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中文 - 第一章的英文翻译 6

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中文 - 第一章的英文翻译 6中文 - 第一章的英文翻译 6 BEFORE NEW LECTURE 跑得了和尚跑不了庙The monk can run away ,but the temple can not. TWO MEANINGS :1 The monk(bad men ,such criminals) can run away,but the temple (the residence) of bad men can not,because the residence is the clue for the people to find a...
中文 - 第一章的英文翻译 6
中文 - 第一章的英文翻译 6 BEFORE NEW LECTURE 跑得了和尚跑不了庙The monk can run away ,but the temple can not. TWO MEANINGS :1 The monk(bad men ,such criminals) can run away,but the temple (the residence) of bad men can not,because the residence is the clue for the people to find and catch them. 2 The monk(people without anything) can run away but the temple(school,company,factory)can not.That means a person with nothing can break a contract,but a person with a school(company,factory) can not. 增补与省略 汉语和英语的这种区别通常概括为前者重意合 (parataxis)后者重形合(hypotaxis). 也可以说,从总体 观察,汉语形散(divergent),结构形式比较松弛,词 句比较简洁,而英语形聚(convergent)结构形式比较严谨。汉语文章的意合,即指英语中的逻辑、语法、词汇等连接首段运用很少;英语文章的形合,即指词句的粘着性(cohesion),手段多种多样。如逻辑词语的连接,语法上的照应、替代、省略等,词汇是的搭配、同义词的复现等。 一( 增补 增补(amplification)是在原文基础上添加必要的词语,力图使译文在语意、语境方面和原文一致,从而使得译文在忠实地表达原文的意思与风格的同时合乎译入语的表达习惯 1. 从语法角度增补 (1) 增补主语、宾语 他决心继续他的实验,不过这次将用另一种办法来做 He is determined to continue his experiment but this time he’ll do it in another way. 书到后应立即付款。 You are supposed to pay right after the books are delivered. 要提倡顾全da局 We should develop the spirit of taking the whole situation into consideration (2) 增补冠词 宿舍外的骚动分散了我的注意力 A disturbance outside my dormitory distracted my attention你认为我花园里那红白相 间的玫瑰怎么样, How do you like the red white roses in my gardens? (3) 增补连词或连接性词语,如and ,or , but ,for , so...that …, too…to..., as well as, in general, with regard to, in particular等 我告诉他该走了,他匆匆忙忙地走了 I told him it was time to go and he hurried away. 变化太小,观察不出 The change is too little to be observed 这个工作对专家来说容易,对没有经验的人来说困 难 The work is easy for an expert, whereas it is difficult for an inexperienced person 我们是多年的好朋友,一旦分开,难免会依依不舍 Since we are close friends for years, surely we cannot tear away from each other, once we have to part company. 那对年轻夫妇当时非常穷,买不起价钱如此昂贵的 彩电 The young couple were so poor that they could not afford such an expensive colour TV set (4) 增补介词 礼拜天图书馆不开门。 On Sundays the library remains closed. 2.从语义角度增补 我不爱喝饮料。 I don’t like soft drinks 一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮 A fence needs the support of three stakes, a capable fellow needs the help of three other people. 3.从修饰角度增补 出于行文d考虑,所增加的词多为不改变原意的语气, 强调性副词或其他修辞世需要的词汇,以使意义明 确,形象鲜明 这孩子是可爱 The child is lovely indeed 他就出生在那间斗室里 It was in that small room that he was born 4.从文化交流的角度增补 汉语与英语的差异不仅体现在语言表达上,同时也涉 及文化层面。汉语中的典故或谚语在译成英语时往往 要添加注释性词语以表达原文的内涵意义,提供必要 的背景知识。 东施效颦。 