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陶渊明的五言诗陶渊明的五言诗 归园田居?其一 少无适俗韵,性本爱丘山。误落尘网中,一去三十年。 羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊。开荒南野际,守拙归园田。 方宅十余亩,草屋八九间。榆柳荫后檐,桃李罗堂前。 暧暧远人村,依依墟里烟。狗吠深巷中,鸡鸣桑树颠。 户庭无尘杂,虚室有余闲。久在樊笼里,复得返自然。 归园田居?其二 野外罕人事,穷巷寡轮鞅。白日掩荆扉,虚室绝尘想。 时复墟曲中,披草共来往。相见无杂言,但道桑麻长。 桑麻日已长,我土日已广。常恐霜霰至,零落同草莽。 归园田居?其三 种豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀。晨兴理荒秽,带月荷锄...
陶渊明的五言诗 归园田居?其一 少无适俗韵,性本爱丘山。误落尘网中,一去三十年。 羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊。开荒南野际,守拙归园田。 方宅十余亩,草屋八九间。榆柳荫后檐,桃李罗堂前。 暧暧远人村,依依墟里烟。狗吠深巷中,鸡鸣桑树颠。 户庭无尘杂,虚室有余闲。久在樊笼里,复得返自然。 归园田居?其二 野外罕人事,穷巷寡轮鞅。白日掩荆扉,虚室绝尘想。 时复墟曲中,披草共来往。相见无杂言,但道桑麻长。 桑麻日已长,我土日已广。常恐霜霰至,零落同草莽。 归园田居?其三 种豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀。晨兴理荒秽,带月荷锄归。 道狭草木长,夕露沾我衣。衣沾不足惜,但使愿无违。 归园田居?其四 久去山泽游,浪莽林野娱。试携子侄辈,披榛步荒墟。 徘徊丘垅间,依依昔人居。井灶有遗处,桑竹残朽株。 借问采薪者,此人皆焉如。薪者向我言,死没无复余。 一世弃朝市,此语真不虚。人生似幻化,终当归空无。 归园田居?其五 怅恨独策还,崎岖历榛曲。山涧清且浅,遇以濯吾足。 漉我新熟酒,只鸡招近局。日入室中暗,荆薪代明烛。 欢来苦夕短,已复至天旭。 归园田居?其一 1、注释 (1)适俗:适应世俗。韵:情调、风度。 (2)尘网:指尘世,官府生活污浊而又拘束,犹如网罗。这里指仕途。 (3)三十年:吴仁杰认为当作“十三年”。陶渊明自太元十八年(三九三)初仕为江州祭酒,到义熙元年(四?五)辞彭泽令归田,恰好是十三个年头。 (4)羁鸟:笼中之鸟。池鱼:池塘之鱼。鸟恋旧林、鱼思故渊,借喻自己怀恋旧居。 (5)南野:一本作南亩。际:间。 (6)守拙:守正不阿。潘岳《闲居赋序》有“巧官”“拙官”二词,巧官即善于of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge 钻营,拙官即一些守正不阿的人。守拙的含义即守正不阿。 (7)方:读作“旁”。这句是说住宅周围有土地十余亩。 (8)荫:荫蔽。 (9)罗:罗列。 (10)暧暧:暗淡的样子。 (11)依依:轻柔的样子。墟里:村落。 (12)这两句全是化用汉乐府《鸡鸣》篇的“鸡鸣高树颠,犬吠深宫中”之意。 (13)户庭:门庭。尘杂:尘俗杂事。 (14)虚室:闲静的屋子。余闲:闲暇。 (15)樊:栅栏。樊笼:蓄鸟工具,这里比喻仕途。返自然:指归耕园田。 这两句是说自己象笼中的鸟一样,重返大自然,获得自由。 2、译文 少年时就没有迎合世俗的本性,天性原本热爱山川田园(生活)。 错误地陷落在人世的罗网中,一去十三个年头。 关在笼中的鸟儿依恋居住过的树林,养在池中的鱼儿思念生活过的深潭。 到南边的原野里去开荒,固守愚拙,回乡过田园生活。 住宅四周有十多亩地,茅草房子有八、九间。 榆树、柳树遮掩着后檐,桃树、李树罗列在堂前。 远远的住人村落依稀可见,村落上的炊烟随风轻柔地飘升。 狗在深巷里叫,鸡在桑树顶鸣。 门庭里没有世俗琐杂的事情烦扰,空房中有的是空闲的时间。 长久地困在笼子里面,现在总算又能够返回到大自然了。 归园田居?其二 1、注释 人事:指与人交结往来。 鞅:马驾车时颈上的皮带。这句是说居处僻陋,车马稀少。 曲:隐僻之地。墟曲:犹乡野。 披:拨开。 2、译文 乡居少与世俗交游,僻巷少有车马来往。 白天依旧柴门紧闭,心地纯净断绝俗想。 经常涉足偏僻村落,拨开草丛相互来往。 相见不谈世俗之事,只说田园桑麻生长。 我田桑麻日渐长高,我垦土地日渐增广。 经常担心霜雪突降,庄稼凋零如同草莽。 归园田居?其三 1、注释 南山:指庐山。 兴:起床。 荒秽:形容词作名词,指豆苗里的杂草。 oor frame mounting hole place to wedgegth. D. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strenment mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is roughith ces installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first wifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windowd speccarried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements anumber, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be the n rom bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification ofrol line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line fl contcoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window levef the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor der and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion oof door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of doo2 荷锄:扛着锄头。