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dota装备(dota装备)dota装备(dota装备) dota装备(dota装备) 清晨酒馆(清晨酒馆) VS =复仇之魂复仇之魂-复仇之魂2 ~ 3力量护宛,鞋子,先锋盾,强袭装甲 众神之王宙斯=众神之王-奥林匹亚瓶子,坚韧球,血精石主,羊刀 呃=媚惑魔女爱由莎-女巫梅肯斯坦,紫怨,羊刀 MPL =变体精灵水人-古灵精怪散夜对剑,蝴蝶,冰眼,龙心 CM =水晶室女水晶室女-水晶室女黑黄杖,跳刀,血精 RK =流浪剑客斯文-流浪剑客动力鞋,黑黄杖,疯狂面具,大炮 NA =那加海妖娜迦海妖-娜迦海妖散失之刃,吸血鬼祭品,蝴蝶,龙心 ...
dota装备(dota装备) dota装备(dota装备) 清晨酒馆(清晨酒馆) VS =复仇之魂复仇之魂-复仇之魂2 ~ 3力量护宛,鞋子,先锋盾,强袭装甲 众神之王宙斯=众神之王-奥林匹亚瓶子,坚韧球,血精石主,羊刀 呃=媚惑魔女爱由莎-女巫梅肯斯坦,紫怨,羊刀 MPL =变体精灵水人-古灵精怪散夜对剑,蝴蝶,冰眼,龙心 CM =水晶室女水晶室女-水晶室女黑黄杖,跳刀,血精 RK =流浪剑客斯文-流浪剑客动力鞋,黑黄杖,疯狂面具,大炮 NA =那加海妖娜迦海妖-娜迦海妖散失之刃,吸血鬼祭品,蝴蝶,龙心 ES =撼地神牛Raigor石蹄-撼地神牛跳刀,坚韧,刷新,冰甲 SA =隐型刺客力丸-隐形刺客散夜对剑/散失之刃,吸血鬼祭品,蝴蝶,大炮 李=秀逗魔导士丽娜逆者跳刀,飞鞋,羊或血精 LD =德鲁依德鲁伊-德鲁伊吸血鬼祭品,辉耀,强袭装甲 剑圣=剑圣剑圣-剑圣狂战,支配,散夜对剑,蝴蝶,撒旦之邪力 日出酒馆(黎明酒馆) SIL =沉默术士诺-消声器动力鞋,羊刀,紫怨,黑黄,冰甲 TP =树精卫士体-树精卫士辉耀,刷新,冰甲 埃尼=谜团谜团-谜跳刀,黑黄杖 KotL =光之守卫Ezalor -光梅肯斯坦门将,羊刀 UW =熊战士乌尔萨-熊战士动力鞋,吸血鬼祭品,跳刀或洛萨之锋,心心心… OM =食人鬼魔法师食人鬼魔法师-食人魔法师一杖,没什么好说的,直接出吧 TK =修补匠Boush -叮叮飞鞋,羊刀,冰甲,黑黄,跳 PL =幻影长矛手azwraith -幻影长矛手吸血鬼祭品,散失,狂战,心 PPH =先知玛法里奥-先知暗灭,紫怨,羊刀 SG =山岭巨人小石巨人跳刀,达贡之神力,强袭装甲 GT =地精师斯奎脾-地精工程师风杖,其他随便 香港=圣骑士陈-圣骑士梅肯斯坦,羊刀 曙光酒馆(光酒馆) MR =月之骑士Luna -月亮骑士动力鞋,支配,黑黄杖,蝴蝶,撒旦 之邪力,大炮,心 DS =矮人狙击手卡德尔鹰眼-矮人狙击手飞鞋,洛萨之锋,暗灭,大炮 TW =巨魔战将扎` rakal -巨魔战将支配,黑黄杖,大炮,撒旦 SS =暗影萨满罗斯塔-暗影萨满飞鞋,羊刀,风杖,血精 BB =刚背兽部族-钢背兽挑战,辉耀,强袭,心 pb = 熊猫酒仙 mangix - pandaren brewmaster 跳刀, 狂战 * 2, 暗灭或者散夜对剑, 心 cw = 半人马酋长 bradwarden - centaur warchief 跳刀, 先锋盾, 挑战, 心 bh = 赏金猎人 gondar - bounty hunter 瓶子, 动力鞋, 散夜, 支配, 蝴蝶, 心 dk = 龙骑士 knight davion - dragon knight 支配, 黑黄, 强袭, 大炮, 心 am = 敌法师 magina - the anti - mage 吸血鬼祭品, 盾, 蝴蝶, 精箍棒, 心 dr = 黑暗游侠 traxex - drow ranger 洛萨之锋, 精箍棒, 蝴蝶 okay = 全能骑士 purist thunderwrath - omniknight 密法指环, 梅肯斯坦, 冰甲, 刷新 黎明酒馆 (dawn tavern) bm = 兽王 rexxar - beastmaster 小人书, 飞鞋 thd = 双头龙 jakiro - twin head dragon 梅肯斯坦 alc = 炼金术士 razzil darkbrew - alchemist 盾, 狂战, 辉耀, 强袭 月之女祭司 mirana nightshade - pom = priestess of the moon 瓶子, 暗灭或散失, 紫怨, 蝴蝶 puck = 仙女龙 puck 达贡之神力, 瓶子, 飞鞋, 羊刀 午夜酒馆 (midnight tavern) tb = 灵魂守卫 terrorblade - soul keeper 飞鞋, 散夜, 冰眼, 大炮, 蝴蝶 ts = 受折磨的灵魂 leshrac the malicious - tormented soul 羊刀, 冰甲, 血精, 黑黄 lc = 巫妖 kel'thuzad - lich 梅肯斯坦, 血精或羊刀 dp = 死亡先知 krobelus - death prophet 同上, 加个先锋盾 dw = 恶魔巫师 lion - demon witch 血精或羊刀 vm = 剧毒术士 lesale deathbringer - venomancer 飞鞋, 精箍棒 mnt = 半人猛犸 magnus - magnataur 跳, 刷新, 冰甲 nl = 死灵飞龙 visage - necrolic 梅肯斯坦, 心或暗灭 ck = 混沌骑士 nessaj chaos knight 动力鞋, 狂战, 散夜, 强袭 lyc = 狼人 banehallow - lycanthrope 同上 bm = 血浴之母 black arachnia - broodmother 黑黄, 大炮, 蝴蝶 pa = 幻影刺客 mortred - phantom assassin 支配, 狂战, 蝴蝶, 黑黄 落日酒馆 (evening tavern) gg = 蛇发女妖 medusa and gorgon 紫怨, 散夜或散失, 蝴蝶 ns = 暗夜魔王 balanar - night stalker 瓶子 散夜 支配 sk = 骷髅王 king leoric - skeleton king 黑黄, 暗灭, 强袭, 心 db = 末日使者 lucifer - doombringer a杖, 刷新 na = 地穴刺客 anub'arak - nerubian assassin 达贡之神力, 瓶子 sg = 鱼人守卫 slardar - slithereen guard 黑黄, 暗灭, 强袭 qop = 痛苦女王 akasha - queen of pain 飞鞋, 羊刀, 之后随便 bf = 骷髅弓箭手 bone clinkz - bone fletcher 精箍棒, 蝴蝶, 心 FV =虚空假面暗惧者-无圈疯狂面具,蝴蝶,精箍棒,黑黄 ND =冥界亚龙毒蛇-虚空龙飞鞋子,散失 LR =复仇电魂剃刀的闪电幽魂辉耀,黑黄,蝴蝶,暗灭或冰眼 LS =食尸鬼n'aix -噬魂鬼正式黑黄,散夜,冰眼,心 暮色酒馆(暮色酒馆) OB =遗忘法师Pugna遗忘达贡之神力,血精 =潮汐猎人利维坦-潮汐黑黄,狂战,刷新,强袭 有痛苦之源Atropos -祸乱之源小人书,羊刀,黑黄 NL =死灵法师死灵法师-死灵法师梅肯斯坦,飞鞋,羊刀,冰甲 BCH =屠夫屠夫-屠夫瓶子,飞鞋,挑战,盾,心 某人裂魂人裂魂人-裂魂疯狂面具,黑黄杖,散夜对剑,强袭 净重=地穴编织者地穴编织者-地穴编织者散夜或散失,辉耀 SF =影魔影魔-暗影恶魔飞鞋,黑黄,跳刀或洛萨之锋,暗灭,强袭 SK为沙王你-沙王跳刀,黑黄 斧=斧王蒙哥卡恩斧先锋盾,挑战,跳刀,心,心 BS =血魔血魔血者这英雄实在垃圾,散夜,辉耀都可以 AOV =深渊领主地狱-地狱羊刀,冰甲主,强袭 黄昏酒馆(黄昏酒馆) SPE =幽鬼善变的幽灵散失,辉耀,心,心,蝴蝶 我巫医沃金-巫医黑黄,跳刀,血精 DES =黑曜毁灭者预兆-黑曜毁灭者洋刀,紫怨,黑黄 WL =术士demnok兰尼克术士梅肯斯坦,刷新 GMC =地卜师狗头-风水梅肯斯坦,吸血鬼的祭品,跳刀,强袭 SP =暗影牧师炫-暗影牧师梅肯斯坦,血精 [敏捷型] 1。