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《泰坦尼克号》看电影学英语 Titanic 《泰坦尼克号》 -Lewis: Thirteen meters. You should see it. meter: 米 距离13米。应该能看到它了。 -Brock: Okay, take her up and over the bow rail. take up: 举起【(使)向上】 bow rail: 船头栏杆 bow: 船头 rail: 栏杆 好吧,升上去,越过船头。 -Lewis: Okay, Mir-2, we're going over the bow. Stay with us. g...
看电影学英语 Titanic 《泰坦尼克号》 -Lewis: Thirteen meters. You should see it. meter: 米 距离13米。应该能看到它了。 -Brock: Okay, take her up and over the bow rail. take up: 举起【(使)向上】 bow rail: 船头栏杆 bow: 船头 rail: 栏杆 好吧,升上去,越过船头。 -Lewis: Okay, Mir-2, we're going over the bow. Stay with us. go over: 越过 stay with: (口语)与…并驾齐驱 和平二号,我们到船头上去。跟上。 -Brock: Okay, quiet. We're rolling. Seeing her coming out of the darkness like a ghost ship… quiet: 安静 roll: (机器)运转 come out of: 从…中出现 darkness: 黑暗 ghost: 鬼,幽灵 好,安静,要拍了。它像鬼影似的在黑暗中出现了… still gets me every time. 每次都令我心头一颤。 To see the sad ruin of the great ship, sitting here…where she landed at 2:30 in themorning of April 15, 1912… ruin: 废墟 land: 着陆 April: 四月 眼前的是泰坦尼克号的残骸,静静地呆在那里…自从1912年4月15日凌晨2点半… after her long fall…from the world above. fall: 沉没 above: 在上面 它沉入海底以来… -Lewis: You're so full of shit, boss. full of: 充满 shit: 胡说八道 boss: 老板,上司 头儿,你也太夸张了吧。 -Brock: Dive six. Here we are again on the deck of Titanic. Two and a half miles down, 3,821 meters. dive: 潜水 deck: 甲板 mile: 英里 meter: 米 第六次下潜。我们又回到了泰坦尼克号的甲板上。深度2.5海里,大约相当于3821米。 The pressure outside is three and a half tons per square inch. pressure: 压力 ton: 吨 per: (示比率)每 square: 平方 inch: 英寸 潜艇外的水压是每平方寸3.5吨。 These windows are nine inches thick and if they go…it's sayonara in two microseconds. thick: 厚 sayonara: 日语中再见(さようなら)的发音 microseconds: 微秒 这些窗户的厚度是9寸,要是破裂…所有的人转眼就没命。 All right, enough of that bullshit. Just put her down on the roof of the officers' quarters likeyesterday. enough: 足够的 bullshit: 胡说 put down: 降落 roof: 顶部 officer: 船长 quarter: (航海学)船员岗位 好了,胡说八道到此为止。和昨天一样停在船长室上方。 -Sub Pilot: Sure. 没问题。 -Brock: Okay, Mir-2, we're landing right over the Grand Staircase. You guys set to launch? land: 着陆 grand: 宏伟的 staircase: 楼梯 guy: (男)人,家伙 set to: 开始认真做 launch: 使下水 听着,和平二号,我们正准备停在主梯正上方。你们准备好了吗? -Tech A: Yeah, Brock, launching Dunkin now. Go, Charlie. 是的,正在放出Dunkin(水下机器人)。开始吧,Charlie。 -Tech A: All right, tether out. tether: 系绳,栓绳 好的,放缆绳。 -Charlie: Tether out. 放缆绳。 -Tech A: Okay, Brock, we're dropping down along the hull. drop down: 顺着…向下移动 hull: 船身 Brock,机器人正沿着船身下行。 -Brock: Yeah, roger that. Okay, drop down, and go into the first-class gangway door. roger: (无线电通信)已收到 first-class: 一等舱的 gangway: 舷门 知道了。继续向前,下潜。从头等舱入口进去。 