
福播天下 健康人类

2017-09-21 11页 doc 35KB 8阅读




福播天下 健康人类福播天下 健康人类 福播天下 健康人类 福生堂,香港,国际集团有限公司 兰州众友药店培训计划纲要 一、 培训目的 通过此次培训促进公司与兰州众友之间的合作关系,更主要的通过对众友店员的培训,使得福生堂品牌产品在兰州得到更好的推广~ 二、 培训目标 使众友大部分店员了解福生堂,了解福生堂的产品;使众友会员顾客对福生堂产品的了解,从而加深对保健这一方面的认知。 三、 培训对象及类型 主要针对兰州众友药店的店员及众友众多会员顾客朋友,进行一场小型的讲座。 四、培训内容 第一篇:店员部分 第一部分:对“福生堂”作...
福播天下 健康人类
福播天下 健康人类 福播天下 健康人类 福生堂,香港,国际集团有限公司 兰州众友药店纲要 一、 培训目的 通过此次培训促进公司与兰州众友之间的合作关系,更主要的通过对众友店员的培训,使得福生堂品牌产品在兰州得到更好的推广~ 二、 培训目标 使众友大部分店员了解福生堂,了解福生堂的产品;使众友会员顾客对福生堂产品的了解,从而加深对保健这一方面的认知。 三、 培训对象及类型 主要针对兰州众友药店的店员及众友众多会员顾客朋友,进行一场小型的讲座。 四、培训 第一篇:店员部分 第一部分:对“福生堂”作以简单的介绍 1、 福生堂的起源 2、 福生堂公司的简介 3、 公司“诚信、合作、可持续发展、关爱”的理念 of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the 4、 健康事业为朝阳产业,福生堂致力于保健行业的NO。1,从 而实现“福播天下,健康人类”健康理念。 5、 保健食品对药店及个人销售的影响 第二部分:药店人员素质的提升 (一)、药店人员观念的转变才能创造利润 1、简析医药改革对医疗事业的影响,全国药店的大力发展,趋势为哪般 2、随着药店发展的变化,作为药店人员应具备的心态、观念、素质 (二)、药店人员应具备的与销售技巧 1、店员应掌握的基本知识 2、店员的行为规范 3、促销技巧 4、店员的形象规范 5、店员的礼仪规范 6、店员对顾客异议的处理规范 第三部分:药店人员专业技能的提升(福生堂“海维特”实战性的产品讲解) 1、 将福生堂产品归类讲解 of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the (儿童补钙益智健脑类;强健体能,提高免疫力类;清脂降糖,心脑血管类;改善睡眠类;美容美肤,塑身美体类) 2、 产品组合销售 (日常必需的营养组合;老年人常见营养组合;儿童成长营养组合;男士营养组合;女士营养组合) 3、 产品搭配销售与药品之间搭配 4、 了解福生堂产品的渠道、知名度、工艺特点、了解产品的品质、 服用方法 5、 福生堂产品配方上的特点及优势 6、 销售产品是穿插顾客常见的消费心理(干性、理性、经济、习 惯、好奇、不定型) 7、 如何解决顾客使用保健食品中的异议,怎样获得顾客回头率。 第四部分:怎样提高药店的营业额 1、 药店管理的出路,盈利的空间在那些方面, 2、 药店人员礼仪(仪容、接待、语言艺术、团队协作)对药店销 售影响。 3、 药店保健食品(高毛利产品)与药物之间的关系及与药品的搭 配销售 4、 药店保健食品(高毛利产品)与药品搭配销售需掌握的知识 (1)、营养学(以产品为主的营养素讲解:维生素、矿物质、蛋白质of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the 等) (2)、简单的西医内科临床知识及常见药物与保健食品(高毛利产品)搭配销售 如:三高、胃、贫血、感冒、过敏、妇科、口腔、美肤美容等等 (3)、药品保健品关联搭配原理 (血脂、血压、糖尿病、胃药、等高毛利用药) 第五部分:结束语 第二篇:会员部分 第一部分:对“福生堂”作以简单的介绍 1、 福生堂的起源 2、 福生堂公司的简介 3、 公司“诚信、合作、可持续发展、关爱”的理念 4、 健康事业为朝阳产业,福生堂致力于保健行业的NO。1,从 而实现“福播天下,健康人类”健康理念。 第二部分:营养健康知识阐述 (一)健康的阐述 健康生活方式 of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the 1、 健康的概念 2、 健康的挑战 3、 心理压力与健康 4、 生活方式与心血管疾病 5、 情绪与心血管疾病 (二) 、营养知识 1、 多种维生素与人体健康 2、 矿物质与人体健康 第三部分:日常生活与营养健康 1、冬季健康养生全功略 2、走出冬季保健误区 3、 能增长记忆力的食品 4、增强记忆力7大美食 5、治失眠,得对症用药 6、饭后不宜一杯茶 7、饭后别犯这三种错误 8、煮牛奶的禁忌 9、小窍门:温水泡米有助钙的吸收 10、掌握四要素 水果放心吃 11、预防胃癌从改变生活方式开始 of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the 12、豆类食品不是肾病患者禁忌 13、健康饮酒六原则 14、日常生活中注意心理保护 15、脾气差,可能是缺营养 16、塑造美丽从生活小处做起 17、养血食物令女性美丽 18、女人“骨气”不容忽视~ 19、冲出减肥三大误区的迷障 20、心脑血管病患者安全度夏“八须知 21、夏季家中应常备的中成药 22、注意用药也要讲究先后顺序 23、猪肉,每天最多吃80克 24、十大当季最营养蔬菜 25、蔬菜的十大致命错误吃法 第四部分:结束语 五、 培训主讲:程才武 六、 培训时间:2007年11月13日(上午:9:00—12:00, 下午:3:00—6:00) 11月14日 下午:2:00—6:00 of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the
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