

2017-09-01 17页 doc 415KB 149阅读




广州珠海轻轨高铁和谐号广珠城轨站点-票价-广州到珠海中山江门轻轨2011-09-01最新时刻表广州珠海轻轨高铁和谐号广珠城轨站点-票价-广州到珠海中山江门轻轨2011-09-01最新时刻表 (本文为轻轨时刻介绍阅览量最高的文章,我们会第一时间更新全国各地区的时刻介绍 ) [最新时刻表和票价列表在本文最下方] 从广州南站出发,向南经顺德、中山抵达珠海,向西延伸到江门新会。广珠城际轨道到达这些地方1小时内都可全部到达。 广珠城轨分为主线和支线,主线全长115.625公里,线路从广州南站引出,经顺德、中山至珠海的拱北;支线长26.609公里,线路由小榄站引出,经中山古镇至江门新会,全线现开通13个车站。沿着105国...
广州珠海轻轨高铁和谐号广珠城轨站点-票价-广州到珠海中山江门轻轨2011-09-01最新时刻 (本文为轻轨时刻介绍阅览量最高的文章,我们会第一时间更新全国各地区的时刻介绍 ) [最新时刻表和票价列表在本文最下方] 从广州南站出发,向南经顺德、中山抵达珠海,向西延伸到江门新会。广珠城际轨道到达这些地方1小时内都可全部到达。 广珠城轨分为主线和支线,主线全长115.625公里,线路从广州南站引出,经顺德、中山至珠海的拱北;支线长26.609公里,线路由小榄站引出,经中山古镇至江门新会,全线现开通13个车站。沿着105国道和广珠西线高速一路驾车行走,就能够从车窗里一睹多个城轨站的风采。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 整个轨线换乘枢纽-小榄站 小榄站的位置就在中山市小榄镇城区上,一端是105国道,一端是民安南路,然后在地面上形成的一个枢纽接驳。小榄站的站房面积达到2.8万平方米,高峰小时客流量为1.6万人,在全线属于特大型站规模。全长142公里的广珠城际轨道分为主线和支线,而处于主线与支线连接处的小榄站,它的作用可不一般,广珠城轨在这里一分为二,一条通往珠海,一条通向江门。 车站特点: 小榄站是广珠城际轨道中唯一一个换乘车站,可以说是整个城轨线的枢纽。也是全线唯一一个与桥梁相对独立的“分离式”站房建筑,站房主体结构分为三层,一层除设备用房外全部架空,二层为连接南北站房的进站天桥、市政过街人行通道以及车站的售票区和候车区,三层为岛式站台。因为是枢纽站的原因,这里的站台与其它城轨车站的侧式站台不同。小榄站的两个站台是建在轨道的中间,像两个小岛一样被四条轨道夹在中间,这样旅客就可以在站台上轻松换乘前往珠海或江门方向的列车了。这种设计称为岛式站台,每个站台有230米长。 周边交通: 从这里,15分钟可以坐公交车前往小榄汽车站换乘长途汽车。记者看到,小榄站外已经预留了公交车站场的位置。现在105国道上就有28、73、210三路公交车经过小榄城轨站,坐车到小榄汽车站、黄圃客运站、城南客运站和中山汽车总站,可以换乘汽车前往中山各地。 小榄站建成通车后,乘坐广珠城轨列车从小榄到广州只需要半个小时的时间,到珠海及江门也就10多分钟,而通过广珠城轨往返珠海与江门的旅客,都将经过小榄站换乘车辆。 新会站 设有六条接驳线路 新会站位于新会大道东甲岗上,是广珠城轨江门支线的终点站,采用岛式站台4轨道供列车停靠。虽然只有两层,但作为广珠城轨江门四站中最大的站,其站房和站台建筑面积也属最大。仅站台就比其它站长了一倍,两辆和谐号列车都可以一起停进去。 车站特色: 新会的特产是葵扇,新会大道沿途都种有葵树。记者观察发现,新会站的外形也像一棵棵葵树。 周边交通: 新会站共有6条接驳线路,其中在新会原有线路上做出调整的有8路、11路和15路,而近期规划新增2路,中期规划新增3路、5路。 江门站: 周边规划有汽车客运站 江门站是未来江门客流量最大的客运站,目前主体工程已完工。车站站房不像一般的城轨站那样建在高架轨道的下方,而是在轨道的旁边。车站外面的广场和道路也已经修好,正在做最后的绿化。车站除了有8条车道的公交站外,还有一个停车场,江门市区自驾车来的旅客只要沿着五邑路就能找到城轨站。 车站特点: requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 广珠城轨江门支线总长26.609公里,在江门境内设江海站、江门站、礼乐站和新会站。从长度来看,支线的长度就跟广州一条地铁线差不多,每个站距离只有几公里远,搭乘城轨列车也就是几分钟的时间。所以江门支线更像是一条连接江门各区的地铁地面线。 周边交通: 为配合广珠城轨的开通试运营,江门已准备调整8路、31路、40路和41路的运行线路,将这些公交线路的起点或者终点调整到江门站,方便市民前往江门站乘车。在江门站站场的侧边,还规划有一个中长途汽车客运站。 中山站: 设计突显岭南元素 中山站是整个城轨线上仅次于珠海的第二大站。客流量按最高峰每小时近万人设计,长途最高聚集人数为每小时500人。中山站在外形的设计上也很独特,像个古代的城门一样,吸取了岭南地区建筑特色元素等,站房外廊设计门拱46个。记者了解到,这一设计也是整个广珠城轨线中唯一一个融入了广东地域特色的站场,可以说是别具一格,外观效果颇具气势。 