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有关葡萄籽提取物有关葡萄籽提取物 有葡萄籽提取物关关关关关关关 【品名称】葡萄籽提取物关关关关关关关关关关关 【英文名称】Grape Seed P.E   【植物来源】葡萄科植物葡萄( Vitis vinifera L.)的子。关关关 【品格】关关关关关95% 【物理性】关关关关关棕色粉末,气微、味。 【功能主治】1、抗氧化性,2、眼睛保健作用,可降低眼部退化性斑点和白内障病率,,关关关关关3、心率保健作用,减低运性血管粥硬化,,关关关关关关关关关4、降低癌症病关关危,关 5、增血管度,加血管壁的性,,强强强关关关关6、具有消炎、祛。关关【...
有关葡萄籽提取物 有葡萄籽提取物关关关关关关关 【品名称】葡萄籽提取物关关关关关关关关关关关 【英文名称】Grape Seed P.E   【植物来源】葡萄科植物葡萄( Vitis vinifera L.)的子。关关关 【品格】关关关关关95% 【物理性】关关关关关棕色粉末,气微、味。 【功能主治】1、抗氧化性,2、眼睛保健作用,可降低眼部退化性斑点和白内障病率,,关关关关关3、心率保健作用,减低运性血管粥硬化,,关关关关关关关关关4、降低癌症病关关危,关 5、增血管度,加血管壁的性,,强强强关关关关6、具有消炎、祛。关关【理作用】关关关关关1 抗脂氧化和清除自由基作用关关关关关关关关关关关关 20世关80年代自由基健康的影响日益人所关关关关关关关关关关关关关关      ,代医学和保健学,自由基在人体内关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关 可直接引起多疾病,和另一些疾病的关关关关关关关关关关关关关关      生有。法国科学院研究生院曾做了葡萄籽提关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关 取物原花青素清除自由基活性,果关关关关关关关      葡萄籽提取物原花青素是迄今止的最关关关关关关关关关关关关有效的自由基强 清除之一。尤其是其体内活性关关关关关关关关关关关关      ,更是其它抗氧化所不可比的。关关关关关关关关Bagchi,D 曾用小鼠行体内,关关关关关关用葡萄籽提取物原      花青素、VC、VE关TPA(12一O一四葵波佛醇一关关关关关13一醋酸关)关关关的肝、关关关关关关中脂氧化      的保作用行了比,在关关关关关关关关关关关关100 mg,kg BW关量下葡萄籽提取物原花青素、VC、VE均可      降低TPA关关关关关关关关关关关关关关生的活性氧,使用腹腔巨噬胞光法降低率分70,、 18,、 47,和      16,,使用胞色素原法降低率分 关关关关关关关关关关关关关65,、15,、 37,和 19,,同 关关关关葡萄籽      提取物原花青素于抑制关关关关TPA关关关关关关关关关关的腹腔巨噬胞活性氧的生,具有量反系。果表关关关关关关关关关关      明,葡萄籽提取物原花青素可氧化起到保作用,且关关关关关关关关关关关关关保作用于其它抗氧化。此关关关关关关关关关关关关关      外,Bag—chi,D 的体外也得了相似的果。作者关关关关关关关关关关关关关关分使用化学光法和胞色素关关关关关关关关关关关关关C关      原法定了葡萄籽提取物原花青素、关关关关关关关关关关关关关关VC、VE清除超氧离子自由关关关关关基和基自由基的能力。关关关关关关关关关关      果表明,葡萄籽提取物原花青素自由基的抑制具有度反系,在关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关100 mg,l的度,关关关关      葡萄籽提取物原花青素超氧化离子和基自由基的抑制能力关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关78,和8,,同等条件下      ,VC抑制上述两自由基的能力关关关关关关关关12,和19,, VE关50,和75,, 关明葡萄籽提取物原花      青素是一比关关VC、VE更的自由基清除。强关关            2,保心血管和防高血作用: 关关关 关关关关关近年来,心血管已成危害人 健康的常病,人关关关关关      随着年的增,脉中的性由于逐氧化而关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关硬,化是致老年人心血管疾关关关关关关关关关关关关关关      病的一个主要原因。机体内的低密度脂蛋白、胆固醇增加也是致脉关关关关硬化和心病的关关关关关      因素。物和床研究,葡萄籽提取物原花关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关青素可以有效地降低低密度脂蛋白和胆      固醇水平,提高血管抵抗力,降低毛血管关关关关关关关关透性,防血栓渗的形成,有助于防心血管疾关关关关关关      病的生引。关            3. 抗瘤作用:关 关关关葡萄籽提取物原花青素的抗癌功效国内外已有多研究道。葡萄籽提关关关关关关关      取物原花青素人乳腺癌胞关关关关关关关MCF-7,人肺癌胞关关A-427,人胃腺癌胞关关CRL一1739有明的关关      抑制作用。而慢性骨髓性白血病胞关关关关关关关关关关关K562无胞毒作用。关关关关关关关正常人的胃粘膜胞和正常鼠关关关关关关      的巨噬胞关关J774A,1却有促增,增关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关生活力的作用。原花青素强TPA(12一O—      tetraeeanoylphorhol一13一acetate)关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关的鼠皮癌症模型,可以使氨酸脱(ODC)      和髓氧化物关关关关关(MPO)活性降低。能抑制瘤生,降低瘤生关关关关关关关关关关关率,减少瘤数量,小关关关关关关关关      瘤体关 J。            4. 抗射作用:关 关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关自由基学是射的基理,机体受 照后可生内源性自由基关关关关关关关关      ,引脂氧化等。而葡萄籽提取物原花青关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关 素具有清除自由基,抑制氧化的功效关关关关关      。据一道,将荷关关关关 S 肉瘤小鼠分关关关?予co局部照射、口服葡萄籽提取物原花青素和      局部照射加口服葡萄籽提取物原花青素的不同方法理,接瘤胞后关关关关关关关关关12天,物的瘤关关关关关关      重、白胞数、关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关脾淋巴胞化率等指。果表明,照瘤关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关重高于其它各,照射加      口服高量葡萄籽提取物的瘤抑制率高于照关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关 射和关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关口服葡萄籽提取物,照      射的白胞数低于其它关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关各。表明葡萄籽提取物原花青素可抑制照引的脂氧化关关关关关关关关关关      。可能是葡萄籽提取物抗射的主要原因。关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关 俄国人早就了解到葡萄籽提取物原花青素      射的保作用,的关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关宇航期服用一富含原花青素的植物关关关关关关关料,以防他      在关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关太空行所受到的射。切利核站关关关关关关关关关关关关关关生爆炸,造成重核染,当      地很多人遭受核关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关射,生活在地区的人被建喝一叫作Crimean的葡萄关关关关酒(一  关关关关关关关关关关关关关富含原花青素的葡萄酒),以关关关关关关解核泄漏人体的影响。 5,抗 关 关关葡萄籽提取物原花青素的抗氧化活性使其可抑制敏及抗炎作用:如关关胺、5一     色关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关胺、前列腺素及白三等炎症因子的合成和关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关放,抑制嗜碱胞和肥大胞放敏 粒,从而有效地改善皮关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关敏症状及敏性哮喘症状。