

2017-09-28 45页 doc 119KB 30阅读




短期偿债能力是指企业以流动资产偿还流动负债的能力短期偿债能力是指企业以流动资产偿还流动负债的能力 短期偿债能力是指企业以流动资产偿还流动负债的能力,它反映企业偿付日常到期债务的能力。对债权人来说,企业要具有充分的偿还能力才能保证其债权的安全,按期取得利息,到期取回本金;对投资者来说,如果企业的短期偿债能力发生问题,就会牵制企业经营的管理人员耗费大量精力去筹集资金,以应付还债,还会增加企业筹资的难度,或加大临时紧急筹资的成本,影响企业的盈利能力 一个企业的短期偿债能力大小,要看流动资产和流动负债的多少和质量状况。 流动资产的质量是指其“流动性”即转换成现金的能力,包括是...
短期偿债能力是指企业以流动资产偿还流动负债的能力 短期偿债能力是指企业以流动资产偿还流动负债的能力,它反映企业偿付日常到期债务的能力。对债权人来说,企业要具有充分的偿还能力才能保证其债权的安全,按期取得利息,到期取回本金;对投资者来说,如果企业的短期偿债能力发生问题,就会牵制企业经营的管理人员耗费大量精力去筹集资金,以应付还债,还会增加企业筹资的难度,或加大临时紧急筹资的成本,影响企业的盈利能力 一个企业的短期偿债能力大小,要看流动资产和流动负债的多少和质量状况。 流动资产的质量是指其“流动性”即转换成现金的能力,包括是否能不受损失地转换为现金以及转换需要的时间。对于流动资产的质量应着重理解以下三点: 第一,资产转变成现金是经过正常交易程序变现的。 短期偿债能力 第二,流动性的强弱主要取决于资产转换成现金的时间和资产预计出售价格与实际出售价格的差额。 第三,流动资产的流动性期限在1年以内或超过1年的一个正常营业周期。 流动负债也有“质量”问题。一般说来,企业的所有债务都是要偿还的,但是并非所有债务都需要在到期时立即偿还,债务偿还的强制程度和紧迫性被视为负债的质量。 企业流动资产的数量和质量超过流动负债的程度,就是企业的偿债能力。 短期偿债能力是企业的任何利益关系人都应重视的问题。 1、对企业管理者来说,短期偿债能力的强弱意味着企业承受财务风险的能力大小。 2、对投资者来说,短期偿债能力的强弱意味着企业盈利能力的高低和投资机会的多少。 3、对企业的债权人来说,企业短期偿债能力的强弱意味着本金与利息能否按期收回。 4、对企业的供应商和消费者来说,企业短期偿债能力的强弱意味着企业履行能力的强弱。 编辑本段短期偿债能力 - 影响因素 短期偿债能力受多种因素的影响,包括行业特点、经营环境、生产周期、资产结构、流动资产运用效率等。仅凭某一期的单项指标,很难对企业短期偿债能力作出客观评价。因此,在分析短期偿债能力时,一方面应结合指标的变动趋势,动态地加以评价;另一方面,要结合同行业平均水平,进行横向比较分析。同时,还应进行预算比较分析,以便找出实际与requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 预算目标的差距,探求原因,解决问题。 一些在财务报表中没有反映出来的因素,也会影响企业的短期偿债能力,甚至影响力相当大。增加偿债能力的因素有:可动用的银行贷款指标、准备很快变现的长期资产和偿债能力声誉。减少偿债能力的因素有:未作记录的或有负债、担保责任引起的或有负债等。财务报表的使用者,多了解一些这方面的情况,有利于作出正确的判断。 编辑本段短期偿债能力 - 衡量指标 (1)流动比率 流动比率是企业流动资产与流动负债的比率。其计算公式如下: 流动比率=流动资产?流动负债 流动比率是衡量企业短期偿债能力的一个重要财务指标,这个比率越高,说明企业偿还短期负债的能力越强,流动负债得到偿还的保障越大。但是,过高的流动比率也并非好现象。因为流动比率越高,可能是企业滞留在流动资产上的资金过多,未能有效加以利用,可能会影响企业的获得能力。表明,流动比率在2:1左右比较合适。但是,对流动比率的分析应该结合不同的行业特点和企业流动资产结构等因素。有的行业流动比率较高,有的较低,不应该用统一的来评价各企业流动比率合理与否。只有和同行业平均流动比率、本企业历史的流动比率进行比较,才能知道这个比率是高还是低。 (2)速动比率 速动比率是企业速动资产与流动负债的比率。流动比率在评价企业短期偿债能力时,存在一定的局限性,如果流动比率较高,但流动资产的流动性较差,则企业的短期偿债能力仍然不强。在流动资产中,存货需经过销售,才能转变为现金,若存货滞销,则其变现就成问题。一般来说,流动资产扣除存货后称为速动资产。速动比率的计算公式为: 速动比率=速动资产?流动负债 =(流动资产—存货)?流动负债 通常认为正常的速动比率为1,低于1的速动比率被认为是短期偿债能力偏低。但这仅是一般的看法,因为行业不同速动比率会有很大差别,没有统一标准的速动比率。例如,采用大量现金销售的商店,几乎没有应收账款,大大低于1的速动比率则是很正常的。相反,一些应收账款较多的企业,速动比率可能要大于1。 (3)现金比率 requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 现金比率是企业现金类资产与流动负债的比率。现金类资产包括企业所拥有的货币资金和持有的有价证券(即资产负债表中的短期投资)。