隐型刺客:假腿,对剑,蝴蝶,冰眼,大炮。 2。幻影刺客:假腿,狂战斧,支配,蝴蝶,黑皇,强袭。 3。圣堂刺客:假腿,暗灭,蝴蝶,大炮,强袭。 4。地穴刺客:魔瓶,假腿,红仗,对剑,羊刀,蝴蝶。 5。赏金猎人:假腿,对剑,蝴蝶,金箍棒,魔龙之心。 6。幽鬼:假腿,辉耀,蝴蝶,分身斧,大炮,魔龙之心。 7。复仇之魂:魔瓶,飞鞋,对剑,蝴蝶,强袭。 8。变体精灵:假腿,对剑,蝴蝶,分身斧,金箍棒。 9。娜迦海妖:假腿,对剑,蝴蝶,分身斧,魔龙之心。 10。蛇发女妖:假腿,雷神锤,林肯,蝴蝶,大炮。 11。巨魔战将:支配,假腿,蝴蝶,黑皇,大炮,强袭。 12。熊战士:先锋盾,假腿,隐刀,吸血鬼祭品,蝴蝶。 13。敌法师:先锋盾, A Battlefury, butterfly, black king, the dragon's heart. 14.: Terrorblade leg, to the sword, butterfly, cannon, ice eye. 15. Meepo: Vampire sacrifice, Maiken J M, a strike, a butterfly. 16.: Maiken J M, a Druid of the sword. (bear), butterfly: the flamboyant, leg. 17. juggernaut: flying shoes, battleax, domination, butterfly, strike. 18. Phantom Lancer: golden hand, mask of madness, a doppelganger axe or flamboyant, butterfly. 19. Sniper: a hidden knife, butterfly, bar, cannon. 20. archers: the hand of Midas, a golden butterfly, cannon. 21. dark ranger: the hand of Midas, a hidden knife, butterfly, cannon. 22. months of female sacrifice: magic bottle, flying shoes, Thor hammer, butterfly, cannon Knight 23. months: a disposable, butterfly, black king. 24. Viper: a hidden knife, butterfly, bar, cannon. 25. void: a mask of madness, butterfly, strike, cannon. 26. razor: a sword, butterfly, cannon, golden cudgel. 27. venomancer: a hidden knife, butterfly, cannon, golden cudgel. 28. time: ant leg, butterfly, cannon, his heart of Tarrasque. 29. bath female: a black king, butterfly, artillery, assault. 30. shadow: flying shoes, hidden knife, butterfly, black king, dark or destroy the cannon. 31.: Xuemo leg, flamboyant, butterfly, the sword, the cannon. [strength type] 1. Dragon Knight: domination, leg, exciting, Satan, black king, cuirass. 2. rogueknight: a mask of madness, battleax, black king, the dragon's heart. 3. bristleback: Vanguard, challenge turban, flamboyant, flying shoes, magic dragon heart, 4. Panda: Vanguard, battleax, a cuirass, a heart of Tarrasque. 5. Centaur: Vanguard, challenge turban, jump, flamboyant, heart of Tarrasque. 6. Knights of the Almighty: the secret ring, the flying shoe, the Maiken J M, the sheep sword, and the heart of the Dragon 7. Magnus: Battlefury, a knife, refresh the ball, a heart of Tarrasque. 8. Huskar: flamboyant, flying shoes, magic dragon heart X2, strike. 9. Alchemist: Temple rings, the flamboyant, flying shoes, dragon heart, cuirass. 10. skeleton King: Battlefury, a cuirass, a heart of Tarrasque. 11. Doom: hand of Midas, flamboyant, flying shoes, dragon heart, cuirass. 12. Slardar: Battlefury, a strong, dark, black king. 13. Barathrum: a mask of madness, to the sword, cuirass, heart of Tarrasque. 