1,SW2 元(31000补贴)。 伏 ShangWei 独立式 ,当地的分销渠道是正,电机:直流无刷 在兴建。 ,传输:无级变速器 ,已经出口。 ,1998年年底前上市。 ,电池: HAWKER/26A ,发展航空技术 ,价格是新台币63000 h48V KYMCO ,进行技术合作 (25000补贴)。 ,电机:直流无刷 独立式 ,市场销售建立了销售,传输:无级变速器 /服务体系。 ,预期1999年8月中旬,型号:永久 批量生产。 ,电池:HAWKER/26,从工研院的技术SAM ,没有申请,尚未审查。 安时、48伏 转让时开始 预计售价新台币63000 ,电机:直流无刷 (23000补贴)。 ,传输:2速变速器 (续) 产品 型号和技术规格 客源市场 说明规格 ,电池:Goang Long/ ,1998年底前上市。 26安时48伏 Jing ,同时开拓海外市场。 ,生产F21 ,电机:直流无刷 Shing Fa ,价格是新台币57000 ,传输:2速自动变(19000补贴)。 速器 截至目前,铅酸蓄电池仍被广泛的用来驱动电动自行车和踏板车,其缺点是太重。许多公司在致力于给电动自行车或摩托车安装镍氢电池,但使用成本又过高。近年来,它们已成功研制出燃料电池驱动电动滑板车。 为促进电动滑板车发展,已经实施开展了大量的工作,对部门间的资源进行整合和分配、兴建基础设施、开拓市场等。然而,因为电动车糟糕的特性、过高的价格、难充电等问题的存在,使它的销售业绩很难增加。 常州工学院机电工程学院毕业设计外文资料翻译 Battery Electric Vehicle 1 Technical Overview of Electric Vehicle The advantage of the EVs is the mechanical simplicity of the drivetrain. For example, an EV drive train can convert energy stores into vehicle motion, just like a conventional vehicle, and it can also reverse direction and convert vehicle motion back into energy stores through regeneration barking, which means that theirs energy/work loop is inherent bi-directional. Besides, moving parts of the electric motor in the EVs consist primarily of the armature (DC motors) or rotor (AC motors) and bearings, a relatively simple and far more efficient machine. other advantages include electric motor torque much more suited to the torque demand curve of a vehicle. EV drive train often needs only one gear ratio other than two or more. More-over, a reverse gear is unnecessary because the rotational direction of the motor itself can be reversed simply by reversing the electrical in-put polarity. However, the function capabilities and the cost/benefits profile of electronic system are rather complicated. Electrical power is delivered to the wall outlet in the form of alternating current, and must be converted into direct current in order to charge EV batteries. In the case of EVs powered by DC motor, electricity from the battery must then be “chopped” into small bursts of variable duty cycle in order to control the speed and torque of the motor. With EVs using AC motors, the direct current from the battery must undergo complex power condition in order to deliver alternating current and provide control over motoring output. The main disadvantage of BEVs is limited energy stores due to the limitations of the secondary battery, and HEVs tend to be plagued by increased mass and costs due to the increased complexity of the power system. 2 Battery-power Electric Vehicle (BEV) For the battery-power electric vehicles, there is either a purpose-built EV or a conversion of an existing gasoline powered vehicle. Some of the EVs, such as GM EV1, Ford Ranger and Toyota Prius will be shown below. 2.1 GEN11-General Motor EV1 The next generation GM EV1 is a purpose-built electric vehicle with software upgrades, refine ride and handling, impotents of GM EV1 is shown in Figure2.1.For the first time, the EV1 offers two battery technologies; an advanced, high capacity lead-acid, and an optional nickel-metal hydride. 2.1.1 Propulsion/Electronics ,Configuration: Transverse-mounted, front-wheel drive. ,Motor Type: Three-phase, alternating current (AC) induction. ,Power Rating: 102 kW (137 horsepower) at 7000 r/min. ,Transaxle Type: Single-speed with dual reduction gears. 