

2017-09-27 24页 doc 63KB 17阅读




电脑开机开不了解决办法电脑开机开不了解决办法 一般是由于磁盘存在错误导致的, 有时也建议检查硬盘连线是否接触不良, 或是没有使用合乎该硬盘传输规格的连接线, 例如ATA -100仍使用ATA-33的连接线, 对低速硬盘无所谓, 但告诉硬盘(支持ATA-66以上)的要求较严格, 规格不对的连线有时也会引起这类没办法开机 的故障. 如果在修复后, 还是经常出现这个错误, 很可能是硬盘损坏的前兆.?解决方案:一般情况下, 重启会解决问题, 不管怎么样都建议执行"chkdsk /r"命令来检查修复硬盘 这是一个很典型的错误信息,造成错误的原因是硬盘错误...
电脑开机开不了解决办法 一般是由于磁盘存在错误导致的, 有时也建议检查硬盘连线是否接触不良, 或是没有使用合乎该硬盘传输规格的连接线, 例如ATA -100仍使用ATA-33的连接线, 对低速硬盘无所谓, 但告诉硬盘(支持ATA-66以上)的要求较严格, 规格不对的连线有时也会引起这类没办法开机 的故障. 如果在修复后, 还是经常出现这个错误, 很可能是硬盘损坏的前兆.?解决:一般情况下, 重启会解决问, 不管怎么样都建议执行"chkdsk /r"命令来检查修复硬盘 这是一个很典型的错误信息,造成错误的原因是硬盘错误或硬盘损坏。 解决办法如下: 解决办法如下: (以XP为例,Win7的话,参照此办法进行修复) 1. 从 Windows光盘启动计算机。如果出现提示,请选择从光盘启动计算机必须选择的任何选项。 2. 当提示你选择“修复或故障恢复”时,请按R。这将启动Microsoft故障恢复控制台。 3. 根据提示,键入管理员密码。如果管理员密码为空,则按Enter。 4. 使用chkdsk命令行工具检查硬盘。在命令提示符下,键入chkdsk /r,然后按 Enter。 一般情况下经过如上操作就不会再有问题,当然,如果硬盘发生物理损坏,这种办法也不会有效果,如果是这种情况,先试试使用DiskGenius>检测并修复硬盘坏道.如果还不行就只能更换硬盘了。 1、你说的现象可能是系统程序中关于浏览器等硬件驱动程序方面的内容的破坏问题。开机以后,系统要全面检测完善后,才能正常进入桌面。不能正常进入到桌面,就说明你的系统程序已经受到一定程度的破坏。如果重新启动还是不能进入系统,就得重装系统了。如果能进入系统,以后要做到:一、你先得保证你的杀毒程序能够并且做到了经常升级(至少一周一次),而且实时监控是打开的。如果符合这个条件,你再进行第二办法的检查。二、点开上网页面,在顶部的“工具”栏里面点“Windows Update”,进入微软的更新网,让它给你检测一下是什么原因,找到相关的硬件或者软件更新,下载安装就行了。OK~ 2、重启计算机,按“F8”键,调出系统高级启动菜单,选择进入“最后一次正确配置”回车,启动到登陆界面时,输入你的用户名和密码登陆系统,看是否解决问题。 3、实在不行就修复安装即可解决问题。修复安装不影响电脑中的任何其他资料。任何一张安装盘都可以。修复安装步骤如下: 首先设置光驱启动优先。 1)重启电脑,按Del键进入BIOS 2)使用方向键选中Advanced BIOS Features 3)回车进入BIOS设置页面 4)通过方向键选中First Boot Device或(1st Boot Device) 5)使用上下方向键选中CDROM 6)按ESC返回BIOS设置界面。 7)使用方向键选中Save &Exit Setup 8)按 ‘Y’键后回车,重启电脑 提示:由于BIOS的不同,进入BIOS后设置按键也可能不同。如是台式机器,按上面的操work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 作即可。如是笔记本,按F2进入BIOS,设置大同小异。 下面开始进入安装 1) 重启电脑,把高亮条用方向键移到CDROM,这时,把XP光盘插入光驱 2)当屏幕出现Press any key to boot from CD时,立即按任意键后开始进入安装界面。 