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深圳一通光电 CATV三网融合方案

2018-03-05 25页 doc 138KB 16阅读




深圳一通光电 CATV三网融合方案深圳一通光电 CATV三网融合方案 EPON+EOC实现有线电视的三网融合 一、 前言 随着人们生活水平的不断提高以及科学技术日新月异的发展,电视、电话、电脑已逐步走进每个家庭用户,渗入人们生活的每个角落,成为人们日常生活中密不可分的组成部分,有线电视网、电信网以及计算机网也在各自领域中扮演着举足轻重的角色且又各自分立行政,然而,随着人们对物质及精神文化需求的日益增长,以及在生活、工作、消费等各领域的信息化、智能化发展,人们对图像、语音及数据等综合媒体业务的依赖已越来越多,应用的需求和要求都将越来越高,然而三网同时入户的重...
深圳一通光电 CATV三网融合方案
深圳一通光电 CATV三网融合 EPON+EOC实现有线电视的三网融合 一、 前言 随着人们生活水平的不断提高以及科学技术日新月异的发展,电视、电话、电脑已逐步走进每个家庭用户,渗入人们生活的每个角落,成为人们日常生活中密不可分的组成部分,有线电视网、电信网以及计算机网也在各自领域中扮演着举足轻重的角色且又各自分立行政,然而,随着人们对物质及精神文化需求的日益增长,以及在生活、工作、消费等各领域的信息化、智能化发展,人们对图像、语音及数据等综合媒体业务的依赖已越来越多,应用的需求和要求都将越来越高,然而三网同时入户的重复建设,不仅是对资金、人工等物质资源的挥霍,更是网络资源的浪费,因此为了实现网络资源共享,降低网络建设成本,“三网融合”也就成了当前信息网络技术发展的必然趋势。 所谓“三网融合”并不是说有线、电信及计算机三网的物理统一,而是三网业务的相互渗透、相互兼容,不管是电信网、电视网还是互联网,都能独自承载图像、语音及数据等综合媒体业务的传输,因此如何对三网业务进行有效地统一整合、满足人们的综合业务接入需求,也就成了网络营运商提升网络价值及网络效益的关键。 二、CATV实现三网融合的必要性 有线电视网络在传统、单一的传输体制下,摸爬滚打了几十年,从共用天线到860MHZ有线、从电缆传输到光缆、电缆混合应用、从单向广播到双向交互,有线电视的发展经历了划时代的飞越,然而,在信息技术高速发展、交互宽带业务广泛应用的今天,人们不再仅满足于有线电视的收看,人们对宽带上网、IPTV、视频点播、IP电话等多元化服务的需求,将信息传输网络带上了开放、融合的发展主流,信息传输已从单一形态向多元形态转变,三网的传统行业界限已被打破,划分不再那么清晰,在政府大力支持三网融合的大环境下,广电网络既迎来了向多业务综合接入平台转变的机遇,也迎来了广电网络的新挑战。 三、 CATV网络实现三网融合的必备条件 要实现三网融合,CATV网络必须具备二个基本条件; a) 必须具备双向数据传输能力,因为网络管理、营运支撑及多数增值 业务与三网融合,都是基于双向网络传输的、即除了传统的下行传 输通道外,还需具备上行数据传输通道。 b) 必须具备高带宽、大流量的业务承载能力以及高质量的信息传输保 证,因为网络多业务的开展必须要有足够的带宽资源支撑,且能保 证各业务数据的实时性与安全性 因此,有线电视的三网融合,实际便是CATV网络高质量、大容量、 多业务的双向传输改造 四、 CATV实现三网融合的好处 有利于增加服务内容,提升网络价值,开展视频点播、宽带上网、远程教育等互动增值业务,提升网络价值,提高营运效益;有利于业务整合,方便广大民众使用,只需一张网、一条线,便能完成通信、电视、上网等业务,提高网络资源利用率,以及市场竞争力。 五、 CATV网络现状 在中国,有线电视至今已有二十多年的发展历史,从当初的同轴电缆传输到现在的光纤同轴混合传输,有线电视网络已基本进入了“光进铜退”的发展时期,本着以实现FTTH为目标的原则,光纤已进一步推近用户端,目前,各大中城市新建的基于HFC网络的有线电视系统,基本都已完成860MHZ的系统升级,实现光纤到楼栋(FTTB),-5电缆接入用户,某些具备条件的广电网络公司则采用同轴电缆与五类线复合的方式接入用户,而且在做新的小区网络时,多数光节点的所带用户都被控制在100户左右,因此,总体上新一代的HFC网络结构的有线电视系统、已基本具备多业务接入的高带宽、高质量、大容量的传输承载能力。 六、 CATV三网融合方案选定:EPON+EOC 1、为何采用EPON+EOC 目前,国内有线电视网络双改主要采用CMTS技术、以太网接入技术、以太无源光网络技术(EPON)等,从技术发展趋势来看,信息网络的最终发展是FTTH,这些当前市场上的主流双改技术都只是光纤到户的技术过渡, PON做为点到多点的一种传输方式,多采用树型或星型拓扑结构,具备结构简单、成本低的特点,减少了局端与用户端的有源设备,故障概率低,网络相对稳定,而且EPON的应用基于FTTX网络基础,当前有线电视HFC网络的光纤已近一步推进至楼栋单元,实现FTTB,离FTTH越来越近;在用户端,CATV网络更是为EOC方案的实施提供了成熟的应用条件,可充分利用现有CATV网络资源,在不改变网络拓扑结构的前提下,利用CATV原有同轴电缆便可完成IP数据接入,不仅方便实施且投资相对较低,因此,无论从拓扑结构、技术特点还是发展方向来说,EPON+EOC都是当前广电网络实现三网融合的理想解决方案。 2、EPON+EOC的优点: , 无需升级当前的同轴网络,入户施工难度小,施工量少,建网成本低; , 能在同一个同轴端口提供电视RF信号和以太网业务; , 快速方便建立互动业务的反向通讯传输通道; , 入户带宽高,便于多业务、多元华数据接入; , 随着EoC的大规模使用,单用户成本已大幅度降低。 , 面向未来,基于以太网,集成度高,扩展容易,便于向FTTH升级 七、 EPON+EOC技术方案介绍: 1、EPON部分 我公司自主研发的EPON网络系统,是我公司专为三网融合而推出的,融合视频、语音、数据于同一平台传输,主要由OLT(光线路终端)、无源光分路器及ONU (光网络单元)组成。OLT可置于前端机房或主要的分前端机房,提供多个上联GE接口用于核心网数据交换,通过无源光分路器(POS)与ONU相连,ONU放置在楼栋单元(视光纤推进情况而定),采用点对多点的传输模式,有效节约了局侧端口。支持10/20km的传输半径。由于OND网络不含有源设备,具有故障少、抗干扰能力强、维护简便等特点,因而大大降低网络的建设与运维成本。EPON系统具备上下行对称1.25G的带宽,随着技术的发展可以升级到10Gb/s。足以支撑目前及未来各种宽带业务对网络带宽的需求。典型应用如下: EPON系统原理: EPON系统使用单根光纤,上行利用1310nm波长,下行利用1490nm波长完成双向数据传输。各IP数据信号经OLT融合后在一条光纤上传输,在ODN部分由无源光分路器进行分光,然后与置于楼栋单元的各ONU相连,下行(OLT到ONU)采用时分复用技术,上行(ONU到OLT)采用时分多址技术。在下行方向上,OLT启动后将周期性的广播允许接收的时限,并通过1:N的无源分路器将Ethernet帧以广播的方式发送给每个ONU,各个ONU根据各自的MAC地址提取属于自己的数据信息。