

2018-04-26 19页 doc 57KB 36阅读




2010成都市国民经济和社会发展统计公报2010成都市国民经济和社会发展统计公报 2010年成都市国民经济和社会发展统计公报 2010年~在世界经济缓慢复苏、我国经济社会发展总体运行良好的大环境下~全市人民在市委、市政府的坚强领导下~围绕建设“世界现代田园城市”的长远目标~深入实施城乡统筹、“四位一体”科学发展战略~认真落实“扩大开放年”各项工作部署~奋力推进三次产业跨越发展~国民经济保持了平稳较快发展~各项社会事业取得新的进步。 一、综合 全市实现地区生产总值5551.3亿元,见图1,~比上年增长15.0%。其中:第一产业实现增加值285.1亿元~增长4....
2010成都市国民经济和社会发展统计公报 2010年成都市国民经济和社会发展统计公报 2010年~在世界经济缓慢复苏、我国经济社会发展总体运行良好的大环境下~全市人民在市委、市政府的坚强领导下~围绕建设“世界现代田园城市”的长远目标~深入实施城乡统筹、“四位一体”科学发展战略~认真落实“扩大开放年”各项工作部署~奋力推进三次产业跨越发展~国民经济保持了平稳较快发展~各项社会事业取得新的进步。 一、综合 全市实现地区生产总值5551.3亿元,见图1,~比上年增长15.0%。其中:第一产业实现增加值285.1亿元~增长4.1%,第二产业实现增加值2480.9亿元~增长19.8%,第三产业实现增加值2785.3亿元~增长11.8%。一、二、三产业比例关系为5.1:44.7:50.2。 全年地方财政一般预算收入526.9亿元~增长36.0%,其中税收收入372.2亿元~增长31.5%。 年末全市从业人员为752.8万人~比上年末增加23.3万人~其中城镇从业人员为433.7万人~增加24.2万人。全年城镇新增就业15.6万人~其中~持《再就业优惠证》人员实现再就业8.8万人~“4050”等就业困难人员实现再就业3.2万人。农村劳动three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 力转移到非农产业就业新增13.0万人。农村劳动力劳务输出人数为221.0万人。年末城镇登记失业率为2.5%。 全年居民消费价格总水平比上年上涨3.0%,见图2,。其中~食品类价格上涨6.4%~医疗保健和个人用品上涨7.9%~烟酒及用品上涨1.4%~衣着类下降5.5%~交通与通信上涨0.5%~居住类价格上涨5.1%~娱乐教育文化用品及服务下降1.3%~家庭设备用品及维修服务类价格上涨0.4%。商品零售价格总水平上涨2.4%。工业品出厂价格上涨3.7%。原材料、燃料、动力购进价格上涨8.1%。固定资产投资价格上涨2.8%。 年末全市企业综合生产经营景气指数和企业家信心指数分别为142.6点和135.2点~分别较上年末提高10.6点和11.0点。 二、农业 全年实现农业总产值470.2亿元~比上年增长4.4%~其中种植业237.1亿元~增长5.0%,牧业实现产值203.2亿元~增长3.2%。 全年农作物播种面积79.4万公顷~减少0.8万公顷~其中粮食播种面积44.8万公顷~减少0.8万公顷。粮食总产量274.8万吨~下降1.5%,油料总产量26.5万吨~增长1.6%,肉类总产量105.2万吨~增长3.2%。主要农副产品生产保持稳定,见表1,。 表1 主要农产品产量 产品名称 单 位 产 量 比上年?, PC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party cothree standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the C-ght responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control threeoversiipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and n slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political disce, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team ibegan, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phon-has three strict three real topic education learning, from November midor discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres f-lf2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of seaccordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in arty Committee, and continuously improve the overall qualityconstruction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the P-constantly strengthening the self ) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team,Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E mmittees was very consistent. 2 产品名称 单 位 产 量 比上年?, 粮 食 万 吨 274.8 -1.5 油 料 万 吨 26.5 1.6 肉 类 万 吨 105.2 3.3 #猪肉 万 吨 73.8 2.8 禽肉 万 吨 24.9 5.0 牛 奶 万 吨 12.3 0.7 禽 蛋 万 吨 20.8 0.0 蔬 菜 万 吨 494.7 2.2 水 果 万 吨 117.9 -2.3 水产品 万 吨 10.2 -2.5 生猪出栏 万 头 1109.0 2.6 年末~已认证各类安全优质农产品804个。新增无公害农产品、绿色和有机农产品认证161个~新增国家和省级农产品名牌44个。 年末有年产值或销售收入过亿元的农业产业化经营龙头企业94个~增加5个,农业产业化经营带动面为76.3%。建成现代农业示范园区133个~化农产品生产示范基地230个。 全年农村用电量31.6亿千瓦时~比上年增长4.6%,年末农业机械总动力288.2万千瓦~增长2.8%,农用大中型拖拉机12062台~小型拖拉机25855台,农用载重汽车 5729辆。 三、工业和建筑业 全年工业实现增加值2062.8亿元~比上年增长20.5%。规模以上工业企业实现增加值1640.1亿元~增长23.6%,完成新产品产值1179.3亿元~增长22.3%,工业企业产品产销率97.1%。主要产品生产较快增长,见表2,。 表2 规模以上工业企业主要产品产量 construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns-political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the selftion group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspec ncial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. cal line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provithree standard, vertical verti-of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three y with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementationcompl mbers cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; inanization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection mebegan, respectively org-or has three strict three real topic education learning, from November middiscipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres f-tant speech and the code of selfmporSuns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping i and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three three thematic educationactivity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality3 产品名称 单 位 产 量 比上年?, 万千升 36.9 32.8 啤 酒 万千升 10.3 23.8 白 酒 万 吨 362.8 17.3 钢 材 万 吨 1039.1 26.9 水 泥 万 辆 9.4 44.2 汽 车 万 吨 1.6 -43.7 中成药 万 吨 0.6 14.7 化学原料药 亿 支 914.2 4.6 卷 烟 万 件 721.6 32.7 家 具 万重量箱 3234.4 34.2 平板玻璃 亿千瓦小时 130.8 8.0 发电量 万芯千米 87.0 -1.2 光缆 亿只 2.2 25.0 半导体分立器件 全年电子通讯产品制造业、医药工业、食品饮料及烟草业、机械工业、石油化学工业和建材冶金工业六大重点行业完成增加值1258.5亿元~比上年增长23.8,~占全市规模以上工业的比重为76.7%,见图3,。 