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[应用程序发生异常未知的软件异常]异常:异常[应用程序发生异常未知的软件异常]异常:异常 [应用程序发生异常未知的软件异常]异常: 异常 篇一 : 异常:异常-剧情简介,异常-电影 一部口味很重的日本变态cult风格恐怖片,可谓是日本版的《电锯惊魂》,主题是考验两个人的爱情在生死痛苦面前到底有多真多持久。变态医生把两个年轻人关在密室,穿肠、切割乳房、猎杀、情色、典型的日本变态风格,融入了很有日本元素的AV桥段式的暴力。 异常_异常 -剧情简单介绍 《异常》剧照 和男和同事亚纪相对坐在一家咖啡馆里。和男暗恋亚纪很久了,终于鼓起勇气邀她约会。不料两人徒然遭人袭击,...
[应用程序发生异常未知的软件异常]异常:异常 [应用程序发生异常未知的软件异常]异常: 异常 篇一 : 异常:异常-剧情简介,异常-电影 一部口味很重的日本变态cult风格恐怖片,可谓是日本版的《电锯惊魂》,主题是考验两个人的爱情在生死痛苦面前到底有多真多持久。变态医生把两个年轻人关在密室,穿肠、切割乳房、猎杀、情色、典型的日本变态风格,融入了很有日本元素的AV桥段式的暴力。 异常_异常 -剧情简单介绍 《异常》剧照 和男和同事亚纪相对坐在一家咖啡馆里。和男暗恋亚纪很久了,终于鼓起勇气邀她约会。不料两人徒然遭人袭击,等他们醒来发觉身处一间陌生的地下室中,手足都被绑住了。 [)1个拥有行医执照的神秘男子出现在他们面前,“如果你们两人的爱情能让我感动,我就放你们走。” 男子对他们展开了残酷的施虐…… 影片有2个亮点,影片中途变态医生折磨了男女主角后突然来了个大转变,不但给二人治疗伤口,还答应他们说自己会去自首,此时观众都以为变态医生做回正常人了。结果,变态医生说自己又要来第二次虐待实验。此时,观众心中同男女主角一样,希望生存下来的那一丝丝侥幸被撕得一干二净。影片最后,男主人公为了救女主角舍 生殉情,虽然没有成功,但是令人感动~尽管这份感动是那么鲜血横飞。 “[我虐待你,在此之间,你只要喊一声,我就转而去虐待女主角]。”导演在做实验,将人的求生本能放大到避无可避的环境下,考验此时人类,男女之间的感情是否还会那样坚贞不屈,至死不渝;还是,此时的感情早已沦落为生命中的附属品。这样的实验当然是徒劳的,极端而功利化的思维方式,注定了这部电影的世界观是狭隘而偏执,被人所唾弃,但是好在影片所给出的结局是正面的。与三池崇史,深作幸二,冢本晋也等等大师级人物拍摄该类型电影的主题与立意比起来,始终是落了下乘的。尽管电影最后对爱情的伟大有所揭示,但是全片的腥臭气息始终是掩盖不住的。 异常_异常 -电影 日本恐怖片 异常 ◎译名异常 ◎片名Grotesque ◎年代2009 ◎国家日本 ◎类别恐怖 ◎语言日语 ◎IMDB6.5/10 ◎片长73 Min ◎导演白石晃士 K ji Shiraishi ◎主演川连广明 Hiroaki Kawatsure ....和男 长泽鸫 Tsugumi Nagasawa ....亚纪 大迫茂生 Shigeo sako ....神秘男子 异常_异常 -百科名片 异常 《异常》这是一部口味很重的日本变态cult风格恐怖片, 可谓是日本版的《电锯惊魂》,主题是考验2个人的爱情在生死痛苦 面前到底有多真多持久。变态医生把2个年轻人关在密室,穿肠、切 割乳房、猎杀、情色、典型的日本变态风格,融入了很有日本元素的 AV桥段式的暴力。 篇二 : 使用proxool的异常 proxool配置如下: proxool.xml dbname jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysqltest?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8 com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 100 10 90000 10 5 hibernate-context.xml ....添加 dbname com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysqltest?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8 root root 10 100 5 .... web.xml ....添加 ServletConfigurator org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.configuration.ServletConfigurator xmlFile WEB-INF/proxool.xml 1 Admin org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.admin.servlet.AdminServlet Admin /admin proxool /admin manager BASIC proxool manager Application The role that is required to log in to the Manager Application manager .... 添加jar包 proxool-0.9.1.jar proxool-cglib.jar 出现异常,异常信息如下所示: exception1 2012-10-12 15:23:58 ERROR interceptor.TransactionInterceptor - Application exception overridden by rollback exceptionorg.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: Hibernate operation: could not execute query; uncategorized SQLException for SQL [select contentflo0_.id as id17_, contentflo0_.contentid as contentid17_, contentflo0_.flowtaskid as flowtaskid17_ from contentflowtask contentflo0_, content content1_ where contentflo0_.contentid=content1_.id and contentflo0_.contentid=1830 and content1_.isdelete=0 order by contentflo0_.id desc]; SQL state [08003]; error code [0]; No operations allowed after connection closed.Connection was closed explicitly by the application at the following location:** BEGIN NESTED EXCEPTION ** java.lang.ThrowableSTACKTRACE:java.lang.Throwable at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.close at org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.AbstractProxyConnection.reallyClose at org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ConnectionPool.removeProxyConnection at org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.HouseKeeper.sweep at org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.HouseKeeperThread.run** END NESTED EXCEPTION **; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: No operations allowed after connection closed.Connection was closed explicitly by the application at the following location:** BEGIN NESTED EXCEPTION ** java.lang.ThrowableSTACKTRACE:java.lang.Throwable at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.close at org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.AbstractProxyConnection.reallyClose at