Dong Shi, an ugly woman, knitting her eyebrows in imitation of the famous beauty Xi Shi only to make herself uglier—blindly copying others and making oneself look foolish 班门弄斧 to show off one’s proficiency with axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter 练习 三(2002年真题 大自然对人的恩赐,无论贫穷,一律平等。所以人 们对于大自然,全都一致并深深地依赖着。尤其在乡 间,上千年来人们一直以不变的方式生活着。种植庄 稼和葡萄,酿酒和饮酒,喂牛和挤奶,锄草和载花; 在周末去教堂和做礼拜,在节日到广场拉琴、跳舞和 唱歌;往日的田园依旧是今日的温馨家园。这样,每 个地方都有自己的传说,风俗也就衍行下来。 【参考译文】 Nature favors the rich and the poor alike. Thus, all people depend on it, unanimously and profoundly. This is particularly true on the countryside, where ways of life have remained unchanged for thousands of years—planting crops and grapes; brewing and drinking wines; raising and milking cows; hoeing weeds and cultivating flowers; going to churches on weekends; playing music, dancing and singing in the square. The countryside of the past days remains to beloved homeland of today. Thus, each place has its own legend, and subsequently, its customs pass on from one generation to the next. 二( 省略 省略(omission)也是汉译英的常用技巧之一, 指在不损害原文思想内容的前提下,删去原文中一些多余的或不符合译入语表达方式或习惯的词语,使译文简洁流畅。 1. 从语法角度省略 虚词 汉英语言中都有实词和虚词之分,实词有具体的意 义而虚词无实义,只表示结构关系或在句中起辅导 作用。汉语中的虚词如:“就”、“又”、“都”等常 常可以省略去,或通过其他手段表达。 你给了我希望,也就给了我生命 Give me hope and you give me life 无论谁去,我都没有意见。 Whoever goes, I shall have no objection .搭配、时态和单复数的角度 简在学法律,她妹妹在学物理 Jane is studying law while her sister is doing physics 朵朵鲜花开满了花园 Flowers bloom all over the garden 2. 从语义角度省略 (1)他们的乐观主义精神令我们大为感动 Their optimism moved us greatly 中国的落后状态必须改变 The backwardness of China mus tbe changed 他鞠了一躬,并以令人愉快的谦逊态度接受人们的欢 呼He bowed and accepted the applause with pleasant modesty. 我们都被他那种崇高品质所深深打动 We were all greatly moved by his loftiness 1992年后,一些西方国家失业现象严重 Since 1992 there has been serious unemployment in some Western countries 他感到了一种爱国热情在胸中激荡 He felt the patriotism rise within his heart (2).成语习语(idiom )和一些四字词组,(four-character phrase) 不屈不饶 unswerving 自给自足 self-sufficient 经久耐用 durable 清规戒律 taboos 水深火热 in deep waters 花言巧语 fine words (3)内容空洞的词(empty word ) 这个大厅四大优点:明亮、宽敞、样式新颖、没有回声 The advantages of the hall are bright , spacious fashionable and without echo 经济特区的设立给我们的社会带来极大的繁荣、极大的昌盛 The setting of special economic zone has brought us a flourishing society 练习 论成语或诗词句子中的数字的翻译 李田心 ,韩山师范学院~广东潮州~521041, 有些汉语句子或成语包含数字,这些数字有些纯粹是用作比喻的虚数,如“牵五挂四”;有些是接近事物实际数量的概数,如“百万雄师”;有些数字却是 事物实实在在数量的实数,如“四体不勤”。这些虚数、概数或实数在句子之中都用作比喻,在翻译这些数字时,有些只能意译,即不把数字译成英语中对应的数字而是用文字将数字比喻的意义表达出来。有些则用直译,即直接将数字译成英语中对应的数字。 一、用意译法翻译纯粹用作比喻的虚数 汉语句子或成语中包含的有些数字完全是用作比喻的虚数,它们或者与事物的实际数量相差甚远,或者与实际数量不相干,只起比喻作用,相当于形容词或副词,在翻译这些数字时,往往意译。 1、天上一轮才棒出,人间万姓仰头看。 As her bright orb sails up the sky,all men on earth gaze upwards at the sight. ——选自《红楼梦》 这儿的“万姓”的“万”是个虚数。中国到底有多少姓,没有一个准确的数字,有人说“万姓”,有人说“千家姓”,这儿的“万姓”指的是天下所有的人,隐含数量大这一含义。同样的用法有“万民伞”、“救 万民于水火”,“万民”用来指代人民。杨宪益,戴乃迭用“all men”翻译“万姓”很恰当。 2、万丈高楼平地起。 此句中的“万”是用作比喻的虚数。目前世界上最高的楼房才几百米高,不可能存在或出现万丈高楼。外研社出版的《汉英词典》在翻译时处理得很好,用的是意译法,译文是:The loftiest towers are built up from the ground. 3、未卜三生愿,频添一段愁。 这是《红楼梦》里的诗句。“三生”是佛教中的说法,指现世、前世和来世。