3)首先会提示按回车继续安装、按【R】进入故障恢复控制台还是按【F3】退出,这时按回车,而不要按【R】,否则就进入故障恢复控制台了。接下来屏幕上会出现“安装程序正在搜索不同版本的 Windows”,这个提示过后你看看安装程序能否找到硬盘上的原系统,找到的话选择“修复式重新安装”即可。再往下的操作根据中文提示进行即可。 蓝屏故障和其它故障一样,根据成因大致可以分为软件和硬件两个方面。现在还是遵循先软后硬的原则来看看故障的成因和解决办法吧~ 一、软件引起的蓝屏故障 1(重要文件损坏或丢失引起的蓝屏故障(包括病毒所致)。 实例:Win98中的VxD(虚拟设备驱动程序)或是(DLL 动态连接库 之类的重要文件丢失,情况一般会比较严重,会出现“蓝屏警告”。 解决方法一:记下所丢失或损坏的文件名 用Win98启动盘中的“Ext”命令从Win98安装盘中提取和恢复被损坏或丢失的文件,步骤如下: (1)用Win98启动盘引导计算机,在提示符下敲入“Ext”命令。 (2)在提示“Please enter the path to the Windows CAB files( a):”后输入Win98安装压缩包所在的完整路径,如“F ,Pwin98,Win98”,完成后回车。 (3)在提示“Please enter the name(s)of the file(s) you want to extract:”后输入你记下的丢失文件名,如“Bios(Vxd”,回车。 (4)在解压路径提示“Please enter path to extract to(‘Enter’ for current directory):”后输入文件将被解压到的完整路径,如“C ,Windows,System”并敲回车。 (5)最后出现确认提示“Is this Ok,(y/n):”,输入“y”后回车。“Ext”程序会自动查找安装盘中的CAB压缩包,并将文件释放到指定的位置。 (6)重新启动即可。 解决方法二:用杀毒软件杀毒。有的病毒可能会破坏注册表项 杀毒后注册表应恢复中毒之前的备份。 解决方法三:如果能启动图形界面,可以采取重装主板以及显卡的驱动程序,和进行“系统文件扫描”来恢复被破坏或丢失的文件。“系统文件扫描”的方法为 单击“开始/程序/附件/系统工具/系统信息/工具/系统文件检查器”,然后扫描改动过的文件即可。 2(注册表损坏导致文件指向错误所引起的蓝屏。 实例:注册表的擅自改动(包括人为地改动和软件安装时的自动替换) 其现象表现为开机或是在调用程序时出现蓝屏,并且屏幕有出错信息显示(包含出错的文件名)。 解决方法一:恢复备份。 (1)单击“开始/关机/重新启动计算机并切换到MS-DOS方式”,然后单击“是”; (2)进入Windows下。例如,如果你的Windows安装在“C ,Windows” 目录下,应键入以下内容 “CD C ,WINDOWS”后回车; (3)键入“SCANREG,RESTORE”后回车。 (4)按照上述步骤,可以将注册表恢复到最近一次启动计算机时的状态。 解决方法二:删除键值。 如果是在卸载程序后出现蓝屏的话,笔者断定故障是由于程序卸载不完善造成的。解决这类问题非常简单,首先你要记下出错的文件名,然后再到注册表中找到以下分支“HKEYwork into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace ,LOCAL,MACHINE,System ,CurrentControlSet,Services,VxD”。在“查找”中输入刚才的文件名,把查到的键值删除即可。此时,千万不要忘记备份注册表哦~ 典型:笔者在删除金山毒霸时中途死机,重新启动后刚看到桌面的图标就出现蓝屏,并伴有错误信息出现。错误信息中提到Kavkrnl( vxd文件找不到,笔者首先根据文件名的前两个字符确定该文件不是Win98的系统文件,ka开头的应是金山毒霸的虚拟设备驱动程序。