

2018-01-07 16页 doc 49KB 21阅读




从问题奶粉看食品安全从问题奶粉看食品安全 从 “问题奶粉”事件谈食品安全监管的制度效率问题 丰子 我国在去年九月暴露 “问题奶粉”事件后,又陆续引发了大白兔奶糖、阿尔脾斯奶糖等一系列食品安全问题。食品安全问题危害人们的健康,损害消费者的利益,从而严重影响我国整体形象,大大削弱了我国食品的市场竞争力,已经成为目前公众关注的最大焦点。事实上我国的食品安全问题近年来一直处于上升趋势,重大食品安全事件层出不穷,都给人们留下了惨痛的记忆。而这次的“问题奶粉”事件再次敲响了食品安全问题的警钟。我想这不仅仅是乳制品生产上的安全漏洞问题,更是从一个侧面说明...
从问题奶粉看食品安全 从 “问题奶粉”事件谈食品安全监管的效率问题 丰子 我国在去年九月暴露 “问题奶粉”事件后,又陆续引发了大白兔奶糖、阿尔脾斯奶糖等一系列食品安全问题。食品安全问题危害人们的健康,损害消费者的利益,从而严重影响我国整体形象,大大削弱了我国食品的市场竞争力,已经成为目前公众关注的最大焦点。事实上我国的食品安全问题近年来一直处于上升趋势,重大食品安全事件层出不穷,都给人们留下了惨痛的记忆。而这次的“问题奶粉”事件再次敲响了食品安全问题的警钟。我想这不仅仅是乳制品生产上的安全漏洞问题,更是从一个侧面说明我国食品安全监管存在严重的制度效率问题。 制度就是社会规范。具体而言,制度是关系规范,引导人们处理相互关系;制度是行为规范,约束人们行为选择空间;制度是利益规范,保障人们的权力和利益。制度主要具有三大功能。即信息功能、整合功能和激励功能。法律、法规、规章等都属于制度范畴。 制度效率是历史进程成败之剑,是二十一世纪的核心竞争力,提升制度效率是推进发展的关键。所谓制度效率,就是指制度安排所形成的投入产出比率、组织运作绩效和系统发展速率。制度效率表现了组织系统适应环境、整合资源、实现组织目标的能力。提升制度效率的实质就是提升制度资本、降低制度成本。而科学的制度设计是实现制度效率高效的基础和关键所在。制度的科学性主要表现在结构合理,,设置科学的形式结构;利益到位,,定位合理的利益结构;流程potential detection needle P' to insert grounding very E' and current detection needle C' Zhijian. With wire E', P', C', respectively connected to the corresponding terminal on the meter e, p, c. Grounding resistance test wiring schematic, potential of test method local, potential link installation finished Hou, should for guide proclaim test, test with power can used no-load voltage for 4~24V of DC or Exchange power, test current not should is less than 0.2A, if, potential link Terminal Board and, potential link range within of metal pipeline, metal body end Zhijian of resistance is unlikely to Yu provides value, can think, potential link is effective of, as found guide pass bad of pipeline connection at, should for across wiring. At the time of construction, require close cooperation among various types to ensure equipotential bonding the always conducting. Electrical commissioning before commissioning before preparing serial number checking contents 1 wire and insulation resistance test wiring connections completed, light boxes, lamps, switches, outlets, insulation resistance testing before the seated or finished before wiring, electrical equipment and wiring insulation resistance test. 2 grounding or the checking of zero: review one by one is located in the sourcing is correct, contact is solid and reliable, is properly connected to ground online; devices close to the bare grounding conductor or neutral connection is complete; point should be connected to the grounding grid, cannot be used in the body of the device; Equipment grounding should contact is good, solid, reliable and identified the obvious. 有序,,打造高效的运转结构和信息对称,,形成通畅的信息结构四大方面。 我国现有食品安全制度就是以《食品卫生法》、《国务院关于加强食品等产品安全监督管理的特别规定》等法律、法规和标准为主的法律体系,并因此而产生的分段管理模式。即从食品原料种植或养殖到最终消费被分为了四个环节(段),分别由相应的政府职能部门依法监管。具体而言,农业、畜牧部门负责对食品原料的种植、养殖环节的监督管理,质监部门负责对食品生产加工环节的监督管理,工商部门负责对食品流通环节的监督管理,卫生部门负责对食品消费环节的监督管理。而我国现有的食品安全的制度体系建设还不够科学和完善,主要存在以下几方面的问题。 一是制度形式结构不完善。主要表现在食品安全法规体系建设滞后、不完善和技术保障差三个方面。我国食品安全制度的监管形式结构是参照美国实行的多部门分段管理模式。分段监管模式具有监管线长——从食品的种植(养殖)到消费、监管力量充分——多个相关职能部门参与等优点,但也存在监管环节多、责任不明、部门协调难、监管脱节、监管成本高等缺点。从美国的食品安全法规体系建设看,完善的法规体系和检测技术支撑是实施好分段监管模式的关键。而我国食品安全法规体系建设是滞后和不完善的,技术保障水平是相当差的。我国的《食品卫生法》是1995年修订后实施的,以《食品卫生法》为主体法的食品安全法规体系已很难适应我国飞速发展,日新月异的食品经济形势,难以保证我国的食品安全,是严重滞后的。