

2017-12-06 21页 doc 58KB 20阅读




椰棕生产线投资概算椰棕生产线投资概算 二零一零年九月二十七日 specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring repor...
椰棕生产线投资概算 二零一零年九月二十七日 specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 一、 基本预备费: 单位(万元) 序 号 费 用 名 称 数 量 金 额 合 计 备 注 名 称 1 厂房租金 2000? 2.4×6个月 14.4 2 设备购置费 1台套 114.72 114.72 3 安装调试费 1台套 1.14 1.14 4 基础材料费 0.748605 0.748605 5 公用工程费 6.715740 6.715740 6 服务与生活福利工程 226? 0.8660 0.8660 7 工资与福利费 2.6800 2.6800 8 公司注册费用 0.7393 0.7393 9 合计 142.009645 二、 建设期利息 建设期利息是指工程项目在建设期间内发生并计入固定资产的利息,主要是建设期发生的支付银行贷款、出口信贷、债券等的借款利息和融资费用。建设期利息应按借款要求和条件计算。国内银行借款按现行贷款计算,国外贷款利息按协议或贷款意向书确定的利率按复利计算。为了简化计算,在编制投资估算时通常假定借款均在每年的年中支用,借款第一年按半年计息,其余各年份按全年计息。 计算公式为:各年应计利息,(年初借款本息累计+本年借款额,2)×年利率计算 注:年利率为4.85%。 三、 流动资金预算: 单位:(万元) 名 称 一 方案二 项 目 生产资金 7.3325 7.3325 储备资金 41.6 77.8 成品资金 54.045 86.503 合计 102.9775 171.6355 注:方案一:生产2000×1800×10(?)椰棕垫芯料。 方案二:计划生产2000×1800×20(?)椰棕垫芯料。 specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 四、 生产线资金总额: 单位:(万元) 项 目 基本预备费 建设期利息 流动资金预算 合计 名 称 方案一 102.9775 244.9875 142.01 方案二 171.6355 313.6455 specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 椰棕生产线资金概算 一、固定资产投资总额:1420096.45元 1、工程费用:(厂房租金)144000.00元 整条椰棕生产线的占地面积约为2000?,按照福州市目前厂房租赁均价为12元/?,合计24000元/月×6个月=144000.00元。 2、设备购置费:1147200.00元 (1)KY-800型椰棕生产线,(总重量为48吨)整套设备价格为1100000.00元。 (2)设备装、卸费:10000.00元。 3)设备运输费;16000.00元。 ( (4)叉车:20000元。 (5)培训费;1200元。 3、设备安装、调试费:11400.00元 (依据合同规定甲方负责乙方技术人员交通与膳住费用) (1)安装技术员(2人)当地交通与膳住费: 五、 住宿费:2×120×30=7200元 ×50×30=3000元 六、 膳食费:2 七、 交通费:2×20×30=1200元 4、设备基础材料费:7486.05元 (1)245#水泥5吨、沙子10立方、石子6立方、砖头4000块: 单位:(元) 名 称 规格 单位 单价 数量 总价 备 注 水 泥 425# 吨 309.21 5 1546.05 粗 130 沙 子 中 立方 100 10 1000 细 90 石 子 立方 90 6 540 砖头 24×12×5(?) 块 0.30 4000 1200 合 计 4286.05 (2)地脚缧栓、缧杆、缧帽、斜铁等:300元 (3)挖、砌基础人工费:20天×120元=2400元 (4)吊装设备辅助工具费:500元 specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 5、公共工程费用:67157.40元 (1)照明线路材料费与人工费:2465.00元 单位:(元) 名称 型号 单位 单价 数量 总计 备注 欧普照明灯具 YPZ220/45-4U 个 50 25 1250 厂房 灯头 E27 个 2.0 30 60 室内照明 个 10 10 100 室内 普通灯头 个 2.0 10 20 缆线 BV2.5 百米 127 5 635 安装费 人 100 2×2 400 合计 2465 (2)给水网:7740.00元 给水PP—R管材价格表(天力) 单位(元) 材料名称 规格几型号 单位 单价 使用数量 合计 备注 PP—R管材 Φ32×4.4mm 米 16.5 350 5775.00 弯头 90? 个 2.5 60 150.00 直角 Φ32 个 2.2 100 220.00 内牙弯头 90? 