1 ,Power Management System; Insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) power inverter. Figure1 Components of GM EV1 ,Battery Packs: Standard: 26 valve-regulated high-capacity lead-acid modules. Optional: 26 valve-regulated nickel-metal hydride modules. ,Rated Maximum Battery Pack Storage Capacity: Standard: High-capacity lead-acid battery-pack-18.7kW*h/60A*h (312 volts). Optional: Nickel-metal hydride battery-pack-26.4kW*h/77A*h (343 volts). Battery packs Weight: Standard: High-capacity lead-acid battery-pack-594.21kg. Optional: Nickel-metal hydride battery-pack-520.27kg. ,Charges and Charge Port: Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. ,Battery Pack, Charging System and Vehicle: Classified by Underwriters Laboratories for indoor charging. 2.1.2 Body/Chassis ,2-passenger coupe. ,Body Type: Aluminum alloy structure jointed with welds, rivets and structural adhesive. ,Dent/Corrosion-Resistant Composite Exterior Panels: Hood, doors, roof and trunk lid (Sheet Molding Compound (SMC));front fenders, rear quarter panels, rocker panels, rear-wheel skirts, aerodynamic belly pan (Reinforced Reaction Injection Molding(RRIM) polyurethane). ,Body panels are 100% recyclable and very lightweight. 2.1.3 Suspension ,Front Suspension: Aluminum short/long arm with coil spring over shock absorber with stabilizer bar. ,Rear Suspension: Multi-link aluminum beam with Pan hard rod. 2.1.4 Steering ,Steering Type: Electro-hydraulic, power rack-and-pinion (speed-sensitive, variable-effort). ,Steering Ratio: 16.5:1. ,Turning Diameter: 32.5 ft (10.21m). ,Steering wheel Turns: 3.0(lock-to-lock). 2.1.5 Braking System ,Braking System: Electro-hydraulic, power-assisted front and electric rear with blended regenerative and anti-lock features. Front: 9.65 in (245.11 mm) solid discs with aluminum calipers. Rear: 8.9 in (226.06 mm) metal-matrix composite drums with electric actuation. ,Park brake: Electric actuation with gear selector, or push button. 2.1.6 Wheels ,Wheels: 14 in (355.6mm) aluminum alloy. ,Tires: P175/65R14 Michelin Proximal; all-season radial with self-sealing, puncture-resistant feature. 2.1.7 Safety Features ,Anti-lock braking system. ,Traction control. ,Check tire pressure system. ,Air bags and three-point shoulder/lap seatbelts. ,Projector low beam/reflector optic high beam headlights. ,Daytime running lamps(DRL). ,Electronic keypad entry/vehicle activation system with programmable personal identificati- on number. ,Electric windshield defogger/deicer. ,Electric rear window defogger with automatic shutoff. 2.1.8 Comfort/Convenience Features ,Power windows, door locks and dual outside mirrors. ,Cruise control with downgrade and upgrade speed regulation. ,Premium AM/FM stereo with cassette and CD player, four speakers and digital clock. ,Computer-controlled “heat pump” climate control system with preconditioning feature and CFC-free air conditioning refrigerant; new electric heater. ,Center-mounted vacuum fluorescent instrumentation. ,Interior courtesy lights with delayed shutoff feature. ,Solar reflective/absorptive glass. ,Intermittent windshield wipers with washer system. ,Remote hood and trunk lid releases. ,Four-way adjustable bucket seats with lightweight alloy frames. ,Carpeted floor mats. ,Carpeted cargo area with cargo net. 2.1.9 Performance ,0-60 mph (0-96.56km/h) acceleration in less than 9 seconds. ,Electronically regulated top speed of 80 mph (128.75km/h). ,0.19 aerodynamic dray coefficients (25% lower than any other production car). ,Estimated Range: Standard: High-capacity lead-acid battery pack-55-95 miles (88.51-152.89 km) per charge. Optional: Nickel-metal hydride battery pack-75-130miles (120.70-209.21) per charge. ,Estimated Energy Consumption Information (kW *h per 100 miles): Standard: High-capacity lead-acid battery pack-26city/26 highway. Optional: Nickel-metal hydride battery pack-34city/30highway. ,Estimated Time from Zero to Complete State of Charge at 70 degrees with normal