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小学英语疑问句小学英语疑问句 英语疑问句大全 疑问句(questions)指提出问题,请对方回答的句子。疑问句句末要用问号。按结构可分为四种:一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句。 一、一般疑问句 (1) 一般疑问句也可称为 “yes , no questions”,因这种问句通常用yes , no来回答,相当于汉语中的“……吗,”其语序是:系动词be , 助动词, 情态动词,主语,其他成分,如: Are you from Japan? Yes I am( , No I'm not( Is her sister doi...
英语疑问句 英语疑问句大全 疑问句(questions)指提出问,请对方回答的句子。疑问句句末要用问号。按结构可分为四种:一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句。 一、一般疑问句 (1) 一般疑问句也可称为 “yes , no questions”,因这种问句通常用yes , no来回答,相当于汉语中的“……吗,”其语序是:系动词be , 助动词, 情态动词,主语,其他成分,如: Are you from Japan? Yes I am( , No I'm not( Is her sister doing her homework now? Yes she is( , No she isn't( Does he work in a bank? Yes he does( , No he doesn't( Do you live near your school? Yes I do( , No I don't( Can you speak French? Yes I can( , No I can't( May I go home now? Yes you may( , No you mustn't( 二、如何将陈述句变成一般疑问句, 要将陈述句变成一般疑问句,可以遵循下列步骤: 1.看句中有没有be动词(am、is、 are、 was、 were)、助动词(do、does、did、 have、 had)或情态动词(can、must、will、may等),如果有,将其提到句首,句末打上问号即可。 例:It was rainy yesterday. ?Was it rainy yesterday? Tom's father can play the piano. ?Can Tom's father play the piano? I have finished my homework. ?Have you finished your homework? 2.如果句中没有be动词、助动词或情态动词,则根据谓语动词的形式借助do的相应形式放在句首。具体是:如果谓语动词是原形,则借do;如果谓语动词是一般现在时第三人称单数形式,则借does;如果谓语动词是过去式,则借did. 需要注意的是,借does或did后,原句的谓语动词要变回原形。 例:They go to school by bike. ?Do they go to school by bike? Bill gets up at 6:30 every day. ?Does bill gets up at 6:30 every day? The students saw a film yesterday. ?Did the students see a film yesterday? 三.陈述句变一般疑问句应注意的事项 陈述句变成一般疑问句除了遵循上述规则以外,还应注意下列几点: 1.如果陈述句中有第一人称,则变问句时最好要变为第二人称。 例:I usually have lunch at school. ?Do you usually have lunch at school? My father is playing soccer. ?Is your father playing soccer? 2.如果陈述句中有some, 则变问句时往往要变成any 。 例: There is some water on the playground. ?Is there any water on the playground? 3.复合句变一般疑问句通常只变主句,从句不变。 例:I know he comes from Canada. ?Do you know he comes from Canada? 4(如果句中含有实义动词have且示“有”时,除借do外,也可将其直接提到句首。 例:I have some friends in America. ?Have you any friends in America?/Do you have any friends in America? 四.一般疑问句的回答 一般疑问句往往采用简短回答,共由三部分(三个单词)组成,对这三部 分(三个单词)的确定可以概括例下: 1.第一个词:不是Yes就是No。(有时根据语气的不同,Yes可由Sure, Certainly, Of course等代替.NO可由sorry 代替.) 2.第二个词:问谁答谁。即答语中的主语须与问句的主语一致(但必须用 主格代词)。 Does she clean her room every day? Yes, she does. 例: Is Anna′s father a doctor? No,he isn′t. 如果主语是 this that,回答时用 it 代替,如果问句中主语these, those,回答 时用 they′ 代替。 3.第三个词:用什么问,用什么答。即沿用问句中的引导词。 Can Jim play soccer? Yes, he can./Does Mr Bean speak English? Yes, he does. 需要注意问题:(1).用 may 引导的问句,肯定回答用may,否定回答用 can′t 或 mustn′t,用 must 引导的问句,肯定回答用 must,否定回答用needn′t. 例:May I go to the park now? Yes, you may. /No, you mustn′t. Must I wash my clothes now? Yes, you must. /No, you needn′t. 练习题: 一(改为一般疑问句 1. I can skate well. __________ __________skate well? 2. Kate does morning exercises every day. ________ Kate________ morning exercises every day? 3. The exam begins at nine. __________ the exam__________ at nine? 4. Ann returned the book to the library yesterday. _______ Ann_______ the book to the library yesterday? 5. There's something to eat in the cupboard. __________ there__________ to eat in the cupboard? 6. Mary likes scuba diving very much. _________ Mary_________ scuba diving very much? 二(根据答句写出正确的问句。 1. ____________________________________________________ Yes, my Chinese teacher is very short. 