
肝血不足的症状及调治 养目方法

2017-10-19 13页 doc 38KB 39阅读




肝血不足的症状及调治 养目方法肝血不足的症状及调治 养目方法 肝血不足的症状及调治 :肝血不足,不能上荣头面,故面色无华,口唇淡白,眩晕耳鸣;不能养目,则眼花,视物模糊;不能荣筋,则肢麻筋挛, 爪甲不荣。肝血亏虚,冲任不足,血海空虚,故月经不调或闭经,量少色淡。血虚不能安魂定志,则失眠多梦。舌质淡, 脉细弱, 均为血虚之征。肝不好,个人觉得跟饮食和生活习惯有很大的关系,所以平时一定要格外注意。我推荐给你一种对养肝效果特别好的产品,中药养肝茶,药物有黄芪100克、当归20克 、白芍50克 、熟地50克 、川芎20克 、枣皮30克 、阿胶50克 、红景天50...
肝血不足的症状及调治 养目方法
肝血不足的症状及调治 养目方法 肝血不足的症状及调治 :肝血不足,不能上荣头面,故面色无华,口唇淡白,眩晕耳鸣;不能养目,则眼花,视物模糊;不能荣筋,则肢麻筋挛, 爪甲不荣。肝血亏虚,冲任不足,血海空虚,故月经不调或闭经,量少色淡。血虚不能安魂定志,则失眠多梦。舌质淡, 脉细弱, 均为血虚之征。肝不好,个人觉得跟饮食和生活习惯有很大的关系,所以平时一定要格外注意。我推荐给你一种对养肝效果特别好的产品,中药养肝茶,药物有黄芪100克、当归20克 、白芍50克 、熟地50克 、川芎20克 、枣皮30克 、阿胶50克 、红景天50克 、制黄精50克 、柴胡20克、青皮20克,将上面的中药打成细粉, 每天取20克用水煮沸几分钟后倒入杯中, 当茶饮, 喝干后再加鲜开水泡; 也可将蜂蜜加水熬开, 再将药粉倒入熬开的蜂蜜中成糊状, 待冷后每次取10克, 一天服两次. 建议你也试试这个吧,效果真特别好的。 肝血不足食疗 茶疗不仅可治病,更能起到养生保健的作用,当疾病尚未侵袭或刚刚入侵时,在饮食上小小的注意一下,疾病就不再那么猖狂了。身体内的各种要素都要均衡,要素不均衡时,身体就易出现症状,做适当的调理,保持体内的均衡,肝血就不再不足了 1、胡萝卜粥 做法:新鲜胡萝卜适量,切碎,同粳米煮粥,可作早晚餐服食。 日本人的长寿,据说与经常吃胡萝卜有关。中老年患高血压、糖尿病者,可长期大量服用胡萝卜粥,据报道收到良好的效果。 2、红枣黑木耳汤 材料:红枣15个,黑木耳5克 做法: 1、红枣、黑木耳以温水洗净泡发后,放入小碗中,加水和冰糖适量,将碗置蒸锅中,蒸一小时。一次或分数次食用。功效:吃红枣木耳,喝汤,治贫血、动脉硬化、眼底出血及血小板减少等。 肝血不足如何 肝开窍于目。肝主藏血,其经络上系于目。《灵枢?脉度篇》云:“肝气通于目,肝和则目能辨五色矣。”这说明目之所以能发挥其视觉功能,均渊源于肝经气血之濡养。 所以说:“肝受血而能视”。肝血不足,则两目干涩;肝血不足,则夜盲或视物不明;肝经风热,则目赤肿疼;肝阳上亢,则头目晕眩;肝风内动,则目斜视上吊 。 1、以脏补脏,鸡为先。鸡肝味甘而温,补血养肝,为食补养肝之佳品,有些其它动物肝脏补肝的作用更强,且可温胃。具体用法是:取新鲜鸡肝3只,大米100克,同煮为粥服食。可治中老年人肝血不足,饮食不佳,眼睛干涩或流泪。