14. Ghoul: Ghoul armbands, a sword, a heart of Tarrasque. 15. Chaos Knight: Battlefury, a dominant, to the sword, Satan. 16. Earthshaker: Secret Law, flying shoes, jump ball, refresh, sheep knife. 17. Mountain Giant: close, flying shoes, jump knife, cuirass, heart of Tarrasque. 18. tide Hunter: flying shoes, refresh ball, secret method, magic dragon heart, Cuirass. 19. butcher: magic bottle, flying shoes, vanguard shield, challenge scarf, magic dragon heart 20. kg: Vampire sacrifice, a sword, a black king, the dragon's heart. 21. Beastmaster: Battlefury or sword, flying shoes, black king, cuirass, dragon heart. 22.: skarner bottle, flying shoes, jump knife, red battle, magic dragon heart X2. 23. Axe: Vanguard, challenge scarf, leg, cuirass, heart of Tarrasque. 24. Night Stalker: Battlefury, a mask of madness, the sword, the dragon's heart. The 25. leg, Maiken J M, Lord of Hell: Battlefury, heart of Tarrasque, cuirass. 26. dirge: Temple rings, the flamboyant, flying shoes, black king, cuirass, dragon heart. 27. Treant Protector: Vanguard, flamboyant, flying shoes, refresh the ball, a heart of Tarrasque. 28. pitlord: Secret Law, battleax, flying shoes, Shiva guardian, Bloodstone. Intelligence] 1. king of the gods: magic bottle, secret law, flying shoes, refresh ball, A battle 2.: 3 useless witch Charm Pendant, flying shoes, hair battle, sheep knife, heart of Tarrasque. 3. crystal Maiden: magic bottle, flying shoes, black king, Bloodstone, sheep knife. 4. screwed up Mage: magic bottle, flying shoes, A battle, sheep knife. 5. silence Warlock: the hand of Midas, a sheep knife cuirass. 6. Mysteries: Temple rings, flying shoes, sheep knives, Lincoln, black Emperor 7. guards of light: Maiken J M, flying shoes, red swords, sheep knives 8. ogre Magician: Secret Law, flying shoes, red battle, A battle 9. Tinker: flying shoes, red swords, sheep knives, Lincoln The prophet: 10. golden hands, a dark out, sheep knife, heart of Tarrasque. 11. paladins: Maiken J M, flying shoes, red swords, sheep swords, Lincoln 12. shadow shaman: magic bottle, flying shoes, air battle, Bloodstone, sheep knife. 13. double headed Dragons: Temple rings, Maiken J M, flying shoes, sheep knives 14. fairy Dragon: flying shoes, flamboyant, ice eye, sheep knife. 15. necrolic: a flamboyant, cuirass, ice eye. 16. pain Queen: magic bottle, flying shoes, sheep knife, A battle, ice eye 17. tortured soul: flying shoes, Bloodstone, A battle, Lincoln. 18. Lich: Maiken J M, flying shoes, A battle, sheep knife 19. death prophets: Secret Law, Maiken J M, flying shoes, blowing swords or red swords, sheep knives 20. demon Witch: magic bottle, flying shoes, red battle, A battle, sheep knife 21., forget the master: Maiken J M, vibration soul stone, hair blowing battle, A battle, sheep knife 22., the source of pain: wind battle, flying shoes, red battle, sheep knife 23. necromancer: flying shoes, A battle, sheep knife, heart of Tarrasque. The 24. doctor: red battle, Macon, flying shoes, A battle. Sheep knife. 