2. ____________________________________________________ Yes, she is my music teacher. 3. ____________________________________________________ No, he isn’t my principal. 4. _____________________________________________________ No, my English teacher is not quiet. 5. ______________________________________________________ Yes, she is strict, but she is very kind. 6. ____________________________________________________ Yes, I often play ping-pong on the weekends. 7. ____________________________________________________ No, I don’t watch TV on Mondays. 8. ____________________________________________________ Yes, I’d like some chicken and eggplant for lunch. 9. ____________________________________________________ Yes, I have noodles for lunch today. 10. ____________________________________________________ No, the apples are sour. 11. ____________________________________________________ Yes, the oranges are very sweet. 12. ____________________________________________________ No, the meat is not tasty. 13. ____________________________________________________ Yes, the vegetables are very healthy. 14. ____________________________________________________ No, I don’t like apples. 15. ____________________________________________________ Yes, my favourite food is fish. 16. ____________________________________________________ No, I don’t have bread for breakfast today. 17. ____________________________________________________ Yes, you can play football on Sundays. 18. ____________________________________________________ Yes, I am very helpful at home. 19. ____________________________________________________ No, Sarah is not helpful at home. 20. ____________________________________________________ Yes, I can cook the meals. 21. ____________________________________________________ No, Tom can’t sweep the floor. 22. ____________________________________________________ No, Chen Jie and Sarah don’t do housework at home. 23. ____________________________________________________ Yes, I often do housework at home. 24. ____________________________________________________ Yes, they can water the flowers. 25. ____________________________________________________ No, my brother sister can’t do the dishes. 26. ____________________________________________________ Yes, the robot can use the computer. 27. ____________________________________________________ Yes, my mother can play chess. 28. ____________________________________________________ Yes, I have my own room now. 29. ____________________________________________________ No, my room isn’t big. 30. ____________________________________________________ Yes, there is a big closet in my bedroom. 31. ____________________________________________________ No, there aren’t blue curtains in my living room. 32. ____________________________________________________ Yes, the trash bin is near the shelf. 33. ____________________________________________________ No, the chair is in front of the desk. 34. ____________________________________________________ Yes, I like my room very much. 35. ____________________________________________________ Yes, there is a river in the nature park. 36. ____________________________________________________ Yes, there are white clouds in the sky. 37. ____________________________________________________ No, there aren’t any tall buildings in my village. 38. ____________________________________________________ No, the water is not clean. 