

2018-08-01 17页 doc 53KB 70阅读




广告案例分析-招商银行微信公众号广告案例分析-招商银行微信公众号 学 号: 2012073152 基于新媒体环境下的招商银 题 目 行微信营销 学 院 文学与新闻学院 专 业 广告学 班 级 12广告一 学生姓名 陈今雄 指导教师 刘小桃 年 月 日 2015 1 4 trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening cour...
广告案例分析-招商银行微信公众号 学 号: 2012073152 基于新媒体环境下的招商银 题 目 行微信营销 学 院 文学与新闻学院 专 业 广告学 班 级 12广告一 学生姓名 陈今雄 指导教师 刘小桃 年 月 日 2015 1 4 trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, 目录 摘要- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 关键字- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1、背景分析- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -2 1.1企业简介 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -2 1.2案例介绍 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 2、新媒体概述- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 2.1新媒体简介- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 2.2微信介绍 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 3、理论分析- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -4 3.1由新媒体的特征入手分析- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 3.2企业优势分析- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -6 4、案例评析- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 4.1案例评价- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -7 4.2改进建议- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -7 5、参考文献- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, 基于新媒体环境下的招商银行微信营销 陈今雄 ,2012级广告学一班, 摘要, 随着社会经济的不断发展,各种形式的交流更加频繁,各类新媒体例如博客、微博、 微信等新型网络交互平台逐渐渗透每个人的生活之中。新媒体被更加广泛的应用到社会发 展的每个角落,对社会政治、经济、文化等多个方面都产生了重要影响。而招商银行抓住 时机,转化社交场景,借势新营销机会,以微信服务号重新定义“服务即营销”理念,强化自 身基于年轻态的互联网消费品牌形象,堪称互联网与新媒体联合转型的实践蓝本。而本文 即以招商银行微信营销事件为切入点,以新媒体的相关理论剖析此案例,在传统视角的基 础之上,更深层次的分析新媒体环境之下的典型广告案例。 关键词,新媒体、招商银行、微信、交互。 Abstract,With the continuous development of social economy, various forms of exchanges become more frequent, all kinds of new media such as blogs, micro-blog, Micro message and other new network interaction platform gradually penetrate everyone's life. New media is more and more widely applied to every corner of society development, have had a significant impact on many aspects of social politics, economy, culture etc.. And China Merchants Bank seize the opportunity, the transformation of social scene, with new marketing