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Desperate_Housewives_1绝望主妇1精讲笔记(英文台词及注释)Desperate Housewives 1绝望主妇1精讲笔记 Danielle: Why can't we have a normal soup? Bree: Danielle, there is nothing abnormal about basil puree. Danielle: Just once, can we have a soup that people all heard of, like French onion, or navy bean. Bree: First of all, your f...
Desperate Housewives 1绝望主妇1精讲笔记 Danielle: Why can't we have a normal soup? Bree: Danielle, there is nothing abnormal about basil puree. Danielle: Just once, can we have a soup that people all heard of, like French onion, or navy bean. Bree: First of all, your father can't eat onions. He's deathly allergic. And I won't even dignify your navy bean suggestion. So, how's theosso buco? Andrew: It's okay. Bree: It's okay? Andrew, I spent three hours cooking this meal. How do you think it makes me feel when you say it's okay in that sullen tone? Andrew: Who asked you to spend three hours on dinner? Bree: Excuse me? Andrew: Tim Harper's mom gets home from work, pops open a can of pork and beans, and boom, they're eating. Everyone's happy. Bree: You'd rather I serve pork and beans? Danielle: Apologize now, I am begging you. Andrew: I'm saying, do you always have to serve cuisine? Can't we ever just have food? Bree: Are you doing drugs? Andrew: What? Bree: Change in behavior is one of the warning signs and you have been as fresh as paint for the last six months. That would explain why you're always locked in the bathroom. Danielle: Trust me, that is not what he is doing. Andrew: Shut up. Mom, I'm not the one have a problem here, right? You're the one who is acting like she's running for mayor of Stepford. Bree: Rex. Seeing that you're the head of this household, I would really appreciate you saying something. Rex: Pass the salt. Mary Alice Young: Three days after my funeral, Lynette replaced her grief with a much more useful emotion. Indignation. Lynette: Tom, this is my fifth message and you still haven't called me back. Well, you must be having a lot of fun on your business trip. I can only imagine. Well, guess what, the kids and I want to have some fun, too, so unless you call me back by noon, we are getting on a plane and joining you. Boy: Mum. Lynette: Not now, honey, Mommy's threatening Daddy. No. Where are you brothers? Natalie Kline: Lynette Scavo! Lynette: Crap! Hi, don't believe it! Natalie Kline: Lynette! How long has it been? Lynette: Years! How are you? How's the firm? Natalie Kline: Good. Everyone misses you. We all say that if you hadn't quit, you'd be running the placeby now. So, how's domestic life? Don't you just love being a mom? Mary Alice Young: And there it was. The question that Lynette always dreaded. Lynette: Well, to be honest... Mary Alice Young: For those who asked it, only one answer was acceptable. So Lynette responded as she always did. She lied. Lynette: It's the best job I've ever had. 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. osso buco: An Italian dish made of veal shanks braised with olive oil, white wine, stock, onions, tomatoes, garlic, anchovies, carrots, celery and lemon peel. Traditionally, osso buco is garnished with gremolata and served accompanied by risotto. In Italian, osso buco means "pierced bone."翻译成中文就是“炖小牛膝”、“焖小牛腿肉”,是带骨头的。一般意大利餐馆都有。 2. doing drugs Do这个词简直可以说是英语中的万能词了,和不同的词搭配、在不同的语境下有不同的意思。对白中的doing drugs就是“吸毒”的意思,再比如: A rest will do you good. 休息一下对你有好处的。 Kate Blanchett did Elizabeth I in the film Elizabeth I. 凯特·布兰切特在电影《伊丽莎白一世》中扮演伊丽莎白一世。 Who did the flowers? 谁插的花? 3. as fresh as paint生气勃勃的,精神饱满的 通常吸毒的人在吸食毒品后都会表现的很有精气神,这是毒品作用力的结果。而吸毒的人如果突然中止吸毒或是减少吸毒量,就会发生严重的戒断反应及各种并发症,常常会引起死亡,甚至会因痛苦难忍而自杀身亡。我们来看个例子:That boy looks as fresh as paint.那个男孩看起来很有活力。 4. run for, run the place Run for的意思是“竞选”,相当于campaign for; run the place的意思则是“主管,经营,掌管”,相当于manage;例如: John Cliff is running for the mayor of our town. 约翰·克利夫正在竞选我们镇的镇长。 David wants to kick Bob out and runs the company by himself. 大卫想把鲍勃踢走,自己掌管公司。 5. the head of this household “一家之主”,和我们汉语中的说法很相似吧? 6. crap Shit的稍微好一点的称呼。在口语中,crap可以用来表示“不好的东西,没意思,无聊,不值得的事情”,也可以用来表示惊讶或是愤怒。而bullshit则多用在有人对你撒谎、你表示生气的场合,或是很荒谬、可笑的场合。 在这个片段中,当Lynette看到以前公司的同事,更加刺激了她那绝望无助的家庭主妇身份,因此说了一句Crap! 7. domestic life 注意这里可不是“国内生活”,而是“家庭生活”。 Mary Alice Young: Susan awoke that night alone and parched. And as she gazed out her window, she saw the tall drink of water she needed to quench her thirst. Julie: Dear Diary. Mike doesn't even know I'm alive. Susan: Shut up. Julie: If you want to date him, you're gonna have to ask him out. Susan: I keep hoping he'll ask me out. Julie: How's that going? Susan: Shouldn't you be making brownies for your nerdy friends? Julie: I can't find the measuring cup. Have you seen it? Susan: The measuring cup? Julie: Yeah. Susan: Hmm. I, uh, well, it's gotta be here somewhere. Just keep looking. Carlos: I know you're awake. Gabrielle: I know you're a jerk. Carlos: Dinner with Tanaka ran long. I'm sorry. Gabrielle: You know, Carlos, I didn't marry you so I have dinner by myself 6 times a week. You know how bored I was today. I came this close to actually cleaning the house. Carlos: Don't be that way. I got you a gift. Gabrielle: Nope. No, no, no, no. You're not gonna buy your way out of this one. Carlos: It's a good gift. Gabrielle: Is that white gold? Carlos: Yeah. Put it on. And then make love to me. Gabrielle: Not in the mood. But, we could stay up and talk. Carlos: When a man buys a woman expensive jewelry, there are many