对于佛教信徒来说,它是个实数,但对于非佛教徒尤其是不了解东方文化的西方人来说,人的生命只有一次,“三生”也就是个虚数。杨、戴两位翻译大师的译文是: Not yet divined the fate in store for me,Good reason have I for anxiety. 4、其聪明灵秀之气,则在万万人之上,其乖僻邪谬不近人情之态,又在万万人之下。 “万万”是比喻,是虚数,形容“非常多”,杨宪益、戴乃迭用“myrial”代替第一个“万万”,用“other”代替第二个“万万”。全句译文是:The pure intelligence with which they are endowed set them above their myrial fellow creatures,but their perversity and unnatural behaveor sink them lower than other men too. 5、于是接二连三,牵五挂四,将一条街烧得如火 焰山一般。 “接二连三、牵五挂四”中的数字全是虚数,两个 短语中的“二”、“三”和“四”、“五”都是相邻的数 字,用来比喻“相互联接”,并不是实际上的第二、 第三或第五、第四间房屋。译者完全用意译法翻译: The flames spread from house to house until the whole street was ablaze like a flaming mountain. 6、这凤姑娘„„少说也有一万个心眼子。 一个人一个心眼,“一万个心眼”比喻聪明过人, 杨、戴两位翻译家用意译法译成:clever isn’t the word for her~ 二、接近事物实际数量的概数可意译,也可直译。 有些句子或成语中包含的数字和它们所修饰的名 词在逻辑概念上与所允许存在的数量接近,是个概 数,在翻译它们时,可视情况灵活处理,或者用直译, 或者用意译。总的原则是最大限度地表现汉语句子的 原意和不引起费解和误解。 1、百花齐放,百家争鸣。 “百花”比喻各种形式和风格的艺术作品,“百家” 比喻科学上不同的学派。世界上艺术作品到底有多少 种形式和风格,科学上有多少家不同学派,虽然可能 有准确的统计,但在这儿没有必要使用准确的数字, 用接近的概数“百”反而更具艺术性,“百”隐含着 “各种各样”,也隐含着“全部”和“多”。《汉英词 典》和《毛选》英译本的译文都是:Let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend. 此句也可意译:Let all kinds of flowers blossom and different schools of thought contend. 但 此译文体现不出原文中隐含的“多来”。 2、A)朝庭还有三门子穷亲戚。B)雨村„„意欲 到那村肆中诂饮三杯,以助野兴。 这两句都是摘自《红楼梦》,两句中的“三”都是 概数,比喻数量不多,同时隐含着“不限定”,因此 只能意译,如果直译,读者可能费解。杨、戴的译文 是:A)The Emperor himself has poor relations. B) Yu-tsun decided to improve the occasion by drinking a few cups in a village tavern. 3、百年大计 《汉英词典》有一例句:基本建设是百年大计,要 求质量第一。Capital construction projects,which are to last for generations,call above all for good quality.译文是意译,处理得很好。一个大的项目可能要求延 续一百年,也有些可能要求延续几百年。“百年”不 过是概数,比喻世世代代。 4、方谈得三五句话,忽家人飞报。 这里的“三五句”是概数,意含“不多”,也可说 “三两句”,译者用意译:They had not exchanged many remarks when a servant hurried in to announce. — —选自《红楼梦》英译本 5、一帆风雨路三千,把骨肉家园齐来抛闪。 此句中“三千”即“三千里”,是概数,一般来说, 路途遥远没有绝对数字来形容,三千里也算得上遥远 了,译文是直译:Three thousand Li she must sail through wind and rain, giving up her home and her own flesh and blood. — —选自《红楼梦》英译本 三、用直译法翻译表示事物实际数量的数字 有些数字虽然用在作比喻的成语或句子中,然而它 们表示事物的实际数量。翻译这些数字时往往直译。 1、一心一意 ——with one heart and one mind —— 选自《汉语成语和常用语》 2、四体不勤,五谷不分。 Can neither toil with one’s four limbs nor tell the five cereals apart. —— 选自《汉英词典》 3、两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书。 Both ears are shut to what goes on outside the window, the whole mind is concentrated on the sages’ book ——选自《汉英词典》 4、贯彻执行一整套两条腿走路的方针。 Implement a whole set of policies known as “walking on two legs”. 四、两个数字对比使用时,往往直译。 有些句子或成语包含两个数字,而且两个数字在用 法上形成对比,这时用直译。数字对比使用可以使文 字对仗工整,同时产生出一种良好韵律效果。然而一 大一小两个数字对比使用,主要目的是通过对比产生 出某种语义效果。 1、一夫当关,万夫莫开。 此句子中的“一”和“万”,一大一小,形成对比,说明关狭的险要。《汉英词典》的译文很好:If one man guards the pass, ten thousand can not get through. 2、千军易得,一将难求。 此句中“一”和“千”对比使用,比喻将才稀少难 得。《汉英词典》的译文同样很好。它是:Simpler by far to raise a thousand troops than find a single general to lead them. 3、下笔千言,离题万里。 