opportunities, to Micro message service number Re definition of "service marketing" concept, strengthen their own based on the young state of Internet consumer brand image, modeled on the Internet and new media practice is combined with the transformation of the. This thesis takes China Merchants Bank Micro message marketing event as the breakthrough point, theories related to new media analysis of the case, on the basis of the traditional perspective, a deeper analysis under the new media environment typical advertising cases. trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, Key words,New media、China Merchants Bank、Wechat、Interactive 第1页(共8页) 1、背景分析 1.1企业介绍:招商银行,是中国第一家完全由企业法人持股的股份制商业银行,简称招行,成于1987年4月8日,由香港招商局集团有限公司创办,是中国内地规模第六大的银行、香港中资金融股的八行五保之一。总行设在深圳市福田区,2002年4月9日,招商银行A股在上海证券交易所挂牌上市。2006年9月8日,招商银行开始在香港公开招股,发行约22亿股H股,集资200亿港元,并在9月22日于港交所上市。资本净额超过2900亿、资产总额超过4.4万亿。招商银行在中国大陆110余个城市设有113家分行及943家支行,1家分行级专营机构(信用卡中心),1家代处,2330家自助银行。招商银行发展目标是成为中国领先的零售银行。在1995年7月推出银行卡一卡通,并在1999年9月启动中国首家网上银行一网通,成为众多企业和电子商务网站广泛使用网上支付工具,在一定程度上促进了中国电子商务的发展。 1.2案例介绍:2013年3月,招商银行推出信用卡微信客服。在同年7月,又推出全国首家“微信银行”,服务范围从单一信用卡服务拓展为集借记卡、信用卡业务为一体的全客群综合服务平台,可以实现转账汇款、手机充值、预约办理等一系列服务。招行微信账号几乎取代了90%的招行常规客服功能,大大缓解了招行每年平均增长50%的客服压力。而目前招商银行微信公众账号的自助查询回复命中率已经高达98%以上。在短短两个月的时间之内,其微信粉丝数量已经超过了100万。其微信公众服务号更是被列为微信官方推出了最受欢迎的七个微信账号之首。 在招行微信公共号下方,则有好几栏自定义菜单,用户在微信中点击后可以查看自己的账单、积分、额度,设置还款等。另外,招行微信账号还开始取代短信提醒功能。用户每一次刷卡后都会收到微信推送提醒,而短信只会给单次刷卡100元以上的交易发送提醒。相比起短信,微信推送的信息内容更加丰富,图文并茂,且字数不限。其丰富的功能以及良好的服务效果成为招商银行的金字招牌。而此案例更是被业界称赞,被视为近年来新媒体环境下的典型案例。 trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, 2、新媒体概述 2.1新媒体简介:新媒体是相对于传统媒体而言,是报刊、广播、电视等传统媒体以后发展起来的新的媒体形态,是利用数字技术、网络技术、移动技术,通过互联网、无线通信网、有线网络等渠道以及电脑、手机、数字电视机等终端,向用户提供信息和娱乐的传播形态和媒体形态。其主要分类有网络新媒体、移动新媒体、新型电视媒体等等。其特征具有交互性与即时性,海量性与共享性,多媒体与超文本,个性化与社群化,其中互动特性是新媒体的核心特征。 当今社会,新媒体对于人类社会的应该日益深刻,愈来愈得到人们的重视。加拿大使用新媒体一词做为政府投资、产业分类等的依据,美国则是Web2.0一词当道,台湾则是以数字内容、数字学习、数字典藏做为国家投资的词汇。这些字眼所指的对象同样是新媒体。而从本质上讲,新媒体是数字技术在信息传播媒体中的应用所产生的区别于传统媒介的新的传播模式或形态。 2.2微信介绍:微信(英文名称:WeChat)是腾讯公司于2011年1月21日推出的一款支持S多种手机平台的实时通信软件,其面对智能手机用户,通过客户端提供好友分享文字与图片,并支持分组聊天和语音、视频对讲功能,广播(一对多)消息,照片与视频共享,位置共享,信息交流联系,互联网购物、理财,游戏等服务,并有共享流媒体内容的Feed和基于位置的社交插件“摇一摇”、“漂流瓶”等功能。 根据调查显示,微信在中国大陆的市场渗透率达93%。截止在2014年10月,微信于全球拥有超过约6亿注册用户,其中包含约4亿4千万活跃用户,是亚洲地区最大用户群体的移动即时通讯软件。 