things he may want in return. For future reference, conversation ain't one of them. Hey, that was a joke. Gabrielle: Yeah, right. Carlos: What the hell is wrong with you? Gabrielle: Let go of me. Carlos: You've been acting like a nightmare for a month. Gabrielle: Stop! Carlos: What's wrong? I can't fix it unless you tell me. Gabrielle: It's not exciting anymore, Carlos. Carlos: So what am I supposed to do? Gabrielle: I dunno. Be the way you used to be. Surprise me. Take my breath away. Carlos: Okay. Okay! Mike: Hey, Susan. Susan: Mike! Mike: What's wrong? Susan: I didn't realize anybody was going to be out here. I just sort of rolled out of bed. Mike: I'm sure you look fine. Mike: Bongo, Bongo, Bongo. No, no... Behave. Sorry. Hescares easy. Susan: No, it, it, it's fine. I get it. Mike: I didn't mean to disturb you. I'll see you later. Susan: Did you want to have dinner with me? Mike: Just the two of us? Susan: Well, and Julie. Uh, it's a thing we do when somebody new moves into the neighborhood, we invite them over for a home-cooked meal. It's sort of a tradition. Mike: I thought you said you were a lousy cook. Susan: Well, Iorder take-out. Mike: Oh. You invite them over for home-cooking and you give 'em takeout. Susan: Yeah, it's, it's, uh, it's sort of a new tradition. I'm working out the kinks. Mike: I'll tell you what. How 'bout I cook. And you guys come over to my place? Susan: Oh! Great. Mike: Friday night at six? Susan: I'll be there. Mike: Alright. Susan: Bye, Bongo. 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. Nerdy书呆子式的,书呆子气的 不管在哪里,“书呆子”式的人似乎都不怎么受欢迎。Nerdy是指“书呆子式的,书呆子气的”,它的名词形式是nerd (书呆子)。例如:Did you see his pocket protector? What a nerd!你看到他用的口袋保护袋了吗?真是呆死了! 2. it's gotta be here somewhere. “应该就在这附近吧。”很口语化的句子,赶快学起来。 3. Don't be that way.别这样。 这也是一个非常生活化的句子。恐怕很多男女朋友吵架的时候都会说到:你不要这样子好不好?就是这个Don't be that way了。 4. buy your way out of this one 大多数有钱的男人和女人都有这种毛病,以为可以用金钱来补偿爱情和亲情。财大气粗的Carlos也不例外。这里Gabrielle的意思是:你不要以为买个礼物给我,我就能原谅你了。 5. Behave规矩点 在国外,如果小孩子淘气,做妈妈的经常会说Behave!意思就是“规矩点”。当然这个词不只是对小孩子用的,也可以用来威胁人,比如:Behave! Or I'll kick your ass!规矩点,不然我就踢你! 6. He scares easy.他容易受惊。 Scare除了我们常讲的“惊吓,使恐慌”的意思外,还有不及物动词的用法:受惊,比如: That child scares easily.那个孩子容易受惊。 7. order take-out叫外卖 知道“叫”外卖怎么说吗?就是order take-out,和在餐馆点餐一样,比如你可以这样问:Can I order take-out here?你们这儿有外卖吗? Mary Alice Young: When I was alive, I maintained many different identities: lover, wife, and ultimately, victim. Yes, labels are important to the living. They dictate how people see themselves. Like my friend, Lynette. She used to see herself as a career woman. And a hugely successful one at that. She was known for her power lunches... her eye-catching presentations... and her ruthlessness inwiping outthe competition. Lynette gave up her career to assume a new label: incredibly satisfying role of full-time mother. Lynette: Scavo residence. Yes, this is me. Mary Alice Young: But, unfortunately for Lynette, this new label frequentlyfell short ofwhat was advertised. Lynette: How in the world did they... Ms. Butters: I left the door to the art supply cupboard open for five minutes. That's all. Lynette: Five minutes. The little girl. Why didn't she say anything? Ms. Butters: Your boys work quickly. Lynette: Well, obviously, they will be punished for this. Severely. Ms. Butters: I hesitate bringing this up sinceyou got so ugly about itlast time. Lynette: They don't have attention deficit disorder. And I'm not going to drug my boys just to make your job easier. I'd rather change teachers. Ms. Butters: The boys are in my class because I'm the only teacher who can handle them. Lynette: What if we separate the twins? Put them in different classes. They're much calmer when they're not bouncing off one another. Ms. Butters: We can try that. But if it doesn't work, we may not longer be able to accommodate them. Mary Alice Young: It suddenly occurred to Lynette her label was about to change yet again. And for the next few years, she would be known as the mother of the boys who painted Tiffany Axelrod blue. Mary Alice Young: It looked to be an interesting afternoon on Wisteria Lane. A mysterious cassette tape had been discovered by my friend, Bree. She had stolen it from her marriage counselor. A counselor I'd once spoken to in strictest confidence. Dr. Goldfine: So, how have you been? Mary Alice Young: I had the nightmare again. Gabrielle: It's so weird to hear Mary Alice. Dr. Goldfine: Still the same one. Mary Alice: Yes. But this time, I was standing in a river, and I saw the girl under the water. She kept screaming Angela over and over again. Dr. Goldfine: So what do you think the significance of the name Angela is? Mary Alice: Actually, that's my real name. Gabrielle: Her real name? That doesn't make any sense. I've seen her driver's license. It did not say Angela. Susan: Bree, what does it say on the rest of the tape? Bree: Just more about her nightmares and this girl she was afraid of. Gabrielle: So what the hell do we do now? Susan: I think we should show Paul the note. Lynette: Are you sure? He's gonna freak. Bree: Well, it's now or never. I mean, I saw what he's asking for the place. It's gonna sell quickly. Gabrielle: Can I say something? I'm glad Paul's moving. Bree: Gabby! Gabrielle: I'm sorry. He's just alwaysgiving me the creeps. Haven't you guys noticed? He's got this dark thing going on. There's something about him that just feels... Lynette: Malignant? Gabrielle: Yes. Susan: We've all sort of felt it. Bree: That being said, I do love what he's done with that lawn. 