

2017-11-08 5页 doc 20KB 60阅读




飞行员手册飞行员手册 飞行员手册 飞行员手册 每次起飞都是可选的。每次降落都是强制性的。 每个起飞是自愿性的,每个降落是强迫性的。 始终尽量保持着陆数等于你起飞的次数。 经常保持降落数目与起飞数目相等。 有疑问时,请保持高度。从来没有人跟天空相撞。 当你觉得混乱时,请保持高度,因为没有人跟天空相撞过„ 生存的概率与到达角成反比。大迎角,生存概率小,反之亦然。 生存的机会是跟着陆角度是成反比例的大的着陆角度,小的生存机会„ 做一个好的着陆有三个简单的规则。不幸的是,没有人知道他们是什么。 要做出好的降落有三个原则,...
飞行员手册 飞行员手册 飞行员手册 每次起飞都是可选的。每次降落都是强制性的。 每个起飞是自愿性的,每个降落是强迫性的。 始终尽量保持着陆数等于你起飞的次数。 经常保持降落数目与起飞数目相等。 有疑问时,请保持高度。从来没有人跟天空相撞。 当你觉得混乱时,请保持高度,因为没有人跟天空相撞过„ 生存的概率与到达角成反比。大迎角,生存概率小,反之亦然。 生存的机会是跟着陆角度是成反比例的大的着陆角度,小的生存机会„ 做一个好的着陆有三个简单的规则。不幸的是,没有人知道他们是什么。 要做出好的降落有三个原则,但不幸地,没人知道是哪三个„ 如果你把控制杆推前,房子变大了。如果你把操纵杆拉后,他们变得越来越小„也就是说,除非你一直把棍子拉回来,然后它们又变大了。 当你把控制杆推前,房子变大了;当你把控制杆拉后,房子变细了; 但当你拉着不放,房子又要变大了。 你从一袋充满好运和一袋空经验的袋子开始。诀窍是在你放弃运气之前填满经验袋。 开始时你有两个袋,运气袋装得满满的,经验袋是空空的。关键就在于,在运气袋变空之前,请把经验袋装得满满的~ 好的判断来自经验。不幸的是,这种经历通常来自于错误的判断。 好的判断来自经验。很不幸,经验通常是来自坏的判断...... 对飞行员来说,三个最没用的东西是你上面的高度,你身后的跑道和第十秒前的高度。 对于飞行员来说,最没用的三件事:在你上面的高度、在你背后的跑道,以及刚过去的十分一秒。(三件事也可以理解為:白白损失的高度,失误错过的跑道,以及刚过去的十分一秒。) 这里有老飞行员,也有勇敢的飞行员。有,但是,没有勇敢的老飞行员。 这里有老飞行员,也有勇敢的飞行员;但是,这里并没有勇敢的老飞行员。 你知道如果你坐出租车去电梯的话,你就把轮子弄上去了。 当你要开加力才能把飞机驶进停机坪,你就知道刚才降落时,忘记了放下起落架„ 飞行不是危险的。撞车是危险的。 飞行不是危险的,撞机才是危险的~ 唯一的时候,你有太多的燃料是当你着火了。 你唯一会嫌汽油太多的时候,就是着了火的时候„ 一个“好”的落地就是你可以走开。一次“伟大”的着陆是他们可以 再次使用飞机的一次。 A "good" landing means you can walk safely away from the cabin; an excellent landing, which means the plane can be used again. The, propeller, is, just, big, fan, in, front, the, plane, used, to, keep, the, pilot, cool., it, stops, When, you, can, actually,, watch, the, of, pilot, a, start, sweating. The propeller is just a pilot cool. When it stops, basically you will see the pilot start sweating... Helicopters can't fly; they're, just, so, ugly, the,, earth, repels, them. Helicopters can't fly, they're just so ugly the earth repels them. SQUAWKS ~ whining! After each flight, the pilot will take notes to the maintenance crew and report to the machine where they will be repaired. Following is the pilot's note and the answer to the repairs. (P) = Problem (S) = Solution (question) = the pilot's complaint (answer) the response of the maintenance personnel (P) Left, inside, tire, almost, needs, replacement. (S) Almost, replaced, left, inside, tire. (ask) the left inner wheel is about to be replaced. (quick) replace the left inner wheel. (P) Test, flight, OK, except, auto, land, very, rough. (S) Auto, land, not, installed, on, this, aircraft. (q) the test flight was successful, but the automatic landing was not smooth. (answer) the aircraft does not have an automatic landing system. (P) # 2 engine seeping fluid. (S) engine seepage is # 2 normal - 1 engine lack normal seepage. # (No.) engine No. two leaks liquid. (two) it is normal for engine to leak liquid, and no engine is leaking properly. (P) Something, loose, in, cockpit. (S) Something, tightened, in, cockpit. There's something loose in the cockpit. (answer) something has been tightened in the cockpit. (P) Evidence, of, leak, on, right, landing, gear. (S) Evidence removed. (ask) there is a leak in the right landing gear. (a) the signs have been removed. (P) DME, volume, unbelievably, loud. (S) Volume, set, to, more, believable, level. (q) the sound of DME is too loud to imagine! (answer) the sound effects are adjusted to an imaginary level. (P) Dead, bugs, on, windshield. (S) Live, bugs, on, order. (q) dead insects on the windshield. (yes) we have already ordered some live insects. That's to say, "change it for you!" (P) Autopilot, in, altitude, hold, mode, produces, a, 200, FPM, descent. (S) Cannot, reproduce, problems, on, ground. (question) automatic flight in fixed height mode, the aircraft automatically drops 200 feet per minute. (answer) this error cannot be repeated on the ground. (P) IFF inoperative. (S) IFF, always, inoperative, in, OFF, mode. (ask) IFF doesn't work. (answer) IFF does not work when closed. (P) Friction, locks, cause, throttle, lever, to, stick. (S) That's, what, they're, there, for. (q) the thrust lever locks the thrust position and can not move. (a) the lock of the thrust rod is originally designed for this purpose. (P) Number, two, engine, missing. (S) Engine, found, on, right, wing, after,, brief, search. (excuse me) No. two engine is missing. (answer) after a simple search near the right wing, find the engine. (p)飞机操纵滑稽。 (S)飞机发出警告:“飞得好”,严肃点。 (问)飞机操控很有趣(怪怪的)。 (答)已经向飞机警告:」现在已经正经了「认真点。 (P)雷达发出嗡嗡声。 (S)重组目标雷达的话 (问)雷达发出嗡嗡声。 (答)已经重新设定雷达,改为人声。
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