基本判断为文件指向错误,于是决定删除它在注册表中相应键值。在注册表编辑器的查找中输入“Kavkrnl(vxd”,将它在“HKEY,LOCAL, MACHINE,System,CurrentControlSet,Services,VxD”中的相应主键值删除,重启后故障消除。 3(System(ini 文件错误引起的“蓝屏”。 实例:软件卸载或是安装后未即时更新System(ini 文件所造成的错误。 解决方法:禁用注册表中该项或是重新安装相应的软件或驱动程序。 4(Win98自身的不完善造成的蓝屏。 实例:Win98的sp1和Microsoft的Vxd,fix(exe补丁程序对Win98的稳定性起着至关重要的作用。 解决方法:快去下载吧,如华军网站南京站http //nj(onlinedown(net/Win98SP1(htm Win98sp1 及http //nj(onlinedown(net/Windows98VxDpatch(htm Vxd,fix(exe 。 5(系统资源耗尽引起的蓝屏故障。 实例:蓝屏故障常常发生在进行一项比较大的工作时,或是在保存复制的时候,且往往发生得比较突然。这类故障的发生原因主要是与三个堆资源(系统资源、用户资源、GDI资源)的占用情况有关。 解决方法:打开你的资源状况监视器,看一下剩余资源,如果你的三种资源都在50%甚至更低,就很容易出现诸如“非法操作”、“蓝屏”或“死机”故障。为此,必须减少资源浪费,减少不必要的程序加载,避免同时运行大程序(图形、声音和视频软件),例如加载计划任务程序,输入法和声音指示器,声卡的DOS驱动程序,系统监视器程序等等。 6(DirectX问题引起的蓝屏故障。 实例:(1)DirectX版本过低或是过高;(2)游戏与它不兼容或是不支持;(3)辅助重要文件丢失;(4)显卡对它不支持。 解决方法:升级或是重装DirectX。如果是显卡不支持高版本的DirectX那就说明你的显卡实在是太老了,尝试更新显卡的BIOS和驱动程序,否则,只好花钱升级显卡了。 二、硬件引起的蓝屏故障 1(内存超频或不稳定造成的蓝屏。 实例:随机性蓝屏。 解决方法:先用正常频率运行,若还有问题。找一根好的内存条进行故障的替换查找,一般可以解决。再就是应当注意当CPU离内存很近时内存的散热问题。 2(硬件的兼容性不好引起的蓝屏。 兼容机好就好在它的性价比较高,坏就坏在它在进行组装的时候,由于用户没有完善的监测手段和相应的知识,无法进行一系列的兼容性测试,从而把隐患留在了以后的使用过程中。 实例:升级内存时,将不同规格的内存条混插引起的故障。 解决方法:注意内存条的生产厂家、内存颗粒和批号的差异,往往就是因为各内存条在主要参数上的不同而产生了蓝屏或死机,甚至更严重的内存故障。也可以换一下内存条所插的插槽位置。如果内存条还是不能正常工作,那就只好更换了。此处,提醒各位:内存在整work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 个微机系统中起着非常重要的作用,它的好坏将直接影响到系统的稳定性,所以在内存的选购时要注意,最好是有内行人陪伴,避免买到Remark过的条子或频率过低的条子。 3(硬件散热引起的“蓝屏”故障。 实例:在微机的散热问题上所出现的故障,往往都有一定规律,一般在微机运行一段时间后才出现,表现为蓝屏死机或随意重启。故障原因主要是过热引起的数据读取和传输错误。 解决方法:采取超频的应降频,超温的应降温。其实不一定所有的故障都那么复杂,有时候从简单的方面考虑,也能很好地解决问题 要学会触类旁通。 4(I/O冲突引起的蓝屏现象。 解决方法:这种现象出现得比较少,如果出现了,可以从系统中删除带~号或,号的设备名,重新启动计算机进行确认,或者请高手手动分配系统资源。 凡事要防患于未然,下面是笔者总结出来的一些经验,可供大家参考: 1 定期对重要的注册表文件进行手工备份,避免系统出错后,未能及时替换成备份文件而产生不可挽回的错误。 