此句出现在《毛泽东选集》中,它的译文是:A thousand words from the pen in a stream, but ten thousand Li away from the theme. 千和万对比使用 产生出“虽然行文流畅,但离题太远”这一含义。 4、三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮。 此谚语出现在《毛选》中,译成英文时译得很好, 意思很清楚,而且还押韵:Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Chuked Liang the master mind. 5、百发百中。 两个同等大小的数字对比使用,比喻枪法的准 确。《汉英词典》的译文是:A hundred shot, a hundred bull’s’-eyes. 译文既贴切,又生动。 6、十年树木,百年树人。 《汉英词典》的译文是:It takes ten years to grow trees, but hundred to rear people. “十年”和“百年” 对比使用产生出培养人不容易这一含义,数字用直 译,处理得很好。然而此译文也有值得商榷之处。树 有幼树、中等大小的树和成材的大树之分。原文“树 木”意思是培植成材的大树,而译文“to grow trees” 只是培植树的意义,与句子前部分“It takes ten years” 塔配后,汉语意思为“培植树需要十年”。培植什么 大小的树需要十年呢,句子意思从逻辑意义上讲不 通。“百年树人”译成“It takes a hundred years to rear people”,也存在逻辑问题。人的平均寿命才七、八十 岁,培养就要花一百年,《中国成语大辞典》对此成 语中有解释:种树为十年后打算,培养人才为长远打 算。因此此成语的译文可以是:Growing trees results in benefit in ten years, but educating people in a hundred. 一大一小两个数字对比使用时,如果对比的目的 是为了产生出语义上某种特殊效果,一般采用直译。 但有时只是或者主要是为了文字对仗工整,达到韵律 上的效果,这时往往用意译。如前文提到的“一帆风 顺三千”中的“一帆”,“天上一轮才捧出,人间万姓 仰头看”中的“一轮”和“未卜三生愿,频添一段愁” 中的“一段”都是为了对仗和韵律的需要,因此不直 译。 参考文献: [1] Yang Hsien-yin and Gladys yang, A Dream of Red Mansions [M], Foreign Language Press, Peking, 1978. [2] 邵志洪,词义的扩展与升格[J],外语与外语教学, 1994,(2)。 [3] 陆国强:现代英语词汇学[M],上海外语教育出版 社,1999。 [4] 余光中,余光中谈翻译[M],中国对外出版公司, 北京,2002。 [5] 危东亚等,汉英词典[Z],外语教学与研究出版社, 北京,1995年8月。 英文题目:On the Translation of the Numerals in the Chinese Idioms and Sentences Abstract: This paper divides the numerals in the Chinese idioms and sentences into three categories: real numerals, unreals numerals and approximate numerals. Then the writer suggests three techniques to translate these numerals: word-for-word translation for real numerals, literal translation for unreal numerals and combination of word-for-word and literal translation for approximate numerals. Key words: Chinese idiom, numeral, translation 摘 要:本文将汉语成语或句子中的数字分成实数、 虚数和概数,并提出三种翻译这些数字的方法:直译 法翻译实数,意译法翻译虚数,直译、意译结合法翻 译概数。 关键词:汉语成语,数字,翻译 2003年真题 得病以前,我受父母宠爱,在家里横行霸道,一旦 隔离,拘禁在花园山坡上一幢小房子里,我顿感打入 冷宫,十分郁郁不得志起来。一个春天的旁晚,园中 百花怒放,父母在园中设宴,一时宾客云集,笑语四 溢。我在山坡的小屋子里,悄悄掀起窗帘,窥看园中 大千世界,一片繁华,自己的哥姐,堂表兄弟,也穿 插其间,个个喜气洋洋。一霎时,一阵被人摈弃,为 世所遗的悲愤兜上心头,禁不住痛哭起来。 【参考译文】 Before I fell ill, my parents doted on me a lot, and I could have my way at home. Once Iwas isolated and confined in a chamber on the hillside of the garden, I suddenly felt I was neglected and became very depressed. One spring evening, my parents held a banquet in the garden, where all sorts of flowers were in full bloom. For a time, guests gathered there, cheering and laughing. I quietly lifted the curtain of the chamber and caught a glimpse of the wonderful and bustling scene in the garden. I saw my brothers, sisters and cousins all going here and there in the garden radiant with joy. All of a sudden, possessed by the feeling if being abandoned and struck by both grief and indignation, I couldn’t help crying bitterly.
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