在上行方向上,ONU根据OLT广播的允许接入信息,主动发起连接请求,并通过OLT分配的惟一的一个逻辑链路标识(LLID)上传数据,由于无源光合路器的方向属性,从ONU来的数据帧只能到达OLT,而不能到达其它ONU。另外,通过在上、下行方向上配置多个优先级别的调度队列,对不同的数据流打上不同的优先权级别标签,当OLT或者ONU出现数据拥塞时,可以让优先权级别高的数据流先通过,从而保证级别高的数据优先传送。 2、EOC部分 针对目前有线电视系统都采用同轴电缆入户的特点,我公司的EOC方 案,能将各IP数据信号调制/解调后通过HFC网络接入互联网,并同时将同一电缆上的有线电视信号分离,输出给电视机,实现双向数据通讯,系统由EOC头端和EOC终端二部分组成,EOC头端置于楼道内,用于RF与双向IP混合接入,EOC终端置于用户家里,将下行有线电视信号分离给电视机,并完成上下IP数据的调制、解调,典型应用如下: 3、EPON+EOC在广电网络中的实际应用: 根据目前FTTB有线电视网络,基本采用由中心机房敷设大芯数光缆至小区中心节点,再由中心节点分别敷设一定芯数的光缆至楼内光节点,每个光节点覆盖100户左右有线电视用户的拓扑模式,在广电中心机房或主要分前端机房布置我公司EPON系统局端平台PET3000 (OLT),具体PON口数量及上联接口数率根据用户数量及带宽需求而定,通过单根光纤在小区中心光节点处与无源光分路器连接,各分路光纤分别与楼内ONU相连,ONU置放在楼内光节点处,即光接收机位置,用于同轴电缆传输的 EOC局端设备,也置于楼内光节点处,而 EOC终端则放置在用户家中: 在下行方向上:各IP数据业务经OLT接入于同一传输平台,并经电-光转换后由单芯光纤传送至业务小区的中心光节点处通过POS分光,然后送往ONU,ONU按标示接收自己的数据流,并进行光-电转换后送EOC系统,EOC局端设备将再以太信号与CATV射频信号混合后通过原有线电缆由下行通道送往EOC终端,EOC终端对接收到的混合信号经行IP与RF分离。在上行方向上:EOC终端将上行IP数据封装在上行传输通道中并由EOC局端解出送至ONU,OLT对ONU的上传数据进行光-电转换并解码后送相关处理单元,典型应用如下: 1000户接入实 例: 在做EPON+EOC的方案设计时,因广电网络FTTB的光节点基本已定型,ODN部分不需要做太多规划,只需按照小区的节点数量、分布状况及覆盖用户数来确定ONU的数量及光分路比,确定最远传输距离,保证光链路的总体损耗值符合EPON系统的光功率要求即可。 以某1020户住户小区为例,小区共有公寓11栋,其中1—9栋每栋20层,每层5户,在每栋第11层有一光机,每台光机2路输出,覆盖100个用户,光机2路输出分别带一四分配和三分配,每3层采用16分配器集中分配;10—11栋每栋12层,每层5户,2栋合计120户,由1台光机覆盖,光机2路输出各带一4分配,每3层采用16分配器集中分配,小区内设有电视机房,小区机房离广电机房5KM,距小区最远光节点0.2KM; 经分析得出,小区内共10个光节点,单节点的最多覆盖用户数为120户,最远传输距离5.2KM,因此,在广电中心机房配置我公司PET3000局端平台,利用一个GEPON口板卡带10个PEU5000(ONU)覆盖即可,最远传输20KM,为了提高单PON口的利用效率,系统采用二级分光,第一级分光点可选在离小区中心机房最近的上一个节点,可选1:2或1:4,然后在小区中心机房采用1:10分路器进行二次分光,分别送给挂在10个光接收机处的ONU,1:4的光分路损耗在7db左右、1:10的光分路损耗在11db左右、5.2KM光缆损耗在3db左右,最远光链路总损耗为21db,一般EPON系统的光功率冗余为?26db,满足EPON系统光功率要求。光接收机的2个RF输出挂2台EOC局端设备覆盖,这样一只ONU平均覆盖100个用户,每个用户平均带宽可达10Mbps,考虑所有用户同时使用相同业务的可能性及宽带接入比率,按50%计算的话,每用户平均带宽可达20Mbps,完全满足多业务接入的带宽需求: CATV方面,因数据信号只是在原CATV光节点处与RF信号混合,不改变原有拓扑结构,因此用户信号电平保持原有状态不变,按最远接入用户计算,线路损耗在6db左右,四分配损耗8db ,十六分配损耗14db,终端损耗按8db计算,电平传输损耗为36db,当光机输出为102db时,用户电平可达66db,满足用户接入 需求,其型拓扑结构如下: 在此网络基础上,原有线电视业务由数字电视平台、总前端设备、分前端设备、光节点和同轴分配网组成的原有广电HFC网络资源承载,双向数据业务由EPON+EOC构成的IP传输平台承载,二者互不干扰,至此满足多业务接入需求,实现有线电视三网业务融合。 方案所需设备清单: 设备名称 型号 数量 备注 OLT OP-PET3000 1 带2/4/6/8(可选)EPON口 分路器 1:10 2 ONU OP-PEU5000 10 带4FE+2VOIP+1RF EOC局端 OP-EOC2101 20 带1FE+2RF(1 RF、IP混合输出) EOC终端 OP-EOC1101 1000 带1FE+2RF(1 RF、IP混合输入) CATV 1 1550nm Output Transceiver EDFA 1 26dBm Output 八、 Our Products: 8.1、OLT PET3000 EPON OLT 8.1.1 Overview OP-PET3000 is EPON system infrastructure platform, the product uses a modular design, combined with an advanced industrial design, manufacturing technology, provides users with a moderate density, high reliability, network flexibility, easy installation maintenance and use of broadband access products. This equipment is usually installed in the central office room or front-end residential room, directly installed on the user's ONU Office Networking by ODN. The network level, the device generally located on the edge of access networks, with the convergence layer in the user devices. According to different user scenarios, the product can meet the FTTB, FTTC, FTTH and other applications access occasions. This