39. ____________________________________________________ Yes, the air is fresh. 40. ____________________________________________________ Yes, there is a lake in front of my house. 41. ____________________________________________________ Yes, I can run on the grass. 42. ____________________________________________________ Yes, I like the nature park very much. 二. 特殊疑问句 1、特殊疑问句概述 特殊疑问句(special questions),也可称为“wh”-questions,因为它们多数都以who,where,when,which,whose,why这类词开头,如: Who is it on the phone,谁来的电话, How many oranges can you see in the picture, 你能在图画上看到多少个橘子, Where did you last see it, 你最后一次看到这东西时是在什么地方呢, What did you eat yesterday, 你昨天吃了些什么, How do you usually go to school, 你通常是怎么去学校的呢, 2、特殊疑问句的构成及用法 它的结构一般为:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句,即:特殊疑问词+be/助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语/表语+(其他),如: What can be done about it, 对此能做些什么呢, Which are yours,哪些是你的, Who would like to come for a game of football,谁愿意来踢场足球呀, What did you say,你说什么, Why didn’t you tell me, 你为什么没有告诉我, 3、特殊疑问词 特殊疑问词可分为两类:疑问代词和疑问副词 (1)疑问代词 疑问代词主要有五个,分别为:who,whom,which,what,whose。它们没有性和数的变化,除了who外也没有格的变化。 疑问代词、意义、作用、例句 who 谁、作主语, 用来指人 Who is the girl under the tree, Who is not here, Whom 谁 、作宾语,用来指人 Whom are you writing to, Whom do you want to see, Whose 谁的、用来指所属关系,如果作定语,一般后接名词 Whose pen is this, Whose are those shoes, Which 哪个,哪些、用来指对人或物在一定范围之内进行选择 Which girls will be in the sports meeting, Which hat is lily’s , What 通常指物,也可指人,一般用在没有指出范围的情况下 What can you see in the picture, What is in the teacher’s room, (2)疑问副词 疑问副词包括when,where,why,how及how与其他副词和形容词组成的 疑问词。 疑问副词、意义、用法、例句 when 何时、询问时间 When will she return, Where 何地、询问地点 Where do you come from, Why 为什么、询问原因 Why are you late for school, How 如何、询问手段、方式、工具以及程度等 How do you usually go to school, How old 多大、询问年龄 How old is Jim’s little brother, How much/many 多少、询问数量 How many friends do you have? How far 多远、询问距离 How far is it from your home to school, How long 多长、多久,询问时间的长度或距离 How long will you stay in Beijing, How often 多长时间一次、询问频率 How often do you go to see your grandparents, How soon 多久、询问时间 How soon will you come back, 4、特殊疑问句的答语 特殊疑问句的答语的重点是对疑问词的回答非所问,因此,不再需要用yes 或no。在回答时,可以用一个词或词组,也可以用一个较为完整的句子。 问句、简略答语、整句答语 Who has borrowed my bike,谁借了我的自行车, Jack. 杰克。 Jack has borrowed your bike. When did he borrow my bike,他什么时候借了我的自行车, This morning. 今天早晨。 He borrowed your bike this morning. Where is he,他现在在何处, At the office. 在办公室。 He is at the office. What is he doing there,他在那儿干什么呢, Working. 工作 He is working. Whose bike is this,这辆自行车是谁的, Mr. Smith’s. 史密斯先生的。 It’s Mr. Smith’s bike. 练习题: 一(对画线部分提问 1( They bought a new bike yesterday. ____________________________________________________ 2( She is a nurse . ____________________________________________________ 3( She is my teacher. ____________________________________________________ 4( He bought the red one . ____________________________________________________ 5( It is my coat . ____________________________________________________ 6( I am looking for my sister . ____________________________________________________ 7( I get up at six . ____________________________________________________ 8( I am from Hubei . ____________________________________________________ 9( I went to school late because I got up late. ____________________________________________________ 10. It is windy . _____________________________________________________ 11. I am getting on well with it. _____________________________________________________ 12. My bag is