荷,扛着。 晨兴理荒秽:早晨起来到田里清除野草。 狭:狭窄。 草木长:草木丛生。 沾:沾湿。 足:值得。 但:只. 愿:指向往田园生活,不为五斗米折腰,不愿与世俗同流合污的意愿。 但使愿无违:只要不违背自己的意愿就行了。 违:违背。 2、译文 我在南山下种豆,杂草茂盛豆苗稀少。早晨起来到地里清除杂草,傍晚顶着月色扛着锄头回家。道路狭窄草木丛生,夕阳的露水沾湿了我的衣服。衣服沾湿了并没有什么值得可惜的,只要不违背自己的意愿就行了。 归园田居?其四 1、注释 去:离开。山泽:山川湖泽。浪莽:放纵不拘之意。 试:姑且。披:分开。拨开。榛(zhen针):树丛。荒墟:荒废的村落。 丘陇:这里指坟墓。依依:隐约可辨的样子。 残朽株;指残存的枯木朽株。 借问:请问。采薪者:砍柴的人。此人:这些人,指原来居住在这里的人。焉:何,哪里。如:往。 殁(mo末):死。 一世异朝市:意思是说,经过三十年的变迁,朝市已面目全非,变化很大。这是当时的一句成语。一世:三十年。朝市:朝廷和集市,指公众聚集的地方。 幻化:指人生变化无常。《列子。周穆王》:“因形移易者,谓之化,谓之幻。,,知幻化之不异生死也,始可与学幻矣。”空无:灭绝。郗超《奉法要》:“一切万有归于无,谓之为空。” 2、译文 离别山川湖泽已久,纵情山林荒野心舒。姑且带着子侄晚辈,拨开树丛漫步荒墟。游荡徘徊坟墓之间,依稀可辨前人旧居。水井炉灶尚有遗迹,桑竹残存枯于朽株。上前打听砍柴之人:“往日居民迁往何处,”砍柴之人对我言道:“皆已故去并无存余。”“三十年朝市变面貌”,此语当真一点不虚。人生好似虚幻变化,最终难免抿灭空无。 归园田居?其五 1、注释 (1)从内容上看,此诗似与上一首相衔接。诗人怀着怅恨的心情游山归来之后,盛情款待村中近邻,欢饮达旦。诗中虽有及时行乐之意,但处处充满纯朴之情。 (2)怅恨:惆怅烦恼。策:策杖,拄杖,这里作动同用。崎岖:地面高低 e mounness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door framastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickar ple, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortinstallation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wir ns. 2,omptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specification and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out procatiotop, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, lrior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to . Extes to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control linetion of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so ar and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construcof door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of dooting hole place to wedge3 不平的样子。历:走过。棒曲:树木丛生的曲折小路。 (3)濯(zhuo浊):洗。 (4)漉(lu鹿)酒:用布过滤酒。滤掉酒糟。近局:近邻。 (5)日入:太阳落山。荆薪:烧火用的柴草。 (6)苦:恨,遗憾。天旭:天亮。 2、译文 独自怅然拄杖还家,道路不平荆榛遍地。 山涧流水清澈见底,途中歇息把足来洗。 滤好家中新酿美酒,烹鸡一只款待邻里。 太阳落山室内昏暗,点燃荆柴把烛代替。 兴致正高怨恨夜短,东方渐白又露晨曦。 桃花源记 《桃花源记》是东晋文人陶渊明的代表作之一~约作于永初二年,421,~即南朝刘裕弑君篡位的第二年。描绘了一个世外桃源~出自《陶渊明集》。文章以武陵渔人进出桃花源的行踪为线索~按时间先后顺序~把发现桃源、小住桃源、离开桃源、再寻桃源的曲折离奇的情节贯串起来~描绘了一个没有阶级~没有剥削~自食其力~自给自足~和平恬静~人人自得其乐的社会~是当时的黑暗社会的鲜明对照~是作者及广大劳动人民所向往的一种理想社会~它体现了人们的追求与向往~也曲折地表现了作者对社会现实的不满和否定~也反映了作者消极避世的思想。 晋太元中~武陵人捕鱼为业。缘溪行~忘路之远近。忽逢桃花林~夹岸数百步~中无杂树~芳草鲜美~落英缤纷~渔人甚异之。复前行~欲穷其林。 oor frame mounting hole place to wedgegth. D. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strenment mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is roughith ces installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first wifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windowd speccarried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements anumber, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be the n rom bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification ofrol line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line fl contcoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window levef the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor der and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion oof door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of doo4 林尽水源~便得一山~山有小口~仿佛若有光。