2 尽量避免非正常关机,减少重要文件的丢失。如(VxD (DLL文件等。 3 对普通用户而言,只要能正常运行,没有必要去升级显卡、主板的BIOS和驱动程序,避免升级造成的危害。 4 定期检查优化系统文件,运行“系统文件检查器”进行文件丢失检查及版本校对。检查步骤参见前面相关介绍。 5 减少无用软件的安装,尽量不用手工卸载或删除程序,以减少非法替换文件和文件指向错误的出现。 6 如果不是内存特别大和其管理程序非常优秀,尽量避免大程序的同时运行,如果你发现在听MP3时有沙沙拉拉的声音,基本可以判定该故障是由内存不足而造成的。 继续追问: 来自手机问问 谢谢你,如果要重装系统的话,我又装过,不会啊,也没有系统光盘,那个光盘大该多少钱啊, 胡錦涛 回答采纳率:16.7% 2011-04-11 13:38 你先开机的时候 按F8看可不可以进入安全模式 可以进去 就用杀毒软件 扫描一下 然后把毒杀了 进不去只有重装系统了。继续追问: 来自手机问问 进不去了,如果要重装系统的话,我又装过,不会啊,也没有系统光盘,那个东东大该多少钱啊, 补充回答: 一个系统盘 大概5块钱左右 装系统 蛮简单的 网上教程 蛮多 问问团队 WCGY 共1人编辑答案 2011-04-11 13:39 1、你说的现象可能是系统程序中关于浏览器等硬件驱动程序方面的内容的破坏问题。开机以后,系统要全面检测完善后,才能正常进入桌面。不能正常进入到桌面,就说明你的系统程序已经受到一定程度的破坏。如果重新启动还是不能进入系统,就得重装系统了。如果能进入系统,以后要做到:一、你先得保证你的杀毒程序能够并且做到了经常升级(至少一周一次),而且实时监控是打开的。如果符合这个条件,你再进行第二办法的检查。二、点开上网页面,在顶部的“工具”栏里面点“Windows Update”,进入微软的更新网,让它给你检测一下是什么原因,找到相关的硬件或者软件更新,下载安装就行了。OK~ 2、重启计算机,按“F8”键,调出系统高级启动菜单,选择进入“最后一次正确配置”回车,启动到登陆界面时,输入你的用户名和密码登陆系统,看是否解决问题。 3、实在不行就修复安装即可解决问题。修复安装不影响电脑中的任何其他资料。任何一张安装盘都可以。修复安装步骤如下: 首先设置光驱启动优先。 1)重启电脑,按Del键进入BIOS work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 2)使用方向键选中Advanced BIOS Features 3)回车进入BIOS设置页面 4)通过方向键选中First Boot Device或(1st Boot Device) 5)使用上下方向键选中CDROM 6)按ESC返回BIOS设置界面。 7)使用方向键选中Save &Exit Setup Y’键后回车,重启电脑 8)按 ‘ 提示:由于BIOS的不同,进入BIOS后设置按键也可能不同。如是台式机器,按上面的操作即可。如是笔记本,按F2进入BIOS,设置大同小异。 下面开始进入安装 1) 重启电脑,把高亮条用方向键移到CDROM,这时,把XP光盘插入光驱 2)当屏幕出现Press any key to boot from CD时,立即按任意键后开始进入安装界面。 3)首先会提示按回车继续安装、按【R】进入故障恢复控制台还是按【F3】退出,这时按回车,而不要按【R】,否则就进入故障恢复控制台了。接下来屏幕上会出现“安装程序正在搜索不同版本的 Windows”,这个提示过后你看看安装程序能否找到硬盘上的原系统,找到的话选择“修复式重新安装”即可。再往下的操作根据中文提示进行即可。 蓝屏故障和其它故障一样,根据成因大致可以分为软件和硬件两个方面。现在还是遵循先软后硬的原则来看看故障的成因和解决办法吧~ 一、软件引起的蓝屏故障 (重要文件损坏或丢失引起的蓝屏故障(包括病毒所致)。 1 实例:Win98中的VxD(虚拟设备驱动程序)或是(DLL 动态连接库 之类的重要文件丢失,情况一般会比较严重,会出现“蓝屏警告”。 