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. Wipe out 想象一下,一块脏兮兮的玻璃,你用抹布,蘸上清洁剂,几下就抹得干干净净,和污渍的斗争大获全胜。引申为把对手“彻底击败,彻底消灭”。例如:The gangsters threatened to wipe him and his family out.歹徒们威胁要把他和他的家人全部除掉。 2. Feel short of 本意是“缺乏,不足”,这里的意思是“不足以,和……不符合”。片断中this new label frequently fell short of what was advertised.的意思是,相对于双胞胎在学校里的所作所为, incredibly satisfying role of full-time mother这个标签显然还不够明确(在标明Lynette的身份上)。 3. You got so ugly about it Ugly这里的意思是“生气”,大概因为人们生气的时候,脸色就会变得很难看,所以ugly 也引申成为这个意思吧。我们来看一个例子:Don't get ugly. I'm just kidding.别生气,我只是开玩笑的。 4. Give somebody the creeps “让人感到毛骨悚然”。Paul一家是个有很多秘密的家庭。当一个人心中有太多的秘密时,在行为上难免有些不正常的表现。Paul的表现难免让邻居们感到不舒服。我们来看个例子:That guy's always staring at me. He gives me the creeps.那个人总是盯着我,他让我感到毛骨悚然。 Lynette: So, he just blew you off? Susan: I told him another man asked me out. It was the perfect opportunity for Mike to feel jealous, and nothing. Lynette: Did you bat your eyes? You know, it doesn't work if you don't bat your eyes. Susan: Honey, I batted everything that wasn't nailed down. I'm telling you, nothing. Lynette: Oh, thanks. Susan: So what's going on there? Lynette: Mm. Gophers. Susan: Wow. Lynette: Listen, I'm sorry about Mike. I know how much you like him. Susan: Ah, maybe it's my fault. Maybe I just imagined an entire relationship with this man that didn't exist. Lynette: There has been flirting. I have seen it. Susan: Yeah, and the flirting made me think that he was kind and trustworthy and honest and hygienic. That's how it is with me - a guy just smiles at me three times, and I'm picking out wedding china. I'm a mess. Lynette: But to be fair, that's part of your charm. Susan: That's what happened with Karl. I only dated him a couple of months, I filled in the blanks, I married him. It was a disaster. Lynette: You think Mike isa Karl in disguise? Susan: I don't know. What does that mean, anyway, 'my life is complicated'? Man: If I wanted to sit around and wait for nothing, I could do it on the can. You're late. What's with the face? Mike: Iscrewed up. I broke into the Frome house and almost got caught. Man: What's almost? Mike: I accidentally left something behind with my prints on it. Man: Did you ever hear of gloves? Mike: It's the suburbs. I didn't think it'd matter. Anyway, the police are running a check, and I'm in the system. I got to pull up stakes before they come looking for me. Man: That's a sweet sound - laughter like that, huh? Pisses me off. If and when your cover is blown, you disappear. Until then, you keep fixing the neighbors' pipes. Mike: But the more time I spend in this town, the more I think we're making a mistake. They are nice people. Man: My money says one of 'em isn't. Man: Whoa. Boy: Thanks. Man: No more screw-ups. Mama Solis: Gabrielle, please. You bought me enough things. You're the one that's supposed to be shopping. Gabrielle: Oh, mama, you're in a rut. We need to spice up your wardrobe. Ooh, here. Try this one on. Go on, try it on. Mama Solis, how you doing in there? Mama Solis: Is it supposed to be so tight? Gabrielle: Yes, it's form-fitting. You're going to look great. Mama Solis: Gabrielle, I don't think this dress is right for me. I can't breathe. Gabrielle: Well, maybe I made a mistake. While you change, I'm to make a quick run to the bookstore. Mama Solis: Gabrielle, wait, wait. I'm coming with you. Gabrielle: No, no, no. I'll just be a minute. Mama Solis: Wait, wait, Gabrielle, I'm coming with you - ay! Wait! Gabrielle, wait! Woman: Ma'am? Ma'am, sorry. I need to look in your bags, please. Mama Solis: Fine. Just hurry up. John: Right on time. Mama Solis: I'm telling you, I don't know where that blouse came from. Woman: Security! Mama Solis: All right, keep your stupid blouse. I'm going to have to find my daughter-in-law. Don't touch me. Don't you dare touch me! Security: Ma'am, you're going to have to come with us. Mama Solis: Get your hands off me! Gabrielle! 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. Blow off “不在乎,轻视”,这里的意思是“他一点也没把你的话放在心上?”我们来看个例子:If you blow off your homework, you're bound to run into trouble on the exam.如果你不重视作业的话,考试肯定会有麻烦的。 2. Bat one's eyes To bat one's eyes means to blink one's eyes in a flirtatious way,和“抛媚眼”差不多。比如:Look at that chick. She's batting her eyes at us.看那个小妞。她正朝我们抛媚眼呢。 3. A Karl in disguise In disguise的意思是“乔装的,伪装的,化妆的”。A Karl in disguise从字面上看来是“乔装的卡尔”,实际的意思是说“另一个卡尔(和卡尔同样的人)”。比如:I don't like your boyfriend. I think he's a John in disguise. (John is your ex-boyfriend.)我不喜欢你的男朋友,他不过是另一个约翰罢了。 4. Screw up 在俚语中“弄糟,搞砸”的意思。比如:The engineers screwed up the entire construction plan.工程师们把整个施工搞砸了。 Screw和up和在一起就成了名词screw-up,意思也是“弄糟,搞砸”。 5. Piss off 有两个意思,一个是to make or become angry,比如:That letter pissed me off.那封信把我气坏了。另一个是to go away / leave,比如:Piss off and stop bothering me.走开,别再烦我。 6. In a rut “照惯例,照老规矩,墨守成规”。Mama Solis认为自己年纪大了,身材走形了,不应该再花那么多金钱和时间在买衣服上了,这也是很多上年纪的女人的想法。Gabrielle则告诉她“不要抱着这种传统的想法”。我们来看个例子:We go to the seashore every summer-we're in a rut.每年夏天我们都去海边,这已成为惯例。 7. Spice up To spice up means to make it more appealing or sexy。“辣妹”的英文就是Spice Girls,两相对照联想,你应该会明白是什么意思了吧。比如:Want to spice up a golf game?Add tasty tees.想为高尔夫球比赛增添趣味?来点别致的球座吧。 8. Form-fitting “贴身的,紧身的”。比如“紧身衣服”:a form-fitting cloth。 