product provides users with broadband data access services, IP Integrated Access service. EPON technology is a combination of PON and Ethernet edge technological advantage of emerging technologies, is a multipoint networking technology. Central Office of the OLT equipment by the middle of the passive optical network with more than one ONU equipment interconnection, combined with single fiber bi-directional technology, EPON system uses very little resources to meet the operator's fiber-optic multi-user access needs. EPON technology is based on Ethernet technology, can be well integrated with existing network infrastructure, and technology-based DBA, EPON devices to provide flexible services to users, reliable QOS service. OP-PET3000 EPON system fully complies with IEEE EPON-defined technical standards, to meet the domestic and international multiple operators on the technical requirements of EPON equipment. 8.1.2Features OP-PET3000 Platform has the following main features: , Moderate density, flexible network OP-PET3000 EPON platform in 2U of the machine frame provides 8 PON port, where coverage 20KM provide 256 Road (1:32 split ratio of cases) ONU access can provide up to 512 Road (1:64 shunt than in cases) ONU access. OP-PET3000 in the PON card chassis number can be flexibly configured according to business volume, up to four PON card can be configured. Based on the actual amount of user access and user distribution, select the device placed in the engine room or the cell room, choose the same time covering an area or covering more than surrounding communities. OLT compared to higher density central office, OP-PET3000 placed in single cell can reduce the cost of room, more flexible network. , High reliability chassis OP-PET3000 chassis used in advanced industrial design, all modules hot-swappable, supports online replacement. Modular design with redundant power supplies, modular redundant fan group configuration, removable dust filter, the system provides a reliable and stable electricity supply, good cooling, good dust filter, so the chassis can be relatively poor reliable working environment. Meanwhile, the chassis with a good shielding measures, greatly improves the system's EMC performance. , Layer 2 Trunk Switch OP-PET3000 switch board for the system provides a powerful layer wire-speed switching capability, complete layer protocol support. On the joint exchange board provides 8 uplink ports, through the port binding feature, the system can support up to 8G uplink bandwidth, the whole system provides non-blocking forwarding capacity. SFP slot on the uplink ports to provide users a way to choose the light, electricity access, allowing users to build the net more flexible. , QOS Guarantee OP-PET3000 in the OLT module hardware implementation of the DBA-based dynamic bandwidth allocation functionality, reliable and efficient characteristics. System supports multiple LLID per ONU configuration, in the downlink direction can be configured to dispatch queue multiple priority levels, from the fundamental guarantee