red . ______________________________________________________ 13. The book is Li Hua’s. ______________________________________________________ 14. I like math best. ______________________________________________________ 15. They are five yuan . ______________________________________________________ 16. I wash it twice a week . ______________________________________________________ 17. He will be back in four days . ______________________________________________________ 18. I didn’t come to class yesterday because I was ill . ______________________________________________________ 二(选择题 ( ) 19. Excuse me ______ is the nearest bookshop? Go down the street and turn left at the second corner? A. how B. what C. where D. who ( ) 20. ______ is a ticket for the film Hacker He? About forty yuan . A. How old B. How many C. How much D. How often ( ) 21. —______ are you going? — I’m going to the library. A. Who B. Which C. What D. Where ( ) 22. It’s a nice car. ______ have you been in it? Just to Shanghai. A. How much B. How soon C. How long D. How far ( ) 23. ______? It’s eight. A. What day is it B. What’s five and three? C. How old are you D. What’s your telephone number? ( ) 24. —______? —I’ve got a headache and a cough. A. What’s your trouble B. What’s wrong with it C. Can I help you D. How are you ( ) 25. ______ cups of tea did you have? Two cups. A. How many B. How much C. How soon D. Which ( ) 26. ______ shall we meet in the park? What about half past eight? A. What B. When C. Where D., Which ( ) 27. ______ does your school have sports meetings? Twice a year. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How many times ( )28. ______? The one behind the tree. A. Whose girl B. Who’s that girl C. Which girl D. Where’s the girl ( ) 29. ______ are you going to be in the future? I want to be a person _____- Yang Liwei. A. How , like B. How , as C. What , like D. What , as ( ) 30.______ will your father be back? A How long B how often C How soon D How wide 三(选择疑问句 1、选择疑问句概述 选择疑问句(alternative questions)一般提出两种或两种以上的可能,问对 方选择哪一种。其结构可用一般疑问句,也可用特殊疑问句,供选择的两部分由 or连接,前者用升调,后者用降调,如: Will you go there by bus or by train, 你准备乘汽车,还是乘火车去那儿, What would you like,coffee or tea, 你想要什么,咖啡还是茶, How many pens do you have ,one or two, 你有几支钢笔,一支还是两支, 2、一般疑问句演化来的选择疑问句 Is it right or wrong,是对还是错, Were you or he there,是你还是他在那儿, Are they reading,chatting or watching television, 他们是在看书、聊天,还是在看电视, Do you want to go there by land or by air, 你将乘车还是乘飞机去那儿, 3、特殊疑问句演化来的选择疑问句 Which do you like better,coffee or milk, 你更喜欢喝什么,咖啡还是牛奶, What colour is it,red,blue or yellow, 它是什么颜色,红的,蓝的,还是黄的, Where are you going,to the classroom or to the library, 你要去哪儿,教室还是图书馆, How shall we go,by sea or by land, 我们怎么去,走水路还是陆路, 4、or not构成的选择疑问句 Do you want to buy it or not, 你是想买它还是不想买, Are you ready or not, 你准备好了还是没有准备好, 5、选择疑问句的答非所问语 选择疑问句的答语必须是完整的句子或其省略式,不能用yes或no,如: —Do you go to work by bus or by bike, 你乘公交车还是骑自行车去上班, —By bus.乘公交车。 —Which would you like, tea or coffee? 你要茶还是咖啡? —Coffee.咖啡 练习题: 根据提示完成下列句子: 1. 你是在一班还是在二班, ____________you in Class One ____________ in Class Two? 2. 你借了谁的自行车,李明的还是李华的, ____________bike did you borrow, Li Ming's ____________ Li Hua's? 3. — 你想喝咖啡、酒还是茶, — 我想喝茶。 —____________ you like to drink coffee, wine ____________ tea? — I'd like to drink tea. 4. — 是哪个班赢了这场比赛,一班还是二班, — 是二班。 —____________class win the match, Class One ____________ Class two? — Class Two. 