humidity: Standard: High-capacity lead-acid battery pack-5.5 to 6 hours using the 220volt (6.6kw) Charger; 22 to 24 hours using the 110volt (1.2kw) convenience charger. Optional: Nickel-metal hydride battery pack-6 to 8 hours using the 220volt (6.6kw) charge. ,60-0 mph braking distance of 160 feet (48.77m). ,Size (Figure 2.2): Wheelbase: 98.9 in (2512 mm). Length: 169.7 in (4310 mm). Width: 69.5 in (1766 mm, overall). Height: 50.5 in (1282 mm). Track (front):49.0 in (1270 mm). Track (rear):49.0 in (1244 mm). Vehicle Curb weight: Led-acid: 3086 lb (1400 mm). Ni-MH: 2908 lb (1320 mm). ,Min. ground clearance: 5.0 in Figure2 GM EV1 (127mm). Figure2 GM EV ,Head room: 37.6 in (955 mm). ,Shoulder room: 54.4 in (1381 mm). ,Leg room: 42.6 in (1083 mm). ,EPA passenger capacity: 50.4 cu.ft 2.2 (1427 mm). ,EPA cargo volume.9.7 cu.ft 2.2 (275 liters). 2.2 Ford Ranger Vehicle Specifications (Figure3): Figure3 Ford Ranger ,ZEV (Zero Emission Vehicles). ,Lead-acid and nickel-metal hydride battery types available. ,112 in (2845 mm) wheelbase. ,90 horsepower (67.1 kW), 140 ft-lb (190 N*m) torque, high efficiency, 3-phase AC motor. ,Single-speed, rear-wheel-drive transaxle. ,Customer Range: NI-MH: 65-80 miles (105-129 km). ,low-rolling-resistance tires. ,Driver & passenger side airbags. ,4-wheel ABS and regenerative barking. ,Ni-MH 1250 lb (567.0 kg) Pb-A 650 lbs (294.8 kg) pay-load. ,Conductive on-board charging. ,Lightweight aluminum wheels. Battery Capacity: ,23 kW*h (18 kW*h at 85% discharge). Estimated Range: ,77 miles (124 km/h) metro/highway. (Customer range is approximately 50 miles (80.5 km), depending on climate and driving conditions.) Rated Top Speed: ,75 mph (120 km/h) in drive mode (governed). ,65 mph (105 km/h) in economy mode. 0-50 Miles per Hour: ,12.5 seconds. Vehicle Features: ,Short wheelbase, regular-cab, style side body style. ,90 hp (67.1 kW), high-efficiency, 3-phase AC motor. ,Single-speed, rear-wheel-drive transmission. ,4-wheel anti-lock brakes and regenerative braking. ,700 pounds (317.5 kg) payload. ,Dual air bags. ,Electro hydraulic power steering. ,On-board charging. ,Climate control. ,Lightweight aluminum wheels. ,Low-rolling-resistance tires. Ranger Electric Vehicle Fuel Specifications (Ni-MH): New for 1999, Ford is offering the Ranger Electric Vehicle with a nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) option. The Ni-MH Ranger EV can also carry an improved payload up to 1250 lb (567 kg). Specifications: ,25 Ni-MH 112-volt Modules; 300 volt system. ,Payload: 1250 lb/567kg. (GVW 5350 lb/2427 kg). Estimated Range: ,90 miles (Est., 145 km.) metro/highway. ,(Customer range is approximately 68-85 miles (104.6-136.8 km), depending on climate and driving conditions. Range may decrease to 45miles (72.4 km) with full operation of heater). 2.3 Honda EV Plus The Honda EV Plus is a purpose-built electric vehicle, not a conversion of an existing gasoline powered car, as shown in Figure 2.4. It is a two-door hatchback, with four seats. The rear seats fold down for increased cargo space. The car seats fold plant as the Acura NSX sports car. Honda plans to lease about 400 EV+ cars in California in 1998 in order to evaluate the driving habits and customer lifestyles potential EV owners. The EV+ is not for sale; it is available only through Honda’s 36-month “Charter Lease Program”. Figure4 Honda EV Plus 2.3.1 Performance ,Range: EPA city driving is 100 miles (160.9 km), high-way 84 miles (135.2 km). ,Acceleration: 0-30 in 4.9 seconds, 0-60 in 17 seconds (the car’s performance is also quite good). ,Top speed: >80 mph (129 km/h). 