Mary Alice Young: Of the many suburban rituals, none is quite so cherished as the neighborhood yard sale. The shoppers come to sift through the discarded belongings of someone they don't really know, in the hopes of finding bargains they don't really need, each so determined to save a few pennies, they often miss hidden treasures. Susan: Hey, Paul. Paul: Hi, Susan. Susan: I got to say, I was a little surprised to see Mary Alice's award for sale. She got it for doing charity work, from the Chamber of Commerce. Paul: Zach and I are moving. We don't need to carry any more with us than is absolutely necessary. Susan: That makes sense. Still, I just want to make sure you didn't want to keep it, for Zach, something to remember his mother by. Paul: Zach doesn't need a piece of glass to remember his mother. I'm out of newspaper. Here, let's call it ten bucks for everything. Susan: Great. Speaking of Zach, I haven't seen him around lately. Paul: He's been a bit depressed. I thought he could use a change of scenery, so I sent him to stay with relatives. Susan: Oh, which ones? Paul: You don't know them. Susan: So, how'd you get the fat lip? Paul: The usual way. Asking too many questions. Gabrielle: Find out where Zach is? Susan: No, but I can tell you this much. He's not staying with relatives. Carlos: It's driving me crazy, mama. It could be any one of these guys she's having the affair with. Mama Solis: No worry about it. I'm not letting her out of my sight. Carlos: Now, who the hell is that? And look at the way she's touching him. You think that's the guy she's having the affair with? Mama Solis: Carlos, don't be stupid. A guy she talks to in public isn't someone you're gonna worry about. Carlos: So it's someone that she doesn't talk to. What do I have to do? Beat up every guy in town? Mama Solis: Marriage takes work! Lynette: I'm not surprised that he's playing it close to the vest. Paul knows we're on to him. Bree: Zach said Mary Alice killed herself because of something that he had done, something bad. Is there anyone else who'd know what he was talking about? Susan: No. That's why we have to find him. It's the only way we'll know the truth. Bree: It just doesn't make any sense. Zach is such a sweet kid. I can't imagine him doing anything that terrible. Gabrielle: Well, he did break into your house. I mean, the kid is obviously troubled in some way. 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. Make sense 是口语中常常出现的片语。Make sense有两种意思,一种是“可理解的,合理的”,通常用否定形式,例如:This explanation doesn't make sense.这个解释不合理。 另一个意思是“可行,说得通,合理的”,比如:It makes sense to find out first how many will attend the conference.先确定一下有多少人会参加会议比较可行。 在片断中,That makes sense.的意思是“有道理”。 2. Have an affair with 常用来形容“韵事”、“关系不长久的恋情”,在文中可理解为“与……有染”、“婚外性关系”。 如:Joni feels that her husband has an affair with some woman.琼尼感觉到丈夫和别的女人有染。 3. Play close to the vest “把守秘密”的意思。 比如:The thief plays close to the vest no matter how hard the police threaten him.不管警察怎么威胁,小偷就是不肯把秘密说出来。 4. Be on to 有两种意思,一种是be aware of or have information about,比如:You'll never deceive us again; we're on to you.你再也不能欺骗我们了。我们知道你的伎俩。另一个意思是discover something important or profitable,比如:The researchers claim they are really on to something big.研究者们声称他们发现了一些重要的东西。 Tom: Wow, honey, look, this place looks spotless! Lynette: Thanks. Tom: Listen, I have come up with this killer idea for the Spotless Scrub campaign. Lynette: Great! You wanna run it by me? Tom: No. I'm good. But, thanks. Lynette: Okay. Tom: Well, that's the thing. You know how whenever Ipitch in the boardroom at work, how Kennesey always tears my ideas down in front of the partners? Lynette: Yeah? Tom: I invited the partners and their wives over so I could pitch to them here. And I thought we could make a formal dinner for six. We could sit, we could... Lynette: And when exactly would this formal dinner take place? Tom: Uh... day after tomorrow! Lynette: Tom! Tom: Yeah, I know, I know, I know, I know I know it's short notice. Lynette: You think? How am I supposed to pull off a formal dinner with no warning? Tom: I don't know. Bree Van de Kamp does this kind of thing all the time... Lynette: What did you say? Tom: Well, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. That's-you know what, forget it. I'll call and I'll cancel. Don't worry about it. Lynette: No, no. Let's, let's do it. Tom: Really? Lynette: Yeah, it's good for your career. I'll pull it off. Tom: Yes. Honey, thank you. So much. You know what, I promise. Iland this account, and I'm gonna buy you something awful pretty. Mary Alice Young: Luckily for Tom, Lynette had a recipe for success... unfortunately for her, she was missing the secret ingredient. Principal Stark: Mr. and Mrs. Van de Kamp. So, your son decided to entertain some of his friends yesterday by shoving a freshman's head into a locker. Bree: This was the Johnson boy? Principal Stark: Yes. He broke the boy's nose. Because of our no tolerance policy, your son may face expulsion. Rex: You're going to ruin his whole future over a little rough housing? Bree: Rex, this was practically assault. Rex: Mrs. Stark, what Andrew did was clearly wrong, but in his defense, his mother and I are going through severe marital problems. Bree: Is that relevant? Rex: Our marriage is disintegrating. Of course Andrew is acting out. He has every right to be angry. Bree: If Andrew is angry about you moving out of the house, then perhaps he should shove your head into a locker! Rex: All I'm saying, is that we need to take some of the responsibility here. Bree: So does Andrew! Blaming his actions on our problems... which are not so serious... does not