25. Obsidian Destroyer: A battle X2, Shiva guardian, leg, refresh the ball. 26. Warlock: Maiken J M, flying shoes, wind battle, sheep knife, refresh the ball 27. shadow priests: Temple ring, Maiken J M, a sheep knife, ice eye. 28. Dark Seer: Maiken J M, vanguard, flying shoes, sheep knife, Lincoln. 29. Summoner: sheep knife, purple resentment, Bloodstone, Lincoln. 30.: Golden Blue Cat thirty million hands, a purple resentment, dark out, strike. What equipment is on the other side of the equipment to the hero can not say what has been, what what kind of equipment Equipment must be selected. It can strongly despise some light to write out what a hero is a what kind of equipment to Wurenzidi. You can learn a lot of Ota shadow priest equipment in your actual combat video Then add novice education. Double knife "refers to the scattered night to the sword", "Lothar hidden knife refers to the front of the" sheep ", refers to the knife evil scythe, ice eye refers to" scardi eye ", another is" jump knife: the dagger of escape ", those" Dagon "or called red battle. The battle is the" sacred wand ", gold is the hand of Midas, blue battle, A battle is" Aghanims's staff" Heroes and equipment Dragoon: a Satan, mad war, strike, cannon, BKB, I love the early pioneer GANK. Fisherman: a crazy, BKB, jump, Xianfeng, Battlefury, late heart shield. Riki: a loss, butterfly, sacrifice, Stygian Desolator Battlefury,. Jose: phase, A account, sheep knife, blood, ice armor, hair stick. Phase change shoes. Variant spirit: flying shoes, ice eyes, double parts, butterfly, Lincoln, dragon heart Sven: leg, BKB, assault, double knife, mask of madness, heart Blademaster: leg or flying shoes, battleax, sacrifice, or ice off dark eyes, butterfly, heart Phantom Lancer: lost or split, flying shoes, flamboyant, heart, butterfly, sacrifice The knight of the moon: a butterfly, fly shoes, Satan, cannon, blademail, BKB Sniper: a hidden knife, butterfly, avatar, Satan, cannon Troll: a BKB, Satan, butterfly, hidden knife, cannon Shadow shaman: hair sheep knife flying shoes A rod hemospermia refresh Bristleback: Pioneer heart challenge, flying shoes, flamboyant, strike, blademail VS: Bracers 2, bottles, flying shoes, lost (optional), double blades (optional), more money to buy eyes The king of the gods: (Zeus) dense law (15 minutes or so, the following is about time), bottles, sheep knives (optional), flying shoes, A account (optional) The enchantress (deer): the hand of MIDAS (8 minutes, 2 optional), pendant, flying shoes (20 minutes), purple sheep knife, blame (optional) Morphling (water): tie 3, bottle, flying shoes (20 minutes), butterfly, cannon, ice eye Crystal Maiden (CM): 2 wrist, bottle (optional), black king, knife, A account (optional), flying shoes (phase) Sven (SVEN): 2 bottles, wrist, leg, black king, mask of madness, dragon heart or armbands, mad war (optional) The Naga (small NAGA): tie 3, lost (30 minutes), dragon heart, split axe, butterfly Earthshaker (ES):2 (density method), hanging bottle (optional), jump, refresh (optional), sheep knife (optional) Stealth Assassin (SA): up 2, a loss, butterfly, cannon. An ice eye Druid (Druid): the hand of MIDAS (optional), a glow to (30 minutes), dragon heart, strong. LINA: bottle, pendant 2 (Bracers 2), sperm balloon, flying shoes (phase), jump knife, blow, A Zhang (optional) JUGG: tie up 2, Flying shoes (15 minutes), crazy battle, butterfly, Satan (optional), double sword Silencer (SIL): the hand of MIDAS (optional), pendant 2, a sheep knife (30 minutes), and purple (optional), Macon (optional) Treant Protector (TP): Italy temple or iron helmet, refresh, dragon heart, strong. Mystery (Enigma): temple, jump knife (8 minutes), Bracers 2, black yellow (refresh) Keeper of the light (KOTL/ light): Macon (15 minutes), flying shoes, eyes, endless eye, A account (optional), sheep knife Bear Warrior (UW): Bracers 2, vanguard shield (optional), vampire, jump knife (20 minutes), dragon heart, hidden sword (30 minutes) Ogre Magician (Ogre): bottle (optional), pendant 2 (Bracers 2), secret (optional), A account, sheep knife (optional). Tinker (Tinker/TK): bottles, flying shoes (15 minutes), the best first BKB, after Shiva guardian, sheep knife, Bloodstone, doppelganger axe The Prophet (Furion): the hand of MIDAS (8 minutes), sheep knife (30 minutes), a doppelganger axe, cannon, dragon heart (ice eye) Phantom Lancer (PL/ monkey): lace up 2, lost (20 minutes), offerings, double axes, dragon hearts, butterflies, flying shoes Mountain giant neighbor: the bottle (optional), password (optional), pendant 2, jump cut (20 minutes), flying shoes or a strong, dragon heart, Shiva (optional), purple blame (optional) Goblin Engineer: bottle (optional), dense (optional), hair dryer (optional), jump knife (optional), sheep knife Paladin: Macon (15 minutes), Necronomicon, sheep knife Beastmaster (Beast/bm): bottle (optional), 2 wrist, Battlefury (Necronomicon), flying shoes (optional), double knife (optional), dragon heart, doppelganger axe (optional) Jakiro (THD): temple, 2 wristbands, Macon (15 minutes), flying shoes, sheep knife, tile system (optional) Lian Jin warlock (Lian Jin): temple or iron meaning, Hui to (30 minutes), dragon heart, strong department, double knife (optional), Berserker (optional), ice eye (optional) POTM/POM: bottle, lace, 3, fine balloon (optional), flying shoes (20 minutes), vortex (dark out), Thor (40 minutes), ice eye, butterfly Storm Spirit (blue): head ring, masks, and double cuff, double mask, then aster Huskar (HUSKAR): the hand of MIDAS (optional), 2 wrist, leg (Fei Xie), armbands (25 minutes), dragon heart, black king (optional), strong. Templar Assassin (TA): Tie 2, bottle (optional), dark out (30 minutes), jump knife, strong line or butterfly, dragon heart, cannon Faerie Dragon (PUCK): 2 (2 bottle, wrist hanging), flying shoes (phase), large (30 minutes), sheep knife, Shiva (optional) Clockwork gnomes: bottles, 2 bracers, phase shoes, vanguard shields, challenges (optional) The knight of the moon (LUNA): up 