它是速动资产扣除应收账款后的余额,由于应收账款存在着发生坏账损失的可能,某些到期的账款也不一定能按时收回,因此速动资产扣除应收账款后计算出来的金额,最能反映企业直接偿付流动负债的能力。现金比率的计算公式为: 现金比率=现金类资产?流动负债 =(货币资金+有价证券或短期投资)?流动负债 =(速动资产—应收账款)?流动负债 虽然现金比率最能反映企业直接偿付流动负债的能力,这个比率越高,说明企业偿债能力越强。但是,如果企业停留过多的现金类资产,现金比率过高,就意味着企业流动负债未能合理地运用,经常以获得能力低的现金类资产保持着,这会导致企业机会成本的增加。通常现金比率保持在30%左右为宜。 编辑本段现行短期偿债能力分析缺陷 一、现行分析方法是建立在对企业现有资产进行清算变卖的基础上进行的。这种分析基础看似颇有道理,但是与 现行分析方法是建立在对企业现有资产进行清算变卖的基础上进行的企业的实际运行情况不符。企业要生存下去就不可能将所有的流动资产变现来偿还流动负债。因此,应以持续经营假设为基础而非清算基础、从企业的未来盈利能力而非资产的变现能力来判断企业的偿债能力,否则评价的结论只能是企业的清算偿债能力。持续经营企业偿还债务必须依赖于企业稳定的现金流入,如果偿债能力分析不包括对企业现金流量的分析则有失偏颇。 二、流动性分析强调的是企业的流动资产与流动负债要保持一定的比例,在结构上对称,使流动资产足以偿付流动负债。其实这两者之间的关系并不那么直接。而且这很容易给人一个错误的暗示,即短期负债的债权人对流动资产拥有某种优先权,只有流动资产超过流动负债的部分才能用于清偿长期负债的债权人,而事实上,所有债权人的权利是同等的。 三、现行分析方法是以权责发生制原则为前提,债务和偿债来源包含了各种各样的应收、应付因素,是一种“理论上”的分析。可事实上,债务的偿还终究得依赖于企业的现实支付能力,必须有相应的现金流量作支撑,而这正是建立在收付实现制原则基础上的。 四、流动性分析是一种静态的分析。流动比率所采用的数据来源于企业过去某一时点的财务报表,体现的是一种静态的效果。这种效果往往会因为某一笔业务的发生如企业赊购较大数额的原材料或因财务报表的人为粉饰而大受影响。而偿债能力分析则着眼于未来,是一种推测预期,须对requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 企业在债务偿还期内的经营状况及财务状况的变化及其对偿债能力的影响进行动态的分析,这才是比较科学与合理的。 五、偿债资金来源渠道单一化。流动性分析将偿债资金来源局限在企业的表内流动资产的变现上,而事实上偿债资金来源有多种渠道,既可以是企业经营中产生的现金,也可以是新的短期融资资金;既可以来源于流动资产的变现,也可以通过长期资产的变现加以解决;既可利用表内的现有资产资源,也可得益于表外可增强企业偿债能力的各种潜在因素等等。如果仅以流动资产变现作为偿债资金来源,显然不能正确衡量企业的短期偿债能力。 编辑本段准确界定速动资产的计算口径改进 1、准确界定速动资产的计算口径 速动资产应指确有把握能随时变现的资产,不应笼统地界定为流动资产扣减某些项目。其构成应为:速动资产=货币资金+短期有价证券+剔除应收关联企业的应收票据+账龄小于1年且剔除应收关联企业的应收账款净额+变现能力很强的存货净值。 2、应把使用存货的历史成本与使用重置成本或现行成本计算出来的流动比率进行比较 若在重置成本或现行成本下计算出来的流动比率比原来的数值大,即表明企业的短期偿债能力得以增强,反之则削弱了。 3、在计算流(速)动比率时,对应收账款应按账龄逐一分级进行折算以分析其变现能力 对超过半年的应收账款打20%一40%的折扣;对1年以上的应收账款打50%一80%的折扣;对2年以上的这种仅仅是个象征符号的应收账款原则上不再列人流动资产。 4、考虑到预收账款的特殊性,所以在计算流动比率时,预收账款应作为分子中存货的减项而不应作为分母的一部分;在计算速动比率时,预收账款也应从流动负债中扣除。 5、将表外项目作为短期偿债能力分析指标的必要补充 由于流动比率与速动比率固有的缺陷,会计信息使用者在对企业短期偿债能力进行分析时,还应结合有关表外因素进行分析,这样的评价结果则更为准确。如企业拥有可随时动用的银行贷款指标和随时可变现的长期资产,则可使企业的流动资产增加,使企业的短期偿债能力得以提高;而在会计报表附注中若存在金额较大的或有负债、股利发放和担保等事项,则可导致企业未来现金减少,使企业的短期偿债能力大为降低。 6、针对现金流动负债比率固有的不足,运用该指标时还应结合现金流量结构比率进行分析则更为全面 requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 盈利能力指标 盈利能力指标主要包括营业利润率、成本费用利润率、盈余现金保障倍数、总资产报酬率、净资产收益率和资本收益率六项。实务中,上市公司经常采用每股收益、每股股利、市盈率、每股净资产等指标评价其获利能力。 1、营业利润率 营业利润率,是企业一定时期营业利润与营业收入的比率。其计算公式为: 营业利润率=营业利润/营业收入×100% 营业利润率越高,表明企业市场竞争力越强,发展潜力越大,盈利能力越强。 在实务中,也经常使用销售毛利率、销售净利率等指标来分析企业经营业务的获利水平。其计算公式分别如下: 销售毛利率=(销售收入-销售成本)/销售收入×100% 销售净利率=净利润/销售收入×100% 2、成本费用利润率 成本费用利润率,是企业一定时期利润总额与成本费用总额的比率。