车站特色: 中山站预留了长途列车停靠位置,不仅具备城轨站功能,也具有火车站的功能。中山站分两层,站台长度为450米,设两座岛式站台,4条轨道,中间的轨道供广珠城轨列车停靠,两侧停靠长途列车。 周边交通: 中山站离中山城区较远,通往车站的濠五路正在中,暂时没有公交车可以换乘。要到城轨开通时才有公交车站和公交线路进入。 珠海北站 候车能欣赏到凤凰山 珠海北站地处高新区金峰北路,是广珠城际轨道珠海境内的5个车站之一。广珠城轨今年底开通,此站将是其进入珠海的终点站。车站共设两层,一层为站厅和设备用房,二层是站台。广珠城轨珠海北站已完成九成进度,工人正在进行扶手电梯安装和站外广场的绿化,是目前广珠城轨上进度最快的站,以玻璃幕墙为主的外墙不但保证大厅的充分采光,乘客还能在二层候车台欣赏到凤凰山等风景。 车站特点: 珠海北站的站厅建筑面积有2500多平方米,无柱雨棚结构投影面积达7500多平方米,即使是靠近海边,在台风天气下乘客也不用担心被淋湿。由于是“临时总站”,珠海北站也有4条轨道,这样城轨列车到了这里也可以调头。 周边交通: 珠海北站目前还没有公交车开到,但在岐关车站有观光巴士开到这里,在金峰北路路口也有出租车站。记者发现,从这里上京珠高速只需七八分钟。 顺德站 外貌酷似一艘龙舟 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 顺德站位于大良碧桂路以东、龙洲路以南,横跨三涌洲水道,广珠城轨在顺德境内基本和广珠西线高速平行。站在广珠西线高速公路上看去,顺德站就像一艘两头翘起的龙舟,随时准备启航开往远方。 车站特色: 车站跨水道而建,高架上是现代化的城轨列车,下面是古老的水道和村落,顺德水乡特色十足。这里接近顺德中心城区大良与容桂,离广州的沙湾也很近。下了城轨很快就能感受到水乡特色和品尝到大良双皮奶和沙湾姜撞奶。 周边交通: 附近有佛山顺德的公交车949、310、331和314路,无论是去往大良,还是东到番禺或者到龙江、乐从等顺德腹地经济发达镇街,都有畅通的道路选择。乘坐公交车10分钟就可到达大良中心城区,离龙江家具城也只有半小时的车程。 广珠城轨现共有13个站点。主线包括广州境内的广州南站、佛山顺德境内的北滘站、顺德站、容桂站,中山境内的小榄站、东升站、中山北、中山站、南朗站、以及珠海境内的珠海北站、唐家湾站(未开)、明珠站(未开)、前山站(未开)、珠海站(未开)。支线包括古镇站,以及江门境内的江门站、新会站。 (以下为官方最新时刻表) 广州南——珠海北 / 江门新会 方向 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 广州南站始发广珠城际列车时间为早上6时30分至晚上22时30分,而珠海北站始发广珠城际列车 时间为7时00分至晚上22时50分。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 知多D 是城轨不是轻轨 在不少读者口里,这条轨道还会被叫做“广珠轻轨”,但它真正的名字应该是“广珠城轨”。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 广珠城轨是双线电气化客运专线铁路。铁路设计最高时速200公里,小时,预留250公里,小时,列车将会采用CRH系列动车组运行。使用轨距,远远超过了轻轨的标准。由于该线路设计功能是串联起广州、顺德、中山、珠海、江门等沿线城镇,时速也因此受到限制,所以定名为广珠城轨。 轻轨在不同的地区有不同的划定标准,但都有一些共同特点,包括低速、载客量较少,服务范围通常在城市内部。轻轨时速最高120公里,小时,平均时速70公里,小时。 广珠城轨票价 始发站为广州南站的票价一览 单位(元) 始发站为新会站的票价一览 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 注:城轨来回的票价是一样的 这是目前最新的广珠城轨列车时刻表(2011年9月1日起执行) 广珠城际轨道交通动车组列车全程停靠13个火车站,分别是: 广州:广州南站 佛山:碧江站,北滘站,顺德站,顺德学院站,容桂站。 中山:南头站,小榄站,东升站,中山北站,中山站,南朗站,翠亨站,古镇站。 江门:江海站,江门站,礼乐站,新会站。 珠海:珠海北站,唐家湾站,明珠站,前山站,珠海站。 (注:部分火车站暂时还没有开通营运后续会及时更新。) 以上为我倾力归纳的最新时刻表 同步官方数据 所以说就会及时更新 请各位放心 网上的时刻表混requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 乱 陈旧 希望我的一点努力能为您带来出行的方便, 我不胜荣幸 如有不明白的问 可以随时提问 我会 及时解答 在此祝您出行快乐 一帆风顺~~~ requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and
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