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自制美容祛斑面膜自制美容祛斑面膜 洁面篇 蜂蜜牛奶美白洁面乳 材料 蜂蜜1小匙,牛奶2小匙 做法 1. 牛奶加热到温热。 2. 将牛奶和蜂蜜混合,并调制成乳状。 用法 1. 用温水将脸部润湿,将本款洁面乳涂在脸部,由外向内打圈按摩。 2. 约五分钟后,再用温水冲洗干净即可。 ,美人功效, 能够预防肌肤老化,有效消除肌肤油污,修复、收紧肌肤,还可改善 暗哑肤色,让肌肤润白、水嫩。 ,美丽叮咛, ,本款洁面乳不适合保存,最好一次用完。 ,本款洁面乳特别适合肌肤疲劳时使用,油性肌肤可以3—5天使用 一次,其它肤质可以天天...
自制美容祛斑面膜 洁面篇 蜂蜜牛奶美白洁面乳 材料 蜂蜜1小匙,牛奶2小匙 做法 1. 牛奶加热到温热。 2. 将牛奶和蜂蜜混合,并调制成乳状。 用法 1. 用温水将脸部润湿,将本款洁面乳涂在脸部,由外向内打圈按摩。 2. 约五分钟后,再用温水冲洗干净即可。 ,美人功效, 能够预防肌肤老化,有效消除肌肤油污,修复、收紧肌肤,还可改善 暗哑肤色,让肌肤润白、水嫩。 ,美丽叮咛, ,本款洁面乳不适合保存,最好一次用完。 ,本款洁面乳特别适合肌肤疲劳时使用,油性肌肤可以3—5天使用 一次,其它肤质可以天天使用。 面膜篇 白芷牛奶淡斑面膜 材料 白芷,大匙,石膏适量,脱脂牛奶,大匙 做法 ,( 将白芷和石膏磨成粉,过筛,筛取细粉。 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid ,( 将脱脂牛奶加入白芷、石膏粉中,搅拌均匀,调成糊状 用法 1. 洁面后,将本款面膜均匀地涂抹在面部,再在面膜上覆盖一层保鲜膜。 2. 约20分钟后,用清水彻底冲洗干净即可。 ,美人功效, 滋润保湿,减少黑色素沉着,使肌肤润泽、亮白。 ,美丽叮咛, ,本款面膜有很好的祛斑功效,若将面膜中的石膏换成当归,制成当归白芷活肤面膜,不仅可以滋润美白肌肤,还能补血,使肌肤红润。 ,本款面膜若一次没有用完,可将剩余部分放入玻璃器皿中,密封后放入冰箱中冷藏,并尽快用完。 ,如果将保鲜膜挖出眼口鼻后,再覆盖在敷好面膜的脸上,更能增加本 款面膜的保湿效果。 珍珠粉祛斑润泽面膜 材料 珍珠粉,克,蛋清一个 做法 ,( 将蛋清打至起泡。 ,( 将蛋清泡沫、珍珠粉放入容器中混合调制均匀。 用法 ,( 洁面后,用面膜避开眼、唇四周涂敷。 ,( 等面膜干后,用清水洗净,再依照一般程序保养即可。 ,美人功效, 消除黑色素沉着,淡化斑点,滋润、美白肌肤,抗衰老。 ,美丽叮咛, ,本款面膜若一次没有用完,可将剩余部分放入玻璃器皿中,密封后 放入冰箱冷藏,并尽快用完。 ,多余的蛋清别浪费了哦,还可以搭配胡萝卜做个补水面膜呢~ ,购买珍珠粉的时候要注意哦,千万别相信那些几元或十多元钱就有 一大包的珍珠粉,那大多是珍珠层粉,不是珍珠粉~亲们要买的时候 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid 大可以去药店买那些盒装可食用的珍珠粉,一盒一般10支装,每支 0.3克,有保障之余价格也不贵,才10元左右一盒。 爽肤水篇 黄瓜保湿爽肤水 材料 小黄瓜,条,蒸馏水少许 做法 ,( 黄瓜洗净,去头尾,放入榨汁机中榨取汁液。(如没有榨汁机可手 动用汤匙压制哦~只是辛苦点~) ,( 用无菌滤布将残渣滤掉,将黄瓜汁与蒸馏水倒入瓶中,摇匀,保存 在冰箱里。 用法 ,( 将脸部洗净。 ,( 用手指或化妆棉蘸取本款爽肤水轻轻拍打脸部几分钟即可。(本人就喜欢用一个小喷瓶直接喷洒到脸上,简单方便~) ,美人功效, ,能迅速排除油脂,调节肌肤水油平衡,缩小毛孔,淡化疤痕,使肌肤保持润泽。 ,特别在夏天晒伤后,连续使用此款爽肤水两周,即可明显感受到晒伤后的暗沉和黑斑得到改善。 ,美丽叮咛, 直接将黄瓜切成小片覆盖在脸上,也是一种滋润肌肤的好哦~ 面霜篇 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid 果仁牛奶祛斑膏 材料 冬瓜子仁10克,桃仁10克,脱脂奶粉适量,热水适量 做法 1. 将脱脂奶粉、热水一同放入杯中,搅拌均匀,冷却备用。 2. 将冬瓜子仁、桃仁磨成粉末,过筛,筛取细粉。 3. 将冬瓜子仁粉、桃仁粉加入奶中,充分搅拌均匀成膏状。 用法 ,( 每日洗净脸后,取少量本款祛斑膏涂抹于脸部。 ,( 每晚临睡前涂于斑点处,次日清晨洗去。 ,美人功效, 能有效滋润肌肤,消除肌肤黑斑,使肌肤美丽动人。适合各种肤质。 ,美丽叮咛, ,牛奶一定要使用脱脂的,因为全脂奶粉不利于肌肤毛孔畅通。 ,冬瓜子仁、桃仁是一中药材,可在中药店很方便地买到,也可以请 药店帮忙研粉。 ,如果是干性肤质,也可以用少量甘油代替脱脂奶粉,润肤效果也不 错哦~ 内服篇 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid 桃花瓜仁茶 材料 桃花,克,冬瓜子仁,克,白杨柳皮2.5克 做法 以上3味,沸水冲泡,加盖焖5分钟。 每日代茶频饮。 ,美人功效, 祛风活血,悦泽面容,祛除黑斑。 ,美丽叮咛, 如果亲们担心自己能不能内服此茶品的话,那可以去咨询中医师再决定尝试哦~毕竟身体健康才是最重要的~~ 呼~~~~~终于码完字了,就先说这么多吧!以后歪歪toto还会写一些美白 啊,保水啊,去痘等等的和大家一起分享的哦! 对了,还有一点要说的就是这些都是纯天然的,不会像市面上那些添加 了很多不良物质的护肤品那样见效神速,需持之以恒才见 成效哦!俗话 说的好:没有丑人,只有懒人!!! regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid
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