解决方法一:记下所丢失或损坏的文件名 用Win98启动盘中的“Ext”命令从Win98安装盘中提取和恢复被损坏或丢失的文件,步骤如下: (1)用Win98启动盘引导计算机,在提示符下敲入“Ext”命令。 (2)在提示“Please enter the path to the Windows CAB files( a):”后输入Win98安装压缩包所在的完整路径,如“F ,Pwin98,Win98”,完成后回车。 (3)在提示“Please enter the name(s)of the file(s) you want to extract:”后输入你记下的丢失文件名,如“Bios(Vxd”,回车。 (4)在解压路径提示“Please enter path to extract to(‘Enter’ for current directory):”后输入文件将被解压到的完整路径,如“C ,Windows,System”并敲回车。 (5)最后出现确认提示“Is this Ok,(y/n):”,输入“y”后回车。“Ext”程序会自动查找安装盘中的CAB压缩包,并将文件释放到指定的位置。 (6)重新启动即可。 解决方法二:用杀毒软件杀毒。有的病毒可能会破坏注册表项 杀毒后注册表应恢复中毒之前的备份。 解决方法三:如果能启动图形界面,可以采取重装主板以及显卡的驱动程序,和进行“系统文件扫描”来恢复被破坏或丢失的文件。“系统文件扫描”的方法为 单击“开始/程序/附件/系统工具/系统信息/工具/系统文件检查器”,然后扫描改动过的文件即可。 2(注册表损坏导致文件指向错误所引起的蓝屏。 实例:注册表的擅自改动(包括人为地改动和软件安装时的自动替换) 其现象表现为开机或是在调用程序时出现蓝屏,并且屏幕有出错信息显示(包含出错的文件名)。 解决方法一:恢复备份。 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace (1)单击“开始/关机/重新启动计算机并切换到MS-DOS方式”,然后单击“是”; (2)进入Windows目录下。例如,如果你的Windows安装在“C ,Windows” 目录下,应键入以下内容 “CD C ,WINDOWS”后回车; (3)键入“SCANREG,RESTORE”后回车。 (4)按照上述步骤,可以将注册表恢复到最近一次启动计算机时的状态。 解决方法二:删除键值。 如果是在卸载程序后出现蓝屏的话,笔者断定故障是由于程序卸载不完善造成的。解决这类问题非常简单,首先你要记下出错的文件名,然后再到注册表中找到以下分支“HKEY,LOCAL,MACHINE,System ,CurrentControlSet,Services,VxD”。在“查找”中输入刚才的文件名,把查到的键值删除即可。此时,千万不要忘记备份注册表哦~ 典型案例:笔者在删除金山毒霸时中途死机,重新启动后刚看到桌面的图标就出现蓝屏,并伴有错误信息出现。错误信息中提到Kavkrnl( vxd文件找不到,笔者首先根据文件名的前两个字符确定该文件不是Win98的系统文件,ka开头的应是金山毒霸的虚拟设备驱动程序。基本判断为文件指向错误,于是决定删除它在注册表中相应键值。在注册表编辑器的查找中输入“Kavkrnl(vxd”,将它在“HKEY,LOCAL, MACHINE,System,CurrentControlSet,Services,VxD”中的相应主键值删除,重启后故障消除。 3(System(ini 文件错误引起的“蓝屏”。 实例:软件卸载或是安装后未即时更新System(ini 文件所造成的错误。 解决方法:禁用注册表中该项或是重新安装相应的软件或驱动程序。 4(Win98自身的不完善造成的蓝屏。 实例:Win98的sp1和Microsoft的Vxd,fix(exe补丁程序对Win98的稳定性起着至关重要的作用。 