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企业五险一金办理流程企业五险一金办理流程 五险一金办理详细如下: 一、 社会保险登记、变更及登记证年检流程登记的范围 二、企业社会保险申报缴费流程 三、 个体劳动者社会保险缴费流程 四、 办理转移业务流程 五、办理退休业务流程 六、 办理撤保业务流程 七、社会保险稽核检查程序 一、社会保险登记、变更及登记证年检流程 登记的范围 依据中华人民共和国国务院令第259号《社会保险费征缴暂行条例》的规定,基本养老保险费的征缴范围为国有企业、城镇集体企业、外商投资企业、城镇私营企业和其他城镇企业及其职工,实行企业化管理的事业单位及其职...
企业五险一金办理流程 五险一金办理详细如下: 一、 社会保险登记、变更及登记证年检流程登记的范围 二、企业社会保险申报缴费流程 三、 个体劳动者社会保险缴费流程 四、 办理转移业务流程 五、办理退休业务流程 六、 办理撤保业务流程 七、社会保险稽核检查程序 一、社会保险登记、变更及登记证年检流程 登记的范围 依据中华人民共和国国务院令第259号《社会保险费征缴暂行条例》的规定,基本养老保险费的征缴范围为国有企业、城镇集体企业、外商投资企业、城镇私营企业和其他城镇企业及其职工,实行企业化管理的事业单位及其职工。 参保人员的范围为企业职工(含农民合同工),自由职业人员,城镇个体工商业主和其从业人员。 登记程序 1、新成立的单位在工商行政管理机关批准成立的30日内,持营业执照(或批准成立证书、执业许可证)、国家质量技术监督部门颁发的组织机构统一代码证书,到当地社保经办机构申请办理社会保险登记。 2、市内四区的单位办理社会保险登记时需首先到大连市社会保险基金管理中心的稽查部填写一式两份《建户通知单》 3、经稽查部核准后,单位持《建户通知单》到当地经办机构申请登记 4、当地经办机构的征缴部长指定建户后,缴费单位填写《社会保险#登记表#》,窗口专管员开始录入单位基本信息,完成登记工作。 登记需提供的有关资料 (1)单位登记需提供的资料 、营业执照、批准成立证书或执业许可证 1 2、国家质量技术监督部门颁发的组织机构代码证书 3、《工资基金管理手册》 4、当年任意一个月工资发放明细 5、职工劳动合同书 6、法人代表身份证 (2)个体劳动者登记需提供的资料 个体劳动者需提供公民身份证及其复印件、个体工商户营业执照、税务登记证、职工养老保险手册和失业证。 社保经办机构办理登记的受理时限 社会保险经办机构即时受理登记事宜,并在10个工作内审核完毕。登记所需提供的资料齐备完整的,予以登记发给社会保险登记证。 社会保险登记变更的程序 缴费单位的单位名称、住址、法定代表人或负责人、单位类型、组织机构统一代码、主管部门、隶属关系、开户银行账户发生变更时,应当自工商行政管理机关办理变更登记或有关机关批准或宣布变更之日起30日内,持变更登记、工商变更登记表和营业执照或有关机关批准或宣布变更证明及社会保险登记证到原社会保险经办机构办理变更登记。社会保险经办机构在审核《社会保险变更登记表》无误后,收回原社会保险登记证,重新核发社会保险登记证。 注销社会保险登记的程序 缴费单位发生解散、破产、撤销、合并、被吊销营业执照时,应自工商行政管理机关注销登记或吊销之日起30日内,向社会保险经办机构申请注销变更登记。社会保险经办机构核准后,办理注销社会保险登记手续,缴销社会保险登记证。 缴费单位在办理注销社会保险登记前,应当结清应缴纳的社会保险费、利息、滞纳金、罚金。 社会保险登记证的年检 社会保险登记证实行每年验证和四年换证制度。每年1,2月是缴费单位自查阶段,3,5月份经办机构检查阶段。检查时,缴费单位需提供的资料有营业执照、代码证、上年度工资手册、上年度劳动统计报表,工资发放明细、上年度缴费报表。对无问题或有问题已纠正的缴费单位,在《社会保险登记证》正、副本上加盖“社会保险登记证年检专用章”戳记;对检查有问题的缴费单位限期整改,逾期未改正的,不办理职工调转、退休手续,不审核其社会保险待遇。 Green Tang town middle school young teachers professional development status survey report Luton report summary based on completely found out I school--green Tang town middle school young teachers professional growth of basic situation, we subject group determine has this times research child subject--green Tang town middle school young teachers of professional development status of survey, aimed at through investigation, inquiry I school young teachers of professional growth status, looking for professional growth path, and through research, excavations some can effective upgrade young teachers professional growth of good measures, and good approach, For my school teachers, especially younger teachers professional development proposals so as to enhance the effectiveness of young teachers ' professional development to guide the work, targeted. Keywords: young teacher professional development survey, introduction in the country