四、反意疑问句 1、反意疑问句的构成 反意疑问句(disjunctive questions)是一种常用于口语的疑问句,这种问句由两部分组成,前一部分是陈述句,后一部分是附加的一简短问句(称为question tag),中间用逗号隔开,因此,反意疑问句又称附加疑问句。 如果陈述句是肯定句式,附加问句用否定句式;如果陈述句是否定式,附加问句用肯定句式。附加问句一般为“be动词(助动词、情态动词)+代词”构成,如: They didn’t clean the classroom yesterday,did they, 他们昨天没有扫扫教室,是吗, You’re coming,aren’t you,你会来的,不是吗, John doesn’t like tea,does he, 约翰不喜欢茶,是吗, She can’t swim,can she,她不会游泳,对吗, This is your car,isn’t it ,这是你的车,对吧, You don’t like rock music,do you , 你不喜欢摇滚乐,对吧, 2、反意疑问句需注意的问题 (1)附加问句中的主语要用代词,如果陈述句的主语是代词,用相应的代词即可,如果陈述句的主语是名词,用相应的代词指代该名词,如: He is your teacher,isn’t he, 他是你的老师,是吧, Li lei gets up at six in the morning,doesn’t he, 李雷每天早上6点钟起床,是吗, (2)如果陈述句中有系动词或情态动词或助动词,附加疑问句中用与它相应的肯定或否定形式即可;如果没有,就要根据陈述句的时态选择适当的助动词,如: Tom has finished his homework,hasn’t he, 汤姆己经完成了他的家庭作业,是吗, She went to Shanghai yesterday,didn’t she, 她昨天去上海了,是吗, (3)有些句子包含表示否定意义语,也算否定句,如: There’s little water in the bottle,is there, 瓶子里没有水了,是吗, (4)在个别情况下,前后两部分可以都是肯定或都是否定。这时有特殊的涵义,如: You sold that lovely bracelet,did you ,(=I’m sorry you did.) 你把那只漂亮手镯卖了,是吗,(真遗憾。) 3、反意疑问句的语调 (1)通常陈述句部分用降调,附加问句用升调,如: He can’t swim,can he,他不会游泳,是吗, Lily likes sports,doesn’t she, 丽莉喜欢运动,是吗, (2)对自己的看法比较肯定而又希望听者同意这种看法时,前后都用降调: You don’t like rock music,do you,期望回答:No,I don’t. You like rock music,don’t you,期望回答:Yes,I do. 4、反意疑问句的答语 (1)反意疑问句的答语一般由yes或no引导的简略答语来回答,但是要注意时态及代词的呼应,如: —She is your teacher,isn’t she, 她是你的老师,是吧, —Yes ,she is.是的,她是。 —No,she isn’t.不,她不是。 —Li lei gets up at six in the morning,doesn’t he, 李雷每天早上6点钟起床,是吗, —Yes,he is.是的,他是。 —No ,he isn’t.不,他不是。 (2)在前否定后肯定的句子中,yes含义为“不”,no含义为“是”,如: She can’t swim,can she ,她不会游泳,对吗, Yes ,she can.不,她会。 No,she can’t.是的,她不会。 She isn’t your teacher,is she, 她不是你的老师,对吧, Yes,she is.不,她是。 No,she isn’t.是的,她不是。 5、一些特殊句式的反意疑问句 (1)陈述句是I am…结构,反意问句用aren’t I 或am not I,如: I’m right,aren’t I,我是正确的,对吗, I’m late,am not I,我迟到了,是吗, (2)陈述句的主语是不定代词时,如果是表示物的everything,anything,something,nothing时,反意问句的主语it,谓语动词用单数,如果是表示人的everybody,everyone,somebody,someone,anybody,anyone,nobody,no one时,反意问句的主语可用they,也可用he,谓语动词用相应的单、复数,如: Nothing is serious,is it,没什么严重的,是吗, No one was hurt,were they,没有人受伤,是吗, Everybody knows what I said,don’t they, 每个人都懂了我所说的,是吗, Everyone knows his job,doesn’t he, 每个人都了解他的工作,是吗, (3)如果陈述部分的主语是指示代词this,that时,疑问句的主语用it,谓语单数;如果陈述部分的主语是指示代词these,those,则疑问句的主语用they,谓语用复数,如: This is very important,isn’t it, 这是非常重要的,是吗, Those are cups,aren’t they, 这些是茶杯,是吗, (4)如果陈述部分以不定代词one作主语,附加疑问部分的主语在正式场合用one,在非正式场合用you,如: One can’t be too careful, can one(you)?最认真不过如此了,是吗? (5)陈述部分的主语是从句、不定式或动名词时,疑问部分的主语用it,谓语用单数,如: What you said is wrong,isn’t it, 你说的错了,不是吗, To learn English well isn’t easy,is it, 学好英语不容易,是吗, Practising speaking English every morning will do you good,won’t it, 每天早上练习说英语对你有好处,不是吗, (6)陈述句中的谓语动词是there be,后边的疑问部分也用there be形式,如: There is an apple on the table,isn’t there, 桌子上有只苹果,是吗, There’re some trees on the island,aren’t there,小岛上有一些树,是吗, (7)陈述句谓语动词是wish,表示征求意见时,反意问句用may,如: I wish to have another piece of cake,may I, 我想再要一块蛋糕,可以吗, I wish to go home now ,may I, 我想现在就回家,可以吗, (8)陈述句句中有hardly,seldom,rarely,no,nothing,never,little,few,nobody,nowhere,barely,neither,too…to等表示否定意义的词时,反意问句用肯定式,如: You will never forget it ,will you, 你永远不会忘记这件事,是吗, There is nothing on the table,is there, 桌子上什么也没有,是吗, She has few friends,does she, 她几乎没有朋友,是吗, (9)如果陈述句中的否定式仅带有否定词缀(前缀或后缀),则将其看成肯定句,反意问句一般仍用否定式,如: He is unfit for his job,isn’t he, 他并不适合他的工作,是吗, That’s unfair,isn’t it,那是不公平的,对吗, (10)陈述句中的谓语动词为have/has to/had to时,其疑问部分的谓语动词应用don’t /doesn’t/didn’t,如: He has to get up at four tomorrow,doesn’t he,他明天不得不4点钟起床,是吗, They had to leave early,didn’t they, 他们不得不早些离开,是吗, (11)含有情态动词must的句子 1)若陈述句中强调对现在的情况的推测,疑问部分用aren’t/isn’t+主语,如: You must be tired,aren’t you, 你一定很累了吧,对吗, 2)若陈述部分的must表示“有必要”时,附加疑问句的部分则用needn’t,如: You must go home right now,needn’t you, 你有必要马上回家,是吗, 3)当mustn’t表示禁止时,附加疑问部分一般用may,如: You mustn’t walk on grass,may you, 不许在草地上走,知道吗, (12)祈使句的反意疑问句,一般在句尾加will you,如: Give me a hand,will you,帮帮我,好吗, Stop that noise,will you,别吵了,行不行, Don’t forget it, will you? 