便舍船~从口入。初极狭~才通人。复行数十步~豁然开朗。土地平旷~屋舍俨然~有良田美池桑竹之属。阡陌交通~鸡犬相闻。其中往来种作~男女衣着~悉如外人。黄发垂髫~并怡然自乐。 见渔人~乃大惊~问所从来。具答之。便要,yāo,还家~设酒杀鸡作食。村中闻有此人~咸来问讯。自云先世避秦时乱~率妻子邑人来此绝境~不复出焉~遂与外人间隔。问今是何世~乃不知有汉~无论魏晋。此人一一为具言所闻~皆叹惋。余人各复延至其家~皆出酒食。停数日~辞去。此中人语云:“不足为外人道也。” 既出~得其船~便扶向路~处处志之。及郡下~诣太守~说如此。太守即遣人随其往~寻向所志~遂迷~不复得路。 南阳刘子骥~高尚士也~闻之~欣然规往。未果~寻病终~后遂无问津者。 作品译文 东晋太元年间,武陵有个人以打渔为生。(一天)他沿着溪水划船,忘记了路程的远近。忽然遇到一片桃林,在小溪两岸几百步之内,中间没有别的树,芳香的青草鲜艳美丽,地上的落花繁多交杂。渔人对此感到十分奇怪。(渔人)便继续往前走,想要走到林子的尽头。 桃林的尽头就是溪水的源头,渔人发现了一座小山,山上有个小洞口,洞里隐隐约约的好像有点光亮。(渔人)便舍弃了船,从洞口进去。最初,山洞很狭窄,只容一个人通过;又走了几十步,突然变得开阔明亮了。(呈现在渔人眼前的是)一片平坦宽广的土地,一排排整齐的房舍,还有肥沃的田地、美丽的池塘,有桑树、竹林这类的植物。田间小路交错相通,鸡鸣狗吠的声音此起彼伏。在田野里来来往往耕种劳作的人们,男女的穿着打扮和外面的人都一样。老人和小孩,都怡然并自得其乐。 (村里的人)看见了渔人,感到非常惊讶,问他是从哪儿来的。(渔人)把自己知道的事都详细的一一作了回答。村中人就邀请渔人到自己家里去,摆了酒、杀了鸡做饭来款待他。村子里 e mounness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door framastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickar ple, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortinstallation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wir ns. 2,omptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specification and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out procatiotop, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, lrior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to . Extes to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control linetion of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so ar and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construcof door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of dooting hole place to wedge5 的人听说来了这么一个人,都来打听消息。他们自己说他们的祖先为了躲避秦时的战乱,领着妻子儿女和乡邻们来到这个与世人隔绝的地方,不再从这里出去,所以跟桃花源外面的人断绝了来往。(这里的人)问如今是什么朝代,他们竟然不知道有过汉朝,更不用说魏、晋两朝了。渔人把自己所知道的事一一详细地告诉了他们。听完,他们都感叹惋惜。其余的人各自又把渔人邀请到自己家中,拿出酒菜来款待他。渔人逗留了几天后,向村里人告辞。村里的人告诉他:“(这里的情况)不值得对外面的人说啊。” (渔人)出来以后,找到了他的船,就顺着来时的路回去,处处都做了记号。他到了郡城,去拜见太守,说了这番经历。太守立即派人跟着他去,寻找先前所做的记号,最终迷路了,再也找不到通往桃花源的路了。 南阳有个名叫刘子骥的人,是位高尚的读人,他听到这个消息,高兴地计划着前往桃花源。但是没有实现,他不久就病死了。后来就再也没有探访桃花源的人了。 朗读节奏 晋/太元中,武陵人/捕鱼为业,缘/溪行,忘/路之远近。忽逢/桃花林,夹岸/数/百步,中无/杂树,芳草/鲜美,落英/缤纷,渔人/甚/异之;复/前行,欲穷/其林。 林尽/水源,便得/一山,山有/小口,仿佛/若有光。便/舍船,从/口入。初/极狭,才/通人。复行/数十步,豁然/开朗。土地/平旷,屋舍/俨然,有/良田美池/桑竹之属。阡陌/交通,鸡犬/相闻。其中/往来种作,男女/衣着,悉如/外人。黄发/垂髫,并/怡然自乐。 见/渔人,乃/大惊,问/所从来,具/答之,便要/还家,设酒/杀鸡/作食,村中/闻有此人,咸来/问讯。自云/先世避/秦时乱,率/妻子邑人来此/绝境,不复/出焉;遂/与/外人间隔。问今/是何世,乃/不知有汉,无论/魏晋。此人/一一/为具言所闻,皆/叹惋。余人/各复/延至其家,皆出/酒食。停数日,辞去,此中人/语云:“不足/为外人/道也~” 既出,得/其船,便扶/向路,处处/志之。及/郡下,诣/太守,说/如此。太守/即/遣人随其往,寻向/所志,遂迷,不复/得路。南阳/刘子骥,高尚/士也,闻之,欣然/规往,未果,寻/病终。后/遂无问津者。 编辑本段字词注释 太元:东晋孝武帝的年号(376-396) 武陵:郡名,现在湖南常德市一带。 为业:把……作为职业,以……为生。