org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ConnectionPool.removeProxyConnection at org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.HouseKeeper.sweep at org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.HouseKeeperThread.run** END NESTED EXCEPTION **java.sql.SQLException: No operations allowed after connection closed.Connection was closed explicitly by the application at the following location:** BEGIN NESTED EXCEPTION ** java.lang.ThrowableSTACKTRACE:java.lang.Throwable at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.close at org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.AbstractProxyConnection.reallyClose at org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ConnectionPool.removeProxyConnection at org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.HouseKeeper.sweep at org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.HouseKeeperThread.run** END NESTED EXCEPTION ** at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.checkClosed at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.prepareStatement at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.prepareStatement at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor67.invoke at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke at org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ProxyConnection.invoke at org.logicalcobwebs.cglib.proxy.Proxy$ProxyImpl$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$edd30696.prepareStatement at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.getPreparedStatement at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.getPreparedStatement at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.prepareQueryStatement at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.prepareQueryStatement at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQuery at or..... exception2 2012-10-12 16:16:19 ERROR transaction.JDBCTransaction - JDBC begin failedjava.sql.SQLException: Couldn?t perform the operation getAutoCommit: You can?t perform any operations on this connection. It has been automatically closed by Proxool for some reason . at org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.WrappedConnection.invoke at org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.WrappedConnection.intercept at $java.sql.Connection$$EnhancerByProxool$$3f2ab9d8.getAutoCommit at org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction.begin at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.beginTransaction ...... 出现异常结果都表明使用proxool连接时出现连接超时,具体 原因如下: 一个活动连接最大活动时间默认5分钟,如果超过这个时间则 proxool连接会自动断开。(] 即在proxool.xml中修改: proxool.xml dbname jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysqltest?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8 com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 100 10 10 5 3600000 60000 select sysdate 篇三 : 一个简单的tcl/tk程序,包含了几乎所有常用组件的基本用法,仅供自己参 ############################ # set the size of the vanvas ############################ set x 0 set y 1 set z 0.8 set p 0 set q 1 set l 0.8 set monkeyImage [] set glassesImage [] set beardImage [] set sheepImage [] set step1Image [] set top .top43 ################### # CREATING WIDGETS ################### toplevel $top -class Toplevel \ -menu “$top.m63” wm focusmodel $top passive wm geometry $top 740x530+200+250; update wm maxsize $top 1284 982 wm minsize $top 115 1 wm overrideredirect $top 0 wm resizable $top 1 1 wm deiconify $top wm title $top “Sci_Digital_Makeup” canvas $top.can44 \ -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101 canvas $top.can45 \ -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101 canvas $top.can46 \ -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101 canvas $top.can47 \ -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101 canvas $top.can48 \ -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101 canvas $top.can49 \ -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101 canvas $top.can50 \ -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101 canvas $top.can51 \ -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101 