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毕业论文引言范文毕业论文引言范文 当今世界已进入信息时代,Internet成为21世纪最受关注的行业之一,它的飞速发展和在全球范围的普及应用正在给人类生活带来革命性变化。网络技术的发展也取得了巨大的成就,为网站开发提供了很好的技术支持。正基于这个背景,产生了《图片网站设计》这个毕业设计课题。 就课题组成员而言,主要是想通过《图片网站设计》课题的开发,让自身在软件开发的知识水平提升一个档次,特别是对软件开发形成一种概念,同时加强培养团队合作意识。 本课题于2005年12月正式成立课题组,由程桦老师任指导老师,赵有*、刘*、张予*、方*和张...
毕业论文引言范文 当今世界已进入信息时代,Internet成为21世纪最受关注的行业之一,它的飞速发展和在全球范围的普及应用正在给人类生活带来革命性变化。网络技术的发展也取得了巨大的成就,为网站开发提供了很好的技术支持。正基于这个背景,产生了《图片网站设计》这个毕业设计课题。 就课题组成员而言,主要是想通过《图片网站设计》课题的开发,让自身在软件开发的知识水平提升一个档次,特别是对软件开发形成一种概念,同时加强培养团队合作意识。 本课题于2005年12月正式成立课题组,由程桦老师任指导老师,赵有*、刘*、张予*、方*和张神*任课题组成员。在课题组成立初期,就确立了一个指导方针,即严格按照软件的要求,同时也兼顾网站开发其自身的特殊性原则,认真完成每阶段的任务。 在选题后,课题组成员查阅了大量的文献资料,对目前网站开发的现状以及采用的技术进行了详细的研究,结合课题组现有of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 的资源,于2006年1月正式定题,课题定名为《基于ASP技术的图片网站设计与实现》。 随后经历了一个寒假和毕业实习后,于2006年3月底正式进入课题系统实质性的开发阶段。课题组把网站开发的过程分为系统分析、系统设计、系统实现和系统测试四个阶段,在系统分析中,对系统进行了可行性分析、需求分析以及功能分析,于4月初结束这阶段的工作后转入系统设计阶段;在系统设计中,主要是明确整个系统的用户界面功能模块、网站管理系统功能模块以及数据库的设计等,于4月中旬完成了这个阶段性任务;系统的实现,历经一个半月,主要是实现系统设计中的所有模块功能;最后利用了一周的时间完成系统的测试;测试完成后设计编制一套系统开发,课题的所有开发设计工作于5月底全部结束。 在完成开发工作后,课题组成员的任务立刻转向毕业论文的写作,课题组各成员毕业论文的写作原则上就是其在设计开发中所承担的主要任务,最后形成一套学士论文集: 张神* 《基于ASP技术的图片网站设计与实现——系统分析与设计》 of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 张予* 《基于ASP技术的图片网站设计与实现——网站的实现》 赵有* 《基于ASP技术的图片网站设计与实现——网站管理软件的实现》 刘 * 《基于ASP技术的图片网站设计与实现——系统的测试》 方 * 《基于ASP技术的图片网站设计与实现——数据库分析与设计》 在此说明一下,课题组中各论文中提到的网站即是通常所说的前台,而网站管理即是通常所说的后台管理。而把整个网站则称为一个系统。 在论文的写作过程中,课题组各成员严格按照论文写作规范的要求来写,各成员首先是列写作大纲,然后在大纲的基础上撰写论文初稿,再根据指导老师对初稿审阅后提出的修改意见,完of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 成论文的修改稿,修改稿通过后还对论文中各个细节进行适当的推敲修改,最后形成定稿。 通过课题组成员和指导老师的努力,于6月5日完成毕业论文初稿,9日完成了修改稿,6月12日完成定稿。 --------------------------------------- 研究各种经济活动的投入与产出之间的数量依存关系,特别是国民经济各个部门之间的数量依存关系的一种方法。