微信作为时下最热门的社交信息平台,也是移动端的一大入口,由于经济效益需求,正在演变成为一大商业交易平台,其对营销行业带来的颠覆性变化开始显现。微信商城的开发也随之兴起,微信商城是基于微信而研发的一款社会化电子商务系统。同时微信也与众多企业合作,开发公众服务账号,实现微信、企业、消费者多方互利。而本案例中的招商银行是国内最早与微信开展业务合作的公司之一,于2013年推出“招商银行信用卡中心”公众账号,力求提高服务效率,节省运营成本。由此招商银行成为行业中利用新媒体开展业务的领头羊与佼佼者 第3页(共 8页) 3、理论分析 3.1由新媒体的特征入手分析:招商银行微信营销之所以能够大获成功,离不开自身良好的服务态度以及专业精神,但是最主要是合理利用了微信这样一个新媒体网络交互平台,将企业优势与其结合起来,给消费者带来了全新的使用体验。因此由微信这样一个新媒体的特性来分析此案例,势在必行。 (1)新媒体的交互性。交互性与即时性作为微信这样一个新媒体的最主要特性,自然是剖析案例的重中之重。消费者在以往如需办理业务,一是通过柜台,二是通过电话。柜台办理业务有大量的时间耗费在来回、等待的步骤上,不能给消费者便捷而高效的业务体验。而通过电话虽然只需要几分钟,但需要一个整片的时间,而且依然不够高效。并且这种传统的业务模式都是一位服务人员对应多位客户,这并不符合服务业的本质——点对点或者一对一。 而利用微信平台,每一位消费者都可以快速地完成相关的业务办理,可能仅仅只需要半分钟,并且这半分钟还是碎片化时间,随时随地都可以办理,每一位客户都能够享受到高效便捷的用户体验,这是微信平台即时性的完美体现。在另一方面,由于微信公众账号是通过人机智能互动技术来实现的,机器的准确性是一般客服人员无法达到的,不仅能够做到点对点,更是准确无误,省去了传统业务员会有的失误,避免了诸多客户投诉。因此“便捷、快速、准确”用这三个词来形容招行微信公众号的微服务最贴切不过。将这三个词做到了极致,微信公众服务账号的黏度与使用率自然非常高。而现如今招商银行公众号的服务客户达已数百万之多自然是情理之中的事情了。 此外,有了招商银行信用卡的微信公众号,持卡人与招商银行的互动明显加强,微信平台的互动性展现的淋漓尽致。例如招行在微信上举办过“智趣问答大征集”活动:让客户自己提供交互场景和内容,引发客户的参与,搜集客户的创意,提升微信智能客服的交互性。这是非常符合目前互联网的让客户创造生产力的模式,让每一位客户参与到平台建设与交流之中,彰显品牌魅力。通过这些,招行的微信服务取得了巨大的社会效益,为招行带来了良好的美誉度以及关注度,并同步提升了招商银行的品牌形象。 (2)新媒体的高科技属性 相比较于传统媒体如电话、电视、报纸等等,新媒体显而易见的具备更高的科技含量。在微信平台之中,招行信用卡中心90%的服务都可以通过小i智能机器人来完成的,凸显了trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, 微信之中十分关键的人机互动属性。而根据相关数据显示:通过小i机器人,招行微客服平台每天自动回复的业务超过数十万笔,而其中需要转入人工座席的业务却不超过2000笔,这一切都是建立在极高的科技水平之上的。高科技属性带来的收益主要体现在提高效率以及削减成本这两点上。 在效率方面,正如前文所言,自助查询回复准确率高达98%以上,服务效率大大提升。目前招行微信客户服务平台上能完成的业务项目近百项,占总服务项目的八成左右,客户处理一般业务只需要在智能手机上轻松操作一分钟即可完成。 而在节约成本上,微信公众号对于招商银行而言真可谓居功至伟。包括招商银行在内的国内金融服务企业在近几年来,无论是客户群、还是交易笔数,都在发生快速的增长,但是人员结构基本上在稳定阶段。这样导致现有的人工客服无法及时应对随流通户、交易笔数的增长而增长的人工来电量。业务的发展势必给服务带来压力。此外,在中国人口红利逐渐消失的大背景下,人力成本的增长也意味着服务成本的提高。这些对企业发展而言真可谓是拦路虎。据资料显示,招商银行2013年全年的电话服务量约为6000万通。而在银行业内,一通客服电话的成本约在5元左右(包括人工、场地、水电、通讯费等),由此可知招商银行每年在电话服务上的开支约在3亿人民币以上。倘若微信公众号能够出来其中30%的业务,那就能够节省近亿元,并且还能够节省不少的人工与场地费用。而除电话之外,还能节省短信服务费用。招商银行有2000万左右的信用卡用户,每位客户每年至少会收到20条以上的客服短信,而招商银行这样与通讯企业有合作关系的大型公司,每条短信约需支付3分钱左右。由此,通过微信公众号,招商银行每年能够节约千万之巨。 因此,微信平台的高科技属性不仅提高了招商银行的整体效率,带来无形的收益。也能具体到电话、短信服务费的削减上,每年节省数千万甚至上亿人民币。 (3)新媒体的超文本性:想较于传统媒体只能单纯的依靠文字、图片,新媒体更加灵活,表现形式与传播方式更加丰富,自然更能吸引消费者的注意,激发消费者的兴趣。而招商银行通过微信公众号这一平台,良好的利用了新媒体的这一特性。 招商银行结合微信平台的特色,推出了语音服务以及LBS(基于地理位置的服务)功能。