全年规模以上工业企业综合经济效益指数247.2%~比上年提高0.3个点。资产负债率58.8%~总资产贡献率14.8%。实现利润357.8亿元~增长41.0%,实现利税666.8亿元~增长39.6%,企业亏损面11.7%。 全年建筑业实现增加值418.1亿元~比上年增长16.0%。建筑企业完成总产值2097.0亿元~竣工产值769.0亿元~施工面积12619万平方米~竣工面积7151万平方米。 四、固定资产投资 全年固定资产投资完成4255.4亿元,见图4,~比上年增长5.7%,扣除灾后重建投资~增长10.6%,。民间投资完成2564.8 arty Committee, and continuously improve the overall qualityconstruction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the P-constantly strengthening the self ) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team,Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E mmittees was very consistent. PC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party cothree standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the C-ght responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control threeoversiipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and n slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political disce, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team ibegan, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phon-has three strict three real topic education learning, from November midor discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres f-lf2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of seaccordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in 4 亿元~增长18.0%。全年新增固定资产2518.6亿元。分产业看~一产业完成投资47.4亿元~下降31.2%,二产业完成投资1320.2亿元~增长2.8%~其中工业投资1301.3亿元~增长3.8%,三产业完成投资2887.8亿元~增长8.0%。分行业看~制造业完成投资1227.9亿元~增长2.0%,电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业完成投资71.1亿元~增长56.0%,交通运输仓储邮政通信业完成投资359.4亿元~增长33.9%,水利环境公共设施管理业完成投资639.8亿元~下降22.7%,信息传输计算机服务软件业完成投资30.0亿元~下降18.4%。 全年房地产投资完成1278.3亿元~比上年增长35.3%。含预售在内的商品房销售面积2559.3万平方米~下降5.0%~其中住宅销售面积2289.9万平方米~下降9.6%,实现商品房销售额1519.3亿元~增长14.3%~其中住宅销售额1334.4亿元~增长8.1%。 五、国内贸易 全年实现社会消费品零售总额2417.6亿元~比上年增长18.8%。从行业看~批发业零售额139.5亿元~增长14.0%,零售业零售额1957.9亿元~增长18.9%,住宿和餐饮业零售额320.2亿元~增长19.9%。从地域看~城镇实现零售额2387.3亿元~增长18.7%~其中城区实现零售额2217.6亿元 ~增长16.6%,乡村实现零售额30.3亿元~增长24.9%。从经济类型看~国有经济零售额188.9亿元~增长29.0%,私营个体经济零售额1104.7亿元~增长16.5%,外商及港澳台投资经济零售额262.9亿元~增长19.2%,股份制及其他经济零售额798.9亿元~增长19.6%。 -of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three y with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementationcompl mbers cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; inanization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection mebegan, respectively org-or has three strict three real topic education learning, from November middiscipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres f-tant speech and the code of selfmporSuns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping i and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three three thematic educationactivity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns-political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the selftion group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspec ncial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. cal line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provithree standard, vertical verti5 年末~年成交额上亿元的商品交易市场有34个~比上年下降3个,全年成交额739.5亿元~比上年下降4.0%~其中上10亿元的市场有19个。 六、对外开放 全年实现进出口总额246.6亿美元~比上年增长38.6%。其中出口总额138.7亿美元~增长32.0%,进口总额107.9亿美元~增长48.0%。一般贸易出口额65.4亿美元~增长29.2%,机电产品出口额70.1亿美元~增长12.6%,高新技术产品出口额34.4亿美元~增长6.1%。与主要贸易伙伴国和地区的贸易往来有升有降~其中对欧盟出口额22.0亿美元~增长116.1%,对香港出口额23.0亿美元~下降9.2%,对美国出口额14.3亿美元~上涨83.0%,对日本出口额3.8亿美元~上涨58.6%。 