首页 > 不能错过世界最美的22首海豚音歌曲,好好听~!『热门分享中』


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不能错过世界最美的22首海豚音歌曲,好好听~!『热门分享中』不能错过世界最美的22首海豚音歌曲,好好听~!『热门分享中』 海豚音,顾名思义,就是指一些像海豚一样发出的在人类听频范围外的高音调超声波。当然,人是无法发出超声波的。所以,海豚音用来泛指人类发出的极高的音调。海豚音也是至今为止人类发生频率的上限。海豚音这个词是非音乐人士创造出来的新词,而非声乐上的名词,它的学名其实就是咽音。 他们是上帝的宠儿,是赐予我们人间的音乐精灵,这种至高音阶的美妙享受,你不应该错过。 去虾米试听 曲目列表: , 1 Loving You -- Minnie Ripperton “ 蜜妮莱普顿...
不能错过世界最美的22首海豚音歌曲,好好听~!『热门分享中』 海豚音,顾名思义,就是指一些像海豚一样发出的在人类听频范围外的高音调超声波。当然,人是无法发出超声波的。所以,海豚音用来泛指人类发出的极高的音调。海豚音也是至今为止人类发生频率的上限。海豚音这个词是非音乐人士创造出来的新词,而非声乐上的名词,它的学名其实就是咽音。 他们是上帝的宠儿,是赐予我们人间的音乐精灵,这种至高音阶的美妙享受,你不应该错过。 去虾米试听 曲目列: , 1 Loving You -- Minnie Ripperton “ 蜜妮莱普顿(Minnie Riperton)可以称作上帝带给人间的礼物,她是海豚音的鼻 祖,她有着足足五个八度音阶的宽广音域,堪称有史以来天赋最佳的女歌手之一, 由她和丈夫共同谱写的《Loving you》获得了爆炸性的成功,於1975年一月首度 进榜,十一个星期后,就在四月五日夺得了全美的冠军,也让全球歌迷注意到了这 个惊人的美声。可惜仅仅活到31岁便因癌症英年早逝,在歌坛只能昙花一现。《L oving you》成为她留给世人的绝响。这首歌也被后人无数次的翻唱,Mariah carey、 张靓颖都曾经已这首歌惊艳世人。” , 2 奉献 -- Vitas “VITAS是俄罗斯最受欢迎的歌手,他的海豚音能横跨5个8度,VITAS的海豚音实 在让人佩服~因为VITAS的海豚音比任何海豚音歌手的音都要大的多,而且是超大geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 的肺活量,听起来比较震撼~因其俊朗的外貌和天籁般的海豚音被人们称作“海豚音王子”。他有许多著名的歌曲,但最高音在《奉献》这首歌中。大家仔细听,这首歌也是首经典的哼唱曲目。” , 3 H.A.T.E.U. -- Mariah Carey “Mariah carey是世界流行乐界坛天后,公认的演唱海豚音的高手,有“海豚音皇后”之美名,能有八度变化,音符跳跃,有人说她可以唱出5个八度,有人甚至说她可以唱出7个八度,但这要看她前一晚睡得好不好。她的演唱技巧不只表现在高超的海豚音方面,在唱普通歌时她精湛的唱功也体现得淋漓尽致,被美国评为“世界22位最伟大嗓音”的榜首,拥有超过2亿的专辑销量。这首歌并非以秀海豚音为主,再不懂唱功的人仔细去听下里面一句歌词的换气时间间隔,就算是个大男人也会忍不住咋舌,加上恰当好处的海豚音,这首歌也就成了我最爱的Mariah曲目之一。” , 4 O Sole Mio -- Adam Lopez “Adam Lopez拥有七个八度音的音域,而且荣获金氏世界纪录共两次的认证,确定是史上可以发出最高音的男歌手。在2003年,Adam Lopez可以达到D7的高音,而2005年的时候,他打破自己的纪录,发出几乎可以完整达到C#8的高级高音。除了金氏世界纪录的两次认证,知名媒体「ABC」也邀请Adam Lopez接受访问。在访问时,Adam Lopez也大方地配合著钢琴的高音,轻轻松松地飙出令人发毛的超级高音。” , 5 Turn Down The Lights... -- Shanice “ Shanice Wilson生于1973年5月14日宾夕法尼亚的匹兹堡。她的音乐天赋很明显来自于她的家庭。父亲Carl Black是吉他手,而母亲Crystal Wilson 是歌手,曾与著名的Luther Vandross和Jennifer Holiday一起演出。