

2017-10-06 11页 doc 38KB 77阅读




主板不启动,开机无显主板不启动,开机无显 板不启动,开机无显示,无报警声 故障原因:原因有很多,主要有以下几种。 处理办法:针对以下原因,逐一排除。要求你熟悉数字电路模拟电路,会使用万用表,有时还需要借助DEBUG卡检查故障。 (1)CPU方面的问题 CPU没有供电:可用万用表测试CPU周围的三个(或一个)场管及三个(或一个)整流二极管,检查CPU是否损坏。 CPU插座有缺针或松动:这类故障表现为点不亮或不定期死机。需要打开CPU插座表面的上盖,仔细用眼睛观察是否有变形的插针。 CPU插座的风扇固定卡子断裂:可考虑使用其他固定方法,...
主板不启动,开机无显 板不启动,开机无显示,无报警声 故障原因:原因有很多,主要有以下几种。 处理:针对以下原因,逐一排除。要求你熟悉数字电路模拟电路,会使用万用,有时还需要借助DEBUG卡检查故障。 (1)CPU方面的问 CPU没有供电:可用万用表测试CPU周围的三个(或一个)场管及三个(或一个)整流二极管,检查CPU是否损坏。 CPU插座有缺针或松动:这类故障表现为点不亮或不定期死机。需要打开CPU插座表面的上盖,仔细用眼睛观察是否有变形的插针。 CPU插座的风扇固定卡子断裂:可考虑使用其他固定方法,一般不要更换CPU插座,因为手工焊接容易留下故障隐患。SOCKET370的CPU,其散热器的固定是通过CPU插座,如果固定dan簧片太紧,拆卸时就一定要小心谨慎,否则就会造成塑料卡子断裂,没有办法固定CPU风扇。 CMOS里设置的CPU频率不对:只要清除CMOS即可解决。清除CMOS的跳线一般在主板的锂电池附近,其默认位置一般为1、2短路,只要将其改跳为2、3短路几秒种即可解决问题,对于以前的老主板,如找不到该跳线,只要将电池取下,待开机显示进入CMOS设置后再关机,将电池安装上去也可让CMOS放电。 (2)主板扩展槽或扩展卡有问题 因为主板扩展槽或扩展卡有问题,导致插上显卡、声卡等扩展卡后,主板没有响应,因此造成开机无显示。例如蛮力拆装AGP显卡,medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 导致AGP插槽开裂,即可造成此类故障。 (3)内存方面的问题 主板无法识别内存、内存损坏或者内存不匹配:某些老的主板比较挑剔内存,一旦插上主板无法识别的内存,主板就无法启动,甚至某些主板还没有故障提示(鸣叫)。另外,如果插上不同品牌、类型的内存,有时也会导致此类故障。 内存插槽断针或烧灼:有时因为用力过猛或安装方法不当,会造成内存槽内的簧片变形断裂,以致该内存插槽报废。注意:在插拔内存条时,应垂直用力,不要左右晃动。在拔插内存条前,一定要拔去主机的电源,防止使用STR功能时内存带电,烧毁内存条。另外,内存不要安装反了,以免加电后烧毁内存条。不过现在的主板,一般有防呆设计、不会插反。 (4)主板BIOS被破坏 主板的BIOS中储存着重要的硬件数据,同时BIOS也是主板中比较脆弱的部分,极易受到破坏,一旦受损就会导致系统无法运行。 出现此类故障一般是因为主板BIOS被CIH病毒破坏造成。一般BIOS被病毒破坏后,硬盘里的数据将全部丢失,你可以检测硬盘数据是否完好,以便判断BIOS是否被破坏;在有DEBUG卡的时候,也可以通过卡上的BIOS指示灯是否亮来判断。当BIOS的BOOT块没有被破坏时,启动后显示器不亮,PC喇叭有"嘟嘟"的报警声;如果BOOT被破坏,这时加电后,电源和硬盘灯亮,CPU风扇转,但是不启动,此时只能通过编程器来重写BIOS。 medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 你也可以插上ISA显卡,查看是否有显示(如有提示,可按提示步骤操作即可。),倘若没有开机画面,你可以自己做一张自动更新BIOS的软盘,重新刷新BIOS,但有的主板BIOS被破坏后,软驱根本就不工作,此时建议找服务商,用写码器将BIOS更新文件写入BIOS中。 (5)CMOS使用的电池有问题 按下电源开关时,硬盘和电源灯亮,CPU风扇转,但是主机不启动。当把电池取下后,就能够正常启动。 (6)主板自动保护锁定 有的主板具有自动侦测保护功能,当电源电压有异常、或者CPU超频、调整电压过高等情况出现时,会自动锁定停止工作。