canvas $top.can52 \ -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101 canvas $top.can53 \ -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101 canvas $top.can54 \ -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101 canvas $top.can1 \ -closeenough 1.0 -height 50 -relief ridge -width 50 canvas $top.can2 \ -closeenough 1.0 -height 50 -relief ridge -width 50 canvas $top.can3 \ -closeenough 1.0 -height 50 -relief ridge -width 50 canvas $top.can4 \ -closeenough 1.0 -height 50 -relief ridge -width 50 label $top.lab1 \ -text {} label $top.lab2 \ -text {} label $top.lab3 \ -text {} #-yscrollcommand {$w.vs set} -xscrollcommand {$w.hs set} #scrollbar $top.vs -command {$top.can yview} #scrollbar $top.hs -command {$top.can xview} -orient horizontal #grid $top.can44 $top.vs -sticky nsew #grid $top.hs -sticky nsew #grid rowconfigure $top 1 -weight 1 #grid columnconfigure $top 0 -weight 1 labelframe $top.lab45 \ -text {Choose Images} -height 75 -width 240 set site_3_0 $top.lab45 label $site_3_0.lab46 \ -text {Mask Image} label $site_3_0.lab47 \ -text {Original Image} button $site_3_0.but74 \ -pady 0 -takefocus 0 -text load -command {loadExample} button $site_3_0.but75 \ } ################################################### # load the subject image and show it on the canvas # when you click the „load? button ################################################### proc loadSubject {} { global SubjectImagePath global image_path global SubjectImage global plusImage clearSome2 .top43.can45 delete item .top43.can2 delete item set SubjectImagePath [.top43.lab45.ent80 get] if {$SubjectImagePath==““} { ScilabEval “error „you must choose a original image first!?” return ; } set temp_image_path $image_path set SubjectImagePath [append temp_image_path $SubjectImagePath] append SubjectImagePath 2.jpg ScilabEval “temp=imread);temp=Sci2TCLFormat;TCL_SetVar;printf;TCL_EvalFile ;” } ############################ # Main process of digital # makeup.It is defined in # the „make_up_tcl.sci? file ############################ proc Make_up {} { global resultImage wm title .top43 “Sci_Digital_Makeup—Digital Makeup is under processing.Please wait...” ScilabEval “exec;temp=Sci2TCLFormat;TCL_SetVar;TCL_EvalFile;” } ################################## # Show a image on the tcl canvas. # The parameter „imagedata? passes # the data we want to show,and „pos? # refer to the index of the canvas # to show the image on ################################## proc showImage {imagedata pos} { global canvaswidth global canvasheight global imagewidth global imageheight set canvas can append canvas $pos set tkimg tkimage append tkimg $pos #create image image create photo $tkimg #put image data to tkimage $tkimg put $imagedata .top43.$canvas delete item .top43.$canvas create image 0 0 -tags item -image $tkimg -anchor nw .top43.$canvas configure -scrollregion [.top43.can44 bbox all] } proc showDecOriginal {} { global SubjectImage global slargeScaleImage global sskinImage global RcaImage global arrowImage showImage $slargeScaleImage 48 showImage $sskinImage 49 showImage $RcaImage 50 showImage $SubjectImage 47 showImage $arrowImage 3 .top43.lab1 configure -text {Face Structure} .top43.lab2 configure -text {Skin Detail} .top43.lab3 configure -text {Color} } proc showDecMask {} { global ExampleImage global RdImage global elargeScaleImage global aeImage global arrowImage showImage $elargeScaleImage 52 showImage $RdImage 53 showImage $aeImage 54 showImage $ExampleImage 51 showImage $arrowImage 4 .top43.lab1 configure -text {Face Structure} .top43.lab2 configure -text {Skin Detail} .top43.lab3 configure -text {Color} } proc showMonkey {} { global monkeyImage篇四 : 应用程序发生异常未知的软件异 常 ,位置为Ox5fdda3cO  这该怎么办呢? microsoft就是这样。不能执行或不能兼容的问题都怪内存了。 一个方法就是楼上说的兼容模式运行,但他没有说完,还有些 东西要选,请看图。 二个方法就是软件本身的问题。如果你的是系统重装,但以前 的应用程序没有重装,系统注册表里没有信息,所以不能用。如果是 CAD,3DMAX等大型软件,过了试用期以后已会出现这样的问题。 上一篇文章:[女性雌激素高的症状]性激素让 女人健康逆袭高颜值:女性激素不仅仅是雌激素 下一篇文章:[四平保卫战]四平保卫战中的白衣将军孙仪 之:四平保卫战中的白衣将军孙仪之-基本信息
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