1979年父母离异后搬到洛杉矶,8岁时参加了肯德基广告与后来的传奇爵士乐手Ella Fitzgerald合作,之后几年在洛杉矶的登台演出积累了丰富的演唱经验。1985年在表演音乐剧时获得了A&M唱片公司John McClain的赏识,并第一次录音,当时仅11岁。1987年第一张唱片“Discovery"出版。1990年与Motown签约后事业达到新的高度。1991年唱片”Inner Child"大获成功,"I Love Your Smile" 在Billboard的R&B荣登第一,同时是Billboard pop榜的第二。她还被提名为Grammy最佳R&B女歌手。之后电影、电视插曲"Don't Wanna Love You","Saving Forever For You","It's For You"都获得了好评。1994年第三张唱片"21 Ways To Grow",其中出名的歌有”Somewhere","Turn Down The Lights","I Wish", "Don't Break My Heart". 1996年第一张单曲"When I Close My Eyes"和第四张唱片“Shanice"面市。 我听了好久的她的歌,她并非每首歌都加海豚音,有的即便加了也很少,终于最后选定了这首海豚音和歌曲俱佳的歌。” , 6 Pero Me Acuerdo de T... -- Christina Aguilera “这首歌只在4分的时候有一段海豚音,其实Christina的歌很少飚海豚音,不过她那浑厚的嗓音能飚出海豚音确实很难得,不愧是天后级人物。” geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, , 7 Time To Say Goodbye -- Sarah Brightman “Sarah Brightman莎拉?布莱曼是英国跨界音乐女高音歌手和演员。她在迪斯科初试 啼声,因为演绎安德鲁?洛伊?韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)的音乐剧而闻名于世。最 初她饰演《Cats》剧中的小猫Jemima(需要女高音及舞蹈基础),引起了韦伯的注 意。创作《The Phantom of the Opera》时,女主角克莉丝汀的音乐就是根据她的 音域而作。结果,莎拉布莱曼和饰演魅影的迈克尔?克劳福德皆一炮而红。后来莎拉 也演唱许多韦伯的歌曲,并收录到专辑里。她还在1992年巴塞罗那奥运会上与何 塞?卡雷拉斯演唱了《Friends for Life 》一曲。并与中国歌手刘欢同唱2008年北京 奥运会主歌《You and me》。 她纯净而优美的海豚音让人陶醉???” , 8 The Diva Dance -- Eric Serra “Inva Mulla Tchako,电影「第五元素」高人气、高询问度的蓝色外星人女高音幕 后配唱本尊~网路搜寻讨论热烈的话题性女声,以出色清澈的完美高音吸引电影观 眾的目光~阿尔巴尼亚人,茵瓦穆兰出生於明星世家,父亲艾夫尼穆兰是当地知名 的流行歌手兼作曲家,其先生皮洛查可也是名歌手,她自己又前后获得许多歌唱大 赛首奖,也在多明哥歌唱大赛得名,更因为第五元素,让她成为歌剧圈外的名人~ 说起这首歌在我上张《没有歌词的低吟浅唱》中也有收录,她的海豚音其实属于歌 剧中的花腔女高音,说起歌剧就得说叹咏调,叹咏调一般都很高,很多著名的歌剧 女高音都能轻而易举的飚海豚音,我正在考虑下一张精选要不要做个叹咏调精选, 在那些阳春白雪中挑一些大众爱听的。” , 9 Taki Rari -- Yma Sumac “Yma Sumac,秘鲁拟声唱法歌手,她的资料网上也不多,唯一能确定的是她也老 啦???哈哈” , 10 It Only Took a Minut... -- Rachelle Ferrell “网上关于她的资料不多,但她的海豚音确实不错。 音域: 5个八度 (E2 - D7) 最 长音: 26 秒(令人怀疑的猛烈) 最高音: D7 最低音: E2 只可惜她也老了???” , 11 Take the Rain Away -- Debelah Morgan “Debelah Morgan的歌听起来都很高亢,她的海豚音虽然技巧不如MC,但也算婉 转了,就我听过的来说,海豚音运用能力仅次于MC,绝对超过SHANICE等人,特 别是TAKE THE RAIN AWAY,类似EMOTIONS.