2, disposable, leg, black king, butterfly (35 minutes), Satan, doppelganger axe (optional) Sniper (SNIPER): up 3, disposable, hidden knife (30 minutes), leg (Fei Xie), the golden butterfly, cannon Troll (TROLL): the hand of MIDAS (10 minutes, 3 optional), lace, domination, butterfly, black king, Satan Rhasta (Y): bottle (optional), wrist 2, hair dryer (20 minutes), flying shoes (phase), A account (optional), refresh (optional), sheep knife Just back beast (Ju Huazhu): bottle (optional), challenge, bracers, 2, Hui (35 minutes), flying shoes, dragon heart, strong line Panda (PANDA): bottle (optional), 2 wrist, knife, leg (Fei Xie), dragon heart, strong, mad war Centaur (men): bucklers, bottle (optional), vanguard (challenge), jump cut (25 minutes), to Hui (40 minutes), flying shoes, strong, dragon heart The bounty hunter (GONDAR): bottle (optional), tie 2, diffusal blade, double knife (35 minutes), leg (Fei Xie), butterfly, dragon heart Dragon Knight (DK): 2 wrist, leg, dominance, black and yellow, exciting gem Antimage (AM): up 3, challenge, a dynamic ball, butterfly (40 minutes), dragon heart, cannon, halo hammer (optional) Dark ranger (DR): up 3, leg (Fei Xie), hidden knife, cannon, dragon heart (Hei Huang), butterfly (optional) Almighty Knight (OK): Secret Law (10 minutes), bracers, 2, flying shoes, dragon heart Terrorblade (TB): up 3, double knife (30 minutes), flying shoes (leg), butterfly, dragon heart (ice eye), cannon Tortured souls (TS): bottles (optional), bracers, 2, fine balloons, flying shoes, jump knives, A accounts, black Emperor (optional) The Lich (LICH)): Macon (15 minutes), 2 wrist, flying shoes (phase), A (optional). The death of the Prophet (DP): Temple of Lord of the rings (optional), wrist 2, Macon (optional), flying shoes (phase), vanguard (optional), Bloodstone, dragon heart, sheep knife (optional) Demon Witch (LION) bottle, 2 big wrist, (optional), A account, flying shoes Venomancer (VENO): Temple ring (optional), with 3 (3, hidden knife wrist) (optional), flying shoes (leg), A (double), account the butterfly, cannon Half man mammoth (MAGNUS): bottle, jump knife (15 minutes), crazy warfare (optional), dragon heart, strong system Necrolic (Visage): wrist 2, Macon, flying shoes (leg), dark out, dragon heart, strong. Chaos Knight (CK/CHAOS): 2 bottles, wrist, leg (Fei Xie), diffusal blade (optional), Battlefury (optional), dragon heart, strong. The werewolf (LYC): temple, offerings, wrist 2, a double knife (30 minutes), Dragon (Satan) Broodmother (BROOD): temple, tie 2, leg (Fei Xie), butterfly (30 minutes), vampire, black king, cannon The Phantom Assassin (PA): up 2, Battlefury (25 minutes), a dominant, black king, butterfly Gorgon (MEUDSA): up 3, leg (Fei Xie), vortex, Thor, butterfly, ice eye Night Stalker (NS): bottle, 2 leg, wrist, double knife, black king (Long Xin) Skeleton King (SNK): bottle (optional), 2 wrist, leg, armbands, strong, dragon heart, mad war (optional) Doomsday Messenger (DOOM): bottle (optional), Bracers 2, Hui (25 minutes), dragon