

2018-02-09 9页 doc 30KB 41阅读




西帕依固龈液市场诊断分析西帕依固龈液市场诊断分析 前段时间我为一个朋友诊断了他的一个产品,目前产品在市场上投入了100多万,而销售额就连基本的广告费用还没有捞回来,问我问题到底出在哪里,为什么产品在终端卖不动,下一步又要准备走大通路,而且马上需要进行全国招商。沟通几次后,通过了解他们的产品、渠道、广告、等几个方面。具体内容如下: 产品名字:西柏依 产品的主要功效:是健齿固龈,清血止痛。用于牙周疾病引起的牙齿酸软,咀嚼无力,松动移位,牙龈出血以及口舌生疮,咽喉肿痛,口臭咽臭。国药准字产品,效果不错,回头客很多。 渠道:分销商的终端180家专柜、...
西帕依固龈液市场诊断 前段时间我为一个朋友诊断了他的一个产品,目前产品在市场上投入了100多万,而销售额就连基本的广告费用还没有捞回来,问我问到底出在哪里,为什么产品在终端卖不动,下一步又要准备走大通路,而且马上需要进行全国招商。沟通几次后,通过了解他们的产品、渠道、广告、等几个方面。具体内容如下: 产品名字:西柏依 产品的主要功效:是健齿固龈,清血止痛。用于牙周疾病引起的牙齿酸软,咀嚼无力,松动移位,牙龈出血以及口舌生疮,咽喉肿痛,口臭咽臭。国药准字产品,效果不错,回头客很多。 渠道:分销商的终端180家专柜、其它为货架 铺货率:目前终端总数为大概400多家,120家A类店 人员:终端流动促销员15人、每人负责30家店流动促销,每天到不同药店做流动促销。业务这边也有问题,待遇太低,都不愿意做事。 零售价格为: 19.8元/瓶、44.2元/瓶 规格:30ml、100ml 每瓶产品使用天数:产品30ml的用2天,100ml的用8天。 用法用量:每天2--3次,每次 5--10ml 产品背景:这个产品是新疆生产的,武汉一个经销商做了全国总经销 广告:目前在市场上广告以半版报纸软文为主 投入产出比:费用投入100多万,前期的广告费和销售额比例1:1都没有 产品主要竞品:云南白药牙膏 rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or concrete are monitored and recorded and submitted to the supervisor. (4) we will according to instructions, to test drill core and concrete-core, and test records and results submitted to the supervisor. (5) we shall each box or two color photo for each core sample, and made detailed records of the drilling operation, should be submitted to the supervisor. (6) the supervisor indicating core that should be saved, stored at the specified location to prevent loss and mixed. 11.3.4 drilling protection construction drawings shown in all drill holes should be properly protected until acceptance so far. 11.4 water borehole flushing and pressure testing 11.4.1 General requirements (1) prior to the Grouting, all grout hole (above) fissure cleaning and water pressure test. (2) faults, fractures and other areas with complex geological conditions, its crack washing the grout hole, should be directed by the supervisor or by field test method. 11.4.2 flushing (1) hole should be flush. We shall be using Feng Shui as directed by supervisor joint flush or catheters into the traffic 主要投放的媒体:楚天都市报和晚报 投放策略:每星期各半版 文案内容:1/3的内容为渠道专柜地址和电话,2/3内容为硬广告,主要介绍产品治疗口腔溃疡和治疗时间以及治疗各种口腔疾病的有效率、产品图。 在目前市场上的销售情况下,他们准备下一步进军大通路。通过了解以上的内容后,我觉得他们的产品存在着前期的产品策划问题、销售整合问题、广告等一系列的问题,建议必须赶快重新洗牌,才大有出路~ 第一部分、前期产品策划问题 1.没有产品背景:产品既然是新疆的,那就应该营造出一个新疆的产品背景出来,比如说:这个产品是成为新疆家喻户晓的中药产品。再造出一个好的传说,我们现在大家了解的新疆都是因为旅游的景点和新疆的特产,完成可以通过新疆的神秘特色体现出来。 2.没有产品研制背景:宣传上说产品效果很好,那是谁研制的,他又是根据什么配方来研制的,在研制过程中发现了什么,为什么说这个产品有效果, 3.没有品牌带动:西柏依是新疆语言翻译过来的汉语,原意的意思是神奇,从产品的名字上来解释,没有几个人知道这个词语是什么意思,可能只有新疆人看到翻译过来的汉字,然后用新疆语来解释可能才知道这个产品叫神奇,这个产品的商标和产品完成脱节。所以应该重新注册一个商标,或者重新给产品一个名字,让消费者一看这个产品的名字就应该知道这个产品大概是哪个方面的药品。 4.产品没有机理:有新疆的配方做为背景来支撑产品,产品现在这样去抄作,就应该有好的机理来衬托产品,而产品又是通过什么途径产生的效果,在产品的软文里面都没有体现出来。而且还可以根据新疆的特色来编造机理。 rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or concrete are monitored and recorded and submitted to the supervisor. (4) we will according to instructions, to test drill core and concrete-core, and test records and results submitted to the supervisor. (5) we shall each box or two color photo for each core sample, and made detailed records of the drilling operation, should be submitted to the supervisor. (6) the supervisor indicating core that should be saved, stored at the specified location to prevent loss and mixed. 