carrying out the scientific concept of development under the background of the times, and narrowing the development gap between urban and rural areas, is the proper meaning. Improving rural primary and secondary school level and quality will naturally be to achieve balanced development of urban and rural education must urgently address the reality of the subject. But in today's society attaches great importance to the quality of education, "school choice hot" continues unabated, reflecting the regional imbalance in the allocation of teachers; " School choice hot "is the substance behind the" optional. " In other words, the teacher's specialization levels directly determine the quality of school education level, social 社会保险登记业务的政策依据 1、《社会保险费征缴暂行条例》(国务院令第259号) 2、《社会保险登记管理暂行办法》(劳动和社会保障部令第1号) 3、《辽宁省城镇个体工商户及其从业人员基本养老保险办法》(省政府104号令) 4、关于引发《辽宁省城镇个体从业人员社会保险登记操作》的通知(辽社险发,2001,33号) 5、关于做好《社会保险登记证》年度检验工作的通知(辽劳社发,2001,102号文) 二、企业社会保险申报缴费流程 (一)申报 确定职工个人缴费基数的政策规定 企业职工(含农民合同工)、自由职业人员、城镇个体工商业主和其从业人员,以本人上年实际月平均工资为个人缴费基数。缴费基数低于全市上年职工月平均工资60%的,按60%作为缴费基数;超过上年职工月平均工资300%的,按300%作为缴费基数。其中医疗保险个人缴费基数,以市内四区社平工资的60%—300%确定上下限。 职工在 市统筹范围内调动的,原单位核定的个人缴费基数当年不变,由统筹外调入的职工及新招职工(含复员、转业退伍军人),当年按本企业确定的工资作为缴费基数。 职工个人缴费基数的申报程序 1、每年一季度内,企业核定好职工个人上年度月平均工资总额,并填写《大连市企业职工社会保险年报表》,经职工本人签字认定之后,上报至社会保险经办机构。 2、参加失业保险的农民工、外来劳务工,填写好个人不参加失业保险的标志(小写的英文字母“b”)。 3、社保经办机构审核无误后,将职工个人上年的工资总额,录入计算机。 4、大连市上年职工的社平工资公布后,社保经办机构按文件规定的缴费基数上下限调整相关职工的月工资总额,并打印《企业职工个人缴费核对表》,交予企业进行核定。 5、因社平工资上、下限因素,核定的个人缴费基数与申报的工资总额不一致,由企业负责通知职工本人。 6、中大型企业要求使用软盘申报个人上年度的工资总额。申报时报表与软盘同时上报。在报盘时,应按照社保经办机构的要求进行操作和管理,专人负责,防范计算机病毒的侵入与传播。 7、职工个人的缴费基数核定后,在一个社保年度内不变。因调转原因导致只有几个月工资的职工,按实际月份的平均工资核定个人缴费基数。 8、企业必须在每月11,25日内到经办机构办理人员增减变动手续,以确保个人账户基金及时增减。 确定企业缴费基数的政策规定 企业以本企业上月列入成本和费用的全部工资总额作为缴费基数。 对列入成本和费用的工资总额的理解: 根据国家统计局1号令《关于工资总额组成范围的规定》的规定,不管是以货币形式支付,还是以实物形式支付的,不管列入成本,还是列入费用,不管是否发放到职工手中,只要是企业以工资薪得列支的,都要作为企业缴费基数。 工资总额是指各单位在一定时期内,直接支付给本单位全部职工的劳动报酬总额。包括:计时工资、计件工资、奖金、年终分红、津贴和补贴,加班加点工资,特殊情况下支付的工资等。 企业月工资低于本企业全部职工个人缴费基数之和的,以企业全部职工月缴费基数之和作为缴费基数。 企业缴纳社会保险(养老、失业、工伤、生育、医疗)实行统一的缴费基数。 企业缴费基数的申报程序 企业须于每月10日前到经办机构申报当月企业费基。其中:缴费基数没有明显变动的企业,可在10 日前缴费时即时申报,经办机构即时审核后,即时缴费;缴费基数有明显变动的企业,须于每月5日前申报,经办机构于2日内审核完毕,在10日前缴费。 社会保险费申报需提供的资料 企业申报时需填报《大连市企业职工社会保险年报表》,该表要有职工本人的签字。 社会保险费申报的政策依据 1、《社会保险费征缴暂行条例》 (中华人民共和国国务院令第259号) 2、《社会保险费申报缴费管理暂行办法》 (中华人民共和国劳动和社会保障部令第2号) 3、《关于企业职工缴纳养老保险费有关问题的通知》 (大劳险字[2001]30号) 4、《大连市人民政府转发省政府关于印发辽宁省〈辽宁省完善城镇企业职工基本养老保险制度实施办法(试行)〉的通知》Green Tang town middle school young teachers professional development status survey report Luton report summary based on completely found out I school--green Tang town middle school young teachers professional growth of basic situation, we subject group determine has this times research