其计算公式为: 成本费用利润率=利润总额/成本费用总额×100% 其中:成本费用总额=营业成本+营业税金及附加+销售费用+管理费用+财务费用 成本费用利润率越高,表明企业为取得利润而付出的代价越小,成本费用控制得越好,盈利能力越强。 3、盈余现金保障倍数 盈余现金保障倍数,是企业一定时期经营现金净流量与净利润的比值,反映了企业当期净利润中现金收益的保障程度,真实反映了企业盈余的质量。其计算公式为: 盈余现金保障倍数=经营现金净流量/净利润 一般来说,当企业当期净利润大于0时,盈余现金保障倍数应当大于1.该指标越大,表明企业经营活动产生的净利润对现金的贡献越大。 requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 4、总资产报酬率 总资产报酬率,是企业一定时期内获得的报酬总额与平均资产总额的比率了企业资产的综合利用效果。其计算公式为: 总资产报酬率=息税前利润总额/平均资产总额×100% 其中:息税前利润总额=利润总额+利息支出 一般情况下,总资产报酬率越高,表明企业的资产利用效益越好,整个企业盈利能力越强。 5、净资产收益率 净资产收益率,是企业一定时期净利润与平均净资产的比率,反映了企业自有资金的投资收益水平。其计算公式为: 净资产收益率=净利润/平均资产×100% 其中:平均净资产=(所有者权益年初数+所有者权益年末数)/2 一般认为,净资产收益率越高,企业自有资本获取收益的能力越强,运营效益越好,对企业投资人、债权人利益的保证程度越高。 6、资本收益率 资本收益率,是企业一定时期净利润与平均资本(即资本性投入及其资本溢价)的比率,反映企业实际获得投资额的回报水平。其计算公式如下: 资本收益率=净利润/平均资本×100% 其中:平均资本=(实收资本年初数+资本公积+实收资本年末数+资本公积年末数)/2 上述资本公积仅指资本溢价(或股本溢价) 7、每股收益 每股收益也称每股利润或每股盈余,是反映企业普通股股东持有每一股份所能享有企业利润或承担企业亏损的业绩评价指标。每股收益的计算包括基本每股收益和稀释每股收益。基本每股收益的计算公式为: 基本每股收益=归属于普通股东的当期净利润/当期发行在外普通股的加权平均数 其中,当期发行在外普通股的加权平均数=期初发行在外普通股股数+当期新发行普通股股数×已发行时间/报告期时间一当期回购普通股股数×已回购时间/报告期时间(已发行时间、报告期时间和已回购时间一般按天数计算,在不影响计算结果的前提下,也可以按月份简化计算)。 requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 稀释每股收益是在考虑潜在普通股稀释性影响的基础上,对基本每股收益的分子、分母进行调整后再计算的每股收益。 每股收益越高,表明公司的获利能力越强。 8、每股股利 每股股利,是上市公司本年发放的普通股现金股利总额与年末普通股总数的比值,反映上市公司当期利润的积累和分配情况。其计算公式为: 每股股利=普通股现金股利总额/年末普通股总数 9、市盈率 市盈率,是上市公司普通股每股市价相当于每股收益的倍数,反映投资者对上市公司每股净利润愿意支付的价格,可以用来估计股票的投资报酬和风险。其计算公式为: 市盈率=普通股每股市价/普通股每股收益 一般来说,市盈率高,说明投资者对该公司的发展前景看好,愿意出较高的价格购买该公司股票。但是,某种股票的市盈率过高,也意味着这种股票具有较高的投资风险。 10、每股净资产 每股净资产,是上市公司年末净资产(即股东权益)与年末普通股总数的比值。其计算公式为: 每股净资产=年末股东权益/年末普通股总数 编辑本段盈利能力评估的其他构成 反映企业盈利能力的指标很多,通常使用的主要有销售净利率、销售毛利率、资产净利率、净值报酬率。 (一)销售净利率 销售净利率是指净利与销售收入的百分比,其计算公式为: 销售净利率=(净利?销售收入)×100% 注:该指标反映每一元销售收入带来的净利润的多少,表示销售收入的收益水平。 (二)销售毛利率 requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 销售毛利率是毛利占销售收入的百分比,其中毛利是指销售收入与销售成本的差。其计算公式如下: 销售毛利率=[(销售收入-销售成本)?销售收入]×100% 注:毛利率是企业销售净利率的最初基础,没有足够大的毛利率便不能盈利。 (三)资产净利率 资产净利率是企业净利与平均资产总额的百分比。 平均资产总额=(期初资产总额+期末资产总额)?2 资产净利计算公式为: 资产净利率=(净利润?平均资产总额)×100% 指标越高,表明资产的利用效率越高,说明企业在增收节支和节约资金使用等方面取得了良好的效果。 (四)净资产收益率 净资产收益率是净利润与平均净资产的百分比,也叫净值报酬率或权益报酬率。 其计算公式为: 净资产收益率=净利润?平均净资产×100% 平均净资产=(年初净资产+年末净资产)?2 净资产收益率反映公司所有者权益的投资报酬率,具有很强的综合性。 营运能力分析的目的 企业营运能力分析就是要通过对反映企业资产营运效率与效益的指标进行计算与分析,评价企业的营运能力,为企业提高经济效益指明方向。 