为:作为。 缘:沿着,顺着。 行:前行,走。 远近:偏义复词,仅指远。 忽逢:忽然遇到。逢:遇到,碰见。 夹岸:溪流两岸。 杂:别的,其他的。 芳草鲜美:芳香的青草鲜嫩美丽,芳:花;鲜美:鲜艳美丽。 落英:落花。一说,初开的花。 ment mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is roughith ces installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first wifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windowd speccarried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements anumber, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be the n rom bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification ofrol line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line fl contcoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window levef the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor der and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion oof door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of doooor frame mounting hole place to wedgegth. D. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base stren6 缤纷:繁多的样子。 甚:很,非常。 异之:即“以之为异”,对见到的景象感到诧异。异,意动用法,形作动,以??????为异,对??????感 到惊异,认为??????是奇异的。之,代词,指见到的景象。 复:继续。 前:名词活用为状语,向前。(词类活用) 欲:想要。 穷:形容词用做动词,穷尽,走到??????的尽头。 林:代指桃花林。 林尽水源:林尽于水源,意思是桃林在溪水发源的地方就到头了。尽:消失(词类活用) 便:于是,就。 得:发现。 仿佛:隐隐约约,形容看得不真切的样子。 若:好像……似的。 舍:舍弃,丢弃,文中指离开。 初:起初,刚开始。 才通人:仅容一人通过。才:副词,仅。 复:又,再。 行:行走。 豁然开朗:形容由狭窄幽暗突然变得开阔明亮的样子。然,……的样子。豁然:形容开阔 的样子;开朗:开阔明亮。 平:平坦。 旷:开阔;宽阔。 屋舍:房屋。 俨(yǎn)然:(古今异义)古义:整齐的样子。今义:形容很像;形容齐整;形容庄严。 之:这。 属:类。 阡陌交通:田间小路交错相通。阡陌,田间小路,南北走向的叫阡,东西走向的叫陌。交 通,交错相通。 鸡犬相闻:(村落间)可以互相听到鸡鸣狗叫的声音。相闻:可以互相听到。 种作:指世代耕种劳作的人。 衣着:穿着打扮。 悉:全,都。 外人:指桃花源以外的世人。(有更好的翻译:另外一个世界的人,因为桃花源人从秦到晋 一直与世隔绝) 黄发垂髫(tiáo):指老人和小孩。黄发,古时认为老人头发由白转黄是长寿的象征,这指老 人。垂髫,古时小孩不扎结头发,头发下垂,这里指小孩子。(借代修辞)髫,小孩垂下的短发。 并:都。 怡然:愉快、高兴的样子。 乃大惊:竟然很惊讶。乃:竟然。大:很,非常。 ting hole place to wedgee mounness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door framastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickar ple, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortinstallation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wir ns. 2,omptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specification and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out procatiotop, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, lrior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to . Extes to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control linetion of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so ar and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construcof door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of doo7 从来:从……地方来。 具:详细。 之:代词,指代桃源人所问问题。 要(yāo):通“邀”,邀请。(通假字) 咸:副词,都,全。 问讯:打听消息。 云:说。 先世:祖先。 率:率领。 妻子:(古今异义)古义:指妻子、儿女。“妻”“子”是两个词,不是现代汉语的“妻子”今义: 男子的配偶。 邑人:同县的人 绝境:(古今异义)古义:与人世隔绝的地方。 今义:没有明显出路的困境;进退维谷的 境地。 绝:绝处。 复:再,又。 焉:兼词,相当于“于之”,“于此”,从这里。 遂:于是。 间隔:隔断,隔绝。 今:现在。 乃(乃不知有汉的乃):竟,竟然。 