
描写水果的作文---桃子、苹果、草莓、桔子、菠萝、西瓜、葡萄、香蕉、火龙果 - 副本

2017-09-01 11页 doc 33KB 47阅读




描写水果的作文---桃子、苹果、草莓、桔子、菠萝、西瓜、葡萄、香蕉、火龙果 - 副本描写水果的作文:桃子、苹果、草莓、桔子、菠萝、西瓜、葡萄、香蕉、火龙果 桃子 我最喜欢吃桃子,桃子的外形园园的,好像一个小小的皮球,最顶端还有个小尖尖,有的桃子的尖还稍稍歪一点,真有趣~我摸了摸桃子的外皮,感觉有点扎手,仔细一看原来桃子长着许多细毛毛,沾的我满手都是。看来桃子还穿了一身“毛衣服”呢,真是太好玩了。 我举起桃子,闻了闻,感觉有一种混杂着甜的而且可以提神的香味。桃子的外表是浅黄色的,上面还附着一些大小不同的红色。我把桃子的皮小心地扒下来,观察果肉的颜色。我发现,果肉的颜色是乳白色的,熟透的地方是乳黄色的,还夹...
描写水果的作文---桃子、苹果、草莓、桔子、菠萝、西瓜、葡萄、香蕉、火龙果 - 副本
描写水果的作文:桃子、苹果、草莓、桔子、菠萝、西瓜、葡萄、香蕉、火龙果 桃子 我最喜欢吃桃子,桃子的外形园园的,好像一个小小的皮球,最顶端还有个小尖尖,有的桃子的尖还稍稍歪一点,真有趣~我摸了摸桃子的外皮,感觉有点扎手,仔细一看原来桃子长着许多细毛毛,沾的我满手都是。看来桃子还穿了一身“毛衣服”呢,真是太好玩了。 我举起桃子,闻了闻,感觉有一种混杂着甜的而且可以提神的香味。桃子的外表是浅黄色的,上面还附着一些大小不同的红色。我把桃子的皮小心地扒下来,观察果肉的颜色。我发现,果肉的颜色是乳白色的,熟透的地方是乳黄色的,还夹着几丝粉红色,和表皮的颜色不一样。我轻轻地咬了一口,有一股清新的味道融入了口中,而且还有一种比蜂蜜都要甜的汁水流入满口。 可惜的是,桃子只有夏天才会成熟,在其他三个季节里我只好忍一忍,等到了夏天,我再大饱口福吧~ 我爱吃的水果——苹果 水果有多种多样:有黄色的香蕉、红色的苹果、紫色的葡萄、桔黄色的橙子、淡黄色的香瓜„„在所有水果中,我最爱吃苹果了。 苹果有好几个品种,我知道的有花牛苹果、香蕉苹果、红富士、还有国光、黄元帅。种类不同,它们的颜色也不一样,大部分都带有红色的,还有黄色的,淡绿中带红的;形状也有不同,有圆圆的、有一头圆一头带棱的、有扁一点的,也有长一点的。我特别喜欢吃黄元帅,妈妈说这种苹果只有秋天才有,而且它的保存期很短,在我们北方只有九月、十月能吃到这种苹果。它的颜色是淡黄色的,形状是长圆形的,一头有棱、象花瓣,用刀横着切开,又可以看到花形,特别好看;咬上一口,甜甜的,果肉比别的苹果细嫩,含在口里,滑滑的,像可以融化在口里似的,味道好极了。 苹果可以直接吃,也可以做成罐头、苹果酱、苹果沙拉,都特别好吃。 苹果还被称为记忆之果。它含有微量元素锌,而锌是构成与记忆力息息相关的核酸蛋白质不可缺少的元素。此外苹果中的果糖含量为水果之冠。 你看,苹果有这么多好处,难道你不想吃吗, 我的最爱----草莓 我最喜欢的水果,哦,让我想想。哦,对了~是它。 它只有我的大拇指这么大,大多是上小下大的圆锥形的。它的颜色红彤彤的,顶上长着五角星似的绿叶子,像一个身穿红上衣的小姑娘又配了一条绿色的小裙子,让人看起来就觉得很好吃。它的身上长满了小刺,像许多小芝麻,可是它非常软,轻轻一捏就烂了。它闻起来有一股诱人的清香,真让人馋涎欲滴。 你只要轻轻一咬,一股酸甜的红红的汁水就会流入口中,让你全身每个毛孔都很舒服。它不但是人们爱吃的水果,还能制作许多糖果,果酱,蛋糕等食物,它在水果世界里既好吃又漂亮,而且又营养丰富,我怎能不爱它到了极点呢, provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 到现在你应该知道它是什么了吧,是的,它就是草莓——我的最爱~ 我爱吃桔子 我最爱吃桔子,桔子的盛产地有很多,有山东的蜜桔、四川的川桔等,可我最喜欢吃四川的桔子。 