个 12.5 20 250.00 等径三通 Φ32 个 4.0 20 80.00 截止阀 Φ32 个 38.5 10 385.00 活结球阀 Φ32 个 58.0 10 580.00 铁抱卡 个 3.0 100 300.00 合计 7740.00 specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the (3)排水网:6474.00元 排水材料PVC—U(A型)价格表(中财) 单位(元) 材料名称 规格几型号 单位 单价 使用数量 合计 备注 排水管 Φ110mm 米 17.86 180 3214.80 立管检查口 Φ110mm 个 23.46 30 703.80 45?弯头 Φ110mm 个 10.58 30 317.40 管箍 Φ110mm 个 6.36 90 572.40 P型存水弯 Φ110mm 个 31.5 30 945.00 伸缩节 Φ110mm 个 7.78 30 233.40 直通 Φ110mm 个 4.12 60 247.20 粘接剂 大 瓶 12.0 20 240.00 合计 6474.00 (4)消防设施:15314.00元 消防材料价格表 单位(元) 使用数材料名称 规格几型号 单位 单价 合计 备注 量 镀锌管 Φ50mm 米 35.0 260 9100.00 消防栓 户外 套 418.00 3 1254.00 消防栓 室内 套 59.0 10 590.00 消防箱 80×650×740mm 套 300 5 1500.00 消防水带 Φ65mm 卷 100.00 10 1000.00 灭火器 2kg(干粉) 瓶 38.00 10 380.00 灭火器 二氧化碳 瓶 149.0 10 1490.00 合计 15314.00 specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the (5)变配电工程:35164.40元 设备购置费 单位(元) 名称 型号 单位 数量 价格 总计 备注 5×6 卷 5 378 1890 90,/卷 百米 BVR4 5 225 1125 500m 缆线 百米 BVR1.5 10 85 850 1000, 百米 BV2.5 10 127 1270 1000, 低压开GGD-1/2/3 套 1 25000 25000 关柜 铝母线 kg 6 48 288.00 排 铝母线 LGJ120/25 kg 236.97 20 4739.40 1千米为526.6kg 合计 35164.4 6、服务与生活福利工程:8660.00元 (1)员工宿舍:4000元/月 整条生产线需员工10名,管理人员2名总共12名,需要宿舍、食堂面积约为200?,根据福州市目前住房租赁均价20元/?,合计4000元/月人民币。 (2)办公与生活家具购置费:4180.00元 单位(元) 材料名称 单位 单价 数量 合计 备注 双层铁架床 套 200.00 6 1200.00 单人床架 套 150.00 2 300.00 床头柜 件 100.00 8 800.00 桌子 件 150.00 8 1200.00 椅子 件 20.00 8 160.00 办公桌 套 200.00 2 400.00 办公椅 件 60.00 2 120.00 合计 4180.00 (3)水电费:40元/人,合计40×12=480元。 7、员工工资与福利费:26800.00元 (1)生产线员工:10人×2000元/月=20000元 (2)管理人员:2人×3400元/月=6800元 8、公司注册费用:7393.00元 (1)工商:1975元(其中包括:开户费:65元、 验资费:800元、银行征询specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 费:300元、注册登记费:810元)。 (2)税务:418元(其中包括:代码证书费:108元、税务征收费:10元、开户费:300元)。 (3)环保:3000元(环评报告)。 (4)消防;2000元(消防验收报告)。 9、预备费: (1)基本预备费: 单位(万元) 序号 费 用 名 称 数 量 金 额 合 计 备 注 名称 1 厂房租金 2000? 2.4×6个月 14.4 2 设备购置费 1台套 114.72 114.72 3 安装调试费 1台套 1.14 1.14 4 基础材料费 0.748605 0.748605 5 公用工程费 6.715740 6.715740 6 服务与生活福利工程 226? 0.8660 0.8660 7 工资与福利费 2.6800 2.6800 8 公司注册费用 0.7393 0.7393 9 合计 142.009645 (2)涨价预备费: 国家计委关于加强对基本建设大中型项目概算中“价差预备费”管理有关问的通知。差价预备费投资价格指数为零计算。 二、建设期利息: 建设期利息是指工程项目在建设期间内发生并计入固定资产的利息,主要是建设期发生的支付银行贷款、出口信贷、债券等的借款利息和融资费用。建设期利息应按借款要求和条件计算。国内银行借款按现行贷款计算,国外贷款利息按协议书或贷款意向书确定的利率按复利计算。为了简化计算,在编制投资估算时通常假定借款均在每年的年中支用,借款第一年按半年计息,其余各年份按全年计息。 