for the high-priority business can be the best guarantee QOS. OLT unit can provide users with flexible bandwidth allocation scheme to support the minimum guaranteed bandwidth, the maximum allowable bandwidth allocation. DBA can ensure that the case of congestion in the network link bandwidth of the minimum guarantee, the remaining cases, the bandwidth allocation according to set the maximum allowable bandwidth allocation algorithm and the bandwidth allocation of the remaining. , Rich OAM features OP-PET3000 system support ONU automatic discovery, automatic registration, support for single link of the auto loop-back test function, support for port-based, protocol-based VLAN, support for IGMP Proxy, Snooping feature, port-based ACL packet filtering, packet classification functions , port-based traffic control, traffic shaping, etc. may be operating rich, manageability features. , Comprehensive network management capabilities OP-PET3000 EMS network management system based on C / S architecture, with complete network management capabilities. Support automatic network topology, topology changes manually, the system alarms and alarm log filter, preservation, operation log classification query, save the output, database backup, restore, real-time business performance monitoring, historical records check. Support of the board, ONU upgrade the software online. Support for local command line administration. Support the band, band network management. 8.1.3Functional Specifications OP-PET3000 Chassis Specifications Parameter Specification Parameter Specification Model OP-PET328P 4 Business card slot to support the number of PON Number of main card 1 2 Power Module slot slot number 1 1 Fan module slot The number of filter slots number 2U 19 Inch Height Width 41.9cm 15kg Depth Weight Support 0?,50? Hot swap Operating Temperature Main Card Specifications Parameter Specification Parameter Specification OP-PET328P-2 Installed in the Model Use of the OP-PET328P NMS slot environment chassis Second floor of the 8 Function The number exchange function Description of uplink port and management control SFP 10/100/1000BASE-T or Uplink port Interface type 1000BASE-SX or 1000BASE-LX Function: Interface Type: RJ45 Local Management Band command-line Interface standards: Interfacenetwork (CONSOLE management for 10BASE-T management port ) local interface Default Rate ((MANAGE Interface: 9600bit/s port) LNK:light:LINK;LNK:Light:LINK Indicator SNI Port MANAGE Flash:A data ACT:Flash:A data Light port transmission transmission Light:CRI,MAJ:Light:Generate Alarm Power Corresponding alarm system power supply is working properly A,B,C,D:Light : Fan Corresponding to the fan is working properly , Second floor of wire-speed switching Protocol , MAC Address Capacity: 16K , STPR Rapid Spanning Tree , Link aggregation(TRUNK) , Port VLAN , QINQ , support to broadcast packets/multicast bag OLT Boards specifications Parameters Parameters Specifications Parameters Specifications OP-PET328P-1 OP-PET328P Type Use 1~4 slots environment 2 LNK: on:One or PON