help him. Rex: Our problems are serious! Bree: Mrs. Stark, you handle this however you see fit. Rex: Bree, I've gone to an attorney. You're gonna to be served with divorce papers later today. Bree: You went to an attorney? Rex: Yeah! And a good one too! Bree: Well he better be good, because when I'm finished with you, you won't have a cent to your name! Rex: Bring it on! Principal Stark: Perhaps detention is the way to go. Susan: Hey, Edie! Edie: Wow! Get a load of you! You look so pretty. I hardly recognize you. Susan: Oh this? Well, I have a date. Right now. With Mike. We kissed. FYI. Ooo, love that jacket. Good choice. Mike: Um, look, Susan, I'm really sorry, but I've got to cancel. I have an-unexpected house guest. Kendra: Coming through! Oh, sorry. Hi, I'm Kendra. Susan: Susan. Kendra: I'm gonna run to the car and get my stuff. Mike: I know how this looks, but there is nothing between us. Kendra is just an old friend. Susan: Old friend? Mike: Yeah, you know... Susan: Yeah. Yeah. No, actually no, I don't know. So, by old friend, do you mean college pal, bowling buddy, saved you from drowning? Mike: It's hard to explain. Susan: Could you give it ashot? Kendra: Mike, I'm going to go upstairs and take a shower. Mike: Look, I promise, I'll make this up to you. And you look... amazing. Kendra (calling from inside): Mike, where are the towels? Susan: Thanks. Edie: Hey, how was your big date? Susan: Mike had to reschedule. Edie: Oh. Because of the hot girl? With the suitcase? Over there? Gosh, how devastating for you. FYI. 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. pitch in “To set to work vigorously.努力/使劲投入工作”。比如:If I really pitch in, I may be able to finish the paper before the deadline.如果我确实努力工作的话,我应该可以在截止日期前完成。 2. tear down 这里的意思是to vilify or denigrate,贬低,诋毁。我们来看个例子:He's always tearing down someone or other.他总是诋毁别人。 3. short notice 提前很短时间某人要做某事,可能来不及准备,这样的通知就叫做short notice。Short notice常和on/at连用,意思是“在短时间内”,例如:They told us to be ready to move out on short notice.他们告诉我们准备好在短时间内搬出去。 4. pull off “Succeed in something,成功;努力实现;赢得”,例如pull off a coup / deal / scoop做好一件漂亮事/做成一笔生意/抢先获得独家新闻。Eg. I'll pull off the plan.我会努力实现这个计划的。 5. land this account "To get the business done successfully." Tom这里的意思是:After I get the business done successfully, I'll buy you something. 6. Bring it on “放马过来!”用在面对别人挑衅的时候。 7. get a load of "Look at or listen to".比如: Get a load of Mike feeding the baby.看,迈克在喂孩子呢! Through those thin walls we really got a load of their fight.这墙壁很薄,我们能听到他们吵架的声音。 8. FYI "For your information",意思就是“知会你一下,你知道怎么回事就可以了(不用你有什么反应)”。 9. shot Shot在这里的意思是“努力/试图(做……)”。例如: Let me have a shot at it.让我试试看。 He's having a shot at cooking the dinner.他在试着做饭。 John: Nobody's home. Gabrielle: I know, I've been watching. I came to talk to you. Mary Alice: Although she would need to be discrete. Gabrielle: Keep working! What were you thinking, showing up at the hospital? John: I had to see if she was okay. Gabrielle: You need to keep a low profile right now. John: Look, you and I are finished. From now on, I'm sticking with Danielle. Gabrielle: Why would you say that? John: I hate myself for what we did! Okay? I can't sleep at night! I've got to make a clean break. Gabrielle: We weren't driving the car. We didn't chase Juanita into the street! John: Well, she wouldn't have been there if we weren't having an affair. Gabrielle: Oh, for God's sakes, between you and Carlos! Listen to me carefully, you didn't do anything wrong. John: That's not what Father Crowley thinks. Gabrielle: What? John: I went to confession. Gabrielle: Have you lost your mind? What did you tell him? John: Everything. Gabrielle: Including in the alley? Behind the truck stop? John: Everything. Gabrielle: Damn you! Edie: Hello there! Mr. Shaw: Good afternoon. Edie: Ooh, well isn't this just as pretty as a picture book! Mr. Shaw: Well, the plan is to put in a small condo. Edie: You want to make some money, or you want topussyfoot around? Mr. Shaw: What do you suggest? Edie: I'm thinkingstrip mall. I've run some numbers. Mr. Shaw: Nice stationary. Edie: Oh, it's stolen. Mr. Shaw: What do you mean? Edie: After my house burned down, I was staying with this neighbor, Martha Huber. That is, until the old troll threw me out. Anyway, I'd steal her stuff, she'd steal mine. Circle of life. Mr. Shaw: So this paper is hers? Edie: Oh, God, yes. Mike: What? Susan: I just came over to say I'm sorry, and I'll pay for all the damage. Mike: Don't worry about it. Susan: Well, so, in your mind, is the date off? Mike: Well, yousnooped aroundmy house, and went through my stuff. Uh, yeah, in my book, that's pretty much a deal breaker. Susan: Hold on a minute, now. I started snooping around because I found all that money by accident. And, and then, I found a gun. Are you a drug dealer or something? Mike: Is that what you think? Susan: Well, I wouldn't know because you never let me in. You know, there's this whole part of your life that you keep completely walled off. Mike: I have a gun for protection, I keep cash for emergencies. I'm a good guy, Susan, and you should know that. I'm, I'm not obligated to share every little detail of my life with you. Susan: Well, every little detail is one thing. You know, weird creepy secrets, that's another. Mike: You know what, I don't want to be with someone who doesn't trust me. Susan: Well, maybe we shouldn't be dating. Mike: Maybe we shouldn't. Susan: Do you mean that? Mike: Yeah. Susan: Well, I hope that, your, you know, little secret keeps you warm at night because you're throwing something really great away to protect it! 