child subject--green Tang town middle school young teachers of professional development status of survey, aimed at through investigation, inquiry I school young teachers of professional growth status, looking for professional growth path, and through research, excavations some can effective upgrade young teachers professional growth of good measures, and good approach, For my school teachers, especially younger teachers professional development proposals so as to enhance the effectiveness of young teachers ' professional development to guide the work, targeted. Keywords: young teacher professional development survey, introduction in the country carrying out the scientific concept of development under the background of the times, and narrowing the development gap between urban and rural areas, is the proper meaning. Improving rural primary and secondary school level and quality will naturally be to achieve balanced development of urban and rural education must urgently address the reality of the subject. But in today's society attaches great importance to the quality of education, "school choice hot" continues unabated, reflecting the regional imbalance in the allocation of teachers; " School choice hot "is the substance behind the" optional. " In other words, the teacher's specialization levels directly determine the quality of school education level, social (大政发,2001,54号) 5、《关于贯彻〈辽宁省完善城镇企业职工基本养老保险制度实施办法(试行)〉的通知》(大劳险字[2001]73号) 6、《关于贯彻辽宁省完善城镇企业职工基本养老保险制度实施办法(试行)有关问题的通知》(大劳险字[2001]93号) (二)缴费 缴费的政策规定 五个险种统一由社保经办机构征缴。各险种的缴费比例分别是: (1)基本养老保险 单位按企业缴费基数的19%缴纳,职工(含农民工)按职工个人社会保险缴费基数的8%缴纳,个体劳动者按自行确定缴费基数的18%缴纳。 (2)失业保险 单位按企业缴费基数的2%缴纳,职工按职工个人社会保险缴费基数的1%缴纳。 (3)医疗保险 单位按企业缴费基数的8%缴纳,职工个人按职工个人医疗保险缴费基数的2%缴纳,个体劳动者按规定缴费基数的6%缴纳。 (4)工伤保险 单位以企业缴费基数按市政府统一确定的差别费率缴纳。 (5)生育保险 单位按企业缴费基数的0.5%缴纳。 社会保险费缴费的程序 社会保险费的征缴,实行“三段式”管理。 第一阶段:为正常申报缴费阶段。(每月1-10日) 企业须于每月10日前到经办机构申报当月企业费基。其中:缴费基数没有明显变动的企业,可在10 日前缴费时即时申报,经办机构即时审核后,即时缴费;缴费基数有明显变动的企业,须于每月5日前申报,经办机构于2日内审核完毕,作为企业当月缴费基数,在10日前缴费。 凡10日内未申报的,按上月缴费基数的110%核定当月企业缴费基数,应缴费备查帐。 每月1—10日缴纳当月社会保险费。凡未按规定缴费的,经办机构根据计算机汇总数据,按月记录企业欠费备查帐。 第二阶段:社保经办机构催缴阶段。(每月11-23日) 每月11-23日,社保经办机构要对未按期缴费的企业下发《社会保险催缴通知书》,仍未缴费的,由劳动监察大队下发《劳动保障限期整改指令书》。 第三阶段:处罚阶段。(每月24日以后) 社保经办机构把每月24日以后仍未缴费的企业名单递交给市劳动保障局劳动工资处核减欠费企业工资,执行最低工资标准。企业在补缴时,社保经办机构先收取滞纳金,再收本金和利息。 社会保险费缴费需提供的资料:企业、个体工商户缴费时需要填报《大连市社会保险费申报缴费表》。 社会保险费缴费的政策依据 1、《社会保险费征缴暂行条例》(中华人民共和国国务院令第259号) 2、《关于企业职工缴纳养老保险费有关问题的通知》(大劳险字[2001]30号) 3、《大连市人民政府转发省政府关于印发辽宁省〈辽宁省完善城镇企业职工基本养老保险制度实施办法(试行)〉的通知》(大政发,2001,54号) 4、《关于贯彻〈辽宁省完善城镇企业职工基本养老保险制度实施办法(试行)〉的通知》(大劳险字[2001]73号) 5、《关于贯彻辽宁省完善城镇企业职工基本养老保险制度实施办法(试行)有关问题的通知》(大劳险字[2001]93号) 三、个体劳动者社会保险缴费流程 个体劳动者缴费标准的政策规定 个体劳动者养老保险缴费基数,可在大连市上年度职工社平工资60%—300%的范围之内自行确定,个体劳动者缴纳基本养老保险费的比例按自行确定缴费基数的18%。