首页 > E企云邮局-中国电信企业邮箱


2018-03-08 19页 doc 166KB 22阅读




E企云邮局-中国电信企业邮箱E企云邮局-中国电信企业邮箱 简介 E企云邮局是针对企业客户、特别是中小企业客户推出的高品质邮箱系统和专业的运营服务,产品针对企业客户提供无需软硬件投入即可享受以企业自有域名为电子邮件地址后缀、企业自主管理并提供给企业员工使用的企业邮箱服务;在保持高稳定性的同时,特别增强海外邮件收发能力,始终坚持创新性,新增服务的灵活性,使E企云邮局不断为企业提供更好的电信级服务。产品由中国企业邮箱第一品牌263提供技术支撑。 功能特色 E企云邮局服务系统架构 safety catch. Any production safety ...
E企云邮局-中国电信企业邮箱 简介 E企云邮局是针对企业客户、特别是中小企业客户推出的高品质邮箱系统和专业的运营服务,产品针对企业客户提供无需软硬件投入即可享受以企业自有域名为电子邮件地址后缀、企业自主管理并提供给企业员工使用的企业邮箱服务;在保持高稳定性的同时,特别增强海外邮件收发能力,始终坚持创新性,新增服务的灵活性,使E企云邮局不断为企业提供更好的电信级服务。产品由中国企业邮箱第一品牌263提供技术支撑。 功能特色 E企云邮局服务系统架构 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education 功能介绍: 基本参数 标准型产品 产品规格 5用户版 邮箱容量 超大附件 普通附件 邮箱管理 全球畅邮 反垃圾 防病毒 189G*5 1G 30M ? ? ? ? 每个企业客户电子邮箱为5个邮箱,以5为单位增减。 特色功能 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education , 完善的企业用户管理:分级分部门管理;域公告;批量邮箱开通;通讯录管理;邮件跟踪管理等 功能 , 垃圾邮件控制:应用国家863反垃圾邮件项目成果,垃圾邮件阻挡率 , 大于99%,误判率低于0.01% , 海外畅邮多重保障:在国外多地点架设中转服务器,用户邮件快速通达全球任何电子信箱 , 防病毒邮件:内置国际领先反病毒引擎,邮件病毒查杀率不低于99.99% , Webmail:所有功能管理邮箱、收发邮件都支持web界面操作 运营服务:为用户提供全年7*24小时不间断的贴心服务 产品优势 1、超大附件功能 在传输图纸和多媒体影音等大容量文件时,传统的电子邮件的附件功能已经无法满足需求。中国电信企业邮箱特别推出免费的超大附件功能,每个用户都单独拥10G的超大附件空间,支持断点续传以及多线程上传。同时不占用邮箱空间,彻底解决了电子邮件在大容量文件传输上的天生弊病。 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education 2、不明文件夹功能 对于用户收到邮件,当邮箱不能判断是否是垃圾邮件的时候直接投到不明文件夹中,杜绝误判。对于使用 POP协议客户端的客户,不必时时登录webmail浏览不明文件夹。用户可以自己设置不明文件夹功能提醒。 系统会以邮件形式发送不明文件夹邮件列至收件箱(可以通过pop协议收取下来),防止重要邮件没有 及时阅读。不明文件夹容量不占用邮箱使用空间。 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education 客户端收取的不明文件夹提醒信样本: safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education 3、优秀的地址本 从根本角度解决企业地址本的易用性问,包含: 1)web的智能地址本联想,方便用户的输入; 2)web展现企业地址本; 3)发送企业地址本到客户端。 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education Webmail企业通讯录调用: 4、自动回复 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education 自动回复可以在第一时间使发件人确认信件顺利投递完成;同时也可以作为休假提醒的设置。 5、邮件归档 邮件归档功能可以减少收件箱(inbox)中的邮件数量,使pop收信速度得到明显提升。 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education 6、pop收信 pop收信功能可以自动收取其他支持pop协议的邮箱的信件,减少您登录多个邮箱的麻烦。同时也可 在邮箱搬家功能中应用。 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education 7、传真邮件 每个员工的企业邮箱默认赠送一个网络传真号码。传真邮件的功能是对方发送的传真,您会以邮 件的形式进行接受。提高私密性与便捷性。 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education 8、反垃圾设置 支持每个用户进行个性化的反垃圾设置。包括反垃圾邮件等级、邮件分类过滤策略、自定义拒收黑名 单(可定义到域或邮箱) safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education 业务开通 注册购买:用户需要办理中国电信企业邮箱,在中国电信e企云平台注册,进入中国 电信企业邮箱产品,点击立即购买。 授权开通:购买后,联系e企云客服做设置,然后就可以用中国电信企业邮箱了。 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education
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