heart, double axe Anub'Arak (NA): 2 bottles, pendant, large (30 minutes), flying shoes Slardar (SLARDAR): bottle (optional), 2 wrist, leg, dark out, jump knife, dragon heart, strong. Queen of pain (QOP): bottle (optional), pendant 3, flying shoes, sheep knife, stick (dark out), ice eye, strong lines Archers (arch /BONE): the hand of MIDAS (optional), the 2 leg tie, Jingubang (30 minutes), butterfly, cannon Void (FV): the hand of MIDAS (optional), tie 2, crazy (20 minutes), leg (Fei Xie), butterfly (40 minutes), black king (optional) Viper (VIPER): up 3, flying shoes, challenge (optional), vanguard (optional) dragon heart, strong (Butterfly), cannon, black king (optional) Lightning ghost (RAZOR): lace up 3, flying shoes (15 minutes), Thor (35 minutes), black emperor, dragon heart (ice eye), butterfly, cannon The ghoul (NAIX): the hand of MIDAS (optional), 2 wrist, leg, armbands (25 minutes), dark out, BKB, dragon heart crazy cannon Oblivion (PUGNA): Macon (15 minutes), wrist 2, A account (optional), sheep knife (optional) Tidehunter (TH): 2 wrist, Battlefury (30 minutes), a strong, dragon heart, jump knife (optional), refresh (optional) The source of pain (BANE): bottle (optional), pendant 2, Necronomicon (root), sheep knife (optional) Necromancer: Temple (optional), Macon (15 minutes), 2 wrist, flying shoes (phase), A (optional). Butcher (PUDGE): bottle, bracers, 2, challenges (optional), flying shoes, dragon hearts, strong lines Barathrum (Bai Niu): wrist 2, leg, double knife, strong, dragon heart (Hei Huang) Weaver (NW): up 2, Hui to (30 minutes), dragon heart, cannon The shadow (SF) bottle, 2 (or wrist belt), flying shoes, hidden knife (30 minutes), jump knife, black king (Long Xin), dark out, butterfly 9 lines), cannon The king (SK): bottle (optional), 2 knife, wrist, leg Axe (AXE): Vanguard, jump knife (25 minutes). Challenge (optional), Shiva guardian, dragon heart Gorefiend (BS): tie 3, hidden knife, Hui to (30 minutes), dragon heart (double), butterfly. Regional Lords (LOA): Temple ring, vanguard, Macon, flying shoes, dragon heart (double) Spectre (SPE): Tie 2, a loss of radiance (Long Xin). The witch doctor (5E): 2 wrist, root (optional), A account, black king (optional). Obsidian Destroyer (DESTROYER): the hand of MIDAS (optional), sheep knife, leg, Shiva (optional) Warlock (WL): Macon, refresh Meepo (MEPOO): a Macon (20 minutes), a vampire, hidden knife (knife), flying shoes, and purple (optional) Shadow priest (SP/PRIEST): Temple (optional), 2 wrist, Macon, knife sheep Pitlord (PL): The Secret Law (optional), Temple (optional), Siva, sheep knife Dirge (King): temple, sacrifice, vanguard, challenge (optional), dragon heart, can also be lonely. Summoner (KAEL): the hand of MIDAS (optional), sheep knife, flying shoes, Lincoln, Shiva Dark Seer (DS): wrist, Macon, vanguard, xuanming shield, knife sheep, Shiva Captain (COCO/KUNKKA): 2 wrist, leg, mad war Windrunner: exciting, purple resentment (annihilation)
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