享受大龄补贴和政府买岗位补贴的个体劳动者按社会平均工资的60%或100%确定缴费基数,按社会平均工资的60%确定缴费基数的,缴费金额=上年全市职工社平工资×60%×8%,按社会平均工资的100%确定缴费基数的,缴费金额=上年全市职工社平工资×12%。个体工商户招用从业人员的,业主须按自行确定缴费基数的10%为从业人员缴纳基本养老保险费,从业人员个人缴纳8%。个体劳动者缴费通过商业银行代扣的方式缴费。 Green Tang town middle school young teachers professional development status survey report Luton report summary based on completely found out I school--green Tang town middle school young teachers professional growth of basic situation, we subject group determine has this times research child subject--green Tang town middle school young teachers of professional development status of survey, aimed at through investigation, inquiry I school young teachers of professional growth status, looking for professional growth path, and through research, excavations some can effective upgrade young teachers professional growth of good measures, and good approach, For my school teachers, especially younger teachers professional development proposals so as to enhance the effectiveness of young teachers ' professional development to guide the work, targeted. Keywords: young teacher professional development survey, introduction in the country carrying out the scientific concept of development under the background of the times, and narrowing the development gap between urban and rural areas, is the proper meaning. Improving rural primary and secondary school level and quality will naturally be to achieve balanced development of urban and rural education must urgently address the reality of the subject. But in today's society attaches great importance to the quality of education, "school choice hot" continues unabated, reflecting the regional imbalance in the allocation of teachers; " School choice hot "is the substance behind the" optional. " In other words, the teacher's specialization levels directly determine the quality of school education level, social 个体劳动者缴费的程序 养老保险窗口(打印《个体银行代扣建户表》)?商业银行(存款、办理商业银行缴费卡)。 个体劳动者缴费需提供的资料 已参保人员要带养老保险手册、身份证、失业证、新参保人员还需带一寸照片1张。享受补贴待遇的还要提供享受补贴的证明。 个体劳动者缴费的政策依据 1、《大连市城镇个体劳动者基本养老保险暂行办法》(大政发[1998]57号) 2、《关于〈大连市城镇个体劳动者基本养老保险暂行办法〉有关问题的补充通知》(大劳险字[1998]164号) 3、《印发〈关于援助就业困难的国有企业下岗自谋职业人员的意见〉的通知》(大政发[2000]93号) 4、《关于印发〈援助大龄就业困难人员再就业实施办法〉的通知》(大劳发[2003]15号) 四、办理转移业务流程 转入 [一]、跨统筹范围转入 (一)事业转入到企业 1、本地区 ?已开展养老保险的机关事业单位转入到企业 处理原则:只转移2001年7月1日以后个人帐户储存额,2001年6月底以前个人帐户储存额不转移,但个人帐户储存额前后合并计算,由调入地经办机构统一记录,统一管理。 ?未开展养老保险的机关事业单位转入到企业 处理原则:从未开展养老保险的机关事业单位转入企业的,从转入之月起执行企业职工基本养老保险制度。 2、跨地区事业单位转入到本地企业 ?跨地区已参保事业单位转入到本地企业 处理原则:转移其全部个人帐户储存额。 ?跨地区未参保事业单位转入到本地企业 处理原则:由跨地区未参保事业单位转入到本地企业的,按照企业缴费有关规定建立个人帐户,以前事业单位工作年限视同缴费年限。 (二)机关转入到企业 1、带补贴的转入 处理原则:根据“关于公务员及参照和依照公务员制度管理工作人员进入企业后接续养老保险关系问题的通知”(大劳发[2002]68号)文件精神。