四川桔圆圆的,身穿桔黄色的“外衣”。剥开皮,我闻了一闻,一股香气迎面扑来,这迷人的香味简直会把人醉倒。我看到一条条白色的茎,就像千万条网络线,数也数不清。八九个小小黄色的桔子瓣,它们像小饺子一样,又像同胞兄弟一样弯腰抱在一起,正在做着香甜的美梦。 桔子,刚接出来是绿色的,再是绿中带着淡黄,成熟了的桔子就是桔黄色的。没有成熟的桔子,又酸又甜,熟透了就甜津津的叫人越吃越吃。 一次在我要换牙的时候,我吃了一个绿色的桔子,发觉牙齿变软了,我正要吐子的时候发现一个子,比平常的子要大得多,我仔仔细细的观察,才发现那不是桔子的子,而是我的一颗牙齿。以后我的牙齿换了好多颗,我再也不敢吃绿色的桔子,只吃橘黄色的桔子。桔子的果汁可以做冰棒,还可以做口香糖„„桔子皮可以治病,可以泡酒、泡茶,把桔子皮放在枕头里,一觉醒来,你的身体一定比原来健康了许多。桔子的全身都是宝,它是我的最爱。 我爱菠萝 世界上有许多水果,我不喜欢又香又甜的水蜜桃,我不喜欢娇艳的火龙果,我不喜欢甜腻腻的香蕉......我喜欢的是菠萝. 菠萝的形状是圆柱形的,大小跟瓜差不多大.它的"头顶"上有着几片狭长的叶片,叶片的边缘有些细小的刺.真像个扎着瓣子的小姑娘. 菠萝的皮很厚,也很粗糙,就像穿着橘黄色格子的盔甲似的. 还未熟透的菠萝是青绿色的,味道十分苦涩;熟了的呢,则是黄中带绿,味道酸中带甜. 你先用刀子把菠萝皮削开,就会看到黄澄澄的果肉.你如果闻一闻,一股清香就会直窜你的鼻孔,真让人垂涎欲滴.将削好的波萝泡入盐水中就可以吃了.你若切一块尝尝味道,你一定和我一样还没到嘴巴里,口水就不知不觉地流了下来.你轻轻咬一口,菠萝的汁液就会溢满了嘴巴,酸酸甜甜的味道好极了. 你知道吗,波萝不仅是水果,而且还往往是菜肴中的"主角"呢,比如炖排骨、炒牛肉都可以用它来做佐料。 我爱菠萝,你呢, provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 西瓜的自我介绍 大家好~知道我是谁吗,我就是夏天清爽解渴的水果----西瓜啊~你们一定很喜欢我吧~ 说起形状,我可是很有特色的哟~看看,圆圆的身体那么结实;细心观察,顶部与底部都稍稍往里凹;最可爱的还得数我的“小辫儿”了,弯弯的、翘翘的。仔细闻闻还有一阵清香呢~要知道它可是把我新鲜不新鲜的秘密全都告诉你了~ 不仅形状好,我的颜色更是独特~瞧瞧,淡绿色的底色上还镶嵌着深绿色的条纹。近处看,是个西瓜;远处看,就像一个绿花纹的大皮球。 不光颜色妙,论起味道我可是无以伦比的~把我切开,一股清香扑面而来,而且粉红的汁水不断的从红彤彤的果肉中“涌出”来。红红的瓜瓤里还会藏着几颗黑珍珠似的瓜籽呢~再尝尝味道,哇塞~那么清脆,那么可口。告诉你一个秘密,我的果肉既不会像苹果那样容易氧化,也不会像草莓那样经不起轻轻一碰就会烂,如果把我切开后放入冰箱,想什么时候享用就什么时候享用~ 知道吗,除了我的果肉可以当作水果之外;我的皮经过腌制之后,可以当作泡菜吃;我的籽经过烘焙之后,还是营养价值极高的休闲食品呢;还有,还有------ 流口水了吧,看着我的同伴们一一被人们挑选去,我也很想快点为大家做出贡献。记住,以后来水果店,一定记得要把我--西瓜带回家哟~ 我爱葡萄 我爱吃水果,有红彤彤的苹果,小巧的香梨,甜而爽的西瓜„„但我最爱吃的水果是葡萄。它不仅仅是玲珑多姿,更重要的是葡萄香甜可口。 葡萄没成熟时,葡萄皮是翠绿色的。像一颗颗碧玉似的翡翠,晶莹剔透。每年秋天,葡萄成熟了。由于葡萄品种很多。葡萄大小不一,颜色各异。有白色、紫色、绿色、红色„„在那又大又绿的葡萄叶下,挂着一串串晶莹透明的葡萄,紫红色的、碧绿色的,圆圆的,好像一颗颗不同颜色的宝石。置身其中犹如进入珠宝的世界。摘下一颗,轻轻扒开葡萄皮,一个嫩嫩的果肉呈现在你的眼前。果肉半透明的看上去像水晶,像玛瑙。散发着迷人的香味,使人口水直流。迫不及待放入口中,细嚼一下,香甜可口的汁水一下子渗遍全身,那甜滋滋的味道始终留在我的嘴里,久久不会消失。