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农村教育的特殊使命农村教育的特殊使命 ——中学生逆反心理矫正之三部曲 ——天津市中小学“265农村骨干教师培养工程”二期 学员自主读书研修报告 滨海新区大港第四中学 程项彬 做为一名班主任,肩负的重任,不仅是教书,还要育人。我们每天面对的个体,随着他们进入青春期后,生理的变化伴随着心理也开始发生变化,他们不再像以往那样“听话”了。叛逆成为了他们生活得主旋律。如果漠视学生这一时期心里辅导、矫正,就会导致学生厌学、丧失对生活的热爱、对理想的追求,进而形成不健康的性格。 我校地处农村,家庭和社会环境纷繁复杂。他们中间有的家庭的残缺、父母离异...
农村教育的特殊使命 ——中学生逆反心理矫正之三部曲 ——天津市中小学“265农村骨干教师培养工程”二期 学员自主读书研修报告 滨海新区大港第四中学 程项彬 做为一名班主任,肩负的重任,不仅是教书,还要育人。我们每天面对的个体,随着他们进入青春期后,生理的变化伴随着心理也开始发生变化,他们不再像以往那样“听话”了。叛逆成为了他们生活得主旋律。如果漠视学生这一时期心里辅导、矫正,就会导致学生厌学、丧失对生活的热爱、对理想的追求,进而形成不健康的性格。 我校地处农村,家庭和社会环境纷繁复杂。他们中间有的家庭的残缺、父母离异、隔代抚养;有的被网络深深吸引,沉迷在虚拟世界里寻找满足;有的盲口模仿电影电视中“哥们义气”、“江湖兄弟”;有的沉迷于所谓的“感情”而不能自拔;有的面对父母期望学习压力过重,这就容易让他们形成逆反心理,进而发展成病态心理或犯罪心理。中学时期是一个人初步树立世界观、人生观、价值观、人际观和认同观的重要阶段,而心理健康教育的成功与否更是奠定个入今后发展成败的关键所在,我们班主任如果忽视了此时学生的心理健康教育那就会让学生输在人生的起跑阶段。 一、只有多一份细心 ,才能找准逆反病因。 中学生正处在身心发展的转变时期,身高体重剧增,性发育开始。生理上的急剧变化使儿童意识到自己不再是孩子,“成人感”增强。of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 随着生理的变化,学生心理产生“独立”,力求摆脱对成人的依赖,老师、家长在他们心目中的权威降低,是心理上独立自主的时期。但由于经验的缺乏含有片面性和主观性,行为上出现“独特性”和“受暗示性”乃到“抗拒性”,即逆反心理;情绪上带有冲动性,不善于克制自己;兴趣和愿望上带有随意性、多变性、狂热性,常为了所谓讲“义气”而庇护同伴,或为同伴打抱不平;感情上具有“闭锁性”,而对于艰苦的学习活动特别重要的意志品质,还处在比较软弱的状态。他们有强烈的独立心,自尊心和好胜心。要确立自我,要求具有成人平等的地位和人格,独立决定和处理他们个人的事,并在各种场合现自我。但由于辨别是非的能力较差、疑虑心理重,往往不能正确对待家长的一片苦心、老师的批评教育。对当别人的面揭他们的短相当反感,以至顶牛,明知自己错了,也不承认。他们常常对周围的人持一种怀疑态度,尤其对有关自己的一些褒贬议论非常敏感,往往错误地认为老师的批评教育是有意找麻烦整他,家长的苦口婆心是嫌弃他,同学的帮助是瞧不起他。 我班的袁文强自父母离异后,法院判其随母亲生活,但实际上因母亲收入不高,住房条件差而让他随父亲生活。母亲每月提供一定生活费。他在学校各类涉及家庭状况的调查表中从不填写父亲姓名,仅写母亲。在班级中,他缺少友伴,独来独往,不愿参加集体活动。有时他上课迟到,进教室时扭扭捏捏,有些同学笑话他,他就发火。课余时间,同学们在他课桌旁边开玩笑,他就认为同学们在嘲笑他,同学们打逗碰了他的桌、椅,他认为是故意的,专门是针对他。我对他of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 多次的“苦口婆心”教育无济于事。我们之间总是鲁迅《故乡》里得那句话:“我们之间好像隔了一层厚障壁。”后来经多方细致了解才知道,他父母离异后,他判给母亲,母亲较关爱他,但由于经济、生活所迫,他与父亲同住,却感受不到父爱,反而有寄人篱下的感觉,父子关系疏远。通过家访、电话联系等方式,了解现其家庭状况,分别与其父母交流,请他们以孩子发展为重。尽管两人已离异,但仍应给予孩子在心理、精神上的关心与支持,不能认为负担其学习、生活费用就足够了。经过教师、家长、同学们的配合及辅导、帮助,他与父亲关系逐渐融洽。在各类表格中有家庭情况填写时,能主动写上父亲姓名及有关情况。与同学关系有所改善,集体活动能参加,对同学们的善意谈笑不再耿耿于怀,现在他已经走出了人际关系的误区。 二、只有多一份尊重,才能把好逆反心理的脉 教师首先要尊重学生,只有当教师尊重学生时,学生才会尊重自己,珍惜自己的成绩和进步、关心自己的荣辱、体验做“人”的尊严。故教师只有真心诚意地与学生沟通,和他们建立平等关系,放下老师的架子,蹲下来和他们说话,把微笑带给学生,才能营造平等,和谐、融洽,民主的师生关系。