

2017-09-19 3页 doc 15KB 22阅读




董事长致词董事长致词 CHAINMAN MESSAGE 董事长 Chainman: 尊敬的社会各界朋友,您好~ Dear ladies and gentlemen, friends from all walks of life: Your good! 首先感谢您在百忙之中拨冗垂阅本宣传册。借此良机,我谨代表全院 同仁向曾经为企业发展而付出辛勤汗水的开拓者们致以崇高的敬意~向多 年来一直关心和支持我院发展的新老客户致以诚挚的问候和衷心的感谢~ First of all, Thank you for your busy sch...
董事长致词 CHAINMAN MESSAGE 董事长 Chainman: 尊敬的社会各界朋友,您好~ Dear ladies and gentlemen, friends from all walks of life: Your good! 首先感谢您在百忙之中拨冗垂阅本册。借此良机,我谨代全院 同仁向曾经为企业发展而付出辛勤汗水的开拓者们致以崇高的敬意~向多 年来一直关心和支持我院发展的新老客户致以诚挚的问候和衷心的感谢~ First of all, Thank you for your busy schedule to see this brochure. and take this opportunity, I would like to pay high tribute and offer best wishes to all for enterprise development and hard work paid employees. We would like to have been the concern and support our new and old customers to express our heartfelt thank! 公司(以下简称C)自1994年成立以来,历经20多年发展变迁,现 已成长为技术力量雄厚,专业门类齐全,颇具竞争力的大型甲级设计研究 院,并且于2012年与A研究院重组,正式成为A大家庭的一员。我院当 前正面临着绝佳的历史机遇期。融入A研究院大家庭,是为“天时”;我 院地处祖国的钢都——B,矿冶资源丰富,设计力量雄厚,是为“地利”; 在我院发展壮大的20年历程中,员工无私奉献,团结一心,客户热心支 持,合作融洽,上级领导倾力扶持,关怀备至,是为“人和”。“天时、地 利、人和”齐备,发展机遇绝佳。在这样好的历史机遇面前,我院全体员 工充满信心,把“技术创新、设计求精、科学管理、服务至诚”作为贯穿 各项工作的指导思想,以客户的满意作为我们最大的追求,努力开创美好 未来。 Company since its establishment in 1994, In these twenty years, it went through a time of change and technology development. Now, it has become a large Class-A design institute with a strong technical force, professional categories, competitive etc. at the same time, we restructuring with A design institute in 2012. It is a significant things because thus becoming a important member in A design institute. We also is facing a very good developing opportunity, integrate into extended family is good timing,; our design institute is located in Gang Du—B, which is rich in minerals, design strength. these are all favorable geographical location; the staff of our design institute, selfless dedication, unite as one, harmonious cooperation, the vast number of customers enthusiastic support and leaders at a higher level of care. All of these is human conditions. Right now, the right man at the right time at the right place. We will following the principle as " technological innovation, keep improving, scientific management and sincere service ". Looking ahead, we are full of confidence and will to return more outstanding achievements majority of new and old customers. 傲立神州,挥洒椽笔,方显英雄本色。我们对未来的征程充满信心。 在前进的道路上,我们需要上级领导、广大矿冶人及相关企业给予我们更 多的关怀、鼓励、支持、鞭策,让我们共同努力,用勤劳和智慧再创灿烂 辉煌的未来~ Stands arrogantly on the vast lands of China, wield the brush and pen with facility, the character of heroes. And we have confidence in the future. Meanwhile, We go forward with complete confidence in the eventual triumph. And With our wisdom and hard work, we will create one after another glorious moment.
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