让人回味无穷。葡萄不光好吃,它含丰富维生素C。还有很多用途。能制成葡萄干,加工各种各样的糕点,还能酿成美味香甜的葡萄酒,供大家品尝。葡萄皮还有润肤作用。 我爱葡萄更爱吃葡萄,你喜欢吗, provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 我爱香蕉 我爱吃的水果有很多,苹果、荔枝、西瓜、菠萝„„不过,我最爱吃的水果是香蕉。 香蕉总是几个几个整整齐齐,挨挨挤挤地长在一起,像兄弟姐妹一样手拉手,相亲相爱不分离。香蕉的形状弯弯的,像小船,像月牙,也像拱桥。几根香蕉连在一起 ,就像几个演员在拉手一起跳弯腰立脚的舞蹈呢~香蕉没成熟时是绿色的,成熟了就变得嫩黄嫩黄的。 从一大串香蕉中掰下一个来,脱下它那黄澄澄的外衣,便露出了白色的圆条的果肉。仔细闻闻,还可以闻到一阵淡淡的香味,让你忍不住咬下一口。香蕉的味道很甜,吃到嘴里滑滑的,软软的,特别好吃。那个味道,让人吃了一口还想吃下一口。 香蕉的种类总的来说可以分为三类,观赏类香蕉、果蔬类香蕉和纤维类香蕉。香蕉的产地主要在东南亚,也包括中国南部。香蕉的作用很多,可以生津止渴,润肺滑肠,降低血压,清热解毒,提高免疫力,预防癌症等等。比较适合犯有高血压、肝病和便秘的人吃。香蕉的营养价值也很高,它的糖分、蛋白质含量均高,维生素和矿物质的含量也很丰富。香蕉还可以制成香蕉干等很多好吃的食品,所以我们要多吃香蕉。 我爱香蕉,你们呢, 草 莓 在宽广水果王国中,我最喜欢的非草莓莫属了. 今天早晨,妈妈从市场上买来一袋草莓,又大又红,上面还带着晶莹的露珠,谁见了都会垂涎三尺.我迫不及待的把草莓到入碗中,洗干后,把水沥干,加入白糖,便狼吞虎咽的吃了起来. 草莓是一种寄根的植物,它的花是白色的,叶子是椭圆行的,边上有锯齿状。 草莓刚长出来时是绿色的,在它的藤里你不仔细找,可能还找不到呢。一天天过去了,它逐渐变成半绿半红,好像是一个双面人。最后它变成了红通通的,仿佛是一个小娃娃红通通的小脸蛋。 它是椭圆形的,有鸡心那么大,头上还戴着一顶小帽子。身上还长了芝麻粒似的小籽,上面还长着小毛,密密麻麻地长在草莓身上。从中间切开一看:一半草莓就好像一艘远洋舰,小籽就仿佛士兵,它们排着整齐的队伍整装待发,随时准备出发。 当你站在草莓摊边上时,一股芳香就会钻到你的鼻孔里,让你垂涎三尺。 一颗不熟的草莓颜色鲜艳,但是,只要放到嘴里一咬,一股酸味会把牙酸倒。半熟的草莓放到嘴里,一咬,又酸又甜的汁进到嘴里,很有滋味,熟透的草莓不仅外表鲜艳,咬一口像蜜一样的汁跑进嘴里,让人百吃不厌。草莓春天开花,花心长着很多雌蕊,雌蕊又变成了瘦果,慢慢地瘦果变成了果实。 草莓好吃得不能在好吃了,我爱草莓,更爱吃那美味可口的味道。 火龙果 今天,放学回家,妈妈给我买了我喜欢吃的水果——火龙果,我拿了一个,便认真地端详细细地品尝起来。 火龙果的外形很奇特,红红的,像一团火焰又像一条火龙。就为了这火龙果的形状,全家还开了一个家庭会议,吵了半天。妈妈说像火龙,我说像火焰,妈妈不服说:“你有什么理由,”我说;“火龙果provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 的身上有一个个小角,怎么都像燃烧的火焰呀~”妈妈服了,笑着说:“往后,在我们家火龙果就叫火焰 果了。” 火龙果外皮的颜色是红色。皮上的每一个小角的边是绿色,里边是红色。切开看,沿着红红的外皮, 是淡红色的内皮,紧挨着内皮是白白嫩嫩的果肉,果肉里镶嵌着像黑水晶一样的黑色小颗粒。我咬一口 果肉,尝一尝味道。啊~酸中带甜,味道好极了~再把黑色小颗粒嚼一嚼,更是回味无穷~ provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology,
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