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. keep a low profile 所谓“做人要厚道,行事要低调”,keep a low profile就是“Stay out of public notice, avoid attracting attention to oneself.保持低调”。例如: The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。 Keep a low profile until the trouble over your activities is past. 在跟活动有关的麻烦事过去之前,你不要抛头露面。 2. stick with stick with通常的意思是“坚持做……”,例如: -Shall we change the plan?-No, we'll stick with the original one.' -我们变动一下计划好吗?-不行,我们要按原计划行事。 Hang on, can we stick with that point about cubism? 等一等,我们可以继续谈谈关于立体主义的那个问题吗? 而在这个片断中,stick with的意思是stay with, John的意思是“他将继续和Danielle谈恋爱”。 3. make a clean break 本意是“突变(彻底的改变)”,这里的意思是“完全和Gabrielle断绝关系”。例如:Finally, Ada decides to make a clean break with her drunkard boyfriend. 4. pussyfoot around 意思是“犹豫,怀疑,观望”,例如:Stop pussyfooting around and say what you mean.别那么缩手缩脚的,说说你到底是什么意思吧。 5. strip mall A mercantile establishment consisting of a row of various stores and business and restaurants along a road or busy street; usually opening on a parking lot.从阵容上看,有点类似我们的商业街。 6. snoop around 这里的意思是“偷偷窥探”,例如:The man has been snooping around outside my house for the whole day.那个男人一整天都在窥视我家。 Snoop around还有“巡逻”的意思,例如: The house perfects often snoop around our campus at night.学生纠察队经常夜间在校园里巡逻。 6. wall off 本意是“用墙隔开”,这里Susan的意思是“Mike把生活的大部分都(用墙)保护起来,不让外人知道”,例如:Linda walls off her life to protect herself. Rex: What's this? Bree: Your son's urine. Rex (to his golf partner): I'm gonna need a moment. Bree: I think Andrew has been smoking marijuana, so I want you to take this and get it tested right away. Rex: Why? Bree: Because I want you to pull him from the swim team and I don't think you'll allow it without proof. Rex: Proof or no proof, you're not going to take him off the team. Bree: Yes, I am. Rex: If you try, I'm going to go to the coach and tell him to ignore you. We're not gonna screw up Andrew's future just because he sparked a dooby! I mean, come on, we've all done it! Bree: Not all of us! Rex, I thought you moved back home to try and straighten Andrew out! To teach him the consequences of his actions. I don't understand why you're fighting me on this. Rex: Because I disagree. Because we're still getting divorced, and I don't have to let you push me around anymore. Bree: I never pushed you around. We always made our decisions together. Rex: No, you always made decisions, and tell me I agreed. Eighteen years of smiling and taking it. What, what a liar I was! Thank God you're out of my life! Bree: Rex! Rex: Hmmm? Rex: What the hell are you doing? Bree: The same thing you just did to every memory I have of our marriage. Rex: You know what? If you were my mom, I'd smoke pottoo! Tom: Please welcome Mrs. Arlene Norn. We have Arlene and her husband Norris to thank for all our folding chairs this evening. So, please remember for all your folding chair needs... rent Norn's. Tom: Next up we have Mrs. Betty Nolan. Gabrielle: Thank god Tom could fill in at the last minute. Bree: Why did Carlos have to back out? Gabrielle: Some work emergency. He wouldn't talk about it. Sometimes I could just kill him. Lynette: Well, look on the bright side, Tom's having the time of his life. Tom: Hands off, fell as. She's all mine. Lynette: I guess he does have a sort of dorky charm. Gabrielle: Okay, you're up first, followed by Lynette, uh, and then Edie... Edie. Where's Edie Britt? 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. Spark a dooby 在The Lake House中,我们曾讲到joint有“大麻”的意思,smoke a joint就是“抽大麻”,spark a dooby也有同样的意思。例如:Those young boys spark a dooby and think it's cool.那些年轻的男孩子抽大麻,还自认为这很酷。 2. Straighten out “Adopt an honest, upright course”,“(让孩子)学好/走正路”的意思,比如:He's only sixteen; I'm sure he'll straighten out before long.他才十六岁,我相信不用多久他自己就会学好的。 3. Push around “摆布,欺负”的意思,例如:She's not the kind of person who can be pushed around.她不是那种受人摆布的人。 4. Smoke pot Pot在这里是“大麻(marijuana)”的一种俚语叫法,smoke pot指的就是“抽大麻”。 5. Fill in 意思是“T o act as a substitute; stand in暂代;担任替补;临时替补”,比如:an understudy who filled in at the last minute.在最后一分钟才临时替补的演员。因为Carlos的中途退出,Tom Scavo担任了这次慈善表演秀的主持。 6. Back out 意思是“To withdraw from (an enterprise or a plan) before completion.在完成之前从(某项计划或事业)中退出”,例如:I hope I can depend on you not to back out at the last moment.我希望你绝对不会在最后的时刻变卦。 7. The time of one's life “最愉快的时刻”,例如:Tom is having the time of his life.汤姆正在度过他一生中最愉快的时刻。潜在的含义就是:汤姆很乐意做这件事。 8. Dorky charm Dorky的意思是“stupid, inept, or unfashionable”,dorky charm指的是一个人并不酷,甚至有点傻呼呼,但也因此非常有魅力,比如阿甘这样的人。 Gabrielle: How am I supposed to live without a car? Lawyer: Gabrielle, listen. Tanaka is still at large, and they're going to want Carlos to flip on him, so this is their way of playing hardball. Now, I'm guessing that they're not done yet. Gabrielle: Why? What else could they take from us? Lawyer: Pretty much anything. It's all fair game if they even think they can trace it to ill-gotten gains. Gabrielle: No, no, no. No! Some of this stuff is mine. When I modeled. Before I even met Carlos! See this, costa boda, bought it when I landed my first cover. This, I spent eight hours on a rock in a bikini for that painting! Lawyer: I understand how you feel. Gabrielle: No, you don't understand. I have dug myself up from dirt to afford these things, and no one is going to take them away from me! Lawyer: Then I suggest you find yourself a good hiding