

2017-09-26 16页 doc 241KB 20阅读




东北大学交换生心得东北大学交换生心得 東北大學交換生心得 日文四 張郁涵 去年九月底帶著期待又忐忑不安的心情,到了中正機場還偷偷掉了幾滴捨不得家裡的眼淚,飛到了東京,又轉了夜行巴士到了日本東北的仙台。到了仙台已經進了初秋,到的時候又是凌晨,我的日本求學就在冷颼颼的一天開始了。 到了仙台的第一眼看見的人就是台灣東北留學生會的學長姐們,不但在凌晨五點多到車站接我們,還帶我們到留學生會館辦理進住的手續,已經住在會館裡的學長姐更是一大早被我們吵起床提供早餐。在東北大學唸書最享受的就是留學生學長姐及華僑的照顧,帶著我們辦理滯在手續、採買日用品、認...
东北大学交换生 東北大學交換生心得 日文四 張郁涵 去年九月底帶著期待又忐忑不安的心情,到了中正機場還偷偷掉了幾滴捨不得家裡的眼淚,飛到了東京,又轉了夜行巴士到了日本東北的仙台。到了仙台已經進了初秋,到的時候又是凌晨,我的日本求學就在冷颼颼的一天開始了。 到了仙台的第一眼看見的人就是台灣東北留學生會的學長姐們,不但在凌晨五點多到車站接我們,還帶我們到留學生會館辦理進住的手續,已經住在會館裡的學長姐更是一大早被我們吵起床提供早餐。在東北大學唸書最享受的就是留學生學長姐及華僑的照顧,帶著我們辦理滯在手續、採買日用品、認路等等。假日有車的學長酌收一點點汽油費還會帶我們去賞楓泡湯,或者一起聚餐。開始上課後同領域的學姊還告訴我選課等等的事情,讓我享受到很多台灣人情的溫暖,在開始的日子裡也就很快的可以適應了。 學校生活 日本的學期制很獨特,四月開始是第一個學期,我們到達日本是十月第二個學期。第一個星期是預備周,所以第一周我們到學校辦理各種手續,並且很快的和自己的指導教授見了面。台大和東北大學的交換生計畫除了,,,,:英文授課的計畫:之外,其他的都是學部的交換。像本屆我們五個人都是隸屬於這種交換。這個計畫的交換生的好處是,我們分別被打散在各個自己想去的學科,關於學科的選擇,在確定可以去交換計畫後交正式申請單的時候,就可以說明自己想研究的領域,建議以後要去的學弟妹可以上東北大學網站參考有哪些領域的學科。此外,每一個台大的交換生都有一個指導教授,教授所屬的研究室也就是你進的研究室。指導教授對交換生很照顧,每個學期的開始會和我討論我的選課,定期也會問問你的近況等等。我進的研究室是近代史研究室,老師的專門是近現代史中對於世界大戰及戰後的關心。 日本大學的上課方式也與台大很不一樣。台大除了研究所以上的課以外,大部分都是大堂課,也就是老師講課,學生聽課。在日本的大學,除了大一大二的基礎科目的大堂課以外:在日本,大一、大二學生是只分文科理科,大三以後才分專門:,其他的課都是研究室的Seminar。每個人要輪流報告,碩博士班的學生發表自己的專門,大學部的學生發表自己的畢業論文題目。也有的課是一個學期選幾本書大家輪流報告,期末交報告的形式進行。 我想是因為這樣的授課方式的進行,所以東北大學的各學科比起台大來說都是很迷你的。譬如說我的研究室隸屬於日本史學科,一個年級的人數才十五個左右。再往下分細目的專門,譬如說日本近代史研究室,一個年級的學生才四、五個人。我對於日本的大學的精英教育政策非常的嘆為觀止,除了人數少以外,每個人所具備的查資料,讀論文等等做學問的能力都在大學時代養成。 普遍來說,大家一個學期修的學分都不是太多,因為花在讀報告所需要的書籍及查資料等等需要的時間是雙倍。日本大學生的打工風氣很盛,雖不敢說是自41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 立自強,但是我所認識的日本大學生花在打工的時間很多,幾乎零花的部分都是自己賺取,讓我們這些台灣學生都很驚訝。 除了正規大學學部的課程我們都可以選修以外:我想是不受限制的:,學校的留學生課也有開日語課程給留學生。但是程度對於台灣留日的留學生來說,也許稍微簡單了一些。因為學校裡西方的留學生也甚多,日文對他們來講大約是很困難,學校開的基礎課程也就比較多了。我自己的情況是下學期以後都沒有修習,但是據說像是論文寫作課等等對台灣學生的幫助比較大。日語方面,倒是在研究室的課中進步的比較快。 鼓勵尚是大學部的交換生們多多修習研究室的課程。因為是大三以上至博士班的所有學生同聚一堂上課,所以學術水準很高,在台大很難有這樣的機會。一開始的時候也覺得內容艱澀,日語的用字遣詞和日常用語天壤之別,一旦習慣後,加上若是課餘的時間多跟研究室的學長姐打交道,收穫很大。 一個人的宿舍生活 東北大學為每個交換學生提供物超所值的宿舍一年。不但房租便宜:一個月房租、水電林林總總加起來不超過,,,,,日幣:,更是一人一大間,雖然不是頂新,但住起來很舒適。