早在1924年苏联为了统一计划和安排全国的生产活动,曾经编制1923/1924年国民经济平衡表,其中包括各种产品生产与消耗的棋盘式平衡表,当时在方法上并未进行科学的提炼和。20世纪30年代,W.W.列昂季耶夫在前人工作的基础上提出了投入产出方法,并且利用美国经济统计资料编制了美国经济1919年和1929年的投入产出表。在第二次世界大战末期,这个方法得到美国政府的重视。战后,美国劳动部与空军合作,以较大人力、物力编制了美国经济1947年投入产出表。 在20世纪50年代,世界上曾经出现了编制和应用投入产出表的热潮。世界上已经有90多个国家先后编制了投入产出表。中国of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 在1974年到1976年曾经编制了61个部门的实物型投入产出表。 投入产出分析的主要作用如下:?检查现有国民经济计划在部门间的比例和主要产品产量方面的不平衡状况,找出缺口,提出改进方案。?分析国民经济中的一些主要比例关系,如积累与消费比例,两大部类比例等。?研究采取某一项重要的经济政策可能产生的影响。例如,研究当工资提高10,时,各部门商品价格上升的百分比。?计算产品的完全劳动消耗,为正确制订产品价格提供科学依据。?进行经济预测。例如,通过编制多部门动态模型预测未来某一时段的经济发展状况。?研究一些专门的社会问题。如污染问题、收入分配问题、人口问题、就业问题等。 投入产出模型,按照分析时期的不同,可分为静态的和动态的两种。 静态投入产出模型的研究开始的较早,已经比较定型。它又可分为静态开模型、静态闭模型、静态局部闭模型三种。静态开模型的基本结构见表[投入产出静态开模型]。 在这个模型中整个国民经济分为个部门。,分别表示第个部门的总产品和最终产品的数量表示第个部门产品生产过程中所消耗的第部门产品的数量。,,分别表示第个部门产品中的固定资产折旧、劳动报酬、纯收入(税金、利润、利息等)的数量。这个of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 表从横向看,说明各部门产品按经济用途的使用情况,从纵向看,说明各部门产品的价值构成。从水平方向看,这个模型中有如下关系: [675-01]。 引入直接消耗系数,它表示第个部门单位产品对第个部门产品的消耗量,则上式可写为 [675-02]。 以表示直接消耗系数矩阵,、分别表示总产品和最终产品列向量,则上式可写为,,。 在投入产出分析中,矩阵(-)(称为完全需要系数矩阵,[2kg]或列昂季耶夫逆矩阵。矩阵=(-)(-称为完全消耗系数矩阵。完全消耗系数说明在单位最终产品的生产过程中所直接和间接消耗的各部门产品的数量之和。 在通常情况下, 上述静态模型的最终产品(包括居民消费国家和集体消费、增加库存和储备、净出口等)是在模型之外确定的,即最终产品是外生变量。所以这个模型是开模型。如果把最终产品的各个组成部分如居民消费、国家消费等都作为内生变量,都作为个部门中的一个部门看待,那么可得到一个静态闭模型,其公式为,,这里,分别为部门扩展后的直接消耗系数矩阵和总产of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 品列向量。 静态局部闭模型是把最终产品中的一部分项目,如个人消费等作为内生变量处理。这种模型在很多情况下得到应用。 动态投入产出模型研究若干年份的社会再生产过程。其内生变量常涉及很多年份。它的种类很多,主要有列昂季耶夫动态投入产出模型、快车道动态模型、半动态投入产出模型等。列昂季耶夫动态投入产出模型的基本公式为[676-01]这里表示 年份最终净产品列向量,表示资本系数矩阵列昂季耶夫曾经提出,在上述线性常微分方程组中当丨--[2kg][2kg]丨=0时所得到的个特征根中的模数最大者,将最终决定各部门生产发展速度和各部门之间。 of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP.
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