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南通家纺紫罗兰南通家纺紫罗兰 紫罗兰企业简介 紫罗兰企业成立于1995年,总部位于中国纺织基地—江苏南通,是国内最早走品牌化发展之路的家纺企业之一,在国内和国际家纺行业享有较高的知名度和美誉度。近年来公司坚持走“以市场为导向,不断自主创新”的发展之路,成为从传统型家纺企业向科技型家纺企业转变的先行企业,在各个方面都展现自己独特的领Show风采。 领Show 运营一体化 紫罗兰是一家专业经营家用纺织品的企业,公司在产品开发、设计、生产制造、品牌建立、市场营销方面实行一体化策略,紫罗兰工业园区总占地130亩,集专家设计、办公、生产、仓储、...
南通家纺紫罗兰 紫罗兰企业简介 紫罗兰企业成立于1995年,总部位于中国纺织基地—江苏南通,是国内最早走品牌化发展之路的家纺企业之一,在国内和国际家纺行业享有较高的知名度和美誉度。近年来公司坚持走“以市场为导向,不断自主创新”的发展之路,成为从传统型家纺企业向科技型家纺企业转变的先行企业,在各个方面都展现自己独特的领Show风采。 领Show 运营一体化 紫罗兰是一家专业经营家用纺织品的企业,公司在产品开发、、生产制造、品牌建立、市场营销方面实行一体化策略,紫罗兰工业园区总占地130亩,集专家设计、办公、生产、仓储、物流、员工食宿于一体,拥有先进生产设备、现代办公设施、员工850余人。紫罗兰公司下属分设八大部门,分别是直营中心,行政中心,国贸中心,财务中心,加盟连锁中心,品牌中心,科技研发中心,生产中心。各个部门间分工明确,相互衔接,形成了生产一体化的规范体系。 领Show 品牌知名化 紫罗兰家纺定期会参加在美国纽约、德国法兰克福、意大利米兰等地举办的国际家纺展览会,与国外顶级家纺企业交流研发设计理念,吸取床品设计精华、结合本土特色,力致于床品特色化、多元化、国际现代化融合发展。使紫罗兰品牌在国际家纺业具有较高的知名度和美誉度,同时树立起了紫罗兰品牌的国际先进形象。为满足国内外不同消费者的个性化需求,自08年起,紫罗兰开展多品牌运作,旗下拥有了意式时尚与东方神韵完美结合的“Violet”,顶级尊贵、奢the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out "two to learn a" theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments (units) to attach Attention, co-ordinate arrangements, meticulously organized, pay close attention to implementation, to ensure effectiveness. To attach great importance to, strengthen leadership. Towns street, the various departments (units) to set up special institutions, orderly activities carried out smoothly. Secretary of the party committees (party) as the first responsible person, must strengthen the leadership, and provide a powerful guarantee, to personnel in place, work in place, measures are in place. Second, we must do a good job with, to promote the overall. To "two studies and a" theme activities and promote work closely, do both hands, two not mistake, two promotion. To make this work for the implementation of the grass-roots party building of the mission objectives of the important measures, do a good job Education and training of Party members and party democratic appraisal, strictly regulate the party life, Chuang Jianji layer service oriented party organization of the work, to promote the overall progress of the grass-roots party construction work, all-round excellent. Third, we need to strengthen guidance, to ensure the effectiveness of. Municipal Party Committee Organization Department set up a special "two to learn a" theme of the activities of the office, responsible for the activities of the instruction scheduling, towns street, the 华典雅的“G(P”,定义年轻一族,个性多彩的潮流典范“爱她@良品” 。并于2008年6月,邀请联合国环境亲善大使、著名影视明星——周迅作为品牌形象代言人。在同年的7月,新版《红楼梦》中饰演“宝黛钗”的于小彤、蒋梦婕、李沁三人同时代言紫罗兰子品牌:“爱她@良品”。另外,公司每年投入近千万广告资金加大传播力度,通过各种媒体渠道提升品牌知名度。 领Show 荣誉全面化 紫罗兰家纺在15年的发展历程中荣获枚不胜数的荣誉。先后被批准为“中国驰名商标”、 “ 中国最具价值500强品牌”、“国家免检产品”、 “中国旅游协会团体会员”、“中国旅游饭店协会会员”,获得了“AAA资信企业”、“中国家纺行业协会常务执行理事”、“江苏省质量信得过产品”、“江苏省著名商标”、“江苏省名牌”、“ 江苏省质量奖”、“ 中国家纺行业十强企业”、“ 中国纺织行业百强企业”等荣誉称号,并通过了ISO9001-2008国际质量体系认证、ISO14001-2004环境管理体系认证、GBT28001-2001职业健康体系认证等。在家纺行业的各个领域都取得了卓越的,令人瞩目的成就。 领Show 风尚多元化 紫罗兰家纺汇集了时尚,生活,舒适,优雅,爱恋,尊贵,舒适,美丽,儿童等多种风格。涵盖了套件,礼盒,被芯,枕芯,夏季用品,橱柜用品,床垫靠垫,单件,儿童用品等十大系列。她深谙意式时尚之精妙,承袭意式时尚之精华,并结合中国特色刺绣,以清新淡雅的 e, Chuang Jianji layer service oriented party organization of the work, to promote the overall progress of the grassrs and party democratic appraisal, strictly regulate the party lifroots party building of the mission objectives of the important measures, do a good job Education and training of Party membe-promotion. To make this work for the implementation of the grass, two ith, to promote the overall. To "two studies and a" theme activities and promote work closely, do both hands, two not mistakend provide a powerful guarantee, to personnel in place, work in place, measures are in place. Second, we must do a good job wip, acarried out smoothly. Secretary of the party committees (party) as