解决方法:快去下载吧,如华军网站南京站http //nj(onlinedown(net/Win98SP1(htm Win98sp1 及http //nj(onlinedown(net/Windows98VxDpatch(htm Vxd,fix(exe 。 5(系统资源耗尽引起的蓝屏故障。 实例:蓝屏故障常常发生在进行一项比较大的工作时,或是在保存复制的时候,且往往发生得比较突然。这类故障的发生原因主要是与三个堆资源(系统资源、用户资源、GDI资源)的占用情况有关。 解决方法:打开你的资源状况监视器,看一下剩余资源,如果你的三种资源都在50%甚至更低,就很容易出现诸如“非法操作”、“蓝屏”或“死机”故障。为此,必须减少资源浪费,减少不必要的程序加载,避免同时运行大程序(图形、声音和视频软件),例如加载计划任务程序,输入法和声音指示器,声卡的DOS驱动程序,系统监视器程序等等。 6(DirectX问题引起的蓝屏故障。 实例:(1)DirectX版本过低或是过高;(2)游戏与它不兼容或是不支持;(3)辅助重要文件丢失;(4)显卡对它不支持。 解决方法:升级或是重装DirectX。如果是显卡不支持高版本的DirectX那就说明你的显卡实在是太老了,尝试更新显卡的BIOS和驱动程序,否则,只好花钱升级显卡了。 二、硬件引起的蓝屏故障 1(内存超频或不稳定造成的蓝屏。 实例:随机性蓝屏。 解决方法:先用正常频率运行,若还有问题。找一根好的内存条进行故障的替换查找,一般可以解决。再就是应当注意当CPU离内存很近时内存的散热问题。 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 2(硬件的兼容性不好引起的蓝屏。 兼容机好就好在它的性价比较高,坏就坏在它在进行组装的时候,由于用户没有完善的监测手段和相应的知识,无法进行一系列的兼容性测试,从而把隐患留在了以后的使用过程中。 实例:升级内存时,将不同规格的内存条混插引起的故障。 解决方法:注意内存条的生产厂家、内存颗粒和批号的差异,往往就是因为各内存条在主要参数上的不同而产生了蓝屏或死机,甚至更严重的内存故障。也可以换一下内存条所插的插槽位置。如果内存条还是不能正常工作,那就只好更换了。此处,提醒各位:内存在整个微机系统中起着非常重要的作用,它的好坏将直接影响到系统的稳定性,所以在内存的选购时要注意,最好是有内行人陪伴,避免买到Remark过的条子或频率过低的条子。 3(硬件散热引起的“蓝屏”故障。 实例:在微机的散热问题上所出现的故障,往往都有一定规律,一般在微机运行一段时间后才出现,表现为蓝屏死机或随意重启。故障原因主要是过热引起的数据读取和传输错误。 解决方法:采取超频的应降频,超温的应降温。其实不一定所有的故障都那么复杂,有时候从简单的方面考虑,也能很好地解决问题 要学会触类旁通。 4(I/O冲突引起的蓝屏现象。 解决方法:这种现象出现得比较少,如果出现了,可以从系统中删除带~号或,号的设备名,重新启动计算机进行确认,或者请高手手动分配系统资源。 凡事要防患于未然,下面是笔者总结出来的一些经验,可供大家参考: 1 定期对重要的注册表文件进行手工备份,避免系统出错后,未能及时替换成备份文件而产生不可挽回的错误。 2 尽量避免非正常关机,减少重要文件的丢失。如(VxD (DLL文件等。 3 对普通用户而言,只要能正常运行,没有必要去升级显卡、主板的BIOS和驱动程序,避免升级造成的危害。 4 定期检查优化系统文件,运行“系统文件检查器”进行文件丢失检查及版本校对。检查步骤参见前面相关介绍。 5 减少无用软件的安装,尽量不用手工卸载或删除程序,以减少非法替换文件和文件指向错误的出现。 6 如果不是内存特别大和其管理程序非常优秀,尽量避免大程序的同时运行,如果你发现在听MP3时有沙沙拉拉的声音,基本可以判定该故障是由内存不足而造成的。 匿名 回答采纳率:25.8% 2011-04-11 13:39 是蓝屏是吧,重做系统吧。没有别的办法,如果能进入到安全模式那更好。 进安全模式的方法 开机,按F8,光标选定安全模式,如果可以进去 就查杀下毒吧。 