公务员及参照和依照公务员制度管理的单位工作人员,由调入单位持《公务员及参照和依照公务员制度管理工作人员养老保险个人帐户补贴审批表》及相关手续到当地人事部门认定调转职工在机关工作年限,核定个人帐户的补贴金额,再由调出地财政部门按当地社会保险经办机构所提供的银行帐号,将其个人帐户补贴款划入。当地社会保险经办机构出纳窗口待钱划入后通知征缴业务窗口,为其办理参保手续。专管员建档时,按事业单位转入处理,将转入值一笔录入,不录明细,从缴费当月起建立个人帐户。 2、不带补贴的转入 处理原则:按照企业缴费有关规定建立个人帐户,以前机关工作年限视同缴费年限。 (三)跨统筹范围的多次转移 本市企业转到已开展养老保险的机关事业单位后又转回企业 处理原则:从企业转到已开展养老保险的机关事业单位的同时转移基金了,再转回企业时,需要给该职工新建档案,并且把该职工原先在企业缴费部分和在已参保事业单位缴费部分的明细同时录入微机。 [二]、企业转入到企业 (一)本市企业之间转移 1、区内转入(市内六个部) 处理原则:市内四区之间转移,转出企业专管员持职工调动审批表、职工养老保险手册、职工个人帐户变更申报表,到转出方社保经办机构办理转移手续。转出方社保经办机构把转移人员档案从原单位编号下转出并转入到新单位编号,转入方社保经办机构接收后,核定该人员的缴费基数,既办理完毕。 2、跨区转入 处理原则:转出企业专管员持职工调动审批表、职工养老保险手册、职工个人帐户变更申报表,到转出方社保经办机构办理转移手续。转出方社保经办机构为转移人员打印《大连市企业职工社会保险关系转移表》(以下简称“四联单”), 办理转移手续。转入方社保经办机构为转入职工新建档案,并按照转出方社保经办机构提供的职工个人缴费明细在异地转入Green Tang town middle school young teachers professional development status survey report Luton report summary based on completely found out I school--green Tang town middle school young teachers professional growth of basic situation, we subject group determine has this times research child subject--green Tang town middle school young teachers of professional development status of survey, aimed at through investigation, inquiry I school young teachers of professional growth status, looking for professional growth path, and through research, excavations some can effective upgrade young teachers professional growth of good measures, and good approach, For my school teachers, especially younger teachers professional development proposals so as to enhance the effectiveness of young teachers ' professional development to guide the work, targeted. Keywords: young teacher professional development survey, introduction in the country carrying out the scientific concept of development under the background of the times, and narrowing the development gap between urban and rural areas, is the proper meaning. Improving rural primary and secondary school level and quality will naturally be to achieve balanced development of urban and rural education must urgently address the reality of the subject. But in today's society attaches great importance to the quality of education, "school choice hot" continues unabated, reflecting the regional imbalance in the allocation of teachers; " School choice hot "is the substance behind the" optional. " In other words, the teacher's specialization levels directly determine the quality of school education level, social 人员管理程序中录入职工的缴费明细。 (二)省内企业(含行业)转入到本市企业 处理原则:办理企业职工转入时,企业专管员持职工个人帐户变更申报表,职工个人身份证,职工转出地社会保险经办机构开具的养老保险基金转移单到转入地经办机构为转移职工新建档案,并按照转出方社保经办机构提供的职工个人缴费明细在异地转入人员管理程序中录入职工的缴费明细,省内转移不转移基金。 (三)省外企业转入到本市企业 处理原则:办理企业职工转入时,企业专管员持职工个人帐户变更申报表,职工个人身份证,职工转出地社会保险经办机构开具的养老保险基金转移单到调入地经办机构为转移职工新建档案,并按照转出方社保经办机构提供的职工个人缴费明细在异地转入人员管理程序中录入职工的缴费明细。 