此外,老年人肢体麻木者,也可用鸡肝5只,天麻20克,两味同蒸服,每日一次,服用半月,便可见效。 2、以味补肝,首选食醋。醋味酸而入肝,具有平肝散瘀,解毒抑菌等作用。肝阳偏亢的spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld 高血压老年病人,每日可食醋40毫升,加温水冲淡后饮服:也可用食醋泡鸡蛋或醋泡黄豆,食蛋或豆,疗效颇佳。平素因气闷而肝疼者,可用食醋40毫升,柴胡粉10克冲服,能迅速止疼。 3、补肝血、食鸭血。鸭血性平,营养丰富,肝主藏血,以血补血是中医常用的疗法方法。取鸭血100克,鲫鱼100克,白米100克同煮粥服食,可养肝血,辅治贫血,同时这也是肝癌病人的保肝佳肴之一。 4、舒肝养血,菠菜为佳蔬。菠菜为春天的应时蔬菜,具有滋阴滋燥,舒肝养血等作用,对肝气不舒并发胃病的辅助治疗常有良效。 回答: l)猪肝粥 取猪肝150克洗净切成小块,放入100克洗净的粳米中,加 适量清水并放入葱、姜、盐等调味品,共煮成粥。此方源于民 间经验,宜温热空腹眼食,早晚各1次。具有养血明目、益气 补肝功效。适用于气血虚弱型贫血,对瘠眼、夜育症等亦有一 定疗效。 (2)鸡汤粥 取母鸡1只去毛,剖洗干净,加适量清水煎煮成浓汤备用 取原汁鸡汤100克并100克洗净粳米,加适量清水煮粥,大火 煮沸,小火熬稠即可。此方源于民间经验。具有补肝养肾、明 目补血功效。适用于气血两虚型贫血病人。症见心悸气短,头 晕目眩,舌红首白,四肢无力,面色苍白等。 (3)鸡肝粥取鸡肝1具洗净切成小块;将小米50克洗净入锅,加入适量豆豉及生姜片煮粥;水沸时加入鸡肝,快熟时放入盐、味精等调味,再煮至粥熟。宜温热眼含,日服1剂,常食为佳,具有养血明目、补肝养胃功效。实用于肝血不足.头晕眼花及夜盲症病人。 (4)蒸鸭血取活鸭1只宰杀取血,加清水、食盐适量,隔水蒸熟.放入15毫升黄酒,再蒸片刻即可.此方源于民间经验,宜饭后食用,每日I剂,连食5日为l疗程,具有益血养肝补肾益气功效。适用于肝肾明虚型贫血。症见舌红少苔,头晕耳鸣,睡眠多汗,牙龈出血,手足心热等。 (5)猪血粥 取猪血100克放入开水中稍煮片刻,捞出切成小块;再新鲜菠菜250克洗净放入开水中烫3分钟,捞出切成小段;将猪血块、菠菜及50克洗净的粳米共人锅中,加适量清水煮粥,粥熟后放入适量食盐、昧精、葱、姜调味即可。宜温热服食,作早晚餐。具有润肺养血、消烦去燥功效。适用于贫血及痔疮便血、老年便秘等症。 (6)蜂蜜桑葚膏 将鲜桑葚1000克洗净绞汁,小火熬成稀膏,放人蜂蜜25克熬至稠厚,冷却贮藏备用。日食2次,每回取10?15克以者水冲服,连眼半月为1疗程。具有补肝肾、润五脏、养气血Z效。适用于肝肾阴虚型贫血。症见头晕耳鸣、舌红苔少,手足心热等 (7)阿胶大枣粥; 取阿胶10克捣碎;大枣8枚与50克洗净的糯米煮粥,快熟时放入阿胶spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld 及适量白砂糖,再煮片刻即可。此方源于《寿也青编入直温效服食,早晚餐备食1剂。具有滋阴润肺、补肝纳血、止血安胎功效。适用于晕眩心悸,虚劳咳嗽,贫血面黄,尿血便血等症。 (8)虫草炖鸭。 