首页 > 宝宝脾气大怎么办


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宝宝脾气大怎么办宝宝脾气大怎么办 宝宝脾气大怎么办,教你几招应对自如 一、宝宝脾气大,是谁在作祟 如果不是因为疾病导致的宝宝脾气异常,基本上就是以下集中情况导致的。 ? 宝宝脾气大是没吃对 最新研究证明,儿童情绪不稳与饮食有关,一些儿童脾气暴躁可能祸在饮食。具体原因是: 1.饮食中含钙量少 钙有抑制脑神经兴奋的作用,脑神经有充足的钙容易保持情绪稳定,缺钙则会情绪不安,易激怒、周身无力。 2.饮食糖分过量 食甜点、饮料,会使体内血糖升高,为了降低血糖,胰脏必须分泌大量胰岛素,引起副肾素分泌过剩,从而引起烦躁、发怒、情绪不稳。 3...
宝宝脾气大怎么办 宝宝脾气大怎么办,教你几招应对自如 一、宝宝脾气大,是谁在作祟 如果不是因为疾病导致的宝宝脾气异常,基本上就是以下集中情况导致的。 ? 宝宝脾气大是没吃对 最新研究证明,儿童情绪不稳与饮食有关,一些儿童脾气暴躁可能祸在饮食。具体原因是: 1.饮食中含钙量少 钙有抑制脑神经兴奋的作用,脑神经有充足的钙容易保持情绪稳定,缺钙则会情绪不安,易激怒、周身无力。 2.饮食糖分过量 食甜点、饮料,会使体内血糖升高,为了降低血糖,胰脏必须分泌大量胰岛素,引起副肾素分泌过剩,从而引起烦躁、发怒、情绪不稳。 3.B族维生素缺乏 糖分摄入过多,要变成热量,必须消耗B族维生素。如果饮食B族维生素缺乏,就会造成精神亢奋,情绪失控。 4.维生素C缺乏 精神经常紧张要消耗维生素C,饮食中如维生素C不足,脑神经机能就会降低,也会造成情绪不稳。 ? 宝宝脾气大是心理需求 孩子发脾气是种心理需求的现。婴幼儿随着生理、心理的发育,开始逐渐接触更多的事物。他们对这些事物的正确与否的认识,不可能像成人那样进行理性的再做出行动的决定,都凭着自己的情绪与兴趣来参与,尽管这些事物往往是对他不宜、不利,或者是有害的。因此,当宝宝遇到挫折或是不舒服的时候,很自然的就通过发脾气来表达,比如摔东西或是拉妈妈的头发。但是这样的行为只能是偶尔出现的情况,并不能作为宝宝惯有的一种习惯。 ? 脾气大是两岁宝宝毕经阶段 两周岁左右的宝宝普遍存在一个心理成长过程,其表现为以自我为中心、有什么不顺心的事就发脾气、摔玩具,和小朋友闹别扭就挥起小拳头。其实这些都是正常的,因为这是孩子在心理上的第一个反抗期,是几乎所有的宝宝在两周岁左右都会必经的一个成长过程。只是有些宝宝表现的明显,有些不明显而已。 ? 宝宝脾气大是在要求更多的爱 The fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other social volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further extend the volunteer work contact angle. Three, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to build Juxian public security volunteers brand Year-end appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, involving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginning of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work progress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible department and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task is heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve efficiency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency. One is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibilities, division of responsibility. To put this 在情感上感到饥饿的孩子,与他人沟通的能力都比较弱。明明是想和小朋友表示友好,却不知怎么表达。有的孩子为了引起爸爸妈妈和其他小朋友的注意,会故意做出一些表现异常现象,像咬人、打人、撒谎、哭闹等行为。有攻击力倾向的宝宝并不一定都是个性强悍的,反而是因为内心比较脆弱,用武力来保护自己罢了。 ? 宝宝脾气大是爸妈的溺爱 有的父母过于娇惯孩子,只要孩子一发脾气,便会满足孩子的任何愿望,天长日久,孩子揣摸透了大人的心理,便会通过发脾气来要挟大人,以满足自己的要求。 二、 妈妈如何应对宝宝的“大脾气” 1、对小儿反抗期的宝宝要有耐心,不要强迫 国外的研究机构进行追踪研究,结论是有反抗精神的儿童,长大后能办事果断、有个性和意志坚强的人。因此,对小儿反抗期的行为表现父母们不要横加指责、干涉,要因势利导,尊重他们的主张,支持和帮助他们干他们想干的事情。 其次,要对他们有耐心,不要强迫命令,适当的时候可以采取转移法,转移他们的注意力。当然孩子提出不合理的要求时,也要敢于说“不”,不能一味顺从,重要的是要使他知道什么该做,什么不该做,这对今后健康的心理发展很有好处。 2、坚持原则冷处理,宝宝情绪稳定后再教育 宝宝发脾气时,不予理睬,待他的情绪慢慢稳定下来以后,再和他谈这样做有什么不对。家长要有原则性,一定要一直坚持这么做。时间长了,孩子就会懂得,父母坚持的事情不会因为自己而改变,发脾气是徒劳的。或者也可以采用转移注意力的方法吸引孩子将注意力转向别的内容,待情绪稳定后再加以教育。 案例示范1:宝宝丢了某个喜欢的玩具或者对离开奶奶家很不舍而哭闹,试着先不要管他,任他哭闹好了。如果宝宝一发脾气父母就屈服,那是在向他传达一个信号,那就是挤眼泪、丢东西是达成自己愿望的一个有效的手段。 案例示范2:周末在爷爷奶奶家或者到其他小朋友家做客,要告别的时候,小家伙总会依依不舍并打闹一场。父母们可以适当延长宝宝向某人或者某事物说再见的时间,让他在心理上有缓冲阶段,而不是粗暴的突然终止他的好心情。在睡觉的时候提前告诉他,让他跟那些玩偶说再见;在离开奶奶家的时候,提前跟他说:“宝宝,过一会我们要回家了,下周我们再来奶奶家好不好”。 