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台式机无线上网台式机无线上网 简介 无线上网是现在很普及的上网方式,没有了网线的束缚,是不是上网更自由啊~~~(感觉而已)。通常我们是用手机、上网本、Ipad、Itouch、笔记本电脑等进行无线上网,那么台式机是不是也可以无线上网呢,答案是肯定的,接下来我们就讲讲怎么让台式机也能够无线上网。(本文所指的无线上网主要是指通过WIFI热点来进行上网)。 术语解释 无线上网-------百度百科给我们的解释是:所谓无线上网分两种,一种是通过手机开通数据功能,以电脑通过手机或无线上网卡来达到无线上网,速度则根据使用不同的技术、终端支持速度和...
台式机无线上网 简介 无线上网是现在很普及的上网方式,没有了网线的束缚,是不是上网更自由啊~~~(感觉而已)。通常我们是用手机、上网本、Ipad、Itouch、笔记本电脑等进行无线上网,那么台式机是不是也可以无线上网呢,答案是肯定的,接下来我们就讲讲怎么让台式机也能够无线上网。(本文所指的无线上网主要是指通过WIFI热点来进行上网)。 术语解释 无线上网-------百度百科给我们的解释是:所谓无线上网分两种,一种是通过手机开通数据功能,以电脑通过手机或无线上网卡来达到无线上网,速度则根据使用不同的技术、终端支持速度和信号强度共同决定。 另一种无线上网方式即无线网络设备,它是以传统局域网为基础,以无线AP和无线网卡来构建的无线上网方式。一般认为,只要上网终端没有连接有线线路,都称为无线上网。 我们这里要讲的无线上网是后面那一种。 工具/原料 PCI 无线网卡 USB无线网卡 台式电脑一台 windows OS 步骤/方法 我们一般的台式机是没有无线接收功能的,所以我们就要给台机安装一个无线接受装置。我们首先的就是无线网卡。无线网卡可以分为内置式和外置式两种,内置式的如下图:(为避免有广告之嫌,我将网卡的品牌做了模糊处理)这种网卡需要你将台机的主机箱打开,然后将网卡安装到空闲的PCI插槽内,然后在把主机箱装好,然后安装网卡的驱动。这需要使用者要具有一定的动手能力,因为这样的网卡带有外置的接收天线,所以信号的接受能力和信号的稳定性都是不错的。但是对于那些没有过保的品牌机来说,有些品牌机的主机箱是贴有激光易碎标签的,如果打开过机箱的话,那么就不保修了,所以建议这些用户使用下面的外置式USB网线网卡。 be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 外置式的无线网卡现在基本都是USB接口的。如下面的图,虽然形状各异,但是百变不离其宗。 这个很像U盘,只是比U盘体积大一些,是内置天线的。现在的USB无线网卡做的越来越好看了。 这个是带有接收天线的,可以提高信号的接收能力。这个也是带有接收天线的,款式还是很好看的。 USB类型的无线网卡,我们只要把网卡直接插在USB接口上,然后系统就会发现新硬件,然后我们安装好驱动程序就可以了。 be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in USB插到主机的USB口以后,系统就会提示发现新硬件,弹出驱动安装界面(PCI接口的内置无线网卡也是这样的,装完开机,进入系统后就会提示发现新硬件)一般不推荐自动安装,我们选择“从列表或指定位置安装(高级)”这个选项,然后下一步如果驱动是在光盘上的,你可以用“搜索可移动媒体”这一项,如果已经复制在本地硬盘上,那么选择下面的那项“在搜索中包括这个位置”,然后通过“浏览”按钮来选定路径,下一步系统会自动安装驱动安装完毕,点击完成结束。 然后双击系统右下角的无线网络的图标,弹出无线网络连接。(此处要注意,如果你的系统中的服务:Wireless Zero Configuration 被禁用或者关闭的话,那么无线网络连接是不可用的,你需要去 控制面板--------管理工具-------服务 里面找到这个服务,然后开启他并设置为自动启动。)然后在选择无线网络的列表内,会出现一些无线的信号(如果附近有的话),这些无线的信号一般都是通过与宽带连接的无线路由器发出的。无线路由器也是无线网络中的重要部分。 无线路由的设置这里我就不细讲了,你只要接好电源,插好网线,登录web页面的设置窗口,然后根据设置向导设置好宽带的用户名和密码就可以了。双击你想要连接的目标,然后就会自动尝试连接。首次连接的话会有这样的警告。我们选择仍然连接,连接完以后基本就可以上网了~~HOHO。 如果发现无法联网的话请检查IP设置和NDS设置:方法如下,控制面板-------网络连接------本地连接-----(右键)属性--------internet(TCP/IP)-------属性然后弹出设置界面后,可以自己设置IP(一般设置为自动)、DNS(这个建议填写你的宽带运营商的DNS服务器地址,这样便于浏览顺畅) be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 最后简单介绍一下利用3G网络进行无线上网。 3G上网是继GSM 、GPRS、EDGE后的新的技术,国内三大运营商之一中国移动采用的是自主产权的TD-SCDMA,速度可达2.8M;中国电信采用cdma 2000技术,现在架设的EVDO REV.A网络速度可达3.1M.而中国联通采用的是国际主流WCDMA技术,理论速度可达7.2M.速度还是相当不错的,就是资费比较贵。 3G的USB无线网卡外形和上面的USB网卡的外形和相像,只是里面会插上一张3G的手机卡。然后安装也是很方便的,插在电脑的USB接口上后,把附带的光盘放在光驱里面安装好驱动和软件,然后用这个软件拨号就可以连接上网络。 be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in 注意事项 由于3G无线上网目前资费比较贵,不建议大家使用,如果一定要使用,建议使用优惠套餐。 现在国内很多城市在建立WIFI城市,如果你所在的城市有这样免费的WIFI热点,你能够 搜索到信号的话你就可以用这些免费的WIFI热点进行上网了,一般浏览网页还是比较流畅 的。 be based on a variety of geological conditions, through field Grouting test. (2) the flushing pressure: flush water pressure 80% of Grouting pressure, pressure 1MPa, 1MPa; rinse water pressure 50% Grouting pressure, pressure over 0.5MPa, 0.5MPa. (3) the cracks flush rushed to return after the end of 10min, and the length of time required, not less than 30min Burr hole, collusion with the holes of not less than 2H. On clarification of water are not up to the required hole section, should continue to wash, holes in the sediment thickness shall not exceed the remaining 20cm. (4) when the nearby are filling in holes or are close to filling the hole ends less than 24h, the fractured washing should not be conducted. (5) the filling hole (above) cracks after washing, the hole (above) should be immediately conducted a grout continuous operation, break interval over 24h for some reason, should be fractured again rinse before Grouting. 11.4.3 water pressure test (1) water pressure test should be carried out in the cracks after washing, according to instructions, using "easy water", "single point" and the "five-point" for water pressure test. (2) simple pressure test after the cracks flush flush or a combination of fissures. Pressure Grouting pressure 80%, if this value is greater than 1MPa, 1Mpa; water 20min, 5min read the water flow pressure, taking the final flow values were calculated flow, its results to permeability. Five-point and single-point method for water pressure test is executed in
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