the first responsible person, must strengthen the leadersh e to, strengthen leadership. Towns street, the various departments (units) to set up special institutions, orderly activitiest importancordinate arrangements, meticulously organized, pay close attention to implementation, to ensure effectiveness. To attach grea-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments (units) to attach Attention, co-role in 2016 the grassortant the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out "two to learn a" theme activities, play a very impe activities of the instruction scheduling, towns street, theCommittee Organization Department set up a special "two to learn a" theme of the activities of the office, responsible for thround excellent. Third, we need to strengthen guidance, to ensure the effectiveness of. Municipal Party -roots party construction work, all-2 特色绣花,提花,印花等床品,完美的展示了至真至美,如梦如幻的紫罗兰形象。公司拥有40名专业设计师,每年推出将近200种新款产品。独特的异域风情和东方的江南水韵相结合,体现了多元化的风尚,精致中展现优雅,低调中流露奢华,典雅中满富风情,适应了不同人群不同国度的个性化需求。 领Show产品科技化 紫罗兰家纺从原来的南通紫罗兰卧室用品有限公司,更名为江苏紫罗兰家用纺织品有限公司,再至江苏紫罗兰家纺股份有限公司,直到今天的紫罗兰家纺科技股份有限公司。企业坚持走“以市场为导向,不断自主创新”的发展之路,成为从传统型家纺企业向科技型家纺企业转变的先行企业。紫罗兰不断提高产品的科技含量,开拓新的市场,扩大品牌知名度,注重知识产权的保护,提升产品和服务的附加值,努力由劳动密集型企业向科技密集型企业发展。 领Show 营销多样化 随着信息技术的飞速发展,电子商务的推广普及,紫罗兰更加注重于产品科技含量的提升及创新营销手段的使用。紫罗兰公司网络营销部率先在家纺行业内推出了品牌招商网站,精细的布局、精心的设计、精良的制作、精致的功能,确立了行业领先地位。目的就在于向全国乃至全球推介紫罗兰品牌,提升紫罗兰形象,增强品牌附加值,给加盟商和消费者提供一个快速而丰富的资讯通道。在推行特许加盟经营模式的同时,紫罗兰还专门成立了电子商务事业部,独立运营子品牌爱她@良品,打造时尚,前卫,个性的网购品牌,实现了营销段 of the grassactivities and promote work closely, do both hands, two not mistake, two promotion. To make this work for the implementation theme ace, work in place, measures are in place. Second, we must do a good job with, to promote the overall. To "two studies and a"(party) as the first responsible person, must strengthen the leadership, and provide a powerful guarantee, to personnel in plttees ous departments (units) to set up special institutions, orderly activities carried out smoothly. Secretary of the party commition to implementation, to ensure effectiveness. To attach great importance to, strengthen leadership. Towns street, the variordinate arrangements, meticulously organized, pay close atten-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments (units) to attach Attention, co-ership carry out "two to learn a" theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grassthe model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadthe treet,"two to learn a" theme of the activities of the office, responsible for the activities of the instruction scheduling, towns sd to strengthen guidance, to ensure the effectiveness of. Municipal Party Committee Organization Department set up a special round excellent. Third, we nee-roots party construction work, all-ization of the work, to promote the overall progress of the grassty members and party democratic appraisal, strictly regulate the party life, Chuang Jianji layer service oriented party organroots party building of the mission objectives of the important measures, do a good job Education and training of Par-3 的多样化。 领Show 市场全球化 紫罗兰家纺以华东地区为中心,不断向外延伸,销售遍及国内大部分区域,2010年全国终端突破800家,遍布全国25个省份,内销总额达4.5亿元人民币,且每年正以30%的速度递增。在全国数百家专卖店,店中店,涌现出一批出色的加盟商,迅速的占领了国内市场。在做好内销市场的同时,紫罗兰大力拓展对外贸易,并设立了国际贸易部,经过紫罗兰人多年的不懈努力,紫罗兰先后与意大利,德国,法国,希腊,美国,加拿大,西班牙,新西兰,荷兰,英国,爱尔兰,俄罗斯,沙特,科威特,东南亚国家等二十多个国家和地区的政府机构、行业协会和企业建立了广泛的合作关系和贸易关系。2002年,紫罗兰产品正式出口欧美、中东、东南亚等40多个国家;2006年,紫罗兰家纺正式打入JCPenny、Target等美国主流百货商场和英国著名的Costco连锁商场,成为国内首家进入此领域的家纺品牌。2008年紫罗兰外贸销售额超过了3000万美元。 领Show 服务贴身化 紫罗兰家纺品牌推行特许经营加盟模式,以四波次零风险保障为支撑平台,以两级拉动式品牌推广为宣传主线,以主题爆破式助销为全年助销指导,以体验式终端推广为终端推广模式,在确保加盟商盈利的前提下,完成商品销售的最大化。公司每年提供两到三次的,并分派业务经理进行贴身化服务。