2.3.2 Drive train/Batteries/Charging ,Motor: high-efficiency, permanent magnet. Power output: 49 kW (approx 66 hp) at 1700-8500 r/min; torque is 275 N*m at 0-1700 r/min. ,Transmission: 1 speed, direct drive. ,Charger: on board (110V or 220V power supply). ,Recharge time: 6-8 hours (220V from 80% discharge). Honda required EV+ owners to install a 220V regulated/isolated power supply in their garage for charging the vehicle (installation cost was $ 1905.00). 2.3.3 Chassis/Suspension ,Front wheel drive, unit-body construction w/integrated large cross-section straight frame rail. ,Front strut/rear beam suspension. ,Electric, variable power-assist rack and pinion steering. ,Grade-sensitive regenerative braking with ABS (regeneration allows you to “recapture” expended power on downhill runs by using the motor as a generator, thus extending the car’s effective range). ,14 in (355.6 mm) alloy wheels with low-rolling resistance 195/65 R14 tires. 2.3.4 Comfort/Convenience ,Power windows, doors, mirrors, with automatic climate control for heating and cooling (the car has a “heat-pump” style climate system). ,AM/FM/CD: multi-function remote (you can “precondition” the cabin temperature or read how charged the batteries are from the remote!) with keyless entry to arm/disarm the security system. ,Heat-reflecting glass. A friendly walk-in feature for rear seat access (and a flat floor to increase rear seat legroom), with split-folding rear seatbacks. 2.3.5 Safety/Security ,Dual airbags with 3-point belts at seating positions. ,Theft-deterrent system. ,Under floor battery pack layout is protected by frame rails. ,Isolated electric-power control systems. ,Intelligent crash-detection system disconnects all propulsion power. ,Energy-saving high-performance gas-discharge headlights. 2.3.6 Exterior/Interior Dimensions ,Wheelbase: 99.6 in (2529 mm). ,Length: 159.3 in (4046.22 mm). ,Height: 64.2 in (1630.68 mm). ,Width: 68.9 in (1750.06 mm). ,Track (f/r):59.1/58.7 in (1501.14/1490.98 mm). ,Curb weight: 3590 lb (1628.40 mm). ,Headroom (f/r):59.1/58.7 in (1501.14/1490.98 mm). ,Legroom (f/r):41.9/34.2 in (1064.26/868.68 mm). ,Shoulder room (f/r):53.2/51.9 in (1351.28/1318.26 mm). 3,Cargo space: 11.5 cu.ft (3325.64 dm). 3,Interior passenger volume: 89.1 cu.ft (2523.03 dm). ,Carrying capacity: 700 lb (317.5 kg, passengers and cargo combined). 2.3.7 Lease Terms/Purchase The Charter Lease Program is a 36 month, all-inclusive lease. The lease include all maintenance, 24/7 roadside assistance, collision and comprehensive insurance (the lessee must provide liability insurance only), and use of a loaner if the car is kept for service. The Northern California lease price is currently $ 454/month, and there is no buy-out option at the end of the lease. The car carried a sticker price of $ 53999, although you cannot purchase the car, the car is eligible for $ 4000 in federal tax credits, and $ 5000 in California and Bay Area tax incentives (Honda uses this $ 9000 to reduce the lease price to $ 454/month). Comparison of some features of GM EV1, Ranger and EV Plus is shown in table 1. Table1 Comparison of some feature of EV1, Ranger and EV Plus Power Manful Battery range Top speed Charge train 3 phase, A 55-95miles(88.5-152.9km)Per 26valve-regulated GM C induct- charge (lead-acid); 80mph Indoor lead-acid module: EV1 on electr- 75-130miles(12.7-209.2km)Per (129km/h) charging Ni-MH ic motor charge (Ni-MH) Ford 3 phase, A 75mph On lead-acid Ni-MH 77 miles (123.9km) Range C motor (120km/h) board Honda Permanent 24/12-volt >80mph On EV 100miles (1160.9km) Magnet Ni-MH (129km/h) board Plus 2.4 Electric bicycles and scooters E-bicycles are traditional bikes, but with