I want you guys working the D deck reception area and the dining saloon. deck: 层面 reception: 接待处 area: 区域 dining: 进餐 saloon: 大厅 先在D层的接待厅和餐厅进行搜索。 -Tech A: Copy that. Tether out. Tether out. copy: 复制【了解】 tether: 栓绳 明白。放出缆绳,放出缆绳。 -Brock: Okay, now left. Now left. Left, left. 好,现在向左。向左。往左。 -Tech A: Snoop Dog is on the move. We're headed down the stairwell. snoop: 窥探 move: 移动 head down: 向下 stairwell: 楼梯井 猎狗(水下机器人)正在移动。正沿着楼梯井下降。 -Brock: Okay, Lewis, drop down to B deck. drop down: 向下移动 好,Lewis,继续往下到B层。 -Lewis: A deck. Give me some rope, captain. rope: 绳索,缆 captain: 船长 这是A层。还得放长缆绳。 -Brock: B deck. Get in there. Watch the door frame. Watch it. watch: 当心 frame: 框,框架 这是B层。进去。小心门框,小心。 -Lewis: I see it. I Got it. We're good. Just chill, boss. chill: 寒冷【冷静】 我看到了。我知道了。一切顺利。放心吧,头儿。 -Brock: Okay, make your turn. turn: 转弯 好了,在这转弯。 -Lewis: Cable out, captain. cable: 缆绳 放缆绳,头儿。 -Brock: Make your turn. Watch the wall. 转弯。小心别撞上墙。 -Tech A: Brock, we're at the piano. You copy? piano: 钢琴 copy: 复制【收到】 Brock,已经到钢琴这儿了。你听到了么? -Brock: Copy that. Right there. That's it. That's the bedroom door. bedroom: 卧室 收到。往那边。就是这儿。这就是卧室的门。 -Lewis: I see it. I see it. We're in. We're in, baby. We're there. 知道了。我看到了。进来了。我们进入卧室了。我们到了。 -Brock: That's Hockley's bed. That's where the son of a bitch slept. son of a bitch: (俚语)混蛋 那是Hockley的床。那混蛋当时就睡在这儿。 -Lewis: Oops. Somebody left the water running. 哦。这里有人忘了关水龙头。 -Brock: Hold it. Just a second. Go back to the right. That wardrobe door. Get closer. hold it: 等一下 just a second: 【等等】 go back to: 回去 wardrobe: 衣柜 close: 靠近的 停下。等一下。回到右边。那是衣柜。靠近一点儿。 -Lewis: You're smelling something, boss? smell: 嗅出 boss: 老板 你发现什么了么,头儿? -Brock: I want to see what's under it. 我想看看下面。 -Lewis: Give me my hands, man. All right. 等我打开机械臂,伙计。好了。 -Brock: Take it easy. It might come apart. Okay. Okay, go. Flip it over. Go. Turn over. Keep going. take it easy: 小心,仔细 apart: 成碎片 flip over: 翻过来 turn over: 翻转 轻点。可能会碎掉。好了,好,继续。掀开。继续。翻过来。继续, Go. Okay, drop it. drop: 丢掉 继续。行了,扔掉。 -Lewis: Oh, baby. Are you seeing this, boss? 哦,天啊。头儿,你看见了么? -Brock: It's payday, boys. payday: 发薪日 伙计们,今天收获可大了。 -Lewis: Cha-ching! 万岁! -Brock: We did it, Bobby. We brought it back. bring back: 带回 我们成功了,Bobby。我们把它带回来了。 -Bobby: Oh, yeah! You the man! 太好了!你真厉害! -Lewis: Who's the best, baby? Say it. Say it. Say it. 谁最棒?说呀。说呀,说呀。 -Brock: You are, Lewis. Bobby, my cigar. cigar: 雪茄 你最棒,Lewis。Bobby,给我雪茄。 -Bobby: Right here. Okay, crack her open. crack open: 用力敲破,啪的一声打开 这儿有。好,把它打开。 -Man A: Let me get around.Hang on. hang on: 等一下 别挡住我。等一下。 -Brock: Shit. shit: 【见鬼,该死】 见鬼。 -Sub Pilot : No diamond. diamond: 钻石 没有钻石。 -Lewis: You know, boss, this same thing happened to Geraldo…and his career never recovered. happen: 发生 career: 职业 recover: 恢复 我说头儿,同样的事情也在Geraldo身上发生过…然后他就一蹶不振。 -Brock: Turn the camera off. turn off: 关闭 camera: 摄影机 把摄影机关上。 -Bobby: Brock. The partners would like to know how it's going. partner: 合伙人 Brock,合伙人想知道现在的情况。 -Brock: Hey, Dave. Barry, hi. Look, it wasn't in the safe. Don't worry about it. safe: 保险箱,保险柜 worry about: 担忧 嗨,Dave。Barry,嗨。要找的东西不在保险柜里。不用担心。 There are still plenty of places it could be. plenty of: 很多 可能在别的地方,有很多可能性。 Hell, yes. The floor debris in the suite, the mother's room …The purser's safe on C deck. debris: 碎片 suite: 房间 purser: 乘务长 deck: 层面 当然可能了。房间的破地板缝,他母亲的卧室…C层的乘务长保险箱。 -Bobby: Jimmy Hoffa's briefcase. briefcase: 公文包 还有Jimmy Hoffa的公文包。 -Brock: A dozen other places. Guys, look, you just got to trust my instincts. I know we're close. dozen: 很多,许多 instinct: 直觉 close: 接近的 还有很多地方要找。伙计,你得相信我的直觉。我觉得我们已经很接近了。 We just got to go through a little process of elimination. Hang on a second. Let me seethat. go through: 经历 process: 过程 elimination: 排除 hang on: 等一下 我们得慢慢排除。等一下。让我看看。 -Bobby: We might have something here, guys. guy: (男)人,伙计 我们好像有新发现,伙计们。 -Brock: Where's the photograph of the necklace? photograph: 照片 necklace: 项链 项链的照片呢? -Bobby: We'll call you right back. call back: 回电话 right: 立即,马上 我会再打给你。 -Brock: I'll be goddamned. goddamned: 诅咒的,讨厌的,(表达强烈感情)天啊 我的上帝啊。 -Announcer: Treasure hunter Brock Lovett is best known for finding Spanish gold. treasure: 财宝 hunter: 猎人 be known for: 因…而众所周知 Spanish: 西班牙的 gold: 黄金 寻宝专家Brock Lovett以找到沉船里的西班牙黄金而闻名。 -Lizzy: It's okay, I'll feed you in a minute. feed: 为…提供食物 in a minute: 立即,马上 别着急,马上就喂你。 -Announcer: He has chartered Russian subs to reach the most famous shipwreck of all the Titanic. chartered: 包租 Russian: 俄国的 sub: 潜水艇 famous: 著名的 shipwreck: 失事船(的残骸) 他租了艘俄国潜艇,在大西洋底搜寻著名的泰坦尼克号的残骸。 He's with us live via satellite, from the research ship Keldysh…in the North Atlantic. live: 实况转播的 via: 通过 satellite: 卫星 research: 研究 Atlantic: 大西洋 现在我们通过卫星,对正在北大西洋凯尔迪希号上的他进行独家采访… Hello, Brock, 你好,Brock。 -Brock: Hello, Tracy. Of course, everyone knows the familiar stories ofTitanic. of course: 当然 familiar: 熟悉的 story: 故事 你好,Tracy。泰坦尼克号的事已经是家喻户晓。 You know, the nobility of the band playing to the very end and all that. nobility: 高尚的精神 band: 乐团,乐队 比如尽职的乐队不停的奏乐直到沉入大海,还有类似的事。 But what I'm interested in are the untold stories…the secrets locked deep inside the hullof Titanic. be interested in: 对…感兴趣 untold: 未透露的 secret: 秘密 lock: 隐藏 hull: 船身 可我感兴趣的是那些不为人知的故事…那些深藏在泰坦尼克号船舱里的故事。 