全年实际利用外资64.1亿美元~比上年增长43.2%,其中~实际利用外商直接投资金额48.6亿美元~增长73.6%。外商直接投资外资500万美元以上的项目104个~比上年增加30个。 七、交通、邮电和旅游 年末公路里程20833公里, 其中高速公路503公里。全年新改建公路1222公里。年末拥有各种机动车辆259.9万辆~比上年增长9.1%,其中私人拥有汽车139.6万辆~增长27.2%。 全年公路旅客周转量263.8亿人公里~比上年下降7.6%,民航旅客周转量365.7亿人公里~增长16.4%。公路运输货物周转量174.9亿吨公里~增长18.9%,民航运输货物周转量7.8亿吨公里~增长11.8%。 mmittees was very consistent. PC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party cothree standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the C-ght responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control threeoversiipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and n slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political disce, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team ibegan, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phon-has three strict three real topic education learning, from November midor discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres f-lf2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of seaccordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in arty Committee, and continuously improve the overall qualityconstruction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the P-constantly strengthening the self ) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team,Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E 6 全年完成邮电业务总量441.3亿元~比上年增长18.4%。年末电话交换机总容量820.0万门,固定电话用户373.7万户~下降9.5%,移动电话用户1732万户~年内净增283万户。互联网注册上网用户158.4万户。 全年接待国内游客6738.3万人次~比上年增长22.3%,国内旅游收入584.6亿元~增长20.5%,组织出境旅游人数46.9万人次~增长78.4%,接待入境旅游者80.2万人次~增长24.1%,旅游外汇收入2.9亿美元~增长22.2%。年末全市三星级以上饭店108家,旅行社260家。 八、金融、证券和保险 年末全部金融机构人民币存款余额15277亿元~比上年末增长23.1%~其中企业存款6147亿元~增长14.4%。全部金融机构人民币贷款余额12139亿元~增长23.0%。个人消费贷款余额2224亿元~增长33.8%~其中个人住房贷款余额1955亿元~增长30.4%。全年金融机构现金净回笼192亿元。 全年推荐4家公司上市~融资76.4亿元~比上年增长1.3倍。年末有证券营业部106个~比上年末增加16个,证券从业人员4929人~增长42.5%,证券投资者324万人~增加38万人。 年末有保险公司53家,比上年末增加9 家。全年保费收入299.4亿元~比上年增长31.3%。其中~财产类保险公司保费收入86.9亿元~增长32.0%,人身类保险公司保费收入212.5亿元~增长31.1%。各类保险赔偿与给付支出56.1亿元~增长9.9%。其中~财产类保 of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three y with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementationcompl mbers cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; inanization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection mebegan, respectively org-or has three strict three real topic education learning, from November middiscipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres f-tant speech and the code of selfmporSuns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping i and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three three thematic educationactivity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns-political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the selftion group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspec ncial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. cal line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provithree standard, vertical verti-7 险公司赔偿与给付支出34.6亿元~增长10.4%,人身类保险公司赔偿与给付支出21.6亿元~下降9.1%。 九、科学技术和教育 全年组织实施科技项目2719项,年内新上科技项目1023项~其中国家级221项~省级327项~科技项目投入资金45.4亿元。完成科技攻关228项。新认定高新技术企业170家。共专利31261件~其中发明5875件~实用新型12317件。专利授权25981件~其中发明1657件~实用新型9559件。 年末在蓉普通高校42所~在校学生61.6万人~专任教师3.8万人,在蓉中专学校95所~在校学生21.5万人~专任教师0.8万人,普通中小学校991所~在校学生131.7万人~专任教师8.1万人,幼儿园1724所~在园幼儿32.6万人~专任教师1.5万人~幼儿园入园率为96.5%。 十、卫生、文化和体育 年末有卫生机构4289个~其中医院、卫生院594个~疾控预防控制中心22个~妇幼保健院21个。各类卫生机构床位数6.9万张~其中医院、卫生院床位数6.4万张。医院、卫生技术人员9.0万人~其中执业,助理,医师3.5万人~注册护师、护士3.5万人,全年总诊疗6736万人次。居民无偿献血25.3万人次。 全年8个市属专业表演团体演出3712场~观众246万人次。年末有群众艺术馆2个~博物馆23个~文化馆18个~公共图书馆21个~馆藏图书1210万册。