11.3.4 drilling protection construction drawings shown in all drill holes should be properly protected until acceptance so far. 11.4 water borehole flushing and pressure testing 11.4.1 General requirements (1) prior to the Grouting, all grout hole (above) fissure cleaning and water pressure test. (2) faults, fractures and other areas with complex geological conditions, its crack washing the grout hole, should be directed by the supervisor or by field test method. 11.4.2 flushing (1) hole should be flush. We shall be using Feng Shui as directed by supervisor joint flush or catheters into the traffic 5.产品没有概念:什么概念才合适这个产品,继续跟风,还是树立规则,好的概念可以成为行业规则的制定者,既然已经投入了100万,而且回头购买的消费者也很多,那就证明产品的疗效是能让消费者认可了。那就可以打破传统的概念来大抄一下概念了,提炼产品疗法或者是预防之类的做为概念。 6.产品配方药物没有背景:西柏依产品里有些什么药物,每个药物都有什么治疗作用或者保健作用,怎样直接的让消费者了解,用形容或者比喻的方式来体现给消费者,新疆人很喜欢吃烤全羊,而烤全羊很热气,为什么新疆人不会得口腔溃疡呢,因为新疆人经常食用一种新疆特有的一种药材,这中药材对口腔疾病有非常好的疗效。产品的成分背景很快就出来了。只是厂家没有去发掘~ 7.没有目标消费人群:目标消费人群在哪里,而且在目前宣传策略上没有体现出来~潜在消费者也没有挖掘出来,产品现在开打武汉市场,而武汉就非常喜欢吃烧烤和麻辣,大家都知道,吃这些东西当然非常容易得口腔类的疾病,需要预防,产品在宣传的策略上,可以加上这样的内容,告诉消费者,疾病在于预防,王老吉一句广告语:怕上火,喝王老吉,在武汉吃这些东西的人基本上都会喝王老吉~而王老吉当然就卖得火热了~ 8.没有产品故事:大家都知道,新疆给消费者有一种很神秘的感觉,所以造出一个神秘的产品故事来衬托一下产品是非常有必要的。就像阿凡提的故事一样,产品也可以利用阿凡提的故事背景,来编造出一个产品故事。比如说,新疆有一年因为大家太喜欢吃烧烤,很多人都得了口腔溃疡,然后大家找到阿凡提大叔。阿凡提大叔找到一种神秘的草药然后治好了大家的口腔疾病,从此新疆人就经常用这个草药来预防上火或者口腔溃疡~产品的故事就出来了~ 第二部分、销售策划 1.渠道没有目标:在所有专柜上,能卖货的专柜没有几个,基本上都是摆了一个样品在上 rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or concrete are monitored and recorded and submitted to the supervisor. (4) we will according to instructions, to test drill core and concrete-core, and test records and results submitted to the supervisor. (5) we shall each box or two color photo for each core sample, and made detailed records of the drilling operation, should be submitted to the supervisor. (6) the supervisor indicating core that should be saved, stored at the specified location to prevent loss and mixed. 11.3.4 drilling protection construction drawings shown in all drill holes should be properly protected until acceptance so far. 11.4 water borehole flushing and pressure testing 11.4.1 General requirements (1) prior to the Grouting, all grout hole (above) fissure cleaning and water pressure test. (2) faults, fractures and other areas with complex geological conditions, its crack washing the grout hole, should be directed by the supervisor or by field test method. 11.4.2 flushing (1) hole should be flush. We shall be using Feng Shui as directed by supervisor joint flush or catheters into the traffic 面。没有抓住卖货的专柜。采点就有很大的问题,武汉有大概120家A类终端,启动之前应该先抓这些终端,然后做好系列的产品知识。使产品一上市,消费者看到广告后,前来咨询的时候购买率需要达到50%以上。 2.终端促销缺乏产品知识:从目前的终端抽查下,有一半的促销不能回答产品的知识~ 3.没有市场启动方案:西柏依上市就是达到铺货率,没有启动方案来带动,前期上市你应该采什么点,是不是A类店,还是终端,也没有一个活动来带动市场,产品上市前期应该根据当地的市场来进行分割,或者是一个区一个区由大带小。统一做一个促销活动,15个促销人员每天变换选择不同的15个终端来做活动,然后慢慢的延伸,配合业务人员来开发终端,这样去铺货才能抓到好终端,卖货的终端~ 4.没有上市活动:产品上市,没有策划一个好的活动,并能让消费者接受并达成购买,连最基本抢眼球的买赠活动也没有,也没有符合产品治疗疾病的礼品。口腔范围应该送牙膏或者牙刷之类的礼品,或者买大瓶送小瓶。 第三部分、广告策划 1.产品没有形象代言:产品既然是新疆的,但是没有新疆的形象来符合产品,所以完成可以找一个新疆的或者家喻户晓的人来代言,但前提,这个人物必须是新疆的。从上面的产品故事上,我们完全用卡通的阿凡提或者电视剧“阿凡提”的扮演者来做产品的形象代言人~而且阿凡提是全国家喻户晓的大人物,本身就非常有神秘感,产品是阿凡提推荐的,消费者当然会接受产品了~ 2.