
齐达内 之总体得分 rate zinedine_0

2018-08-13 4页 doc 17KB 7阅读




齐达内 之总体得分 rate zinedine_0齐达内 之总体得分 rate zinedine_0 精品文档 齐达内 之总体得分 Rate Zinedine 齐达内系列介绍 之 总体得分 Rate Zinedine If 100 points means perfect, then we can have a better understanding of how people look at Zidane as a player and as a man The following is the grades he gets under different cat...
齐达内 之总体得分 rate zinedine_0
齐达内 之总体得分 rate zinedine_0 精品文档 齐达内 之总体得分 Rate Zinedine 齐达内系列介绍 之 总体得分 Rate Zinedine If 100 points means perfect, then we can have a better understanding of how people look at Zidane as a player and as a man The following is the grades he gets under different categories 如果100分代着完美,那么下面根据不同的标准给齐达 内打的分可以帮助我们更好地了解作为球星和男人,人们是 如何看待他的。 overall rating 80 总体得分 80分 Zinedine Zidane is one of the most successful football players the world has ever seen His individual brilliance11 is enough to make him a legend, but he is much more than that He is a winner 齐达内是有史以来最为成功的足球运动员之一,他的个人 才气足以让他成为一个传奇性的人物。 但他不仅仅如此, 他还是个赢家。 1 / 5 精品文档 Zidane has captured the World Cup, the European Championship, Italian League titles, League Cups in France and Italy, and reached the finals of the Champions League twice The titles might sound the same to a person who does not know much about football, but anyone who follows the world’s biggest sport knows these are the most important titles a player can win 齐达内获得过世界杯、欧锦赛、意大利联赛、法国和意大 利联盟杯的冠军,两次打入冠军联赛决赛,这些冠军头衔对 一个不太了解足球的人来说好像大同小异,但是经常关注世 界重大足球赛事的球迷都知道,一个足球运动员不可能赢得 比这些更重要的冠军了。 Not since the great Michel Platini has France had such an influential and talented player on the world scene He has certainly won the hearts of French fans and media Though Zidane is very quiet off the field, he steps up his performance 自从普拉蒂尼后,法国还没有像齐达内那样在世界范围有 影响力的天才球员,他当仁不让地赢得了法国人和法国媒体 的心。尽管球场下齐达内沉默寡言,但是他的球技和表现日 臻完美。 2 / 5 精品文档 In the world’s two most important tournaments, he proved his talent In the 1998 World Cup final, he scored 2 goals in the final to lead France to its first victory At the 2000 European Championships, he was the most consistently superior player, earning him the Player of the Tournament award 在世界两大重要锦标赛上,齐达内证明了他的才能。1998 年世界杯决赛中,他独中两球,帮助法国队赢得了比赛。2000 年的欧锦赛上,他表现神勇、状态稳定,最终获得了欧锦赛 最佳球员的称号。 His banner seasons in 1998 and 2000 also led to the most prestigious award given to an individual player, the FIFA Player of the Year award, which he won in both those years 1998和2000年赛季,齐达内因表现神勇而两次当选年度 世界足球先生,这也是球员个人被授予的一项最有份量的荣 誉。 His list of accomplishments is long and unparalleled among active football players It was little surprise 3 / 5 精品文档 then when Real Madrid made him the most expensive player in football history transferring him from Juventus in Italy for a surprising $66 million 他取得的成绩不计其数,是现在仍在踢球的足球运动员中 无法比拟的,这就难怪他会以6600万美元的惊人价格从尤 文图斯队转会到皇家马德里队,成为有史以来最昂贵的足球 运动员。 At Real Madrid he joins world class players Figo, Roberto Carlos and Raul, all of which have been finalists for the FIFA Player of the Year award in the last few years Every Real Madrid game will be like an all-star team versus amateurs with the incomparable Zizou leading the game 在皇马他跻身于世界级球星之中,比如菲戈、卡洛斯、劳 尔,过去几年他们都是国际足联年度最佳球员的最后遴选 人。由齐达内带领的皇马每一场比赛都像是一支全明星队对 一支业余队的比赛。 上一篇英语: 球王罗纳尔多的足球生涯 Ronaldo下一篇英 语: 网球巨匠休伊特的成功之路 Hewitt查看更多关于人物 点滴的文章网友同时还浏览了: 4 / 5 精品文档 奥运首个马拉松冠军斯皮里东鲁易 现代奥运会之父,皮埃尔-德-顾拜 中国首个大满贯功臣澳网女双冠军 韩小鹏:从没得世界冠军的冬奥黑 贝克汉姆:4000万美元转汇到皇马 2005体坛女杰:最富最有活力女人 5 / 5
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