表现就是主板不启动,这时可把CMOS放电后再加电启动,有的主板需要在打开主板电源时,按住RESET键即可解除锁定。 (7)主板上的电容损坏 检查主板上的电容是否冒泡或炸裂。当电容因电压过高或长时受高温熏烤,会冒泡或淌液,这时电容的容量减小或失容,电容便会失去滤波的功能,使提供负载电流中的交流成份加大,造成CPU、内存、相关板卡工作不稳定,表现为容易死机或系统不稳定,经常出现蓝屏。 实例1】:主板不启动,开机无显示,有内存报警声("嘀嘀"地叫个不停) medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 故障原因:内存报警的故障较为常见,主要是内存接触不良引起的。例如内 存条不,内存条有点薄,当内存插入内存插槽时,留有一定的缝隙;内存条 的金手指工艺差,金手指的表面镀金不良,时间一长,金手指表面的氧化层逐渐 增厚,导致内存接触不良;内存插槽质量低劣,簧片与内存条的金手指接触不实 在等等。 处理办法:打开机箱,用橡皮仔细地把内存条的金手指擦干净,把内存条取 下来重新插一下,用热熔胶把内存插槽两边的缝隙填平,防止在使用过程中继续 氧化。注意:在拔插内存条时一定要拔掉主机折电源线,防止意外烧毁内存。 【实例2】:主板不启动,开机无显示,有显卡报警声(一长两短的鸣叫) 故障原因:一般是显卡松动或显卡损坏。 处理办法:打开机箱,把显卡重新插好即可。要检查AGP插槽内是否有小异物 ,否则会使显卡不能插接到位;对于使用语音报警的主板,应仔细辨别语音提示 的内容,再根据内容解决相应故障。 如果以上办法处理后还报警,就可能是显卡的芯片坏了,更换或修理显卡。 如果开机后听到"嘀"的一声自检通过,显示器正常但就是没有图像,把该显卡插 在其他主板上,使用正常,那就是显卡与主板不兼容,应该更换显卡。 【实例3】:主板不启动,开机无显示,无报警声 故障原因:原因有很多,主要有以下几种。 处理办法:针对以下原因,逐一排除。要求你熟悉数字电路模拟电路,medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 会使 用万用表,有时还需要借助DEBUG卡检查故障。 (1)CPU方面的问题 CPU没有供电:可用万用表测试CPU周围的三个(或一个)场管及三个(或一个) 整流二极管,检查CPU是否损坏。 CPU插座有缺针或松动:这类故障表现为点不亮或不定期死机。需要打开CPU 插座表面的上盖,仔细用眼睛观察是否有变形的插针。 CPU插座的风扇固定卡子 断裂:可考虑使用其他固定方法,一般不要更换CPU 插座,因为手工焊接容易留下故障隐患。SOCKET370的CPU,其散热器的固定是通 过CPU插座,如果固定弹簧片太紧,拆卸时就一定要小心谨慎,否则就会造成塑料卡子断裂,没有办法固定CPU风扇。CMOS里设置的CPU频率不对:只要清除CMOS即可解决。清除CMOS的跳线一般在主板的锂电池附近,其默认位置一般为1、2短路,只要将其改跳为2、3短路几秒 种即可解决问题,对于以前的老主板,如找不到该跳线,只要将电池取下,待开 机显示进入CMOS设置后再关机,将电池安装上去也可让CMOS放电。 (2)主板扩展槽或扩展卡有问题 因为主板扩展槽或扩展卡有问题,导致插上显卡、声卡等扩展卡后,主板没 有响应,因此造成开机无显示。例如蛮力拆装AGP显卡,导致AGP插槽开裂,即可 造成此类故障。 (3)内存方面的问题 主板无法识别内存、内存损坏或者内存不匹配:某些老的主板比较挑剔内存 ,一旦插上主板无法识别的内存,主板就无法启动,甚至某medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 些主板还没有故障提 示(鸣叫)。另外,如果插上不同品牌、类型的内存,有时也会导致此类故障。内存插槽断针或烧灼:有时因为用力过猛或安装方法不当,会造成内存槽内 的簧片变形断裂,以致该内存插槽报废。注意:在插拔内存条时,应垂直用力,不要左右晃动。在拔插内存条前,一定要拔去主机的电源,防止使用STR功能时内 存带电,烧毁内存条。另外,内存不要安装反了,以免加电后烧毁内存条。不过现在的主板,一般有防呆设计、不会插反。 medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high
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