place. They can't take what they can't find. Oh, and if you could scare up that passport too, that would be good! Bree: Oh, hi Gabrielle! What have you got there? Gabrielle: My china. I know how you've always loved it, and I thought you might want to borrow it for a while. Bree: Oh! Well, that's um, very thoughtful of you. Gabrielle: Say, um, could I store some odds and ends in your garage? Bree: Sure! Why don't you, uh, come by tomorrow? Gabrielle: Sooner is better than later! Bree: Hello. Yes this is she. Yes, he's my husband. Bree: Um, excuse me, I'm here to see Rex Van de Kamp. Apparently, he had a heart attack. I'm not sure when- Nurse: He's being prepped for surgery right now. If you'd like to wait. Bree: Could I at least poke my head in? I'm his wife. Nurse: You're his wife? Bree: Yes. Why? Nurse: I was thinking of a different patient. Let me get the doctor. 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. at large “逍遥法外”的意思,例如:The murderer is still at large.那个杀人凶手仍然逍遥法外。 2. flip on 这里是“背叛”的意思,例如:They want me to flip on my best friend.他们想让我背叛我最好的朋友。 4. scare up 意思是“(努力)找到”,例如:We managed to scare up extra chairs for the unexpectedly large audience.我们费了好大劲才为这些突然而至的观众找到椅子。 同样意思的短语有:scrape together / up,例如:He managed to scrape together enough cash to buy two tickets.他费了好大劲才凑到足够买两张票的钱。 5. odds and ends 相当于odds and sods,指“零碎的东西”。His room is full of odds and ends.他房间里到处都是些零碎的东西。 6. poke one's head in 意思是“pay a short visit,稍稍看一下”。"Could I at least poke my head in? I'm his wife."的意思就是“我能不能只是稍稍看一下?我是他太太。” Karl: Damn woman, you were good! Yes, you're next, Suzie-Q. What cha gonna sing? Edie: Yes. Mike: You sing? Susan: Only when I'm alone. Karl: Come on, we're among friends. Susan: I don't think so. Mike: Well, I, for one, would love to hear your voice. Karl: Give it up, plumber. She's not budging. Susan: You want to hear me sing? Mike: Yeah. Susan: Okay. Mike: What's it going to be? I'll tell the piano player. Susan: New York, New York. Edie: Oh, I'm so excited to hear you. Oh, but doesn't it just figures... Susan: What do you mean? Edie: You have to get up in front of a room full of people dressed like that. I hope they don't turn on you. Susan: I think I'll take my chances... sort of like you did - on those high notes. Edie: I'm going to go get us two more. Karl: That's a great idea. Karl: So that Mike; he seems pretty even keeled. Susan: Yeah. He's a great guy. Karl: But you know, I mean, he's a little - Buster Brown. Don't you ever worry you'll gonna get bored? Susan: Thanks for your concern, Karl, I'm fine. Karl: Go figure. Even though our marriage was crazy at times, it never got dull. Susan: Yeah, that part when you slept with your secretary was really exciting. Karl: I know, how many times do I have to hear it? It was a mistake. But don't I ever get credit for the thirteen loyal years beforehand? Edie: You must not be counting the Henderson's Christmas party. Karl: Edie, not now. Edie: Oh, what's the big deal, Karl. Your marriage is history anyway. Karl: Edie... Edie: It was nothing, really. Basically we both got plastered on eggnog, and we found ourselves standing under the, uh, mistletoe... Karl: Edie... Edie: And we were like, okay, what do we do now? So I smiled, and he smiled, and then Karl reached over, and started feeling me up! Karl: Susie, that's not how it happened! Mike: All right, Susie, come on, you're up. Susan: What? Karl: Hey Susie, it's so silly... Susie. Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Susan Mayer! Susan (singing): Start spreading the news... I'm leaving today... I wanna be a part of it, New York! New York! These vagabond shoes... (speaking) You're an ass, you know that? Susan (to the piano player): No keep playing! (singing) Are longing to stray... there's a no, right? And get around the heart of it, New York! New York! I want to... (speaking) Just tell you that the affair was one thing, I mean, I forgave you, because on some small level, I thought you were in love with her, and now I find out that you were just groping people at parties... (singing) Top of the heap... Susan: Karl, don't you turn away from me. Look at me! You know, what else were you doing during our marriage? How many other women were you sticking it to? As God as my witness, it will snow on the hills of hell, before I ever feel sorry for you again! Susan (singing): New York! 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. It figures Figure这个词有很多意思和用法,除了作为名词表示“图形,数字”,它还可以用作动词表示“估计,想,认为”,例如:I figured that you wanted me to stay.在片断中,“go figure”的意思就是“想想看吧”。 此外,figure还可以表示“to be or appear”,例如:His name figures importantly in my report. 还可以表示“to be logical, expected, or reasonable”,例如:He quit the job when he didn't get a raise-it figured. 还可以表示“理解,了解”:He didn't figure her. It figures则是一个片语,意思是It's expected。 2. Turn on 这里的turn on可不是“关掉”的意思,而是to becomes angry or unhappy with someone suddenly的意思。例如:I'm afraid that they'll turn on me when they see what I wear. 3. High notes Note在这里指的是“音调”,high notes就是“高音调”,低音调就是low notes。 4. Get credit for 意思是Receive acknowledgment or praise for some accomplishment,例如:Bill got all the credit for attracting a big audience.同样的,我们可以推测出give credit for意思就是“赞扬,感谢”,例如:We should give the pianist credit for her work in the program. 5. feel up 这是一个很粗俗的俚语,意思是“To touch or fondle (someone) sexually,挑逗,调情:带有性欲地触摸或抚摸(某人)”。例如:I can't believe that your husband tried to feel me up at the party! 