同时,经过公司专业培训的督导会协助加盟商经营好店铺,建立起完善的售后服务和客户回访体 -e, Chuang Jianji layer service oriented party organization of the work, to promote the overall progress of the grassrs and party democratic appraisal, strictly regulate the party lifroots party building of the mission objectives of the important measures, do a good job Education and training of Party membe-promotion. To make this work for the implementation of the grass, two ith, to promote the overall. To "two studies and a" theme activities and promote work closely, do both hands, two not mistakend provide a powerful guarantee, to personnel in place, work in place, measures are in place. Second, we must do a good job wip, acarried out smoothly. Secretary of the party committees (party) as the first responsible person, must strengthen the leadersh e to, strengthen leadership. Towns street, the various departments (units) to set up special institutions, orderly activitiest importancordinate arrangements, meticulously organized, pay close attention to implementation, to ensure effectiveness. To attach grea-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments (units) to attach Attention, co-role in 2016 the grassortant the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out "two to learn a" theme activities, play a very impe activities of the instruction scheduling, towns street, theCommittee Organization Department set up a special "two to learn a" theme of the activities of the office, responsible for thround excellent. Third, we need to strengthen guidance, to ensure the effectiveness of. Municipal Party -roots party construction work, all4 系,确保我们的营销点正常,高效,高质运营。 专业的设计团队,先进的设计理念。打造行业内领先的展览展示、从平面到空间,从线上到线下,统一视觉形象,终端专卖店装修全程监理,执行统一标准,完美效果。紫罗兰商学院培训专员定期对加盟商店员进行产品知识、产品陈列、销售技巧等技能培训,确保店员称职上岗;定期召开区域培训会,提升终端运营能力。强势广告宣传,携手著名影星——周迅,高空拉动,地面媒体等宣传。全国大型媒体统一的广告宣传支持。在加盟店辐射区域内,提供公关活动、POP立体展示、DM单片派发等系统支持。定期协助终端进行活动全方位推广,活跃当地市场,确保盈利;开业活动、新品上市活动、周年店庆活动、大型特卖活动、婚庆文化节活动及各区域个性化推广等。超大货品仓储中心,专业物流团队提供现代化物流管理解决方案,快捷一流的物流服务体系,确保全国范围的物流配送准时有效。 紫罗兰的设计师们以科技为画笔,维纳斯的爱与美为灵魂,将意大利的浪漫柔情和中华民族的独特刺绣自然的描绘在家中的床上,真正实现了爱、美、家的完美结合,为振兴中国的民族工业奉献了力量。 紫罗兰作为家纺行业的一线品牌,将继续坚守着她的特性和灵魂,用实际的行动来阐释永恒的“美”,浪漫的“爱”,和温暖的“家”。坚持走品牌文化发展之路,领Show中国家纺行业,积极倡导绿色、健康、舒适的生活理念,在未来,紫罗兰将不断开拓创新,努力让产品走出国门,走向世界,力争创造至真至善、充满生命活与灵感的完美紫罗兰。 activities and promote work closely, do both hands, two not mistake, two promotion. To make this work for the implementation theme ace, work in place, measures are in place. Second, we must do a good job with, to promote the overall. To "two studies and a"(party) as the first responsible person, must strengthen the leadership, and provide a powerful guarantee, to personnel in plttees ous departments (units) to set up special institutions, orderly activities carried out smoothly. Secretary of the party commition to implementation, to ensure effectiveness. To attach great importance to, strengthen leadership. Towns street, the variordinate arrangements, meticulously organized, pay close atten-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments (units) to attach Attention, co-ership carry out "two to learn a" theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grassthe model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadthe treet,"two to learn a" theme of the activities of the office, responsible for the activities of the instruction scheduling, towns sd to strengthen guidance, to ensure the effectiveness of. Municipal Party Committee Organization Department set up a special round excellent. Third, we nee-roots party construction work, all-ization of the work, to promote the overall progress of the grassty members and party democratic appraisal, strictly regulate the party life, Chuang Jianji layer service oriented party organroots party building of the mission objectives of the important measures, do a good job Education and training of Par-of the grass5
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