转出 [一]、跨统筹范围转出 (一)转出到事业 1、本地区 ?转出到已参保事业单位 处理原则:只转移2001年7月1日以后个人帐户储存额,2001年6月底以前个人帐户储存额不转移,但个人帐户储存额前后合并计算,由调入地经办机构统一记录,统一管理。 ?转出到未参保事业单位 处理原则:原保险经办机构要为其办理停止缴纳养老保险手续,原在企业参加养老保险统筹额的个人帐户储存额继续由原社会保险经办机构管理,待转入单位参加养老保险后再办理养老保险关系和个人帐户转移手续。 2、跨地区 ?转出到跨地区已参保事业单位 处理原则:转移其全部个人帐户储存额。 ?转出到跨地区未参保事业单位 处理原则:原保险经办机构要为其办理停止缴纳养老保险手续,原在企业参加养老保险统筹额的个人帐户储存额继续由原社会保险经办机构管理,待转入单位参加养老保险后再办理养老保险关系和个人帐户转移手续。 (二)转出到机关 处理原则:企业职工转出到机关的,原保险经办机构要为其办理停止缴纳养老保险手续,原在企业参加养老保险统筹额的个人帐户储存额继续由原社会保险经办机构管理。 (三)跨统筹范围的多次转移 已参保事业单位转到企业又转回已参保事业单位 处理原则:只转移2001年7月1日以后个人帐户储存额,2001年6月底以前个人帐户储存额不转移,但个人帐户储存额前后合并计算,由调入地经办机构统一记录,统一管理。 [二]、企业转出到企业 (一)本市企业转出到本市企业 1、市内企业转出到市内企业 处理原则:转出企业专管员持职工调动审批表、职工养老保险手册、职工个人帐户变更申报表,到转出方社保经办机构办理转移手续。转出方社保经办机构把转移人员档案从原单位编号下转出并转入到新单位编号。 2、市内企业转出到县区 处理原则: 转出企业专管员持职工调动审批表、职工养老保险手册、职工个人帐户变更申报表,到转出方社保经办机构办理转移手续。转出方社保经办机构为转移人员打印“四联单”, 办理转移手续。 3、县区企业转出到市内 处理原则:同上。 (二)本市企业转出到省内外市(含行业) 处理原则:办理企业职工转出时,企业专管员持职工调动审批表,职工养老保险手册,职工个人帐户变更申报表到转出地经办机构打印职工个人帐户明细单,打印“五联单”,办理转移手续。 (三)本市企业转出到省外 处理原则:办理企业职工转出时,企业专管员持职工调动审批表,职工养老保险手册,职工个人帐户变更申报表到转出Green Tang town middle school young teachers professional development status survey report Luton report summary based on completely found out I school--green Tang town middle school young teachers professional growth of basic situation, we subject group determine has this times research child subject--green Tang town middle school young teachers of professional development status of survey, aimed at through investigation, inquiry I school young teachers of professional growth status, looking for professional growth path, and through research, excavations some can effective upgrade young teachers professional growth of good measures, and good approach, For my school teachers, especially younger teachers professional development proposals so as to enhance the effectiveness of young teachers ' professional development to guide the work, targeted. Keywords: young teacher professional development survey, introduction in the country carrying out the scientific concept of development under the background of the times, and narrowing the development gap between urban and rural areas, is the proper meaning. Improving rural primary and secondary school level and quality will naturally be to achieve balanced development of urban and rural education must urgently address the reality of the subject. But in today's society attaches great importance to the quality of education, "school choice hot" continues unabated, reflecting the regional imbalance in the allocation of teachers; " School choice hot "is the substance behind the" optional. " In other words, the teacher's specialization levels directly determine the quality of school education level, social 地经办机构打印职工个人帐户明细单,办理异地转移封存,到支付部办理转出手续。 