无论:不要说,(更)不必说。“无”“论”是两个词,不同于现在汉语的“无论”(古今异义)。 为:给。 具言:详细地说。 所闻:指渔人所知道的世事。闻:知道,听说。 叹惋:感叹,惋惜。 余:其余,剩余。 延至:邀请到。延,邀请。 至:到。 停:停留。 辞:辞别。 去:离开。 语:告诉。 不足:不值得。(古今异义) 为:介词,向、对。 既:已经。 便扶向路:就顺着旧的路(回去)。扶:沿着、顺着。向:从前的、旧的。 处处志之:处处都做了标记。志:动词,做标记。(词类活用) 及:到达。 郡下:太守所在地,指武陵。 诣(yì)太守:指拜见太守。诣,到。特指到尊长那里去。 gth. D. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strenment mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is roughith ces installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first wifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windowd speccarried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements anumber, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be the n rom bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification ofrol line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line fl contcoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window levef the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor der and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion oof door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of doooor frame mounting hole place to wedge8 如此:像这样,指在桃花源的见闻。 即:立即。 遣:派遣。 寻向所志:寻找先前所做的标记。寻,寻找。 向,先前。 志(名词),标记。(所+动词译 为名词) 遂:终于。 [1]复:再。 得:取得,获得,文中是找到的意思。 高尚:品德高尚。 士:隐士。 也:表判断。 欣然:高兴的样子。 规: 计划,打算。(词类活用) 未:没有。 果:实现。 未果:没有实现。 寻:不久。 终:死亡。 问津:问路,这里是探访,访求的意思。津:本义渡口。 世外桃源:比喻理想中环境幽静、不受外界影响、生活安逸的地方。现用来比喻一种虚幻 的超脱社会现实的安乐美好的境界。 业:职业 编辑本段一词多义 出: (1)不复出焉:出去。 (2)皆出酒食:拿出。 寻: (1)寻向所志:动词,寻找。 (2)寻病终:副词“不久”。 舍: (1)便舍(shě)船:离开。 (2)屋舍(shè)俨然:名词,房屋,客舍。 中: (1)中无杂树:“中间”。 (2)晋太元中:“年间”。 (3)其中往来种作:“里面”。 志: (1)处处志之:名词活用为动词,“做标志”。 (2)寻向所志:志,独字译为做标记。与所连用,译为:所做的标记。 ting hole place to wedgee mounness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door framastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickar ple, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortinstallation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wir ns. 2,omptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specification and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out procatiotop, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, lrior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to . Extes to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control linetion of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so ar and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construcof door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of doo9 之: (1)忘路之远近:助词,用在定语和中心词之间,可译为“的”。 (2)闻之,欣然规往:代词,“这件事”。 (3)处处志之:语气助词,不译。 (4)渔人甚异之:代词,“这种景况”。 (5)有良田美池桑竹之属:这。 (6)具答之:代词,代指桃花源人。 为: (1)武陵人捕鱼为(wéi)业:动词,作为。 (2)不足为(wèi)外人道也:介词,对,向。 (3)此人一一为(wéi)具言所闻:读wéi,介词,对、向。 遂: (1)遂与外人间隔:“于是”。 (2)遂迷:“终于”。 (3)后遂无问津者:“就”。 得: (1)便得一山:得到,引申为看见。 (2)得其船:得到,引申为找到。 闻: (1)鸡犬相闻:听见。 (2)闻有此人:听说。 