用户只需要对着招行信用卡的官方微信说一段语音,系统就会自动将语音翻译成文本进行识别,然后对应地给用户提供积分查询、余额查询等业务服务。而LBS则是用户在招行信用卡的微信账号中,把自己的地理位置发送过去,就可以显示附近的招行信用卡特惠商户 第5页(共 8页) 信息,这项服务在各大中城市愈来愈多,以及深入到了消费者的日常生活之中。而这些都是传统媒介难以为消费者提供的服务。 除此之外,招商银行还在微信平台上开展特色活动。微信官方可以对漂流瓶的参数进行更改,使得合作商家推广的活动在某一时间段内抛出的“漂流瓶”数量大增,普通用户“捞”到的频率也会增加。基于此点,2012年招商银行与亿长城合作在微信上开展“小积分微慈善”活动,为自闭症儿童提供帮助。通过尽心策划与准备,微信用户用“漂流瓶”功能捡到招商银行漂流瓶,回复之后招商银行便会通过“小积分,微慈善”平台即可为自闭症儿童提供帮助,这种带着慈善性质的营销活动很容易获得广大消费者的关注与参与。据统计,在招行展开活动期间,每捡十次漂流瓶便基本上有一次会捡到招行的爱心漂流瓶。而参与用户共计30万以上,使得此项活动得到了更好的传播和用户的参与。而这一切独特的营销策略都是建立在新媒体的超文本性之上,是传统媒介所无法达成的。 3.2企业优势分析:招商能够抓住机遇,大力开拓新媒体与金融服务业的联合产业,利用微信公众号在新媒体环境之下的市场竞争之中取得优势,大获成功绝非偶然。既有微信这样优秀新媒体的功效,也有自身优势的功劳。 (1)信用卡业务遥遥领先,以年轻白领为主要客户。2002年开始发行信用卡的招商银行,借助“一卡通”所完成的优质客户沉淀,实现了快速的发展,在不断挖掘高价值客户的同时,用自动还款、外币人民币还款、“联名卡”、等多种便利服务和营销手段保持了竞争优势。据资料显示,招商银行信用早在2013年发行量达5000万以上,发卡量与交易额仅次于中国工商银行,并且还贷额居第一,境外刷卡消费额也稳居第一。由此可见,招商银行信用卡不仅客户数量大,并且以年轻白领群体居多,他们乐于消费,相比普通客户更具消费活力,而这也和微信的主要消费群体不谋而合。因此,与微信合作开发公众服务账号,招商银行具备其他银行所不能比拟的天然优势。 (2)具备开放精神,服务水平业内一流。作为一家港资创办的金融企业,国内第一家采用国际会计的上市公司,招商银行显然比其他传统大型银行更具活力、更加开放。据中国《银行家》杂志分析报道,招商银行多次在国内13家最大的全国性商业银行的评比之中位居前列,而产品服务、公司治理、流程管理等项目更是位列第一。由此可见,招商银行trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, 相比其他商业银行更具专业的服务精神和运作流程。因此不是其他银行,正是招商银行能主动与腾讯的微信团队联络合作,率先开启微信公众号这样一个对企业和客服双方获利的项目。不仅提升了品牌形象,丰富了公司利润,也为消费者提供了便捷舒心的服务,达到双赢的目的。 案例评析 4.1案例评价:招商银行作为金融服务业内第一个吃螃蟹的人,敢为人先,追求卓越,积极探索与新媒体联合的运作模式,与互联网企业合作,开发微信公众服务号。以微信公众号重新定义了“服务即营销”的企业服务理念,以营销的手段将服务细节做到极致,为客户提高了差异化服务,从而大大提升了用户体验。与此同时也强化了自身基于年轻态的互联网消费品牌形象,丰富了品牌内涵,获得了更高的关注度以及美誉度。其微信公众号更是被业内誉为2014年“最佳轻应用”。由此招商银行也获利颇丰,成为新媒体营销中的行业标杆。因此招商银行微信营销案例堪称近年来新媒体下的黄金案例,值得我们广告学人多加揣摩,深入学习。 4.2改进建议 (1)客户数据分析:当前社会是一个大数据时代,企业营销在新的市场竞争之中不仅需要提高优质的产品,更是要贴近消费者的需求,直达受众,而这些都离不开客户相关信息与数据的支撑。招商银行可以利用微信上的客户交互信息,再加上本身具备的高效而巨大的信息分析能力,逐步开展客户数据挖掘及处理工作,不但可以了解持卡人的历史行径、个人习惯以及爱好,还能借助一定的算法来预测持卡人的消费行为,为企业营销与运作提供可靠的客户信息。 (2)开发媒介价值:招商银行利用微信公众号这样一个新媒体大获成功,受众已达近千万之多,其影响力和潜在的营销价值可以说不可小觑。所以招商银行所拥有的这个微信公众号也成为了一个新型的自媒体,并且它的受众都是有一定消费能力、以及已经过准确定位的客户。利用此公众号,招商银行不仅可以适当的向客户推广自己的新业务及理财产品,同时也能发送一些合作公司的广告,收取广告费用,达成多方盈利。而不仅仅将微信公众 第7页(共 8页) 号简单的定位于一个客服账号。 参考文献 [1] 田智辉,新媒体传播[M],北京,中国传媒大学出版社,2008.6 [2] 萧秋水.微信控控微信 [M].北京,人民邮电出版社,.2013.6 [3] 武彬.微信营销[M].武汉,武汉大学出版社,2013.10 trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them,
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