没有教育市场:厂家和用过产品的人都说西帕依治疗口腔疾病的效果很好,但是什么样的人最会得口腔疾病,潜在发病率有多少,在没有这些的数据上,就在文案软文上直接去说西帕依的治疗效果,那文案软文肯定就没有好的效果了~ 3.没有权威机构认证:光说产品有好效果,就一个国药的批文,产品通过什么机构认证, rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or concrete are monitored and recorded and submitted to the supervisor. (4) we will according to instructions, to test drill core and concrete-core, and test records and results submitted to the supervisor. (5) we shall each box or two color photo for each core sample, and made detailed records of the drilling operation, should be submitted to the supervisor. (6) the supervisor indicating core that should be saved, stored at the specified location to prevent loss and mixed. 11.3.4 drilling protection construction drawings shown in all drill holes should be properly protected until acceptance so far. 11.4 water borehole flushing and pressure testing 11.4.1 General requirements (1) prior to the Grouting, all grout hole (above) fissure cleaning and water pressure test. (2) faults, fractures and other areas with complex geological conditions, its crack washing the grout hole, should be directed by the supervisor or by field test method. 11.4.2 flushing (1) hole should be flush. We shall be using Feng Shui as directed by supervisor joint flush or catheters into the traffic 或者西柏依产品可以做一个宣传活动,然后请当地的公证处来现场公证,用了产品的消费者,满意率是多少,有效率是多少,口腔预防协会机构认证也很有说服力,或者成立一个口腔治疗中心或康复中心,这样就大大的提高了产品的可信度~ 4.报纸投放策略有问题:目前文案的内容为半版的投放,但是,这样的版位合适后期产品维护宣传,既然投放在有影响的报纸,就要找出最佳的投放时间和版位,然后进行整版的教育,并且每个星期应该保持在2-3个整版宣传~ 5.文案单一:从开始投放市场就选择一个半版做为前期的宣传,而半版的文案始终没有变过,而且半版文案的宣传内容也不到位, 1/3的内容为渠道专柜地址和电话,2/3内容为硬广告,主要介绍产品治疗口腔溃疡和治疗时间以及治疗各种口腔疾病的有效率、产品图。所以应该配合恐吓、八卦、机理、流行、热卖、科学版文案的整版文案进行系列宣传能显出广告效果~ 6.终端包装:在A类店或者是专柜的终端应该做好大规模的产品终端包装,比如:POP、喷绘,强抢消费者眼球,让消费者靠近终端和在终端购物时,都能看到产品宣传物料,而且终端包装费用也比较便宜。 目前治疗口腔大抄的产品还很少,解决以上三大部分问题,把产品前期策划好,渠道调整好,人员培训好,报纸投放策略好,产品宣传好,将会是2007年口腔类产品的一道亮点,在终端形成热卖的时候然后改成走大通路,才能真正的卖货,就像筋骨活在广东市场上一样,前期把终端做透后考虑走大通路,目前每个月都保持在几百万的销售额~ rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or concrete are monitored and recorded and submitted to the supervisor. (4) we will according to instructions, to test drill core and concrete-core, and test records and results submitted to the supervisor. (5) we shall each box or two color photo for each core sample, and made detailed records of the drilling operation, should be submitted to the supervisor. (6) the supervisor indicating core that should be saved, stored at the specified location to prevent loss and mixed. 11.3.4 drilling protection construction drawings shown in all drill holes should be properly protected until acceptance so far. 11.4 water borehole flushing and pressure testing 11.4.1 General requirements (1) prior to the Grouting, all grout hole (above) fissure cleaning and water pressure test. (2) faults, fractures and other areas with complex geological conditions, its crack washing the grout hole, should be directed by the supervisor or by field test method. 11.4.2 flushing (1) hole should be flush. We shall be using Feng Shui as directed by supervisor joint flush or catheters into the traffic
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