此外,它可抑制关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关胺脱的活性  ,限制透明酸的作用,因而关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关各炎及胃、十二指效果著。 【床用】关关关关关1.葡萄籽提取物主要活性成分是原花青素的低分子量,它是一关强力的抗氧化,一有效的自由基清关关关关关关关关关关关关关关楚, 2.是天然的阳光遮盖物,能阻紫关关关关关关关关关外侵害皮, 3.原花青素能关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关修受的胶原蛋白和性,具有收作用,收皮,防止皮关关关关关 关关关关关关关关关关关关关关提早出光,滑期使用能使皮,富有性,具有美容的作用,4、可以降低心病、癌症、关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关关早衰、炎、高血、老年痴呆、眼部退化性斑点和白内障等症状的病危。关关关关关 Grape Seed P.E the Introduction of Grape Seed P.E 【Name of Product】Grape Seed P.E 【Source】Grape grape plant ( Vitis vinifera L. ) seed. 【Specification】95%   【Physical characteristics】Red brown powder, gas, astringent 【Main Function】1, oxidation resistance; 2, eye care role ( can reduce ocular degenerative spots and the incidence of cataract ); 3, heart rate health effects ( reduced motor vessel porridge hardened ); 4, lower cancer risk; 5, enhance vascular strength ( strengthen the elasticity of blood vessel walls ); 6, has the functions of diminishing inflammation, eliminating swelling. 【Pharmacological action】1 against lipid peroxidation and scavenging free radical of nineteen eighties free radical effects on health has been increasingly recognized, modern medicine and nutrition and health care, free radicals in the body can cause many diseases, and other diseases. Born on. The French Academy of Sciences had made of grape seed proanthocyanidin extract scavenging free radical activity test, results show that Grape seed extract was found to date one of the most effective free radical scavenger. Especially its in vivo activity , is unmatched by other antioxidants. Bagchi.D used mice in vivo experiments, with grape seed extract raw Anthocyanins, VC, VE on TPA ( 12 O one four Kwai acid wave ioversol 13 acetate ) induced liver, brain tissue lipid peroxidation The protective effect of comparison, discovered in 100 mg / kg BW dose grape seed proanthocyanidin extract, VC, VE can To reduce TPA induced generation of reactive oxygen species, the use of peritoneal macrophages chemiluminescence method to reduce the rate of respectively 70%, 18%, 47% and 16%, the use of cytochrome reduction method to reduce the rate of respectively 65%, 15%, 37% and 19%, also found that grape seed Proanthocyanidin extract for inhibiting TPA induced by peritoneal macrophages in reactive oxygen species generation, with a dose response relationship. Results tableMing, grape seed proanthocyanidin extract on oxidative damage plays a role in protection, and protection function is better than that of other antioxidants. This , Bag - chi.D in vitro tests also obtained similar results. The author respectively using chemiluminescence and cytochrome C The original method for the determination of grape seed proanthocyanidin extract, VC, VE scavenging superoxide anion free radical and hydroxyl free radical capacity. Node The results showed that, grape seed extract procyanidins on free radical inhibition has the concentration response relationship, in 100 mg / L when the concentration of,Grape seed proanthocyanidin extracts on superoxide anion and hydroxyl free radical inhibition ability for 78% and 8%; under the same conditions , VC inhibits the two free radical capacity of 12% and 19%, VE was 50% and 75%, that grape seed extract the original flower Green pigment is a kind of more than VC, VE free radical scavenger. 2 cardiovascular protection and prevention of hypertension: in recent years, cardiovascular harm human health has become the common disease, peopleAlong with the growth of the age, the artery elastic fibers due to the gradual oxidation and hardens, the change is the result of heart and blood vessel disease.Disease is a major cause of. The body of the low density lipoprotein, cholesterol increases also lead to hardening of the arteries and heart key Factor. Animal experiments and clinical studies found, grape seed extract can effectively reduce low-density lipoprotein and bile Cholesterol levels, increased vascular resistance, decreased capillary permeability, prevent the formation of blood clots, contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Disease. 