And we're out here using robot technology to go further into the wreck…than anybodyhas ever done before. robot: 机器人 technology: 科技 wreck: 沉船 所以我们使用机器人技术深入沉船残骸…进入到前人从没到过的内舱进行搜寻。 -Announcer: Your expedition is at the center of a storm…of controversy over salvage rights, and even ethics. expedition: 考察 at the center of: 在…中心 storm: 风怒骂 controversy: 论战 salvage: 打捞 right: 全力 ethics: 道德规范 你们这次行动引起了很多争议…关于打捞权的问题,甚至道德问题。 Many are calling you a grave-robber. grave: 墓穴 robber: 盗贼 很多人都职责你们发死人财。 -Brock: Nobody ever called the recovery of the artifacts from King Tut's tomb… recovery: 复原 artifacts: 史前古器物 King Tut: 【图特王(古埃及法老)】 tomb: 墓穴 没有人把图特王(埃及法老)墓的发掘工作称为… -Lizzy: What is it? 怎么了? -Rose: Turn that up, dear. turn up: 开大 dear: 亲爱的(人) 亲爱的,把声音开大点。 -Brock: I have museum trained experts sent out here making sure…that these relics are preserved and catalogued properly. museum: 博物馆 train: 训练 expert: 专家 make sure: 【确保】 relic: 遗物 preserve: 保存 catalogue: 分编目录 properly: 适当地 我在请了训练有素的博物馆专家以确保…能对打捞的遗物进行正确的保存和分类。 Take a lookat this drawing that we found just today. take a look at: (口语)看一看 drawing: 图画 看看这幅今天刚发现的画。 A piece of paper that's beenunderwater for 84 years… a piece of: 一张 underwater: 在水下 它埋葬在海底已经有84年了… and my team are able to preserve it intact. be able to: 能够 intact: 完整无缺的 可我们的工作人员将它完好无损的保存下来了。 Should this have remained unseen at thebottom of the ocean for eternity? remain: 依旧是 unseen: 未被发现的 bottom: 底部 ocean: 海洋 eternity: 永远 难道说这幅画就应该永远埋在海底,不见天日么? We can see it and… 我们现在能看到它… -Rose: I'll be goddamned. goddamned: 诅咒的,讨厌的,(表达强烈感情)天啊 我的上帝呀。 -Bobby: Brock, there's a satellite call for you. satellite: 卫星 call: 电话 Brock,有你的卫星电话。 -Brock: Bobby, we're launching. See these submersibles going in the water? lauch: 下水 submersible: 潜水艇 Bobby,我们正准备出发。没看见潜艇正准备下水吗? -Bobby: Trust me, buddy, you want to take this call. trust: 相信 buddy: <美俚>家伙,兄弟 相信我,伙计,不接电话你会后悔的。 -Brock: This better be good. better: 还是…好,最好(做某事) 但愿如此。 -Bobby: You got to speak up. She's kind of old. speak up: 大声讲 kind of: (口语)有点,稍微 你接电话可得大声点。她上年纪了。 -Brock: Great. This is Brock Lovett. How can I help you, Mrs… 好吧。我是Brock Lovett。有什么能为您效劳的么?嗯,她… -Bobby: Calvert. Rose Calvert. Calvert。Rose Calvert。 -Brock: Mrs.Calvert? Calvert夫人? -Rose: I was just wondering if you had found the Heart of the Ocean yet, Mr.Lovett. wonder: 想知道 ocean: 海洋 我只是想问一下你有没有找到那颗“海洋之星”,Lovett先生。 -Bobby: Told you you wanted to take the call. 怎么样,我没有说错吧。 -Brock: All right, you have my attention, Rose. Can you tell us who the woman in the picture is? attention: 注意,专心 picture: 画 好的,我洗耳恭听,Rose。