第一,营运能力分析可评价企业资产营运的效率。 第二,营运能力分析可发现企业在资产营运中存在的问题。 第三,营运能力分析是盈利能力分析和偿债能力分析的基础与补充。 编辑本段选择评价资产营运能力的指标的原则 requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 反映企业资产营运能力的指标有许多,要正确分析评价企业资产营运能力,首先必须正确设计评价资产营运能力的指标体系。设计选择评价资产营运能力的指标,必须遵循以下原则: 1、资产营运能力指标应体现提高资产营运能力的实质要求 企业资产营运能力的实质,就是要以尽可能少的资产占用,尽可能短的时间周转产尽可能多的产品,实现尽可能多的销售收入,创造尽可能多的纯收入。 2、资产营运能力指标应体现多种资产的特点 企业的资产包括固定资产和流动资产,它们各有其特点。对于固定资产应考虑它的使用价值与价值相脱离的特点,指标计算上,从两方面加以考虑;对于流动资产,主要应体现其流动性的特点。 3、资产营运能力指标应有利于考核分析 应尽量采用现行制度规定的考核指标,或根据现有核算资料可以计算并便于分析的指标,否则,指标再好也没有实际意义。 编辑本段营运能力分析的内容 根据营运能力分析的含义与目的,企业营运能力分析的内容主要包括以下几方面 (一)全部资产营运能力分析 全部资产营运能力分析的内容包括: 1、全部资产产值率分析; 2、全部资产收入率分析; 3、全部资产周转率分析。 (二)流动资产营运能力分析 流动资产营运能力分析的内容包括: 1、全部流动资产周转率分析; 2、全部流动资产垫支周转率分析; 3、流动资产周转加速效果分析; 4、存货周转率分析; 5、应收账款周转率分析。 (三)固定资产营运能力分析 固定资产营运能力分析的内容包括: 1(固定资产产值率分析; 2(固定资产收入率分析。 全部资产营运能力分析 全部资产营运能力分析就是要对企业全部资产的营运效率进行综合分析。全部资产营运能力分析包括以下几个方面。 一、反映全部资产营运能力的指标计算与分析 企业全部资产营运能力,主要是指投入或使用全部资产所取得的产出的能力。由于企业的总产出,一方面从生产能力角度考虑,可出总产值表示,另一方面从满足社会requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 需要角度考虑,可用总收入表示,因此,反映全部资产营运能力的指标主要指全部资产产值率、全部资产收入率和全部资产周转率。 (一)全部资产产值率的计算与分析 全部资产产值率是指企业占用每百元资产所创造的总产值,其计算公式为: 全部资产产值率=总产值/平均总资产×100% 在一般情况下,该指标值越高,说明企业资产的投入产出率越高,企业全部资产运营状况越好。还可用另一指标表示,即百元产值资金占用,其计算公式为: 百元产值占用资金=平均总资产/总产值×100% 该指标越低,反映全部资产营运能力越好。对该指标的分析,可上式基础上,从资产占用形态角度进行分解,即: 百元产值占用资金=平均总资产/总产值×100%=流动资产/总产值+固定资产/总产值+其他资产/总产值 依据上式,可分析全部资产产值率或百元产值占用资金变动受各项资产营运效果的影响。 (二)全部资产收入率的计算与分析 全部资产收入率是指占用每百元资产所取得的收入额(其计算公式是: 全部资产收入率=总收入/平均总资产×100% 该指标反映了企业收入与资产占用之间的关系。通常,全部资产收入率越高,反映企业全部资产营运能力越强、营运效率越高。企业总产值往往既包括完工产品产值(又包括在产品产值;既包括已销售的商品产值,又包括库存产品产值。在市场经济条件下,企业产品只有销售出去,收入实现才是真正意义的产出。 对全部资产收入率的分析,正是要考虑收入与产值的关系。其因素分解式是: 全部资产收入率=总收入/平均总资产×100%=(总产值/平均总资产)×(总收入/总产值)×100% =全部资产产值率×产品销售率 可见(企业要取得较高的资产收入率,一方面要提高全部资产产值率,另一方面要提高产品销售率。 (三)全部资产周转率分析 全部资产收人率从周转速度角度看,也称全部资产周转率(总资产周转率)其计算与全部资产收入率相同,即: 全部资产周转率=总周转额(总收入)/平均总资产 在全部资产中,周转速度最快的应属流动资产,因此,全部资产周转速度受流动资产周转速度影响较大。从全部资产周转速度与流动资产周转速度的关系,可确定影响全部资产周转率的因素如下: 全部资产周转率=(销售收入/平均流动资产)×(平均流动资产/平均总资产)=流动资产周转率×流动资产占总资产的比重 可见,全部资产周转率的快慢取决于两大因素:一是流动资产周转率,因为流动资产的周转速度往往高于其他类资产的周转速度,加速流动资产周转,就会使总资产周转速度加快,反之则会使总资产周转速度减慢;二是流动资产占总资产requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 的比重,因为流动资产周转速度快于其他类资产周转速度,所以,企业流动资产所占比例越大,总资产周转速度越快,反之则越慢。 