计算公式为:各年应计利息,(年初借款本息累计+本年借款额,2)×年利率计算 注:年利率为4.85%。 三、流动资金估算: 流动资金包括生产资金、储备资金、成品资金、结算资金等。 (1)生产资金: 生产资金是企业在生产阶段所占用的资金,包括在产品和自制半成品,待摊费用也包括在内。 specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 方案一: 棕床垫规格:2000×1800×10mm 单位:万元/月 名 称 单 价 单 位 数 量 金 额 备 注 项 目 电费 0.7 元/度 40000度 2.8 水费 2.1 元/吨 250吨 0.0525 厂房租金 15 元/? 1200? 1.8 员工工资 2233.33 元/月 12人 2.68 合计 7.3325 方案二: 棕床垫规格:2000×1800×20mm 单位:万元/月 名 称 单 价 单 位 数 量 金 额 备注 项 目 电费 0.7 元/度 40000度 2.8 水费 2.1 元/吨 250吨 0.0525 厂房租金 15 元/? 1200? 1.8 员工工资 2233..33 元/月 12人 2.68 合计 7.3325 (2)储备资金: 储备资金是企业在储备阶段所占用的资金,包括库存的原料及主要材料、辅助材料、燃料、包装物、修理用备件以及在库和用的低值易耗品等,还包括在途材料所占的资金。 方案一: 椰棕床垫规格:2000×1800×10mm 椰棕床垫规格:2000×1800×10mm厚度原料储备 名称 单价(元/吨) 重量(吨) 总价(万元) 椰棕丝 3000 112 33.6 胶水 1000 73 7.3 煤 500元/吨 100 5.0 设备备件 0.5 合计 41.6 specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 方案二: 椰棕床垫规格:2000×1800×20mm 椰棕床垫规格:2000×1800×20mm厚度原料储备 名称 单价(元/吨) 重量(吨) 总价(万元) 椰棕丝 3000 207 62.1 胶水 1000 150 15 煤 500元/吨 100 5.0 设备备件 0.5 合计 77.8 (3)成品资金: 成品资金是占用在企业产品成品上的资金,包括产成品和外购商品。 方案一: 椰棕床垫规格:2000×1800×10mm 名称 规格 价格元/? 产量(天/?) 总价值(万元) 椰棕床垫 2000×1800×10 4.804 4500 54.045 备注 工作时间:25天/月 方案二: 椰棕床垫规格:2000×1800×20mm 名称 规格 价格元/? 产量(天/?) 总价值(万元) 椰棕床垫 2000×1800×20 7.522 4600 86.503 备注 工作时间:25天/月 (4)结算资金:(结算资金是处于结算过程的资金,如应收销货款等。) specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 成本核算 方案一: 单位:元/? 2000×1800×10mm硬垫为 产能:450?/小时 胶水 0.5525(850元/T) 椰丝 3.0(3000元/T) 设备(五年折旧) 0.133(110万) 厂房租金 0.128(12元/?*月、S:1200?) 人员工资 0.148(2000元/人 n:10人) 电费 0.249(电价0.7元/度 P:160KW) 税收 0.49 管理费(5,) 0.235 总计 4.936 单条生产线 胶水用量 0.65(kg/?) 椰棕丝用量 1.0(kg/?) 半成品产量 450(?/小时) 胶水与椰棕丝量比例 1 :1.54 备注: 1、工作日25天/月,10小时/天; 2、月总生产量112500?; 3、销售价:9.5元/?,出厂价:4.936元/?; 4、月总产值:106.875万,净产值:51.345万元(利润率达到48.1%)。 specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 方案二: 单位:元/? 单位:元/? 2000×1800×20mm的硬垫为标准(460?/小时) 胶水 0.85(850元,t) 椰丝 5.4(3000元/吨) 设备(5年折旧) 0.133/(110万) 厂房租金 0.128(12元/?*月、1200?) 人员工资 0.145(2000元,人、10人) 电费 0.244(0.7元,度)P:160kw/小时 税收 0.49 管理费(5,) 0.376 总计 7.881 单条生产线 胶水用量 1.0(kg/?) 椰棕丝用量 1.8(kg/?) 半成品产量 460(?/小时) 胶水与椰棕丝量比例 1 :1.8 备注: 1、 工作日25天/月,10小时/天; 2、 月总生产量115000?; 3、 销售价:8.5元/?,出厂价:7.881元/?。 4、 月总产值:97.75万,净产值:7.1185万元(利润率达到7.3%); specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the
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