battery-powered assist. They look and perform just like any quality bike but with the ability to cruise unassisted at speed up to 18 mph (29.0 km/h). And have zero emissions. Electric bicycles, as an environment friendly tool of transportation, receive preference in their development policy. How long will an e-bicycle run? The e-bicycle can go for miles with just a little help from. If you use the power assist while pedaling, you can expect a range of up to 15 miles (24.1 km), depending on the bike model, terrain and weight of the rider. Charging takes just a few hours. Automatic and portable, the chargers plug into any standard outlet. Safety circuitry guarantees that the battery pack can’t be overcharged. Batteries can be easily removed, which allows to replace a spent battery with a fresh one, or recharge in the house while leaving the bike in idle. In the densely populated cities, an electric bicycle or scooter, as a convenient commuter, provides solutions to the problem such as pollution and traffic jam, and is energy saving as well. For example, Shanghai strongly supports development of electric bicycle to replace fuel-using two wheel scooters. Besides, Shanghai is geographically plain, which is suitable for driving an electric vehicle and bring superiority to the development of electric vehicle. In the recent years, many companies, like Phoenix, Forever, Unison XinMinWei etc., have brought out electric bicycles and scooters of new styles. The sales have been rising month by month and the export market is quite promising too. 2.4.1 Electric bike Ford TH! NK bikes are used as examples to show the performance of electric bikes. Figure 5 TH! NK bike traveler Figure 6 TH! NK bike fun1 Specification (TH! NK bike traveler): ,Operating size: Length: 55.2 in (1402.08 mm). Width: 21.3 in (541.02 mm). Height: 29.5-35.4 in (749.3-899.16 mm). ,Folding size: Length: 27.6 in (701.04 mm). Width: 19.7 in (500.38 mm). Height: 23.6 in (8.16 mm). ,Frame weight 49 lb (22.23 kg). ,Battery weight 18 lb (8.16 kg) ,20 in (508 mm) wheels. ,Load capacity 230 lb (104.33 kg). Performance: ,400 watt motor (peak). ,24 volt energy source. ,Up to 16miles (25.7 km) average range. ,Six-hour charging time at 110V AC. ,Aluminum frame and components. ,Dual “V” brakes. ,Electric battery powers assist. Safety/Security: ,Build-in diagnostic system. ,Brake disengages motor output. ,Electric assist up to 18 mph (29.0 km/h). ,Dual-leg bike stand. ,Built-in battery. ,Down-shift indicator. ,Energy-level indicator. Comfort: ,Cruise control. ,Large padded seat. ,Adjustable ergonomic seat & handlebar. Convenience: ,Off-board battery charger. ,Energy-level indicator light. ,Index twist-grip speed shifter. ,Easily removable battery. Price: ,$ 1195 SRP. Excluding tax in USA (in 2001). Benefits: ,Folding frame. ,Compact design for easy transport. ,Quiet DC brush motor. ,Easy pedal-to-motor-drive switching. ,Folds easily for trunk loading. ,Zero-emission electric battery power. ,Hill-grabbing multi-gear power. 2.4.2 Electric scooters Electric scooter development is also propelled by environmental concerns and energy consumption concerns. Moving motorcycles, which are the main transportation tools in many Southeast Asia cities, produce large amount of pollution. In Taiwan Province, electric scooter industry is strongly propelled by the 2% sales quota of electric scooter from 2000, the adoption of “the action Plan for Developing Electric Scooter” is proposed by Taiwan EPA. The following shows some scooters developed: Specifications for HCF 2-wheel scooter: ,Size: 1200m (L) ×540mm (W) ×940mm (H). ,Weight: 27 kg or 60 lb (battery