年末全市拥有广播电视台14座~制作广播 mmittees was very consistent. PC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party cothree standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the C-ght responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control threeoversiipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and n slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political disce, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team ibegan, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phon-has three strict three real topic education learning, from November midor discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres f-lf2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of seaccordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in arty Committee, and continuously improve the overall qualityconstruction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the P-constantly strengthening the self ) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team,Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E 8 节目24套,电视节目31套。有线电视用户386.7万户,比上年增长3.2%~入户率78.2%,数字机顶盒用户116.0万户,增长15.5%。 全年成都籍运动员共获得国际和全国性比赛奖牌129枚。其中在国际比赛中获金牌7枚~银牌8枚~铜牌1枚,在全国性体育比赛中获金牌32枚~银牌27枚~铜牌54枚。全市有全民健身路径1761条~增加492条,全市惠民行动“1+2”农民健身工程978条~增加260条,参与全民健身活动的人数1300万人次。 十一、城市建设、公用事业和环境保护 年末市区建成区面积455.6平方公里,城市铺装道路长度2609.9公里~铺装道路面积6459.9万平方米。全年地铁1、2号线工程完成投资39.3亿元~东部、南部新区起步区基础设施建设完成投资59.9亿元。 年末全市中心城区公交线路长度4320公里~比上年末增加664公里,公交营运汽车6763辆~增加1048辆,出租汽车13979辆。全年中心城区公交客运量11.6亿人次~地铁一号线客运量1187万人次。自来水供水总量6.6亿立方米~其中生活用水4.4亿立方米。城市气化率94.4%~市区污水处理率90.7%。 全年完成限期治理项目30项~总投资0.4亿元。关停并转迁企业196个~建设项目环境影响评价执行率100%。全年空气质量优良率,API指数?100的天数,86.6,。城区区域环境噪声平均值54.1分贝~城区交通干线噪声平均值69.0分贝~集中式饮用水水源地水质达标率100%。 十二、人口、人民生活和社会保障 -of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three y with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementationcompl mbers cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; inanization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection mebegan, respectively org-or has three strict three real topic education learning, from November middiscipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres f-tant speech and the code of selfmporSuns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping i and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three three thematic educationactivity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns-political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the selftion group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspec ncial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. cal line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provithree standard, vertical verti9 年末全市户籍人口1149.1万人,比上年末增加9.5万人。人口自然增长率-0.2‰。全市符合政策生育率93.2,。 城市居民人均可支配收入20835元~增长11.7%,农村居民人均纯收入8205元~增长15.1%。年末城乡居民储蓄存款余额5071亿元~增长19.8%。 年末全市参加城镇基本养老保险人数348.0万人~其中参保职工240.4万人,参加城镇基本医疗保险人数371.7万人~其中参保职工261.2万人。征地农民参加养老医疗保险人数79.1万人~其中新征地农民参保34.9万人。农民工参加综合社会保险人数133.3万人~比上年增加24.8万人。 全年7.5万城市居民得到政府最低生活保障~比上年减少1.3万人,14.5万农村居民得到政府最低生活保障~比上年减少1.2万人,保障资金支出3.3亿元~增长6.4%,其中投入农村1.5亿元~增长17.2%。年末有各类社会福利机构196个~拥有床位3.7万张~年在院总人天数855.8万人天,有各种社区服务设施969处~社区服务中心128个。 全年交通事故3324件~比上年下降16.0%,事故造成损失折款年发生738.0万元~下降8.4%。 注: 1、本公报为初步统计数据~正式数据以《成都统计年鉴—2011》为准。 2、生产总值、各行业总产值、增加值的绝对数按当年价格计算~增长速度按可比价格计算。 -ght responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control threeoversiipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and n slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political disce, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team ibegan, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phon-has three strict three real topic education learning, from November midor discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres f-lf2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of seaccordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in arty Committee, and continuously improve the overall qualityconstruction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the P-constantly strengthening the self ) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team,Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E mmittees was very consistent. PC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party cothree standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the C10
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