你知道那个画中的女人是谁么? -Rose: Oh, yes. The woman in the picture is me. 当然。画中的女人就是我。 -Lewis: She's a goddamn liar! Some nutcase seeking money or publicity. liar: 骗子 nutcase: 疯子 seek: 企图,寻求 publicity: 公众的注意 她准是个骗子!不是想骗钱就是想出名。 God only knows why! Like that Russian babe, Anesthesia. babe: <美俚>姑娘 天知道是怎么回事!就像《真假公主》里俄国的Anesthesia一样。 -Bobby: They're inbound! inbound: 归航的,返程的 她们来了! -Lewis: Rose Dewitt Bukater died on the Titanic when she was 17, right? Rose Dewitt17岁于泰坦尼克号上遇难,对吗? -Brock: That's right. 没错。 -Lewis: If she had lived, she'd be over 100 by now. by now: 到现在 要是还活着的话,现在已经100多岁了。 -Brock: 101 next month. 下个月她就101岁了。 -Lewis: Okay, so she's a very old goddamn liar. goddamn: (受)讨厌的 liar: 骗子 好吧,这是个上百岁的老骗子。 Look, I've already done the background on this woman…all the way back to the '20s, already: 已经 background: 个人背景资料 all the way back to: 【自从…起到现在的】 听我说,我已经调查过这个女人从20年代以来的背景, when she was working as an actress. An actress. There's your first clue, Sherlock. actress: 女演员 clue: 线索 20年代的时候她是个演员。一个演员。这是你的第一个线索,Sherlock(大侦探福尔摩斯的first name)。 Her name was Rose Dawson back then. Then she marries this guy named Calvert. marry: 与…结婚 guy: (男)人,家伙 她那时的名字是Rose Dawson。后来她和一个名叫Calvert的男人结了婚。 They move to Cedar Rapids and she punches out a couple of kids. punch out: (用专用工具)打孔,冲压【生(孩子)】 a couple of: 几个 他们搬到新达拉比,生了几个孩子。 Now Calvert's dead,and from what I hear, Cedar Rapids is dead. dead: 死亡的,无活力的 现在我听说Calvert已经死了,新达拉比也变得非常冷清了。 -Brock: And everybody who knows about the diamond…is supposed to be dead or on this boat, but she knows. know about: 知道,了解 diamond: 钻石 be supposed to: 应该 所有知道这颗钻石的人不是已经死了就是在这艘船上,但是她却知道。 -Lewis: Doesn't exactly travel light, does she? exactly: (反语)并不,并没有 travel: 旅行 light: 轻的,不重的 她的行李可真不少啊? -Brock: Hurry up, give him a hand! Mrs.Calvert, I'm Brock Lovett. Welcome to the Keldysh. hurry up: 快,赶快 give a hand: 帮忙 welcome: 欢迎 快点,帮他一下!Calvet夫人,我是Brock。欢迎来到凯尔迪希号。 Okay, let's get her inside there. Hi, Miss Calvert. inside: 里面 好了,送她进去。嗨,Calvert小姐。 -Lizzy: Hi. 你好。 -Brock: Welcome to the Keldysh 欢迎光临凯尔迪希号。 -Lizzy: Thanks. 谢谢。 -Rose: Yes? 有事么? -Brock: Are your staterooms all right? stateroom: 特等客舱 您觉得房间舒适么? -Rose: Oh, yes, very nice. Have you met my granddaughter, Lizzy? She takes care of me. granddaughter: 孙女 take care of: 照顾,照料 哦,是的,非常好。这是我孙女,她叫Lizzy。她是来照顾我的。 -Lizzy: We met just a few minutes ago. Remember, nana, up on deck? nana: 祖母 deck: 甲板 我们几分钟前刚见过面。记得么,奶奶,在甲板上? -Rose: Oh, yeah …There. That's nice. Have to have my pictures when I travel. picture: 照片 travel: 旅行 哦,对…在甲板上。这样好。我出门总爱带着照片。 -Brock: Can I get you anything? Is there anything you'd like? 