3、鼓励孩子自己解决 The fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other social volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further extend the volunteer work contact angle. Three, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to build Juxian public security volunteers brand Year-end appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, involving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginning of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work progress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible department and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task is heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve efficiency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency. One is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibilities, division of responsibility. To put this 家长应让孩子独立做一些力所能及的事情或解决一些问题,并适当给予一些指导;对于孩子提出的不合理要求,要向他说明,为什么不能满足他,或者是用别的事情转移孩子的注意力,使他暂时忘掉自己的要求。 4、家长需要反省 你是否火上浇油 当宝宝发脾气时,你是不是忍不住打骂他或溺爱他,这些都会给宝宝错误的认知,或者火上浇油,让他更加反抗。作为家长不能因为孩子脾气暴躁而打骂他们, 要给予朋友式的帮助、关心和安慰。可用幽默的言语,消除孩子的不愉快心情、忘掉不愉快的事情。 三、不同情况下,如何安抚宝宝的大脾气 洗澡时发脾气--宝宝不是因为不喜欢洗澡才发脾气,只有在洗澡时碰到不愉快才会害怕洗澡。 ?洗澡水的水温不对劲。宝宝的皮肤娇嫩,对水温的感受和大人有很大的差异。妈妈觉得够热,宝宝就觉得烫了。被洗澡水烫过,宝宝才会在洗澡时发脾气。比大人的洗澡水温度低一点才是宝宝喜欢的水温。水温忽冷忽热宝宝也不喜欢。 对策:小心调试洗澡水的温度。不要用手试水温,最好准备一个温度计,或用胳膊试水温。 ?害怕或者受惊。宝宝突然被脱光衣服、放进陌生的水里,紧张不安在所难免。有的妈妈把肥皂或者沐浴液直接往宝宝的身上抹,要么硬硬的,要么凉凉的,弄得宝宝一惊一乍,感觉不好。 对策: 1.给宝宝裹一块大毛巾入浴吧!那样会消除宝宝的紧张,宝宝就会很放心地把自己交给妈妈,妈妈托宝宝身体的手也不那么容易打滑。 2.用手抹肥皂或沐浴液,再往宝宝身上软软地暖暖地抹。宝宝喜欢妈妈抚摸。 粘人,不抱就嚎啕大哭--宝宝变得爱粘人,老是吊在妈妈身上,不抱就哭。 这个现象很普遍。宝宝刚刚学会向妈妈撒娇。不必担心会养成哭着要挟大人抱的习惯。育儿专家说,受到充分搂抱和爱抚的宝宝,以后反而哭得少,不缠人;不大被关注的宝宝,情绪焦躁,更易哭闹。哭闹撒娇是这个月龄宝宝建立信赖的基础。这就需要大人的耐心了。不过,妈妈也不要勉强自己的双臂,酸疼的时候也可以不抱。 对策 The fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other social volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further extend the volunteer work contact angle. Three, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to build Juxian public security volunteers brand Year-end appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, involving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginning of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work progress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible department and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task is heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve efficiency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency. One is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibilities, division of responsibility. To put this 1、除了抱,不妨用眼神安慰宝宝。妈妈来到他的身边,温柔地微笑着看他,轻轻地和他说话。宝宝看到妈妈的笑脸,会比较安心,哭泣也许就会停止了。 2.用玩具逗宝宝玩。 3.录下宝宝哭闹的声音,让他自己听。 长牙期间脾气大--把乱七八糟的东西塞进嘴巴,乱咬乱啃,不给就大闹;晚上也睡不太平。 坚硬的牙齿顶开柔软的牙龈软组织,慢慢长出来,确实是件很难受的事,那又痒又痛的感觉让宝宝的脾气变坏。 对策 1.捏住宝宝的鼻子,宝宝自然就会张开嘴巴,乖乖地让你取出那些危险品。如果宝宝很委屈,你应该用表情和语言耐心解释。 2.