excluded). ,Battery Weight: 13.5 kg or 30 lb (portable). ,Tires: 12 1/2 in×2 1/4 in (317.5mm×57.2mm). ,Rim material: aluminum alloy. ,Battery: Sealed lead-aid battery 24V 20Ah. ,Max Speed: 20-25 km/h or 0-16 mph. ,Cruising Range: 30-35 km or 19-22 miles. ,Motor: DC 24V. ,Charging system: AC 110-220V (with automatic disconnect). ,Charging time: 6-8 hours. ,Climbing: about 12 Slope. ,Max rider weight: 120 kg or 264 lb. ,Brake System: front cantilever rear-drum. ,Noise during riding: 60 dB. Figure 7 HCF scooter Figure8 Pride 3-Wheels (Taiwan Province) 2000 Legend (USA) ,Air pollution: no. Specification for Pride 3-wheel legend 2000: ,Body Type: take apart. ,Full weight: 188 lb (85.28 kg). ,Maximum Capacity: 300 lb (136.08 kg). ,Maximum Range: 20-25 miles (32.2-40.2 km). ,Maximum Speed: 5.25 mph (38.45 km/h). ,Size (Length/Width):48.5×24 in (1231.9×609.6mm). ,Tires (Front/Rear):3×10/4×10. ,Turn Radius: 41 in (1041 mm). ,Full front and rear dynamic suspension. ,10 in tire for enhanced suspension. ,Contoured seat with fully padded armrests. ,Set can swivel a full 360. ,Head lights and running lights. ,Front basket. ,Optional batteries for up to 30 miles (48.3 km) range. ,Key lock. ,Non slip foot surfaces. ,Rear bumper. ,Horn. Table 2 includes the production status of major electric scooter manufacturers in Taiwan Table 2 Production status of major electric scooter Manufacturers in Taiwan Province Manful. Model and Market specifications technology source Kang ,Develop 3rd gene- ,Marketed in 1992. ,Battery: ITACHI/36V yang ration Scooters (M 3000 Scooter exported ,Motor: DC brushed K1,MK2,MK3) and 1500 sold locally. ,Transmission: chain Independently. ,Price of MK3 is about NT $43000 ( 20000 su- bsidy). Shang , Develop SW1, S- ,Marketed in Novemb- ,Battery:CSB/40Ah48V Wei W2 er, 1997. ,Motor: DC brushless independently ,Price of SW2 is NT ,Transmission: CVT $ 63000 (31000 subsidy). ,the local distribution channel is being constr- ucted. ,already exported. KYMCO , Develop Air Inde- ,Marketed before late ,Battery:HAWKER/26A pendently 1998. h48V ,Technical coopera- ,Price is NT $ 63000 ,Motor: DC brushless tion with Unique (25000 subsidy). ,Transmission: CVT ,Marketed through exi- stent.sale/service syste- m. SAM ,Technology ,Expected o mass pro- ,Model: Ever transfer of Ever duce in mid 1999. ,Battery: HAWKER/ from ITRI 26Ah48V ,Not apply for examin- ation yet. ,Motor : DC brushless Estimated price NT ,Transmission: 2-speed $ 63000 (23000 auto transmission subsidies). Jing ,Produces F21 ,Marketed before late ,Battery: Goang Long/ Shing Fa 1998. 26Ah48V ,Exploit the overseas ,Motor: DC brushless (Next Table) Manfu. Model and Market specifications technology source Jing markets simultaneous- ,Transmission: 2-speed Shing Fa ly. auto transmission ,Price is NT $ 57000 (19000 subsidy). Up to now, lead-acid battery is still the commonly used power to drive the electric bikes and scooters. Its weakness is that it is too heavy. Many companies are also working on mounting Ni-MH battery on e-bikes or scooters; however, it makes the cost quite high. In recent years, efforts have also been made on developing fuel cells to drive electric scooters. Lots of work has been done implement the interdepartmental resources integration and division to promote electric scooters, to construct the infrastructure, and to exploit the market. However, the sale’s growth can hardly increase because of worse performance, high price, and charge problems. 《Electric Vehicles——Clean driving that presages the 21st century》 Product by Metalurgical Industry Press in 2002
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