有什么我能效劳的么?您有什么需要么? -Rose: Yes. I would like to see my drawing. drawing: 绘画,画像 是的。我想看看我的画像。 -Brock: Louis XVI wore a fabulous stone called the Blue Diamond of the Crown. fabulous: 巨大的 stone: 宝石 diamond: 钻石 crown: 王冠 路易十六曾经戴过一颗大的钻石,被称作“皇冠蓝宝石”。 It disappeared in 1792. disappear: 消失,不见 在1792年消失不见。 About the same time old Louis lost everything from the neck up. lose: 失去 neck: 脖子 与路易十六被推上断头台的时间大致吻合。 The theory goes that thecrown diamond was chopped, too. theory: 看法 chop: 劈,砍 有资料说,钻石在那时也被切割了。 Recut into a heart-like shape that became known as the Heart of the Ocean. recut: 重切 heart-like: 【心形的,像心一样的】 shape: 形状 known: 知名的 后来被人雕刻成心的形状,成为著名的“海洋之心”。 Today, itwould be worth more than the Hope Diamond. worth: 价值,值(钱) 现在它的价值超过希望之钻。 -Rose: It was a dreadful, heavy thing. I only wore it this once. dreadful: 极大的 wear: 戴 戴在脖子上太沉了。我只戴过一次。 -Lizzy: You actually think this is you, nana? actually: 确实 nana: 祖母 奶奶,这真的是您? -Rose: It is me, dear. Wasn't I a dish? dear: 亲爱的(人) dish: 外貌有吸引力的人,漂亮的人 是我,亲爱的。很漂亮对吧? -Brock: I tracked it down through insurance records. track down: 追查 insurance: 保险 record: 记录 我查了一下保险记录。 An old claim that was settled under terms of absolute secrecy. claim: 索赔 settle: 决定,解决 term: 条件 absolute: 绝对的 secrecy: 保密 当年有人以绝对保密为条件索取了一笔失物赔偿金。 Can you tell me who the claimant was, Rose? claimant: 申请者 您能告诉我那个申请人是谁么,Rose? -Rose: I should imagine someone named Hockley. imagine: 设想,猜想 哦,我猜是姓Hockley的某个人。 -Brock: Nathan Hockley. That's right. Pittsburgh steel tycoon. steel: 钢铁 tycoon: (口语)企业巨头,大亨 Nathan Hockley。没错。匹兹堡钢铁大亨。 The claim was for a diamond necklace his son, Caledon, bought his fiancee, you. diamond: 钻石 necklace: 项链 fiancee: 未婚妻 索赔是为了一串项链,是他的儿子,Caledon,卖给未婚妻,也就是买给你的。 A week before he sailed on Titanic. It was filed right after the sinking. sail: 起航 file: 提交(申请) sinking: 沉没 是泰坦尼克号启航前一星期买的。船沉以后就索赔了。 So the diamond hadto have gone down with the ship. 所以这颗钻石只可能随船葬入了海底。 You see the date? date: 日期 您瞧,画上的日期? -Lizzy: April 14, 1912. 1912年4月14日。 -Lewis: Which means if your grandmother is who she says she is… 假如您奶奶真的如她所说是画里的人, she was wearing the diamond the day the Titanic sank. wear: 戴 sink: 沉没 那她在泰坦尼克号沉没的那天戴过钻石。 -Brock: And that makes you my new best friend. 这么一来你就成了我最好的新朋友了。 These are some of the things we recovered from your stateroom. recover: 找回,重新获得 stateroom: 特等客舱 这些是在您客舱里找到的。 -Rose: This was mine. How extraordinary! And it looks the same as it did the last time I saw it. extraordinary: 特别的 这是我的。太奇妙了!和我最后看到它的时候一模一样。 The reflection has changed a bit. reflection: 映像 change: 改变 a bit: 一点 镜子映出的人倒是变了一点。 -Brock: Are you ready to go back to Titanic? ready: 准备好的 go back to: 返回,回去【回顾】 您准备好回顾一下泰坦尼克号的事件么? -Lewis: Here we go. She hits the berg on the starboard side. She kind of bumps along, berg: 冰山 starboard: 右侧 kind of: (口语)稍微,有点 bump along: 颠簸而行 bump: 猛撞 我们开始吧。船的右侧撞到了冰山。猛烈的撞击之下,船颠簸而行, punching holes like Morse code along the side…below the water line. punch: 猛击 Morse code: 莫尔斯电码 water line: (船的)吃水线, 水位船身受到撞击的一侧…在水线以下出现好几处莫尔斯码一样的裂口。 Then the forwardcompartments start to flood. forward: 位于前面的 compartment: (船舱的)隔间 flood: 为水淹没 海水下子涌进前舱。 Now, as the water level rises, it spills over the watertight bulkheads…which, water level: 水位 rise: 升高,上涨 spill: 溢出,泼出 watertight: 不漏水的 bulkhead: 隔离壁 水位不断升高,很快就溢出了隔水舱。 unfortunately, don't go any higher than E deck. unfortunately: 遗憾地,不幸地 deck: 层面 不幸的是隔水舱最高只到E层。 So now, as the bow goes down, the stern rises up, slow at first…then faster and faster, bow: 船头 go down: 沉下 stern: 船尾 rise up: 上升,耸立 导致船头往下沉,船尾往上翘,刚开始的时候很慢…然后越来越快, until finally, she's got her whole ass sticking in the air. And that's a big ass. We're talking20,000-30,000 tons. finally: 最后,终于 ass: <美俚>屁股 stick: 刺入 ton: 吨 直到最后,船的尾部完全翘到天上。那船尾少说也有两到三万吨重。 Okay? And the hull's not designed to deal with that pressure. So what happens? hull: 船身 design: 设计 deal with: 应付 pressure: 压力 happen: 发生 船身的设计无法支撑这么大的压力。所以结果呢? She splits, right down to the keel…and the stern falls back level. split: (使)裂开,破裂 keel: (船的)龙骨 level: 水平面 船身从中间裂成了两半…船尾重新落回海面。 Then as the bow sinks, it pulls the stern vertical and then finally detaches. sink: 沉没 vertical: 垂直的 detach: 使分离 然后船头继续下沉,与船尾呈直角,并最终彻底断裂。 Now the stern section kind of bobs there like a cork for a couple of minutes…floods, stern: 船尾 section: 部分 kind of: (口语)稍微,有点 bob: 上下快速摆动 cork: (钓鱼用的)小浮标 a couple of: 几(个) flood: 为水淹没 船尾那一半在水面上上下浮动,持续了几分钟的时间…由于大量水涌入, andfinally goes under about 2:20 a.m.… go under: 沉没 于凌晨2:20堕入海底。 two hours and 40 minutes after the collision. The bow section planes away, landing abouta half a mile away… collision: 碰撞 plane: 水平 land: 着陆 mile: 英里 从撞击到沉没整个过程经历2小时40分钟。船头是斜着下沉的,在距离沉船地点一里半远的地方… going 20, 30 knots when it hits the ocean floor. Pretty cool, huh? knot: 海里/小时 ocean: 海洋 floor: 地面 pretty: 相当,颇 cool: 绝妙的 以每小时20或30海里的速度到达大洋底面。精彩吧? -Rose: Thank you for that fine forensic analysis, Mr. Bodine. Of course, the experience of it was…somewhat different. forensic: 法医的 analysis: ,分析 of course: 当然 experience: 体验 somewhat: 达到某种程度 谢谢你这番全面准确的分析,Bodine先生。不过,亲身体验肯定是有些不同的。 -Brock: Will you share it with us? share with: 把(自己的感受)告诉某人 您能跟我们说说吗? -Lizzy: I'm taking her to rest. rest: 休息 我带她去休息。 -Rose: No. 不。 -Lizzy: Come on, nana. come on: 别这样 nana: 祖母 走吧,奶奶。 -Rose: No! 不! -Brock: Give me the tape recorder. Tell us, Rose. tape recorder: 磁带录音机 给我录音机。请告诉我们吧,Rose。 -Rose: It's been 84 years. 已经过了84年了。 -Brock: It's okay. Just try to remember anything, anything at all. try to: 试图 remember: 记起 没关系。想起多少说多少,尽量回忆。 -Rose: Do you want to hear this or not, Mr. Lovett? It's been 84 years…and I can still smell the fresh paint. smell: 闻到 fresh: 新的,新鲜的 paint: 油漆 你真的想听吗,Lovett先生?虽然已经过了84年了,但我好像还能闻到那股新漆的味道。 The china had never been used. The sheets had never been slept in. Titanic was calledthe ship of dreams. china: 瓷器 sheet: 床单 dream: 梦,梦想 瓷器和餐具都是新的。床单和被褥也是新的。人们把泰坦尼克号叫作梦幻之船。 And it was. It really was. 的确如此。的确名不虚传。 -Porter A: All third-class passengers with a forward berth…this way, please! This queue! Right here… third-class: 三等舱 passenger: 乘客 forward: 位于前面的 berth: 卧铺 queue: 队列 所有三等舱卧铺客人…大家注意,请往这边走!在这边排队!就在这… -Man B: It's a big boat, huh? 这船真大啊,对吧? -Girl: Daddy, it's a ship. 爸爸,这是轮船。 -Man B: You're right. 没错。 -Rose: I don't see what all the fuss is about. It doesn't look any bigger than the Mauretania. fuss: 小题大做,大惊小怪 我看不出有什么特别。不比莫里塔尼亚号大。 -Caledon: You can be blase about some things, Rose, but not about Titanic. blase: 玩厌了的 你可别小看了它,Rose,泰坦尼克号可不是一般的船。 It's over 100 feet longer than Mauretania, and far more luxurious. luxurious: 豪华的 它比莫里塔尼亚号大多了,而且更豪华。 Your daughter is far toodifficult to impress, Ruth. impress: 给…以深刻印象 你的女儿要求还真是高,Ruth。 -Ruth: So this is the ship they say is unsinkable. unsinkable: 不会下沉的,不会沉底的 我听说这是一艘绝对不会沉的船。 -Caledon: It is unsinkable. God himself could not sink this ship. sink: 使沉没 是不会沉。连上帝都没法叫它沉。 -Porter A: Sir, you have to check your baggage through the main terminal. It's round that way, sir. check: 检查 baggage: 行李 main: 主要的 terminal: (特种)码头 先生,请您在主码头验行李。在那边,先生。 -Caledon: I put my faith in you, good sir. Now, kindly see my man. put faith in: 信任 kindly: (请求时的礼貌用语)请 好吧,我想委托你替我去办一下,善良的先生。现在,我的仆人会告诉你怎么做。 -Porter A: Yes, sir. It's my pleasure, sir. If I can do anything at all. pleasure: 方便而乐意做的事 是的,先生。我非常乐意为您效劳。只要有我能做的。 -Lovejoy: Yes, right. All the trunks from that car there. trunk: 衣箱 好了,来这边。那辆车里的所有行李。 Twelve from here…and the safe, to the parlor suite, rooms B-52, 54, 56. safe: 保险柜 parlor: 起居室 suite: 房间 这儿还有十二件…还有保险柜,送到头等舱豪华客舱B-52,54,56号房间。 -Caledon: Ladies, we better hurry. Come along. lady: 女士 better: 还是…好 hurry: 赶快 come along: 赶快 女士们,我们最好快点走。跟上。 -Rose: My coat? 我的外套呢? -Trudy: I have it, miss. 在我这儿呢,小姐。 -Porter B: Queue here f
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