

2017-12-28 13页 doc 41KB 3阅读




关于系统密码破解的问题关于系统密码破解的问题 小技巧 阅读41 评论0 随着电脑在各行业普及,人们对电脑的应用也越来越多,同时人们对自己的信息安全也越来越关注,各种加密算法不断出现,公司里的员工纷纷都将自己的文件、电脑加了把锁,可是,很多人在给自己的电脑加锁之后却丢了钥匙---密码。再你丢了相关密码之后怎么办,不要急,让我 慢慢给你讲相关的开锁方法。 一、忘记开机密码 开机密码是指你在打开电脑开机自检后就跳出的密码。这时你只有输入正确的密码后操作系统才启动。这种密码出现时,你就想进入电脑的BIOS设置都不行,所以安全性相对要好(建议笔记本电...
关于系统密码破解的问题 小技巧 阅读41 评论0 随着电脑在各行业普及,人们对电脑的应用也越来越多,同时人们对自己的信息安全也越来越关注,各种加密算法不断出现,公司里的员工纷纷都将自己的文件、电脑加了把锁,可是,很多人在给自己的电脑加锁之后却丢了钥匙---密码。再你丢了相关密码之后怎么办,不要急,让我 慢慢给你讲相关的开锁方法。 一、忘记开机密码 开机密码是指你在打开电脑开机自检后就跳出的密码。这时你只有输入正确的密码后操作系统才启动。这种密码出现时,你就想进入电脑的BIOS设置都不行,所以安全性相对要好(笔记本电脑不要设置此类密码。因为一旦忘记密码,然后又丢了相应的解密盘的话,你可就要去 笔记本产商维修店去烧钱了)。 解决方法:打开机箱,把主板上的CMOS锂电池取出来,过一会儿(5 -10分钟),再放进去,密码自动消失。 原理:因为开机密码是通进BIOS设置的,它会保存在主板上CMOS中,这种存储器在长时间掉电后内容会消失,所以密码也随之消失。 (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 二、忘记BIOS设置密码 BIOS设置密码是在开机自检过程中通过按相应键(不同BIOS的键不同,Aword、与AMI的为DEL)进入BIOS进行设置时的密码,开机密码也是的在这里边设置的。此密码是对BIOS设置的权限进行保护。 不影响操作系统的启动。 解决方法:可以通过CMOS放电,但最好是用debug来清除它。因为总是翻弄电脑硬件,会使它的使用寿命更短。在启动操作系统后,进入DOS环境,输入debug命令,这时会出现“-”的输入提示符,然后输 入以下命令 -o 70 10 -o 71 10 -q 相信通过此操作,就能清除密码。 原理:命令行中都用到了70和71两个数字,这是因为CMOS中数据访问是通过70和71这两个I/O端口来实现的。端口70H是一个字节的地址端口,用来设置CMOS中数据的地址,而端口71H则是用来读(a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 写端口70H设置CMOS地址中的数据单元内容。 三(忘记Windows98的登录密码 有的员工会通过更改Windows注册和相应的登录方式来限制登录,输入不正确就会提示相应的信息而且不能登录。一般的windows网络 登录方式如果不输入密码即使登录进去也不能使用局域网。 解决方法:在电脑开机自检之,后将要启动操作系统之前,按F8键,调出启动菜单,选择其中的safe mode (安全模式)后进入操作系统。在其中查找文件后缀为pwl的文件,然后将其改名或删除,然后 改变登录方式,相应的密码自动清除。 原理:以pwl为文件后缀的文件是以文件名为登录名的密码文件,删 除它之后,相应密码就消失。 四、忘记WindowsNT/2000的登录密码 为了保证WindowsNT/2000安全,一般都要求设操作系统登录密码, 没有密码不能登录。 解决方法:首先要区分操作系统文件格式是FAT还是NTFS,因为是N(a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. TFS的话有些启动盘不能操作文件,因为这个操作要更改或删除文件。 若是FAT的话用一般的Windows98启动盘就可以启动电脑,而NTF S则要其它工具,比如说NTFSDOS这个小软件,它可以通过制作两 张Floppy启动盘后来操作NTFS文件格式下的文件。用启动盘启动电 脑(现在是在dos状态下),进入系统所在的分区(如:C盘)将c:\ windows\system32\config\sam文件改名或删除则在下次登录密码 为空就可以登录。 原理:因为c:\windows\system32\config\sam这个文件在操作系统 中相当于一个数据库文件用于保存当前系统用户的密码,当删除或更改 此文件之后,系统就认为没有密码,下次启动时就会自去产生一个SA M文件。 五、忘记Windows XP登录密码 解决方法一、用net 命令(假设忘记密码的用户名为LUOYONG) 我们知道在Windows XP中提供了“net user”命令,该命令可以添 加、修改用户账户信息,其语法格式为: net user [UserName [Password | *] [options]] [/domain] net user [UserName {Password | *} /add [options] [/domain] net user [UserName [/delete] [/domain]] (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 1、重新启动计算机,在启动画面出现后马上按下F8键,选择“带命 令行的安全模式”。 