案例,1全部资产周转率分析 根据ABC公司财务报表及附表的有关资料,计算该公司全部 因素分析:流动资产周转速度变动对全部资产周转影响 (0.99—1.15)×51.18%=0.082 流动资产占总资产比率变动对全部资产周转影响 0.48×(48.24%-51.18%)=0.029(次) 可见ABC公司全部资产营运效率较差,在上年本来不高的周转速度基础上,本年又有所缓慢。全部资产周转速度较差的原因主要是流动资产周转速度过慢,本年周转不到1次。 二、全部资产营运能力综合对比分析 全部资产营运能力综合对比分析,就是要将反映全部资产营运能力的指标与反映企业流动资产和固定资产营运能力的指标结合起来进行分析。依据各类指标之间的相互关系进行,综合对比分析主要包括以下几方面的内容。 (一)综合对比分析反映资产占用与总产值之间的关系 反映二者关系的有三个指标,即固定资产产值率、流动资产产值率、全部资产产值率(它们可说明资产在生产过程的利用效果。从静态上对比这三个指标(可分别反映固定资产、流动资产及全部资产利用效果的大小;从动态上对比达三个指标(可反映总产值增长与固定资产增长、流动资产增长、全部资产增长的关系,以及资产结合的变化情况。 (二)综合对比分析反映资产占用与收入之间的关系 反映二者之间关系的有三个指标,即固定资产收入率、流动资产周转率、全部资产收入率或周转宰,它们可正确评价各项资产营运效益的大小和资产周转速度的快慢。从静态上的对比(可反映各项资产收入率的水平及其差距;从动态上对比,可反映固定资产、流动资产及全部资产与销售收入增长的关系。 (三)将全部资产营运能力与全部资产盈利能力结合起来分析 从这个角度分析可说明企业资产经营盈利能力的高低,既取决于产品经营盈利能力,又受资产营运能力的影响。用一般关系式表示: 资产经营盈利能力=资产营运能力×产品经营盈利能力 其具体计算公式为: 总资产报酬率=总资产周转率×收入息税前利润率×100% 编辑本段流动资产营运能力分析 一、全部流动资产周转率的计算与分析 流动资产周转率,既是反映流动资产周转速度的指标,也是综合反映流动资产利用效果的基本指标,它是一定时期流动资产平均占用额和流动资产周转额的比率,是用流动资产的占用量和其所完成的工作量的关系,来表明流动资产的使用经济效益。 requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause (一)流动资产周转率计算 流动资产周转率的计算,一般可以采取以下两种计算方式: 流动资产周转次数=流动资产周转额/流动资产平均余额 流动资产周转天数(周转期)=计算期天数(360)/流动资产周转天数=流动资产平均余额×计算期天数/流动资产周转额 流动资产的周转次数或天数(均表示流动资产的周转速度。流动资产在一定时期的周转次数越多,亦即每周转一次所需要的天数越少,周转速度就越快,流动资产营运能力就越好;反之,周转速度则慢,流动资产营运能力就越差。 从上述公式可知,流动资产周转期的计算(必须利用“计算期天数”、“流动资产平均余额”“流动资产周转额”三个数据。对于计算期天数,为了计算方便,全年按360天计算,全季按90天计算,全月按30天计算。对于流动资产平均余额的确定(一要注意范围,不同的周转率,流动资产的范围就不同;二要注意用平均占用额而不能用期末或期初占用额。周转额一般指企业在报告期中有多少流动资产完成了,即完成了出货币到商品,再到货币这一循环过程的流动资产数额。它应用销售额来表示,既可用销售收入,也可用销售成本表示。因此,企业全部流动资产周转率的计算公式是: 全部流动资产周转次数=销售收入/全部流动资产平均余额 全部流动资产周转天数=全部流动资产平均余额×计算期天数/销售收入 或:全部流动资产垫支周转次数=销售成本/全部流动资产平均余额 全部流动资产垫支周转天数=全部流动资产平均余额×计算期天数/销售成本 (二)流动资产周转率分析 进行流动资产周转率因素分析,首先应找出影响流动资产周转率的因素。根据流动资产周转率的计算公式,可分解出影响全部流动资产总周转率的因素如下: 流动资产周转次数=销售收入/流动资产平均余额 =(销售成本/流动资产平均余额)×销售收入/销售成本 =流动资产垫支周转次数×成本收入率 可见,影响流动资产周转次数的因素,一是垫支周转次数;二是成本收入率。流动资产垫支周转次数准确地反映了流动资产在一定时期可周转的次数;成本收入率说明了企业的所费与所得之间的关系。当成本收入率大于1时,说明企业有经济效益,此时流动资产垫支周转次数越快,流动资产营运能力越好;反之,如果成本收入率小于1,说明企业所得弥补不了所费,这时流动资产垫支次数加快,反而不利于企业经济效益的提高。确定这两个因素变动对流动资产周转次数的影响,可用连环替代法或差额计算法,公式是: 流动资产垫支周转次数影响=(本期流动资产垫支周转次数-基期流动资产垫支周转次数)×基期成本收入率 成本收入率变动的影响=本期流动资产垫支周转次数×(本期成本收入率-基期成本收入率) 在流动资产周requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 转次数分析基础上,进一步对流动资产垫支周转次数进行分析;影响流动资产垫支周转次数的因素可从以下分解式中得出: 流动资产垫支周转次数=销售成本/流动资产平均占用额 =(销售成本/平均存货)×平均存货/流动资产平均占用额=存货周转次数×存货构成率 运用差额计算法可确定存货周转次数和存货构成率变动对流动资产垫支周转次数的影响程度。 