6. Grope 本意是“(在黑暗中)摸索”,这里作为一个俚语,意思是“to touch or handle (someone) for sexual pleasure”,例如:He made some sexual advances at the woman in his office and groped her repeatedly. Mary Alice: Martha Huber waited her whole life for something to happen to her, something exciting. As a child, she hoped to be kidnapped by a band of pirates. As a teenager, she dreamt of being discovered by a Hollywood talent scout. As a young woman, she fantasized that a handsome millionaire would sweep her off her feet. But the years had flown by, and still, nothing exciting had ever happened to Martha Huber. Until the night she was murdered. Paul: Hello, Mrs. Huber. Martha: Paul! Paul: Let me give you a hand. Martha: That's really not necessary. Paul: I insist. Mary Alice: In those last moments, it occurred to her, in addition to being boring, life could also be very cruel. Luckily for Mrs. Huber, death was far more merciful. Officer Jackson: What do you think? Police chief: That's our missing woman, all right. Police Chief: Aw, geez, it didn't take the media long to get wind of this. Make sure no one contaminates my crime scene. Officer Jackson: Hey, little lady. A lot of people are looking for you, you know that? Your face is gonna be on the front page of every paper in this state. How's that for exciting? Mary Alice: Officer Jackson couldn't be sure, but for a brief moment, he thought he saw the corpse of Martha Huber, smile. Mary Alice: Word of the tragedy would soon spread throughout the neighborhood. But for now, people went about their lives as they always did, blissfully unaware. Susan: Hello, anybody home? Mike's voice: In the kitchen. Susan: Good news. I finished my book, so I thought to celebrate, you could take me out to lunch. Edie: Hey, Susan. Mike: Uh, could we do a rain check? Edie and I are just looking over the plans to rebuild her house. Edie: My insurance company is finally cutting my check next week, and there's only one plumber I want. So don't expect to see this guy for a few months. I'm gonna be riding him hard. Susan: Well, if anyone can go the distance, he can. I should know. Edie: Uh, Mike? Mike? We're on the clock. Hey Felicia, what's up? Mike: Edie? Edie: They found Martha. 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. talent scout 本意是“发觉天才的人”,这里意为“(好莱坞)的星探”,例如:I wish that someday a Hollywood scout would discover me. 2. Sweep somebody off his/her feet 意思是“Overwhelm someone emotionally”,例如:With his little gifts and gallant behavior, he swept her off her feet.同样意思的表达还有:carry / knock off someone's feet. 3. Geez Jesus的缩略形式,用来表示“惊讶,高兴,不满或者恼怒”。 4. Get wind of “得到……的风声”,和汉语非常相似。例如:I don't want my boss to get wind of the fact that I'm leaving so I'm not telling many people. 5. Cut one's check 这里的意思是sign one's check, Edie是说保险公司终于要赔偿她的损失了。 6. Go the distance 这个片语起源于拳击比赛,本意是“打完所有计划的每一轮比赛”,这里的意思是“to work long and hard and do well”,例如:He said he's willing to go the distance with this project. 7. On the clock 意思是“(支付了钱财的)工作时间”。Edie对Mike和Susan的卿卿我我非常受不了,故而提醒Mike:现在是工作时间,我付了你钱的。例如:Stop playing that silly game, we're on the clock. 绝望主妇经典对白(2009-11-08 09:10:17) 标签:娱乐分类:my life Bree 是完美主妇,下面是她的经典台词: Bree: "I am so tired of feeling like the worst mother who ever lived." 我真的是厌倦了这种自己是最糟糕母亲的感觉。 Andrew(大儿子): "You're not. There's Grandma. 你不是,还有奶奶。 Bree:- I just... I've tried so hard to set a good example. I've done the best I could to teach you kids right from wrong. Why isn't it taking? 我真的是尽全力去做一个好母亲。努力的教你们什么是对,什么是错,但为什么没用呢? Andrew:- It took. I mean, we know the difference between right and wrong. We just chose wrong. 起作用了,妈妈。我是说我们知道对与错的分别,我们只是选择错的一面。 Bree: -Why? 为什么? Andrew: -Sometimes, when you push a kid really hard to go one way, the other way starts to look more entertaining. 有时,你给孩子太大的压力去选择你认可的路,而另一条路似乎更加有趣。 Gabby:Good friends support each other when something terrible happends. Great friends pretend nothing ever happened. 当糟糕的事情发生的时候,好朋友是相互支持,更好的朋友是假装什么也没有发生。(怕问出来让对方尴尬)--俺不能理解上边的思维,下边的倒可以接受。 Bree:This is the way I see it, good friends offer to help in a crisis, great friends don't take no for an answer。 我的理解是,危难的时候好朋友出手相助,更好的朋友是不会拒绝帮助。 (to Orson) I'm not saying you're worthless, I'm saying you are worth . . . less. 对奥森说:我没说你一文不值,我是说你。。。只值一文。 Gabby,个性爽直,很物质。 John: Why did you marry Mr. Solis? 你为什莫嫁给塞里斯先生。 Gabby: He promised to give me all I ever wanted. 因为他许诺会给我想要的一切。 John: Then why aren't you happy? 那你为什么还不开心? Gabby: It turns out I wanted all the wrong things. 事实,所有我想要的都是错的。 Sister Mary: "Money can't buy happiness." 修女玛丽:金钱是不能买到快乐的。 Gabby: "Well, sure it can. That's just a lie we tell poor people to keep 'em from rioting. 哦,当然可以。这只是安抚穷人的谎言。 下面这个俺就不翻译了。冷幽默 Gabby: Why are all rich men such jerks? Carlos: The same reason all beautiful women are bitches。 Gabby:I've tried poor but happy. Guess what? I wasn't that happy. 我尝试着贫穷且快乐,你猜怎末着,我并没有想象中那么快乐。 Gaby:I don't just love you, I love the way that you love me。 我不仅仅爱你,我还爱你爱我的方式。 Gabby:Pretty girls are never lonely。 漂亮的女孩永远不会孤单。 傻大姐Susan Susan:Can you just give me a second, I am asking God to kill me. 请等一下好吗,我在请求上帝的惩罚。 Edie,性感,大气 Edie:Of course I believe in evil -- I work in real estate. 我当然相信丑恶存在,别忘了我在房地产工作。 Edie:You know, I so want to like you, but you just won′t let me。 看,我一直想喜欢你,可你就是不让。 Mary,自杀的主妇 Most mothers will tell you their children are a gift from God. Most mothers will also tell you there are some days when you wish you could return them. 大部分的母亲会告诉你,孩子是上帝赐予的礼物,她们也会告诉你,有些时候,他们很想把礼物返还给上帝
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