2、运行过程结束时,系统列出了系统超级用户“administrator”和本地用户“LUOYONG”的选择菜单,鼠标单击“administrator”,进入命 令行模式。 3、键入命令:“net user LUOYONG 123456 /add”,强制将“LUOYONG”用户的口令更改为“123456”。若想在此添加一新用户(如:用户名为abcdef,口令为123456)的话,请键入“net user abcdef 123456 /add”,添加后可用“net localgroup administrators abcde f /add”命令将用户提升为系统管理组“administrators”的用户,并使 其具有超级权限。 4、重新启动计算机,选择正常模式下运行,就可以用更改后的口令“1 23456”登录“LUOYONG”用户了。 解决方法二、利用“administrator” 我们知道在安装Windows XP过程中,首先是以“administrator”默认登录,然后会要求创建一个新账户,以便进入Windows XP时使用此新建账户登录,而且在Windows XP的登录界面中也只会出现创建的这个用户账号,不会出现“administrator”,但实际上该“adminis trator”账号还是存在的,并且密码为空。 当我们了解了这一点以后,假如忘记了登录密码的话,在登录界面上,按住Ctrl+Alt键,再按住Del键二次,即可出现经典的登录画面,此时在用户名处键入“administrator”,密码为空进入,然后再修改“z(a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. hangbp”的口令即可。 六、忘记Linux root登录密码 linux是另一种与Microsoft操作系统大不相同的操作系统,公司的服务器就是应用这个操作系统。它的具有较好的安全性,而且其内核是免费的,但操作稍微复杂。 root账号 是Linux中默认的操作系统管理员登录密码,相当于Microsft windowsNT/2K中的Administrator。以root命今登录后具有很大的管理操作权限,既然能将root密码都改掉,那么其它用户密码就更是”小菜一碟”。但是在更改密码时必须 重启计算机,想Telnet一类方法可能就不能更改。 解决方法一. lilo 1. 在出现 lilo: 提示时键入 linux single 画面显示 lilo: linux single 2. 回车计算机启动后可直接进入linux命令行 3. #vi /etc/shadow 将第一行,即以root开头的一行中root:后和下一个:前的内容删除, 第一行将类似于 root::...... 保存 4. #reboot重启,root密码为空 解决方法二. grub 1. 在出现grub画面时,用上下键选中你平时启动linux的那一项(别(a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 选dos哟),然后按e键 2. 再次用上下键选中你平时启动linux的那一项(类似于kernel /boot /vmlinuz-2.4.18-14 ro root=LABEL=/),然后按e键 3. 修改你现在见到的命令行,加入single,结果如下: kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-14 single ro root=LABEL=/ 4. 回车返回,然后按b键启动,即可直接进入linux命令行 5. #vi /etc/shadow 将第一行,即以root开头的一行中root:后和下一个:前的内容删除, 第一行将类似于 root::...... 保存 6. #reboot重启,root密码为空 解决方法三、将本机的硬盘拿下来,挂到其他的linux系统上,采用的 与第二种相同 原理:在LINUX操作系统中,各类文件都放在一个固定的目录下(UNIX也是这样),”/”就是根目录,而操作系统登录密码就放在/etc目录下,若登录密码经过加密的,就放在shadow文件中;而未经加密的就放于password文件中(因好久没有用linux所以此文件名记得不太清楚)。找到相应的要改密的用户命,在相应的项(因为此文件内容是 以固定的格式放置的)上将密码删除即可。 相信你把以上文章看懂之后,面对许多操作系统,就会如”无密之地” (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 密码忘记之类的事大概也难不住你了。由于篇幅限制就写到这里,下一 期给大家写点关于文件的加密与忘记密码的解决方法,到时,你忘记w ord文件的密码又不可怕了。 (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people.
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