尤其到了冬天,仙台零度左右的氣溫下,交流會館的房間比起外面的租屋真是溫暖許多。此外在國際交流會館的好處就是大家可以互相照顧,並有機會認識各國的留學生。這都是很珍貴的學習。 會館附近的生活機能相當好,離學校腳踏車程是剛剛好達到每日運動量的,,分鐘,離超市、便利商店也很近。房間附廚房,雖然仙台的外食費不比東京,但是還是自己煮飯會來的經濟實惠一些。每年前人留下的烤箱和微波爐等等更是可以充分利用。建議大家剛開始的時候帶一點簡單的食譜去,雖然失敗是難免的。 學校的食堂吃飯很便宜,吃一餐東點西點大約不會超過,,,日幣,吃的營養也比較均衡。但是唯一的缺點是,一年到頭菜單難得更改,吃個一個月就可以膩了。 此外,仙台有很多國際交流組織,其中一個和學校建立了接待家庭網。每個留學生只要和學校報名就會派一個在仙台的接待家庭照顧你。我很幸運的遇到一位留過洋的日本媽媽,很能體會留學生的生活,常常邀我至他們家小住,忙的沒有餘暇接待我的時候,就送食物到會館來。我的接待家庭媽媽除了常「接濟」我,在我家人來日本玩的時候也熱情熱情款待他們,最珍貴的是教我很多在日本生活的注意事項以及與我對日本現況的交談,這些都是一生難得遇到的。 在仙台生活的最大好處就是生活費便宜,又可以享受到高品質的生活:空氣好,不用擠電車通學,腳踏車行遍仙台:。一個月過的很節儉的話是,、,萬日幣,買東買西也不過,、,萬左右。對於不喜歡喧鬧的城市的生活的我來說,簡直是如魚得水。 休閒娛樂 會館離仙台市街騎腳踏車大約也是,,分鐘左右,仙台這個城市的市中心雖然不大:大約相當台南的大小:,人口一百餘萬人,但是應有盡有,百貨公司、41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party ,,,、餐廳、圖書館等等應有盡有。少了東京的吵鬧繁華,多了一份優雅嫻靜,此外市街滿是街道樹,像台北的敦化南路一般,一年四季都很美麗。 仙台的好處是離真正的東北如青森,以及東京都很近。做新幹線至東京只要一個半小時:雖然很貴:,所以平時存點錢到處旅遊是很方便的。我自己利用耶誕假期:十二月底至一月初:去了仙台的近郊松島、山形,寒假時再去了一趟東京,等到櫻花盛開時去了關西以及日本最大的櫻花林青森的弘前城賞櫻。夏天時也去了北海道一周。值得一提的是,仙台位處多雪的東北,對於台灣人來說是很難得的體驗。我們都在冬天學會了滑雪板:有點像在雪上滑板:,並且很享受其刺激及冷冽的風吹過的感覺,在春天雪溶化以前,至少去了五次。難得到了日本,平時多省錢,等到假日多自助旅行,是留學生活的一大享受。多交日本朋友這時候也可以派上用場:但是當然不是利用論:,我就曾經受到日本朋友的接待到青森的家中小住,並且看到了全日本最有名的櫻花林,而且只花了來回交通錢唷, 如果很捨不得花錢的話,就要常常注意學校教務掛的公佈欄,偶爾會貼一些像是扶輪社等等的機構辦的便宜,甚至是免費的小旅行。我在產水梨的時候參加了採梨團,也搭了免費的遊松島的船去泡了湯。冬天的時候學校每年都辦便宜的滑雪團,兩天一夜並有專門的教練教學,更是不可錯過。 一年的交換生生活很快的結束了,對於我而言是很享受的一年。享受到了日本大學的精英教育資源,享受和日本人及文化的交流,玩遍了日本各處,享受日本的四季分明…….除了一開始有一點想家以外,在仙台的每一天都是美好的經驗。到了要回家的前三個月倒數,我連睡覺都捨不得。感謝台大提供這麼優渥的條件及機會讓我們享受難得的一年,對於我的大學學習的正面助益難以計數,簡單的來說是利用很少的金錢拓展了我的國際視野,學習尊重欣賞他國的文化,了解大學的求學意義。 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 左圖:仙台的 市區下雪 了,,下圖: 耶誕節的定禪 寺通 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 上圖:宿舍外雪景 下圖:藏王楓紅 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 上圖:混亂的宿舍 一景:, 下圖:一塊去滑雪 吧, 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 上圖:台灣 東北留日同 學會 下圖:東北 大學學校一 景 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 上圖:騎腳踏車 哪裡都能去 唷, 下圖:仙台市區 商店街 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party
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