案例,2流动资产周转率分析 因素分析: 流动资产周转次数=流动资产垫支周转次数×成本收入率 流动资产垫支周转次数影响;(0.66一0.75)×152.75%=-0.14(次) 成本收入率变动影响=0.66×(149.75%—l52.75%)=-0.02(次) 分析结果说明流动资产周转率缓慢受流动资产垫支周转率缓慢和成本收入率下降两个因素共同影响,但垫支周转速度缓慢是主要原因。 2(流动资产垫支周转次数分析 分析对象:0.66—0.75=0.09(次) 因素分析: 流动资产垫支周转次数=存货周转次数×存货构成率 存货周转次数影响=(2.22—2.09)×36.01%=0.05(次) 存货构成率影响=2.22×〔29.86%—36.01%〕=0.14(次) 可见,流动资产垫支周转次数的减少主要是存货构成率下降引起的缓慢0.14次;存货周转次数加快使垫支周转次数加快0(05次。 二、各项流动资产周转情况分析 (一)企业存货周转情况分析 存货周转率是指企业在一定时期内存货占用资金可周转的次数,或存货每周转一次所需要的天数。因此,存货周转率指标有存货周转次数和存货周转天数两种形式: 存货周转次数=销售成本/平均存货 其中:平均存货=(期初存货+期末有货)?2 存货周转天数=计算期天数/存货周转次数=计算期天数×平均存货/销售成本 应当注意,存货周转次数和周转天数的实质是相同的。但是其评价标准却不问,存货周转次数是个正指标,因此,周转次数越多越好。(但过高的周转率也可能说明切要管理方面存在其他的一些问题) 影响存货周转率的因素很多(但它主要还受材料周转率、在产品周转率和产成品周转率的影响。这三个周转率的计算公式是: (1)材料周转率=当期材料消耗额/平均材料库存 (2)在产品周转率=当期完工产品成本/平均在产品成本 (3)产成品周转率=销售成本/平均产成品库存 这三个周转率的评价标准与存货评价标准相问,都是周转次数越多越好,周转天数越少越好。通过不同时期存货周转率的比较,可评价存货管理水平,查找出影响存货利用效果变动的原因、不断提高存货管理水平。 requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 在企业生产均衡和产销平衡情况下,存货周转率与三个阶段周转率之间的关系可用下式表示: 存货周转天数=材料周转天数×材料消耗额/总产值生产费+在产品周转天数+产成品周转天数 运用因素分析法可确定出各因素变动对存货周转率的影响。 (二)企业应收账款周转情况分析 应收账款周转情况分析,主要应通过对应收款周转率的计算与分析进行说明。应收款周转率的计算公式是; 应收账款周转率=赊销收入净额[1]/应收账款平均余额 其中: 赊销收入净额=销售收入—现销收入—销售退回、销售折让、销售折扣 应收账款平均余额=(期初应收账款+期末应收账款)?2,为未扣除坏账准备的应收账款余额。 应收账款周转率可以用来估计应收账款变现的速度和管理的效率。回收迅速既可以节约资金,也说明企业信用状况好(不易发生坏账损失;一般认为周转率愈高愈好。 反映应收账款周转速度的另—个指标是应收账款周转天数,或应收账款平均收款期:其计算公式为: 应收账款周转天数=计算期天数(360)/应收账款周转次数 =应收账款平均余额×360/赊销收入净额 按应收账款周转天数进行分析,则周转天数愈短愈好。 影响该指标正确计算的因素有:第一,季节性经营的企业使用这个指标时不能反映实际情况(淡季应收账款水平偏低);第二,大量使用分期付款结算方式;第三,大量地使用现金结算的销售;第四,年末大量销售或年末销售大幅度下降。这些因素都会对该指标计算结果产生较大的影响。财务报表的外部使用人可以将计算出的指标与该企业前期指标、与行业平均水平或其他类似企业的指标相比较,判断该指标的高低。但仅根据指标的高低分析不出上述各种原因。 (三)营业周期分析 营业周期是指从取得存货开始到销售存货并收回现金为止的这段时间。营业周期的长短取决于存货周转天数和应收账款周转天数。营业周期的计算公式如下: 营业周期=存货周转天数+应收账款周转天数 把存货周转天数和应收账款周转天数加在一起计算出来的营业周期,指的是需要多长时间能将期末存货全部变为现金。一般情况下,营业周期短,说明资金周转速度快,管理效率高,资产的流动性强,资产的风险降低;营业周期长,说明资金周转速度慢,管理效率低,风险上升。因此,分析研究企业的营业周期,并想方设法缩短营业周期,对于增强企业资产的管理效果具有重要意义。 三、流动资产周转加快效果分析 流动资产周转加快、一方面可使一定的产出所需流动资产减少;另一方面可使一定的资产所取得的收入增加。 requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause (—)加速流动资产周转所节约的资金 加速资产周转所节约的资金就是指企业在销售收入一定情况下,由于加速流动资产周转所节约的资金。其计算公式为: (流动资产平均占用额=赊销销售收入/流动资产周转次数) 流动资产节约额=报告期销售收入×(1/基期流动资产周转次数-1/报告期流动资产周转次数) 上式计算结果为正数时,表示流动资产节约;当其计算结果为负数时,说明企业流动资产周转缓慢浪费。 案例4-3A企业上年度产品销售收入为14400万元,流动资产平均占用额为3600万元。