给宝宝吃一些烤馒头、面包干和饼干,这些食物硬中带脆,宝宝咬起来比较过瘾,入嘴也易化,易吞咽。这不仅能止痒,还能促进牙床骨的发育,摩擦牙龈,帮助乳牙的萌出。 3.市售的婴儿啃咬器也可以试试。 4.没有办法让宝宝半夜停止长牙,爸爸妈妈只能调整心态,辛苦一点了,还有就是抓紧时间睡。 莫名其妙地发脾气--宝宝脾气变大,稍不如意就尖叫,大哭大闹。 宝宝脾气大,象征着他“自我”意识的萌芽。有的宝宝发育好,10个月时自我意识就开始萌芽,可他还不能用语言来表达,脚不会走路,手不能灵活地运用,挫折多多,心儿烦烦,于是脾气就大大了。我们要理解宝宝。有时环境嘈杂,也会让人脾气变大,宝宝也一样。另外,大人也不要老在家里大声说话,喧哗吵闹,宝宝是会学样的。妈妈说话轻声慢语,宝宝说话也不会粗声大气,又叫又喊。 对策 1.不妨带孩子去安静的地方散散步,公园的草地,住宅区的小树林,安静会使宝宝感到舒适,情绪也会慢慢平静下来。远离嘈杂,对宝宝的身心健康,改善脾气,都是有好处的。 2.再温柔的妈妈,也会有生气恼火的时候。妈妈正在气头上,不妨离开宝宝一会儿,让家人照顾或者把孩子放在安全的地方玩一会儿。妈妈朝宝宝生气发火,打骂叫嚷,会让宝宝感到极度害怕。这种惊吓很可能留在宝宝的记忆中,影响他的性格。 The fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other social volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further extend the volunteer work contact angle. Three, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to build Juxian public security volunteers brand Year-end appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, involving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginning of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work progress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible department and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task is heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve efficiency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency. One is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibilities, division of responsibility. To put this 在商店里发脾气--耍赖、坐地、哭个没完,你怎么尴尬,他怎么来。 宝宝在商店、玩具店大庭广众之中发脾气多半有两个原因: ?找个借口发泄。宝宝在商店特别是玩具柜台前发脾气,有时候并不真的是要大人买玩具,而是找个借口发泄罢了。最多见的是累了,饿了,渴了,在喧闹的环境里呆得太久了。因为这些原因发脾气,我们往往可以观察到前兆,譬如,一副百无聊赖的样子,对人对事都不感兴趣,嘴里哼哼唧唧,发出哀求的声音。这时候,我们应该引起注意,尽早把孩子带离人多嘈杂的环境。 对策 万一来不及了,大人也不要当场发脾气。冷静地把孩子带到僻静的地方,让孩子尽情地发泄,你则不必担心周围的目光,也不会恼羞成怒。 ?要挟软弱、爱面子的大人。孩子在玩具店里哭闹、耍赖皮,根子在平时。孩子应该遵守的规矩常常因为各种借口而“破例”,好说话的妈妈多半是孩子钻空子的对象。孩子一次次尝到甜头,结果助长了他的任性,大人变得没威信。吵闹、耍赖成了孩子要挟大人的好办法。 对策 面对孩子的耍赖皮,使性子,我们只能断然拒绝。一开始会很困难,但以后会有意想不到的顺利,关键是你必须坚定不移。把赖在玩具柜台前踢腿打滚的宝宝扛上肩,任他叫喊挣扎,尽快走出人群,找个僻静的角落放下他,对他说:哭完了,我们回家。 The fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other social volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further extend the volunteer work contact angle. Three, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to build Juxian public security volunteers brand Year-end appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, involving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginning of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work progress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible department and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task is heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve efficiency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency. One is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibilities, division of responsibility. To put this
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