

2018-04-14 13页 doc 177KB 14阅读




室内篮球场经济型照明方案室内篮球场经济型照明方案 设计公司:深圳市风顺照明科技有限公司 适用场所:室内篮球场 设计时间:2014年4月 latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, ...
室内篮球场经济型照明 设计公司:深圳市风顺照明科技有限公司 适用场所:室内篮球场 设计时间:2014年4月 latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth 篮球场LED照明灯节能方案 设计理念:随着生活水平的提高社会压力也随之增大,如何更好的增强身体素质成为了现代都市人群的重要议题,各类的运动场馆也应运而生。如何为场馆选择合理合适的灯具让使用者舒服的同时也为建设者节约相关的费用并达到响应国家建立美丽中国的目的是目前很多设计者和建设者说面临的挑战。我公司根据多年的场馆照明设计、安装经验为广大朋友提供以下方案。 室内篮球场方案 本方案灯具主要适用:室内篮球场 建议使用单位:企业员工球场,单位室内球场,收费型体育场馆,训练场馆,一般性室内比赛场馆。 本方案相关球场参考数据: 整体场馆尺寸:长:36米 宽:23米 安装高度:8米 球场比赛场地:长:28米 宽:15米 (以上数据根据我司相关经验以及目前市场大多数球场的相关情况为依据,部分客户的不同情况请在咨询时提供相关工程的具体参数以便选择合适的方案和灯具) latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth 二三一八零一三七零零制作 灯具布置平面图 设计方案说明: 本方案合计使用20套160wLED照明灯具(考虑到安装高度建议使用散光灯罩) 灯具主要布置在比赛区域能最大限度的保证比赛场地的照明 采用双线路控制:平时训练开一半灯具,有比赛时使用全部灯具 模拟照明效果的公式支持 E=ΦNKCU /A 其中E——示平均照度 Φ——表示单个灯具的总光通量 N——表示灯具的总数量 K——维护系数:随着灯具中反射器和玻璃的受污染,以及光衰 等,经过一段时间的使用后照度会有相对的下降,因此必 须要先估算在内,按照场馆环境,灯具的维护系数为0.7; latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth Cu——灯具射出的光通量利用系数,取0.8的值。 A——表示场地面积 注:此照度为整个场地的平均照度,而本方案中的灯具主要密集布置于比赛区域,因此比赛区域照度达到400lx以上,能确保相关的训练和比赛的照明要求。 灯具图片: 灯具型号:FS-LG0351-160 灯珠数量: 4颗40W集成灯珠 输入电压:AC85~265V 外壳材质:高纯度压铸铝+拉伸铝 功率因数:>9.5 色温:5500--6000K 光通量:100LM/瓦 latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth 二三一八零一三七零零制作 使用寿命:>50000H 使用芯片:台湾晶元 质保:2年 LED灯具与传统金卤灯的对比具有的优点: 1、 使用寿命长,目前市场上的金卤灯是质保期主要在一年左右而 LED的质保期在二年以上 2、 自耗功率小:LED灯具的自耗功率仅为金卤灯的10分之一 3、 维护成本低:LED灯具可做到3年免维护,而金卤灯因为其 自身的原因基本上必须达到一年更换一次光源2年更换一次整流 器,灯具维护成本以及人工成本大大提高。 应用案例: latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth 二三一八零一三七零零制作 latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth 我们建议:根据场馆的相关情况选择合适的款式和功率的灯 具,在达到照明要求的同时也考虑到经济效益和社会效益, 因此如需要我们提供相关的照明方案请提供相关场馆的参 数。同时也提醒广大的设计者朋友:在为甲方或者建设方提 供方案和参考灯具的时候尽量考虑到场馆的实际情况并尽 量避免使用某些生僻的字眼误导相关采购或施工人员~ latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth
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