该企业流动资产周转次数为14400/3600=4次,流动资产周转天数为3604=90天。 假定企业本年度产品销售收入不变,流动资产周转速度由4次提高为5次,则该企业流动资产节约额为14400/4-14400/5=36002880=720万元 假定企业本年度产品销售收入扩大到18000万元,流动资产周转速度由4次提高到5次,则流动资产节约额为18000/4-18000/5=4500-3600=900 万元 流动资产由于加速周转而形成的节约额,可以区分绝对节约和相对节约两种形式;流动资产绝对节约,是指企业由于加速流动资产,因而可以从周转中拿出一部分资金支付给企业的所有者或还给债权人。流动资产相对节约是指企业出于加速流动资产周转,可以在不增资或少增资的条件下扩大本企业的生产规模,因而有可能不需要或减少由债权人或所有者对企业的新投资,可见,流动资产绝对节约和相对节约的区别只在于运用的情况不同,后者是以节约的资金提供本企业扩大再生产之用,而前者则是以所节约的资金退出企业经营。区别与计算流动资产绝对节约额和相对节约额可分别三种情况进行: (1)全部节约额都是绝对节约额。如果企业流动资产周转速度加快,而销售收入不变(这时所形成的节约额就是绝对节约额; (2)全部节约额都是相对节约额。如果企业流动资产周转加速,而实际占用流动资产大于或等于基期占用流动资产,这时所形成的流动资产节约额就是相对节约额。 (3)同时具有绝对节约额和相对节约额。如果企业流动资产周转加速,同时销售收入增加,流动资产占用额减少。这种情况下形成的流动资产节约额就同时具有绝对节约额和相对节约额;它们的计算公式是: 绝对节约额=报告期流动资产占用额-基期流动资产占用额 相对节约额=流动资产总节约额-绝对节约额 当然,把流动资产节约分析中的各种条件反过来,得到的就是流动资产的浪费额,它同样存在着绝对浪费额和相对浪费额。 requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause (二)加速流动资产周转所增加的收入 加速资产周转所增加的收入是指在企业流动资产占用额一定情况下,由于加速流动资产周转速度所增加的销售收入。其计算公式是: 销售收入增加额=基期流动资产平均余额×(报告期流动资产周转次数-基期流动资产周转次数) 上式计算结果为正数时,说明加速流动资产周转增加的销售收入;计算结果为负数时,说明流动资产周转速度缓慢所减少的销售收入。 案例4-3A企业上年度产品销售收入为14400万元,流动资产平均占用额为3600万元。流动资产周转速度由4次提高到5次。 流动资产周转速度加快增加的收入=3600×(5-4)=3600 编辑本段固定资产营运能力分析 一、固定资产利用效率分析 (一)固定资产产值率分析 固定资产产值率,是指一定时期内总产值与固定资产平均总值之间的比率,或每百元固定资产提供的总产值。其计算公式是: 固定资产产值率=总产值/固定资产平均总值 公式中的分母项目是采用固定资产原值还是采用固定资产净值,目前尚有两种观点。一种观点主张采用固定资产原值计算,理由是:固定资产生产能力并非随着其价值的逐步转移而相应降低,比如,一种设备在其全新时期和半新时期往往具有同样的生产能力:再则,用原值,便于企业不同时间或不同企业进行比较,如果采用净值计算。则失去可比性。另—种观点主张采用固定资产净值计算,理由是:固定资产原值并非一直全部都被企业占用着,其价值小的磨损部分已逐步通过折旧收回,只有采用净值计算,才能真正反映—定时期内企业实际占用的固定资金;实际上,单纯地采用哪—种计价方法都会难免偏颇:为了既从生产能力又从资金占用两个方面来考核企业的固定资产利用水平,必须同时采用原值和净值两种计价标准,才能从不同角度全面地反映企业固定资产利用的经济效益。 公式表示每百元固定资产提供多少产值,提供的多,表明固定资产利用效果高,反之就低。反映总产值与固定资产关系的还可用另一指标表示,即百元产值固定资金占用,其计算公式为: 百元产值占用固定资金=平均固定资产总值/总产值×100% 公式表示每百元产值占用多少固定资产,占用少,固定资产利用效果就高,反之就低。 固定资产产值率是一个综合性指标,受多种因素的影响,在众多的因素中固定资产本身的因素最为重要。全部固定资产原值平均余额中,生产用固定资产占多少,在生产用固定资产中,生产设备占多少,都会影响到固定资产的利用效果。将固定资产产值率进行如下分解: requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 固定资产产值率=总产值/固定资产平均总值 =(总产值/生产设备平均总值)×(生产设备平均总值/生产用固定资产平均总值)×(生产用设备平均总值/固定资产平均总值) =生产设备产值率×生产设备占生产用固定资产的构成率×生产用固定资产构成率 从分解后的公式中可以看出:生产设备产值率是反映生产设备能力和时间的利用的效果,它的数值大小直接影响着生产用固定资产的利用效果,进而影响全部固定资产的产值率。生产设备占生产用固定资产比重和生产用固定资产占全部固定资产平均总值比重,反映了企业固定资产的结构状况和配置的合理程度,其比重越大,则全部固定资产产值率就越高。因此,在分析固定资产产值率时应从固定资产的配置和利用两个方面进行。特别是要提高生产设备的利用效果,不断提高其单位时间的产量,才能提高固定资产产值率。 