首页 > 职场支招:减薪,我该如何面对你?


2017-03-25 2页 doc 7KB 10阅读




职场支招:减薪,我该如何面对你?职场支招:减薪,我该如何面对你?   How to Handle a Pay Cut   如何应对减薪   Perhaps you've noticed that business has slowed down around your office, which could be a sign that your company has fallen on tough times. The good news, you learn, is that you still have a job. But before you c...
职场支招:减薪,我该如何面对你?   How to Handle a Pay Cut   如何应对减薪   Perhaps you've noticed that business has slowed down around your office, which could be a sign that your company has fallen on tough times. The good news, you learn, is that you still have a job. But before you can say, "Whew," you learn the bad news: Your salary is being reduced.   你可能已经注意到办公室里的业务已经减缓下来了,这是你们公司在经济困难时期下滑的表现.好消息是你仍然有一份工作.但是在你松口气之前,你马上听到了不好的消息:你减薪了.   Make No Accept-ion   不接受   When your supervisor breaks the news to you about your pay cut, do not accept anything immediately. In other words, refrain from conveying any type of agreement, either verbally or in writing. If pushed, you may say something to the effect of "This is a lot to process right now. I need to think about this and discuss it with my family this evening."   当被上司告之减薪时,不要马上就接受一切.也就是不要订立任何口头或书面形式的协议.如果他们催你的话,你可以这样说"这不是现在就能决定的事情.我要好好考虑一下,晚上回去和我家人商量下这件事情."   What you want to do is buy yourself some time. Why? You need to find out all the facts surrounding a salary reduction before you accept it. A pay cut can affect your future severance package and compensation for unused sick or vacation days as those numbers are usually calculated based on your current salary -- as are unemployment benefits. Also, the reduced compensation could affect salary negotiations with future employers as your last salary of record could be significantly less than what you are really worth.   你要做的是为自己争取一点时间.为什么?因为在你接受之前你要找出有关减薪的所有原因.减薪会影响到你将来的遣散费、病假或其他假期的补偿费、以及失业补贴,因为这些费用都是按照你当前的薪资来计算的.另外,减薪也会影响你将来找工作时和你未来的雇主协商你的薪资问,因为你的上一份薪资明显比你的价值要低.   Just the Facts   查清事实   Once you're no longer reeling from the shock, go on a fact-finding mission. Questions to ask your superiors include:   一旦你从震惊中恢复过来,就开始找出事实的真相吧.你可以问上司的问题包括:   1) Is this a mandatory or voluntary pay cut?   这次减薪是强制的还是自愿的?   2) How much will your pay be lowered by?   你会降低多少?   3) Who else is affected by the pay cut?   其他还有什么人也会减薪?   4) How long will the pay cut last?   减薪会持续多久?   5) Could there be retroactive reimbursement?   是否有什么补偿?   6) How will this affect raises, bonuses and benefits?   减薪会对以后的加薪,福利等产生有什么样的影响?   7) Are you going to have to work longer hours or take on additional tasks?   我是否需要长时间的加班或做其他额外的工作?   8) What are the company's plans to turn things around?   公司有什么改善措施?   Questions to ask yourself include:   可以问自己的问题包括:   1) How much do you need this job?   你有多需要这份工作?   2) Do you have faith that the company will recover from this setback?   你是否确信公司会从这次危机中恢复?   3) Can you trust what your superiors are telling you?   你是否相信你上司说的话?   4) Is it time to move on?   是不是到了该前进的时间了?   After gathering information outwardly and inwardly, you may want to speak with an employment attorney to explore all of your legal options and your rights.   收集了表面和内在的原因后,你可能需要和一位职业律师谈谈,研究下你合法的权利和选择.  
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