经验告诉我们即使是批评,也注意不当其他学生的面,以说服为主,摆事实,讲道理,使学生觉得老师的确从他们的角度出发,为了他们好,这样学生才会信任老师,愿意向老师倾吐内心的思虑、惶恐、苦闷,愿意接受老师的教育和帮助,而不是“和老师对着干”。 of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 班主任工作中我们经常遇到,个别人就是“不受教育”,他们,经常常与老师、家长“顶牛”、与同学不能和睦相处,遇到小小的事情都会大动干戈。这种与常理背道而驰,以反常的心理状态来显示自己的“高明”、“非凡”、“厉害”的行为,这往往来自于学生的“逆反心理”。 逆反心理在青少年成长过程的不同阶段都可能发生,且有多种表现。如对正面宣传作不认同、不信任的反向思考;对先进人物、目视无睹,甚至根本否定;对不良行为却持认同情感,大喝其彩,看到别的同学打架、吵架、搞破坏自己不但不制止而且做其帮凶,或者喝彩鼓掌;对思想教育及遵纪则消极抵制、蔑视对抗等等。 产生这种逆反心理的原因表现在两个方面。主观上是青少年正处于“过渡期”,其独立意识和自我意识日益增强,迫切希望摆脱成人的监护。他们反对成人把自己当“小孩”,要求以成人自居,为了表现自己的“非凡”,就对任何事物倾向持批判态度。正是由于他们感到或担心外界无视自己的独立存在,才产生了用各种手段、方法来确立“自我”与外界对立的情感。客观方面,教育者的可信任度、教育手段、方法、地点的不适当,往往也会导致逆反心理。逆反心理作为一种反常心理,虽然不同于变态心理,但已带有变态心理的某些特征。其后果是严重的,它会导致青少年出现对人对事多疑、偏执、冷漠、不合群的病态性格,使之信念动摇、理想泯灭、意志衰退、学习被动、生活萎蘼等。逆反心理的深一步发展还可能向犯罪心理或病态心理转化。所以必须采取有效的对策来克制和防治其发生。 of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 首先,要重视复杂的社会因素对青少年心理的影响,远离社会不良因素,要求我们学会自爱学会爱憎,远离社会上污七八糟的事物影响,学会抵制不良信息的腐蚀。其次,要教育青少年学会正确认识自己,学会积极乐观的对人对事对待学习,努力升华自我使自己成为一名品学兼优的好学生。 三、只有多一份爱心,才能治愈逆反疾病。 老师应该具有爱心和耐心,从内心深处关心学生,爱学生。从情感上感化他们,消除其“戒心”。可是令我们头疼的是这类学生往往对教师有一种“戒心”。因此,只有对他们以诚相待、“心心相印”,以情育情,以情动人,他们在心理上才会慢慢趋向教师,信赖教师,缩短师生之间心理上的距离,引起情感“共鸣”,让他们感到老师真诚的关怀。 在现实的教育教学中我始终坚持克服偏见,真心“偏爱”这类学生,努力使他们掌握正确的学习方法,一旦有进步即加以热情的肯定;还适当降低对他们的要求,让他们多体验成功的喜悦;对于他们的失败,和他们在一起耐心进行分析和指导。实践证明对他们少批评,多鼓励,他们就会对自己的进步充满期待,从而努力进取。 我们班有一个学生,经常旷课去上网,成绩纪律都很差。为此,家长曾多次教训他,甚至狠狠地打过他。现在他每次犯了错误都躲藏起来,两三天都不回家。针对他的表现,我在班上作了主题讲座——“我们该如何选择人生道路”。鼓励他努力改正错误,告诉他“任何改正都是进步”,老师相信他会成为好孩子。从此以后,他的改观让of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 人刮目相看。是啊~有的学生学习成绩差或纪律表现不好,长期受到冷落与歧视。对此,他们极为敏感,但内心深处仍然渴望得到老师关爱。他们犯了错误,班主任一定要做到心平气和,以诚相待。无论多么桀骜不驯的孩子,都渴望得到老师真诚的爱,这种师爱可以使孩子幡然悔悟,改过自新。 卢梭在《爱弥儿》一书中曾说过:“你必须好好地了解你的学生之后,才能对他说第一句话。”没有爱,就没有教育。家庭环境不良或受人歧视,会让孩子失去上进心。对于“特别”的孩子,教师就要用特别的爱去教育他。所以,对于这样的孩子,不要急于给他们讲什么大道理,而是要多给他们一些关怀,多给他们一些爱,去抚慰他们那颗受伤的心。 青春期是一个人精力最充沛、兴趣最广泛的时期,是一个人成长的关键期。如果我们每一位教师能真正地对青少年逆反心理的产生的原因进行正确分析、引导、对症下药,就可使不他们“不良”心理得到控制,并转化为人生前进的动力。在实际的教育教学中班主任只有让学会正确认为自我,主动开放自我,他们才能乐于关心他人,走出闭锁心理,把青春的烦恼化到积极的学习、追求之中,这样他们的青春就会变得更充实、更快乐。 of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP.
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