向: (1)寻向所志:从前 作: (1)其中往来种作:劳作 (2)设酒杀鸡作食:作为 编辑本段多词一义 (1)缘溪行、便扶向路:沿着,顺着 (2)便要(yāo)还家、延至其家:要通“邀”,邀请。 (3)悉如外人、咸来问讯、皆叹惋、并怡然自乐:都 (4)此中人语(yù)云、不足为外人道也:说 (5)便扶向路、遂与外人间隔:于是,就 编辑本段古今异义 穷(古义:穷尽;今义:贫穷) 从来(古义:从哪里来;今义:向来) 无论(古义:不要说,(更)不必说;今义:多为连词,表示条件不同而结果不变,不管) 妻子(古义:妻子和儿女;今义:成年男子的配偶) 绝境(古义:与外界隔绝的地方;今义:没有出路的地方) oor frame mounting hole place to wedgegth. D. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strenment mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is roughith ces installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first wifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windowd speccarried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements anumber, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be the n rom bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification ofrol line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line fl contcoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window levef the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor der and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion oof door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of doo10 水源(古义:溪水发源的地方;今义:指人们饮用的水的来源) 鲜美(古义:鲜艳美丽;今义:指食物新鲜美味) 芳(古义:花;今义:气味芬芳) 交通(古义:交错相通;今义:运输和邮电事业的总称) 不足(古义:不值得; 今义:不够) 间隔(古义:间离隔绝; 今义:空间或时间上的隔绝) 俨然(古义:整齐的样子; 今义:形容很像) 缘(古义:沿着 ;今义:缘故,缘分) 津(古义:渡口,路,探访。文中指访求、探求的意思。今义:唾液) 外人(古义:特指桃花源外的人;今义:指没有血缘关系的人) 如此(古义:像这样;今义:这样) 仿佛(古义:隐隐约约,形容看得不真切的样子;今义:似乎,好像) 开朗(古义:土地开阔;今义:乐观,畅快 多形容性格) 扶(古义:沿、顺着;今义:搀扶,用手按着或把持着) 志(古义:做标记;今义:志气,志向) 延(古义:邀请;今义:延伸,延长) 悉(古义:全,都;今义:熟悉) 咸(古义:全,都;今义:一种味道) 既(古义:已经;今义:关系连词,既然) 寻(古义:随即,不久;今义:寻找) 向(古义:以前的,旧的;今义:方向,对…) 果(古义:实现;今义:果实,结果) 要(古义:邀请;今义:表示意愿) 编辑本段词类活用 尽(林尽水源):形容词用作动词,消失。 异(渔人甚异之):形容词用为动词的意动用法,对……感到诧异。 前(复前行):方位名词作状语,向前。 穷(欲穷其林):形容词用作动词,(穷尽,走到尽头。) 焉(不复出焉):兼词,“于之”,即“从这里”。 志(处处志之):名词作动词,做标记。 果(未果):名词作动词,实现。 语(此中人语(yu第四声)云):名词作动词,告诉 黄发(黄发垂髫):借代手法,代指所有的老人 垂髫(黄发垂髫):借代手法,代指所有小孩 编辑本段通假字 “要”通“邀”,邀请(不属于150实词范围内) 具:通“俱”,完全、详尽 ting hole place to wedgee mounness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door framastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickar ple, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortinstallation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wir ns. 2,omptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specification and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out procatiotop, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, lrior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to . Extes to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control linetion of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so ar and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construcof door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of doo11
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