取推鸭1只去毛及内脏,洗净切块,放入砂锅内,加人割虫夏草6枚及食盐、葱、姜等调料,放入适量清水偎炖,先q大火煮沸,再改小火慢偎至熟烂。具有健脾益气、补肾固精、用血润操功效。适用于脾肾阳虚型贫血病人。症见舌淡苔白,,悸头晕,肢冷怕寒,面色苍白,阳痉造精,月经不调等。回D (9)加味羊骨粥l取羊骨 750克洗净打碎,与 20克黄茂、 7政大枣同入砂锅,b适量清水煎煮,取汤代水与50克洗净的粳米同煮为粥,粥快D熟时加入适量生姜、葱白、食盐搅匀,再煮片刻即可。此方源l于《千金翼方》,宜温热空腹眼食I连食15日为1疗程。具有D强筋壮骨、养胃健脾、补肾益气功效。适用于再生障碍性贫血D及血小板减少性紫麦等症。感冒发烧病人忌眼。D (10)花生牛筋粥l取牛蹄筋 80克洗净切成小块,与 80克花生米和 100克洗D净的糯米共入砂锅,加清水适量煮粥,至蹄筋烂熟、米开汤调;为止。宜温热空腹眼食,日食1次。具有养血补肝、益气健脾D功效。适用于贫血及白细胞低下病人。 贫血食疗方: 菠菜枸杞粥 【原料】菠菜100克,枸杞子15克,粟米100克。 【制作】将菠菜去杂,连根洗净,入沸水锅中焯一下,捞出,码齐后将菠菜切成小碎段(0.5厘米以内),盛入碗中备用。将粟米、枸杞子淘洗干净,放入沙锅,加水适量,大火煮沸后,改用小火煨煮1小时,待粟米酥烂,调入菠菜小碎段,拌和均匀,加精盐、味精,再煮至沸,淋入麻油,搅拌均匀即成。 【用法】每日早、晚分食。 【功效】滋养肝肾,补血健脾。对婴儿生长时间及中老年贫血病人尤为适宜。 摘自《蔬菜食疗方》 贫血食疗方 2004-10-21 作者(来源):网络 1.菜包肝片 [原料]新鲜猪肝250克,鸡蛋3枚,卷心菜叶150克。 [制法]先将猪肝去除筋膜,洗净,用快刀剖成薄片,放入碗中,加精盐、味精、料酒、淀spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld 粉各适量,抓揉均匀,备用。将卷心菜叶洗净(保持其完整状),入沸水锅中烫软,取出,清水过凉后切成20厘米见方的卷心菜片,待用。另碗放入鸡蛋清,加适量干淀粉调拌成稀糊。将卷心菜片铺放在案板上,抹上一层蛋清稀糊,再将猪肝片分成6份,逐一放在卷心菜叶片上,包裹成长短、粗细一致的卷状,沾上一层薄薄的干面粉,待用。炒锅置火上,加植物油烧至六成热,将生肝片卷胚入锅,微火炸至外酥里透,捞在漏勺中沥油,切成3厘米长的段,码放在盘内,即成。 [吃法]佐餐当菜,随意食用,当日吃完。 [功效]补虚养血。适用于胃癌气血两虚引起的贫血。 [评介]卷心菜又称“结球甘蓝”,性味甘平,现代研究资料提示,卷心菜所含的二巯基化物等成分,具抗癌作用。猪肝除含有丰富的蛋白质之外,还含有铁、钙、磷等矿物质及维生素A、B1、B2、B6等多种维生素,猪肝中铁的含量是猪肉的14倍,人体的吸收利用率也非常高,是补虚养血的好原料。本食疗方对胃癌病人气血两虚引起的贫血有显著疗效。 2.黑木耳红糖饮 [原料]黑木耳30克,红糖30克。 [制法]先将黑木耳拣杂,用冷水泡发,清洗干净,撕成小朵状,放入沙锅,加水适量,大火煮沸,改用小火炖煮30分钟,待黑木耳熟烂时,放入红糖,煨煮至沸,红糖完全溶化即成。 [吃法]当点心,随意服食,当日吃完。 [功效]养阴补血。适用于胃癌伴缺铁性贫血病人。 [评介]黑木耳含铁量有些高,居各种荤、素菜食物之首,为补血之佳品。据日本的一项试验指出:黑木耳有一定的抗癌活性。红糖,又名赤砂糖,含有有些为丰富的铁质。中医认为,黑木耳可补气,红糖能补血,上二味组成的本食疗方对气血两虚的贫血有效。且,黑木耳、红糖所含有的微量元素铁、硒、锰、锌等均具有抗癌活性,本食疗方对胃癌伴缺铁性贫血病人有有些好的疗法作用,且可在胃癌防治中发挥辅助治疗功效。 3.阿胶牛奶 4. [原料]阿胶15克,牛奶250毫升。 [制法]先将阿胶拣杂,研成细粉状,放入锅内,加入适量清水,用小火炖煮烊化,兑入刚煮沸的牛奶,拌和均匀,离火即成。 [吃法]随早餐,与早点同时服食。 [功效]益气养血,滋补强壮。适用于胃癌气血不足所致贫血。 [评介]阿胶为滋补阴血佳品。牛奶含有8种人体必需的氨基酸,为中老年胃癌病人,气血虚弱者的理想滋补品,与阿胶烊化后同时服食,对胃癌气血不足所致贫血的补血作用更强。唯需注意的是,伴消化不良、大便稀溏者慎用。 spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld 八种养目方法 让眼睛更明亮 1、惜目:用眼不要过度,无论男女老少,都要注意节约用眼,一般40~60分钟左右即休息5~10分钟。 2、熨目:每天晨起或睡前,取坐或立式,闭目,同时双手掌快速摩擦揉搓,约半分钟便会感到发热发烫,随即迅速将双手掌按抚于双眼上。待热感不明显时,再如法重试一次,每日如此循环14次。此法有通经活络,改善血液循环的作用。 3、运目:自然站于窗前2~3米外,双眼依次注视4窗角,顺时针方向,逆时针方向反复交替,共反复7~14次,此法可以舒筋活络、改善视力。 4、浴目:以热水、热毛巾或蒸气熏浴双眼,每天1~2次,每次15~20分钟。还可用中药浴,即将菊花、大清叶、桑叶、竹叶之类的中药煎水,趁热先以蒸气熏眼,待水温后,再以药水洗浴双眼。久之,可清热、消炎、明目。 5、养目:平时要注意饮食的选择和搭配,如粗细粮搭配、荤素菜搭配等。另外要多吃蔬菜、水果,注意维生素和微量元素的补充,适当吃些海带、胡萝卜、芹菜、动物肝脏等。 6、摩目:闭目,以双手的中、食二指分别按压双眼球,适当地有节奏地加压(以不感到不适为度),可略带旋转动作。此法对老年人,特别是青光眼患者最为适用。但患眼病或做过眼部手术的人,一定要在医生指导下进行,切不可用力过猛。 7、极目:晨起选择空旷、空气清新的场所进行,身体自然直立,两目先平视远处一个目标,如树梢、塔尖或山峰等。此时尽量放松眼睛,坚持1~2分钟后,逐渐将视线移近,直到眼前1尺左右,注视约1分钟,然后将视线由近而远移到原来的目标上。 8、护目:不要久处强烈的阳光或灯光下,更不要在强光下读书看报、电视的光度也不要太强。如果夏日出游,要戴适合的太阳镜。另外,各种屈光不正的患者应配戴合适的眼镜等。 spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld
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