办理转移的政策依据 1、《关于机关事业单位职工基本养老保险关系转移等有关问题的通知》(辽劳社发[2001]49号) 2、《关于贯彻辽宁省完善城镇企业职工基本养老保险制度实施办法(试行)有关问题的通知》(辽劳社发[2001]81号) 3、《关于职工在企业与机关、事业单位之间流动时养老保险关系转移等有关问题的通知》(大劳发[2002]19 号) 4、《关于印发〈辽宁省基本养老保险个人帐户管理办法〉的通知》(辽劳社发[2000]58号) 5、《关于规范企业基本养老保险个人帐户管理有关问题的通知》(辽劳社发[2003]20号) 6、《关于企业职工基本养老保险个人帐户做实后跨省转移有关问题的通知》(辽社险发[2003]25号) 五、办理退休业务流程 1、职工到达退休年龄的当月,由企业持本人身份证到社会保险经办机构打印个人帐户明细单(职工本人签字)。 2、企业持职工个人档案、个人帐户明细单、《退休人员审批表》到劳动行政部门办理退休审批手续。 3、每月1--10日,企业持《退休人员审批表》到经办机构填报《退休职工档案卡》,经复核无误后建立微机档案。 4、每月1--14日支付窗口依据新增退休人员明细建立统支档案。 5、每月14--25日经办机构打印新增人员明细表,并制作报盘送交银行或邮局。送款日期为18日和25日两次。 6、每月24--27日经办机构依据新增人员明细表与银行返还的存折帐号进行核对,确认无误后录入微机。 7、每月28日企业到经办机构来领取新增退休人员存折。 六、办理撤保业务流程 1、死亡 死亡职工单位专管员或家属持职工养老保险手册、身份证、死亡证明到当地社会保险经办机构征缴业务部门,业务窗口审核死亡人员的死亡证明,给其打印职工个人帐户明细单,职工到支付部门进入撤保审核程序。 2、出国定居 出国定居人员持职工养老保险手册、国外定居证明、本地公安机关开据的销户口证明到当地社会保险经办机构征缴业务部门,业务窗口审核出国定居人员的证明,给其打印职工个人帐户明细单,职工到支付部门进入撤保审核程序。 3、民工返乡 返乡人员持职工养老保险手册、身份证、农民工返乡撤保申请到当地社会保险经办机构征缴业务部门,业务窗口审核返乡人员的证件,给其打印职工个人帐户明细单,职工到支付部门进入撤保审核程序。 七、社会保险稽核检查程序 1(提前3日将进行稽核的内容、要求、方法和需要准备的资料等事项通知被稽核对象;特殊情况下的稽核也可以不事先通知; 2(实地稽核时,应有两名以上稽核人员共同进行,出示执行公务的证件,并向被稽核对象身份,同时向企业下达书面的《社会保险稽核通知书》 3(对稽核情况应做笔录(即工作底稿),笔录(工作底稿)应当由稽核人员和被稽核单位法定代表人(或法定代表人委托的代理人)签名或盖章,被稽核单位法定代表人拒不签名或盖章的,应注明拒签原因; 4(对于经稽核未发现违反法规行为的被稽核对象,社会保险经办机构应当在稽核结束后5个工作日内,以《稽核结论通知书》的形式书面告知其稽核结果; 5(发现被稽核对象在缴纳社会保险费或按规定参加社会保险等方面,存在违反法规行为,要据实写出稽核结论通知书,并在稽核结束后9个工作日内送达被稽核对象。被稽核对象在限定时间内予以改正。 八、个人帐户查询 输入企业职工或个体劳动者的社会保险个人编号或者身份证号码即可查询到个人帐户信息。 , 销售经理 主管(马鞍山) ,3,415 所占到的比例是22.77% , 会计 会计师(马鞍山) ,2,499 所占到的比例是16.66% , 主办会计(马鞍山) ,2,624 所占到的比例是17.49% , 会计主管(马鞍山) ,3,965 所占到的比例是26.43% , 医务主管(马鞍山) ,4,776 所占到的比例是31.84% , 培训主管(马鞍山) ,4,998 所占到的比例是33.32% Green Tang town middle school young teachers professional development status survey report Luton report summary based on completely found out I school--green Tang town middle school young teachers professional growth of basic situation, we subject group determine has this times research child subject--green Tang town middle school young teachers of professional development status of survey, aimed at through investigation, inquiry I school young teachers of professional growth status, looking for professional growth path, and through research, excavations some can effective upgrade young teachers professional growth of good measures, and good approach, For my school teachers, especially younger teachers professional development proposals so as to enhance the effectiveness of young teachers ' professional development to guide the work, targeted. Keywords: young teacher professional development survey, introduction in the country