3: anti tumor effects of grape seed proanthocyanidin extract anti-cancer effect at home and abroad, many research reports. Grape seed extract Extract procyanidins on human breast cancer cell line MCF-7, A-427 cell, human gastric carcinoma cell line CRL 1739 has obvious Inhibition. For chronic myeloid leukemia cell K562 without cytotoxicity. On the normal human gastric mucosal cells and normal rats Macrophage J774A.1 has promoted growth, enhance the vigor of growth effect. Proanthocyanidins on TPA ( 12 - O - Tetraeeanoylphorhol - 13 acetate ) - induced rat skin cancer models, can make the ornithine decarboxylase ( ODC ) And myeloperoxidase ( MPO ) activity decreased. To inhibit tumor growth, reducing tumor incidence, reduction in tumor volume, reduce swelling Tumor volume J. 4: the free radical theory of anti radiation is radiation damage theory, the organism under radiation can produce endogenous free radical , initiated lipid peroxidation damage. Grape Seed Extract Proanthocyanidins have scavenging free radical, inhibition of oxidative damage effect . According to a report of the test, the bearing S sarcoma in mice were given co local irradiation, oral administration of grape seed proanthocyanidin extract andLocal irradiation plus oral administration of grape seed proanthocyanidin extracts with different treatment methods, inoculation of tumor cells after 12 days, detection of animal tumor Heavy, white blood cell count, lymphocyte transformation rate. The results show that, the control group was higher than that of other components of the tumor weight, irradiation plus Oral administration of high dose grape seed extract tumor inhibition rate than purely irradiated group and simple oral administration of grape seed extract group; herpes picture A group of white blood cell count is less than the other groups. Show that grape seed extract may inhibit lipid peroxidation induced by irradiation . This may be the grape seed extract against radiation injury in the main reasons. The Russians knew early that the grape seed extract On radiation injury, Soviet astronauts take for a long time a rich in proanthocyanidins plant beverage, to prevent him In the space flight when subjected to radiation injury. Soviet Chernobyl exploded, causing serious nuclear pollution, when To a lot of people exposed to nuclear radiation injury, lives in the area it is recommended to drink Crimean one kind of red wine ( a rich in proanthocyanidins wine ), in order to ease the nuclear effects on human body. 5 antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effects: grape seed extract procyanidins antioxidant activity to inhibit such as histamine, 5 Serotonin, prostaglandin and leukotriene synthesis and release of inflammatory cytokines, inhibition of basophil and mast cell release of allergic a particle, thus effectively improve the skin allergies and allergic asthma symptoms. In addition, it also can inhibit histamine decarboxylase activity, limiting the effect of hyaluronidase, and of various arthritis and gastric, duodenal ulcer effect. 【Clinical application】1 of the main active components of grape seed extract procyanidins low molecular weight, it is a powerful antioxidant, an effective free radical clear agent; 2 is the natural sunlight covering, can block the UV skin; 3 proanthocyanidins are able to repair the injured collagen and elastic fiber, has the role of convergence, tighten the skin, prevent skin wrinkles appear earlier, long-term use can make skin skin smooth, elastic, with beauty function; 4, can reduce heart disease, cancer, arthritis, hypertension, premature aging, Alzheimer's disease, degenerative eye spots and cataract and other symptoms of risk.
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