固定资产产值率的分析是以实际数与数、上期实际数或历史最好水平进行比较,从中找出影响该指标的不利因素,由此对企业固定资产利用效果做出评价。 案例,4固定资产产值率分析 某企业有关固定资产产值率分析有关资料如下表:(单位:万元) 项目计划实际 工业总产值8000070000 生产设备平均总值12800 15750 生产用设备平均总值2560026260 全部固定资产平均总值3200035000 固定资产产值率250%200% 根据表中资料可进行因定资产产值率分析如下: 1、分析对象:200%-250%=-50% 2、因素分析: 200%=(80000/12800)*(12800/25600)*(25600/32000) =625%*50%*80% 250%=(70000/15750)*(15750/26260)*(26260/35000) =444%*60%*75% (1)生产设备产值率影响=(444%-625%)*50%*80%=-72.2% (2)生产设备构成率影响=444%*(60%-50%)*80%=35.5% (3)生产用固定资产构成率影响=444%*60%*(75%-80%)=13.3% 可见,固定资产产值率降低主要是由于生产设备资产产值率下降所造成的,使百元固定资产产值降低了72.2元;在固定资产的组织安排上生产设备构成率有所提高使百元固定资产产值提高了35.5元,但生产用固定资产构成率却有所下降,使百元固定资产产值下降13.3元。 必须说明,固定资产产值率是一个比较综合的指标,容易计算(在考核固定资金利用效果中具有一定的作用。但是,也应该看到这个指标的局限性,由于按工厂法计算的总产值在有些情况下,不能真实地反映企业的生产成果,这也就连锁影响了固定资产产值率指标的正确性。 requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause (二)固定资产收入率分析 固定资产收入率,也称固定资产周转率或每百元固定资产提供的收入,是一定时期所实现的收入同固定资产平均占用总值之间的比率,其计算公式如下: 固定资产收入率=销售收入/固定资产平均总值(或固定资产平均净值) 固定资产收入率指标的数值越高,就表示一定时期内固定资产提供的收入越多,说明固定资产利用效果越好。这因为收入指标比总产值和销售收入更能准确地反映经济效益,因此固定资产收入率能更好地反映固定资产的利用效果; 固定资产收入率的分析可根据下列出素分解式进行: 固定资产收入率=(总产值/固定资产平均总值)*(总收入/总产值)=固定资产产值率*产品销售率 可见(企业要取得较高的固定资产收入率,一方面要提高全部固定资产产值率,另一方面要提高产品销售率。 二、固定资产变动情况分析 固定资产变动分析主要是对固定资产的更新、退废及增长情况进行分析,分析时主要通过以下几个指标进行。 (一)固定资产增长率 固定资产增长率是指一定时期内增加的固定资产原值对原有固定资产数额的比率。计算公式为: 固定资产增长率=(期末固定资产总值—期初固定资产总值)/期初固定资产总值×100% 固定资产的增长应结合具体原因进行分析,看其增长是否合理。一般来说,企业增加生产设备,生产也应相应的增长,这样才能保证固定资产使用的经济效益。如果是非生产用固定资产,也应考虑企业的经济承受能力。 (二)固定资产更新率 固定资产更新率是指一定时期内新增加的固定资产原值与期初全部固定资产原值的比率。计算公式为: 固定资产更新率=本期新增固定资产原值/年初固定资产原值×100% 固定资产更新率,是反映企业现有固定资产中,经过更新的占多大比重,也反映了固定资产在一定时期内更新的规模和速度。在评价企业固定资产更新的规模和速度时,也应结合具体情况进行分析,企业为了保持一定的生产规模和生产能力,必须对设备进行更新是合理的,但如果更新设备只是为盲目扩大生产,就不合理了。 (三)固定资产退废率 固定资产退废率是指企业一定时期内报废清理的固定资产与期初固定资产原值的比率。计算公式为: 固定资产退废率=本期退废的固定资产原值/期初固定资产原值×100% 企业固定资产的退废应与更新相适应,这样才能维持再生产。退废数额中不包括固定资产盘亏和损坏的数额。 (四)固定资产损失率 固定资产损失率是指企业一定时期内盘亏、毁损的固定资产所造成的损失数与期初固定资产原值的比率,计算公式为: 固定资产损失率=本期盘亏、毁损固定资产价值/期初固定资产原值×100% 固定资产损失率,反映企业固定资产盘亏及毁损而造成的固定资产requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause 损失程度。在分析时,应查清原因,分清责任,并根据分析结果采取相应的改进措施,以减少、杜绝盘亏毁损现象。 (五)固定资产净值率 固定资产挣值率是指一定时期内固定资产净值总额与固定资产原值总额的比率。计算公式为 固定资产净值率(成新率)=固定资产净值/固定资产原值×100% 固定资产净值率提高,说明企业技术设备的更新较快。固定资产净值率低,说明企业技术设备陈旧。 开放分类: 企业,理论 requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause
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