Port Number Indicator More ONUonline;definition Off:No ONU PWR:on:board SIZE 145mm(L)×253mm(H)× supply;off:power 24mm(W) unnormal 1 kg WEIGHT Interface type:SFP PONPort parameters Support , authentication Interface standards: functions (ONU support 1000BASE - PX20 based on the Support for more than 4: the MAC address), biggest pc-controlled, Most , support data cases 20KM transmission encryption distance support abode (encryption Port: symmetrical 1.25 Gbps downward rate Dynamic range: the ranging AES - 128) : accuracy + / - 16ns , DBA 4k capacity: MAC address bandwidth allocation , support (IGMP existent IGMP v1 / v2) , support ACL 8.2、ONU 8.2.1 Overview OP-PEU5BNP a four-ports corridor type ONU, to provide users with the FTTB EPON-based broadband access. The design of the ONU full account of the FTTB-type device in the application of dust, lightning protection, wide temperature, high reliability requirements. OP-PEU5BNP support 1G symmetric uplink and downlink transmission rate, and OP-PET3000 OLT used in conjunction with the central office line equipment, to provide users with good QOS guarantees, flexible bandwidth allocation in Ethernet and IP integrated services. The type of ONU distinctive design features anti-crash, running in the ONU failure led to crash, the built-in processor to quickly detect the type of failure and automatically restart in a short time ONU, this feature can prevent failure of the individual ONU OLT when under the same influence the normal operation of other ONU。 EPON technology is a combination of PON and Ethernet edge technological advantage of emerging technologies, is a multipoint networking technology. Central Office of the OLT equipment by the middle of the passive optical network with more than one ONU equipment interconnection, combined with single fiber bi-directional technology, EPON system uses very little resources to meet the operator's fiber-optic multi-user access needs. EPON technology is based on Ethernet technology, EPON equipment can be a very good integration with existing network infrastructure, and technology-based DBA, EPON devices to provide flexible services to users, reliable QOS service. OP-PEU5BNP ONU EPON full compliance with IEEE-defined technical standards, to meet the EPON equipment operators technical requirements。 8.2.2Features , OP-PEU5BNP is a pure data-based ONU; , IEEE802.3ah standards compliance; , Provide four fixed 10/100M BASE-T ports; , PON port through an optical fiber using wavelength division multiplexing (up 1310nm, downstream 1490nm) and the central office OLT devices; , Transmission distance up to 20KM; , Chassis with dust-proof design, suitable for placement in the corridor and other less well-off; , Support for data encryption; , Support multicast; , Separation between different data port; , Provide broadcast storm suppression; , Support power-down warning; , RSTP Rapid Spanning Tree support; , Port-based and protocol-based VLAN classification; , Port-based performance statistics feature; , Support the ACL, can access data from different