carrying out the scientific concept of development under the background of the times, and narrowing the development gap between urban and rural areas, is the proper meaning. Improving rural primary and secondary school level and quality will naturally be to achieve balanced development of urban and rural education must urgently address the reality of the subject. But in today's society attaches great importance to the quality of education, "school choice hot" continues unabated, reflecting the regional imbalance in the allocation of teachers; " School choice hot "is the substance behind the" optional. " In other words, the teacher's specialization levels directly determine the quality of school education level, social ,3,695 所占到的比例是24.63% , 安徽芜湖业务主管(马鞍山) , 家电部门主管(马鞍山) ,4,665 所占到的比例是31.10% , 广州牛将军皮具招...(马鞍山) ,3,777 , 会计 会计师(马鞍山) ,2,499 所占到的比例是16.66% , 主办会计(马鞍山) ,2,624 所占到的比例是17.49% , 会计(马鞍山) ,2,624 所占到的比例是17.49% , 会计主管(马鞍山) ,3,965 Green Tang town middle school young teachers professional development status survey report Luton report summary based on completely found out I school--green Tang town middle school young teachers professional growth of basic situation, we subject group determine has this times research child subject--green Tang town middle school young teachers of professional development status of survey, aimed at through investigation, inquiry I school young teachers of professional growth status, looking for professional growth path, and through research, excavations some can effective upgrade young teachers professional growth of good measures, and good approach, For my school teachers, especially younger teachers professional development proposals so as to enhance the effectiveness of young teachers ' professional development to guide the work, targeted. Keywords: young teacher professional development survey, introduction in the country carrying out the scientific concept of development under the background of the times, and narrowing the development gap between urban and rural areas, is the proper meaning. Improving rural primary and secondary school level and quality will naturally be to achieve balanced development of urban and rural education must urgently address the reality of the subject. But in today's society attaches great importance to the quality of education, "school choice hot" continues unabated, reflecting the regional imbalance in the allocation of teachers; " School choice hot "is the substance behind the" optional. " In other words, the teacher's specialization levels directly determine the quality of school education level, social
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