银行门口卖AK 回答采纳率:23.3% 2011-04-11 13:39 winxp蓝屏STOP:c0000135 Unknown Hard Error提示的解决方法 出现蓝屏STOP:c0000135 Unknown Hard Error提示的问题 可能是Windows XP Service Pack 2中的一些补丁不兼容,或一些windows硬件的文件丢失,所造成的。也有可能是内存松动接触不好,或主板上散热芯片接触不好而造成的蓝屏。work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 很多人会重装来解决这个问题。(在排除了硬件问题之后就可以试试下面的方法) 我上次在一个朋友那里也遇到了这个问题,她的电脑是繁体版的。里面有很多重要的软件不能重装。所以,我找了很多资料,终于在官方网上找到一些解决方法。通过自己的测试,修复了这个问题。 以下是通过把Pack 2的补丁手动卸载,来解决这个问题。 (在操作之前最好用ghost做一个系统的备份。或备份好资料。)如有问题本文没有任何责任 1.用windows xp 的系统光盘启动。 2.到安装界面有三个选项 选择按 R 键以启动故障恢复控制台。 3. 选择有问题的 Windows XP 安装。 注意:会有一个提示选择的,windows.我们选 1 Enter就可以了。 4. 根据提示键入管理员密码。如果您不知道管理员密码,请按 Enter。(通常,此密码为空。) 5. 在命令提示符处,键入 cd $ntservicepackuninstall$spuninst,然后按 Enter。 6. 在命令提示符下,键入 batch spuninst.txt,然后按 Enter。 注意:这时会有很多我向下滚动的提示,比如文件错误或拒绝访问,这时不要动电脑键盘,或开关机。耐心等待几分钟后就会出现,(一个文件被复制)向下滚动的提示。完成后 7. 自动删除 Windows XP SP2 后,会回到c:\windows 这时键入 exit,然后按 Enter。 注意:重启时第一次要进入安全模式。(看情况操作) 8. 在计算机启动时按 F8。以安全模式重新启动计算机。 可能出现下面的情况:(不过我没有遇到) 注意:重新启动后,系统可能锁定为一个空白屏幕。(您的鼠标可以工作。)在这种情况下,请关闭计算机再重新打开,重新启动计算机。第二次重新启动将让您登录。 9. 当您的计算机重新启动时,Windows 资源管理器 (Explorer.exe) 将不运行,并且 Windows 图标和“开始”按钮均不可用。要解决此问题,请按照下列步骤操作: a. 按 Ctrl+Alt+Del 启动任务管理器。 b. 单击“文件”,然后单击“新建任务(运行...)”。 c. 在“打开”框中,键入 regedit,然后单击“确定”。 d. 找到下面的注册表子项并单击它: “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentContrSet\Services\RpcSs” e. 在查看窗格的右侧,右键单击“ObjectName”,单击“修改”,在“数值数据”框中,键入 LocalSystem,然后单击“确定”。 f. 重新启动计算机 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 韩俊熙 回答采纳率:16.5% 2011-04-11 13:40 估计是硬盘有坏道,或者硬盘扇区有问题。 尝试把硬盘重新分区再装系统。 硬盘应该没坏,如果读不出硬盘应该显示是press any key。你这个提示应该是读取数据出错。 如果还是不行,拿去店里修吧。如果要换硬盘那就换吧 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace
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