types of flexibility; , Supports a variety of flexible bandwidth allocation function; , Multi-and single-LLID LLID configuration, the different users of different services to different LLID channels to provide different QOS service levels; , Support Software online upgrade; , Centralized network management, easy installation and maintenance; , Failure alarm function provides a rich, easy-to-fault diagnosis; 8.2.3 Physical Features , Size: 204mm(L) x 167mm(W) x 39mm (H) , Weight: 1KG , Power Supply: 220VAC , Power: <5W , Operating Temperature: -5? , 55? , Storage temperature: -40? , 80? , Relative humidity:10,90% (Non-condensing) , Indicator: Power indicator, reset instructions, registration instructions, PON port LINK instructions, the user port LINK instructions; 8.3、EOC Master 8.3.1Outline OP-EOCB11 products are used in the coaxial network to provide Ethernet access in the existing Cable network to offer cable television signal transmission, while providing broadband data access. In networking applications, EOC equipment includes master device and slave devise, a master device can support up to 64 slave devices.The network structure can be a star or tree. OP-EOCB11 is single-port output of the EOC master equipment, the general location of the system in the CATV optical node, through the Ethernet port and the upper Ethernet equipment (such as ONU) connected to the input data signal input through the TV coaxial interface to the original a cable TV signal, OP-EOCB11 mixture of the two kinds of signal transmission in the coaxial network. OP-EOCB11 is a master device withch used in the field. 8.3.2 Features Support management platform via Telnet, Console and SNMP Support in-band management on a separate terminal or bulk configuration Support terminal, access authentication based on 802.1x Support the mutual isolation between devices Can set the maximum number of terminals 802.1Q VLAN Configuration Support packet suppression Support the bandwidth control Support QOS management based on the type layer 2 protocol, IP TOS, VLAN ID, MAC address, IP address, Support packet statistical Support real-time alerts based on SNMP Trap function Support device port configuration Support remote upgrade Meet with the HomePlug BPL standard Optical Ethernet port optional 8.3.3 Port configuration OP-EOCB11: RF Port 2 (metric F head, mixed-signal output, TV TV signal input port) Ethernet electrical interface 1 8.3.4Features , Port characteristics , Eternet: Electrical interface Speed mode 10/100M Duplex mode Full/Half MAC layer of 68MbpsPHY layer of the 224Mbps the maximum (1518bytes) maximum rate rate RF port RF port Operating 2-30MHz Channel Bandwidth 28MHz Frequency Transmit power Number of channels 1 >110dBuv level Concurrent yerminal Modulation OFDM 64 households Multiple Access TDMA/CSMA Duplex mode TDD Number of Number of sub-hand 7 128 sub-carrier /sub-hand Return loss ?15dB insertion ?2dB Duplexmic Range 85dB Spurious band on TV <20dBuv Transmission 700M Export C/N >60dBc distansce OFDM SIGNAL CNR(2~30MHz)(resolution Bandwidth 