别忘了它,好吗, Don’t talk any more,will you, 别再说话了,好吗, 注意:在陈述部分是肯定的句子中,也可用won’t you。 (13)let’s开头的祈使句的反意疑问句用shall we;let us开头的祈使句的反意疑 问句用will you,如: Let’s go there, shall we,我们去那里,好吗, Let us go there,will you, (14)主从复合句的附加问句 1)复合句的反意疑问句一般是根据主句的主语和谓语形式构成反意疑问部分的,如: didn’t he, He said that we were happy, 2)复合句的主句是I think(expect,suppose,believe,suspect,imagine)时, 附加问句要根据主句而定,主语是第一人称时,要根据从句而定,主语为第二、 三人称时,与主句保持一致,并且要注意否定的转移,如: I suppose he is serious,isn’t he, 我想他很严肃,是吗, You think she is a good teacher,don’t you, 你认为她是一个好老师,是吗, I believe he can find her mother nowhere,can he, 我相信他到哪里也找不到她的妈妈,不是吗,(注意,用nowhere为否定句) I expect they will win the match,won’t they, 我希望他们赢得那场比赛,不是吗, Your brother thinks you can do the job well,doesn’t he, 你弟弟认为你能把这项工作做好,不是吗, I don’t think he is the suitable man for the job,is he, 我认为他不是做那项工作的合适人选,不是吗, 练习题: 1. I don’t think that the necklace is made of diamond, ________? A. do I B. do you C. isn’t it D. is it 2. His wife had the carpets and the curtains cleaned, ________? A. hadn’t B. had C. didn’t she D. did she 3. It’s my son’s wedding next week, and I have to do my best for that, ____________? A. haven’t I B. don’t I C. don’t he D. isn’t it 4. Harry wouldn’t become a teacher if it hadn’t been for the holiday, ____________? A. would he B. had it C. would it D. had he 5. No one left here yesterday, ________? A. didn’t they B. did they C. didn’t one D. did one 6. Birds rarely build nests in our garden,________? A. don’t they B. do they C. didn’t they D. did they 7. You must have been to the Great Wall,____________? A. mustn’t you B. haven’t you C. aren’t you D. must you 8. Learning how to repair motors takes a long time,________? A. doesn’t it B. don’t they C. does it D. do they 9. They must have stayed at home last night,________? A. mustn’t they B. haven’t they C. didn’t they D. must they 10. I feel like going to the cinema tonight,________? A. don’t I B. don’t you C. do I D. do you 11. Let’s start out early tomorrow morning,________? A. shall we B. will you C. do you D. can’t you 12. There’s not much news in today’s newspaper,________? A. isn’t it B. is it C. isn’t there D. is there 13. They need our help badly at the moment,________? A. needn’t they B. need they C. don’t they D. do they 14. She is unfit for the position,________? A. is she B. isn’t she C. doesn’t she D. does she 15. I wish to visit America,________? A. don’t I B. can I C. may I D. may you 16. She’s been a worker here for many years,________? A. isn’t she B. is she C. hasn’t she D. has she 17. What beautiful flowers,________? A. aren’t they B. are they C. isn’t it D. is it 18. Mother used to live in a poor village,____________? A. used she B. usedn’t she C. didn’t he D. did he 19. You’d better go at once,________? A. wouldn’t you B. had you C. hadn’t you D. should you 20. I am very interested in Mark Twain’s novels,________? A. aren’t I B. am not I C. aren’t you D. are you
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