这话是网上摘录的,可怜我听了几 天她的歌硬是找不到一首我觉得能和mc媲美的,不是说她海豚音不行,可能只是 时代不同了吧??这首歌勉强还能入耳,大家将就吧???” , 12 つつみ込むように,,, -- MISIA “米希亚是日本的“海豚音公主”从15岁开始接受声乐训练,17岁开始跟随黑人歌唱 家学习声乐。可唱出五个八度音,曾演唱经典海豚音歌曲《LOVING YOU》。1998 geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 年,日本BMG唱片公司旗下ARTISTA JAPAN替其发行《つつみ込むように…》, 正式出道乐坛。同年发行第一张专辑,销量直逼300万张,成为日本R&B音乐界的 大热歌手。” , 13 最高の片想い -- タイナカ サチ “タイナカサチ(田井中彩智)是在日本迅速崛起、人气急升的新生代女歌手,曾演 唱过多部动画名曲的她不仅歌声动人还是一位创造性才女歌手,由她亲自作词、作 曲的作品已经有上百首之多。日本女孩都爱把海豚音亮在前面哈????不像欧美的得等 到副歌高潮才有???果然是个“开放”的国度??哈哈” , 14 クレムリン?ダスク -- 宇多田ヒカル “宇多田光虽然有海豚音的实力,但只有在《first love》和《loving you》这两首耳 熟能详的歌中有海豚音,在这里请允许我给大家推荐宇多田光的这首歌,擦边 球??汗,这首歌超级耐听的,虽然第一遍听起来可能觉得有点怪??” , 15 my life -- 阿兰?达瓦卓玛 “阿兰,相信大家也不会陌生。第一次认识她是在《赤壁》主题曲《心•战》中被她 高亢的嗓音所征服,她特有的藏族高音唱法充满了草原的清新气息,而她也同样有 好听纯正的海豚音。” , 16 低嗨 -- 张靓颖 “下面介绍一些国内的,当然首推张靓颖了,张靓颖也是因为13岁时爱上了Mariah carey的音乐,才走上音乐的道路。张靓颖在2005年的“超级女声”选秀比赛全国5 进3时,演唱《loving you》,秀出了3段惊艳的超高音。这也使大多数中国观众 第一次见识到这种新颖而华丽的唱法,也使她有了“海豚公主”的美誉。她是亚洲歌 手中多次使用海豚音的歌手,现场演唱海豚音的功力极强,可说是亚洲最强也不为 过。但和Mariah Carey相比,差距仍然十分明显。 她的《画心》《天下无双》等 中均有海豚音秀,但大多耳熟能详,我的靓颖精选集中也有收录,这里就不推荐了。” , 17 光 -- 王栎鑫 “快男中的异芭,是俺湖南的老乡,挺荣幸的,居然还是个男生,不过年纪居然比我 还小,私心为大家推荐下他的海豚音。” , 18 无双 -- 周杰伦 “这年头连周天王都来赶趟了??三分半钟的时候令人惊艳的海豚音,现在的男人不得 了啊???他还有一首《以父之名》,开唱就是几个尖叫的海豚音,现在想想不会是他 自己唱的吧???” , 19 花火 -- 丁当 geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, “我一直认为这种中低音色的女声飚海豚音才最好听,丁当、张靓颖、温岚(她好像 没有海豚)、邓紫棋、飞儿乐队主唱等等,这首歌在三分四十秒结尾处有一段丁当 的海豚,不知道丁当什么时候能把海豚音大胆秀出来,和张靓颖一教高下??哈哈” , 20 爱过 -- F.I.R.飞儿乐团 “飞儿乐队马上就来了,3分钟开始的海豚??” , 21 后窗知己 -- 谢安琪 “3分钟的时候海豚音,谢安琪的声音比较高亢,我其实不是很喜欢,不过鉴于华语 乐坛海豚音的匮乏,还是把她的歌拉上来了。” , 22 过完冬季 -- 李玟 “李玟的声音很有欧美特色??最后一段结束的时候她飚了一段海豚????整张精选集终 于结束了,很多内容来自网络,但我对于有选择余地的都亲自挑选了一遍,总体来 说可听度还是没有《没有歌词的低吟浅唱》那么高,但作为从对海豚音的了解以及 国内外海豚音歌手的认识角度来说,这张精选还是值得大家收藏的,希望大家多多 支持哈。” geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry,
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