30KHz) , LED indicator light TAG COLOR MEANING ON: power_supply normal Power Green OFF: power-supply Abnormal ON: Ethernet connectivity Normal Eternet Green Flash: Ethernet working OFF: Ethernet not connected ON(Flash):Coaxial signals connected Cable Green Off:Coaxial mixed signal not connected Flash:System starting System Green On:System has started Off:System did not start or abnormal , Power requirements power:<5W Voltage:60VAC Coaxial feeder OR 220VAC Local feed , Environmental requirements Operating temperature range: -20~60? Store temperature range : -40~80? Relative humidity: less than 95% No condensation , Size Size:260mm(long)×200mm(wide)×110mm(high) Weight:3kg 8.4、EOC Slave 8.4.1 Overview OP - EOCB21 products are used in Ethernet network access via coaxial Cable. In the existing network Cable TV signal transmission provides broadband data access and CATV. In network applications, EOC equipment include slave equipment and master equipment , the master equipment can support aup to 64 salve equipment.The network structure can be star or tree former. OP -EOCB21 is the EoC slave equipment. It must be used the EoC Master equipment. 8.4.2 Features Supported by company management platform, EoC series heads configuration Based on the support 802.1 x terminal access authentication Support isolation between slave equipments upport 802.1Q VLAN configuration S Support broadcast storm inhibition Support bandwidth control Support QOS management based on support layer 2 protocol type, IP TOS, VLAN ID, MAC address, IP address Support packets statistical Real-time warning function based on SNMP Trap Support port configuration Support remote update Meet with HomePlug BPL Two Ethernet Ports optional 8.4.3 Port configuration Rf port: a mixed signal input port (F port); a TV signal output port (F port) Ethernet port: RJ45 ,Two RJ45 Ports Optianal 8.4.4Performance characteristics , Port Ethernet Interface: Electric Interface Rate model 10/100M Auto full-duplex mode Full/Half MAC layer 68MbpsPHY Maximum Rate 224Mbps Maximum Rate (1518bytes) RF Port RF port Working Frequency 2-30MHz Channel bandwidth 28MHz Tranmitting power Channel number 1 >110dBuv level Modulation mode OFDM Full-duplex mode TDD Multi-access way TDMA/CSMA Subcarrier number 128 Insertion loss ?2dB The frequency of TV Reflection loss ?15dB <16dBuv stray Dynamic range 85dB Output C/N >60dBc Maximum OFDM CNR(2~30MHz)(resolution transmission 700m Bandwidth 30KHz) distance , LED Indicator lamp Tag Color Meaning On: power normal Power Green Off: power unnormal On:Ethernet connected Ethernet Green Flash:Ethernet is working Off:Ethernet is not connected Cable green On(flash):Coaxial signals connected Off:Coaxial mixed signal not connected , Power requirements Power dissipation:<3W Voltage:12VDC(Use external power adapter) , Environmental requirements Operating temperature: 0~40? Store temperature: -40~80? Relative humidity: Less than 95% No condensation , Size Size:138mm(long)×100mm(wide)×33mm(high) Weight:300g
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