其内 2body of the device; Equipment grounding should contact is good, solid, reliable and identified the obvious.n the bare grounding conductor or neutral connection is complete; point should be connected to the grounding grid, cannot be used iated in the sourcing is correct, contact is solid and reliable, is properly connected to ground online; devices close to the is loce wiring, electrical equipment and wiring insulation resistance test. 2 grounding or the checking of zero: review one by one nnections completed, light boxes, lamps, switches, outlets, insulation resistance testing before the seated or finished beforing cocommissioning before commissioning before preparing serial number checking contents 1 wire and insulation resistance test wirnstruction, require close cooperation among various types to ensure equipotential bonding the always conducting. Electrical of conk, potential link is effective of, as found guide pass bad of pipeline connection at, should for across wiring. At the time potential link range within of metal pipeline, metal body end Zhijian of resistance is unlikely to Yu provides value, can thi and,load voltage for 4~24V of DC or Exchange power, test current not should is less than 0.2A, if, potential link Terminal Board -oal of test method local, potential link installation finished Hou, should for guide proclaim test, test with power can used ntentiectively connected to the corresponding terminal on the meter e, p, c. Grounding resistance test wiring schematic, popotential detection needle P' to insert grounding very E' and current detection needle C' Zhijian. With wire E', P', C', resp 容和涉及的领域不全面和不科学,存在严重的体系缺陷,在部分领域和行业甚至是缺失的。比如对食品添加剂等化学物质的生产加工、销售、使用和检测的监管体系不科学、不完善,且打击和惩戒力度严重不够,化学物质的监管不力也是我国食品安全制度的重要薄弱点。从我国近年来发生的诸如“苏丹红”、“三聚氰氨”、“吊白块”等多起重大食品安全事故看,在种植、养殖过程中和食品原料或食品中违规加入化学物质是相当普遍的现象。同时,我国的食品安全检测的标准体系建设不完善,检测技术能力很薄弱。目前我国各行业的食品安全技术标准不完善,且检测技术服务机构少、水平低、分布不合理,这些问题在欠发达地区和基层特别突出。比如“问题奶粉”事件暴露前,我国对“凯氏检测法”检测蛋白质含量存在的漏洞认识不够,自贡市有目的、有能力检测三聚氰氨的技术服务机构几乎没有。这都说明我国的食品安全施行分段管理的基础条件是不完全具备的,容易出现监管漏洞和发生食品安全事故。 二是制度利益结构不合理。主要是对食品经营单位维护公众食品安全的首要利益的客观要求较低。制度效率的最终体现应该是把维护公众的食品安全做为首要利益,其他利益必须建立在首要利益的基础上。而我国现行食品安全制度在维护公众的首要利益时还存在诸多不足。首先存在准入标准较低,标准的针对性不强,“刚性”不够的问题。准入的高标准是确保食品安全的第一步,特别是在种植、养殖和生产加工环节等食品流通链条的源头更应该是高标准。由于传统和体制的原因,我国从事食品生产经营的准入标准普遍不高;行业标准细 3the device; Equipment grounding should contact is good, solid, reliable and identified the obvious. g conductor or neutral connection is complete; point should be connected to the grounding grid, cannot be used in the body ofundinthe sourcing is correct, contact is solid and reliable, is properly connected to ground online; devices close to the bare gro ctrical equipment and wiring insulation resistance test. 2 grounding or the checking of zero: review one by one is located in, eles completed, light boxes, lamps, switches, outlets, insulation resistance testing before the seated or finished before wiringbefore commissioning before preparing serial number checking contents 1 wire and insulation resistance test wiring connection ioningion, require close cooperation among various types to ensure equipotential bonding the always conducting. Electrical commissl link is effective of, as found guide pass bad of pipeline connection at, should for across wiring. At the time of constructtentiaial link range within of metal pipeline, metal body end Zhijian of resistance is unlikely to Yu provides value, can think, poe for 4~24V of DC or Exchange power, test current not should is less than 0.2A, if, potential link Terminal Board and, potentload voltag-est method local, potential link installation finished Hou, should for guide proclaim test, test with power can used nonected to the corresponding terminal on the meter e, p, c. Grounding resistance test wiring schematic, potential of tectively conpotential detection needle P' to insert grounding very E' and current detection needle C' Zhijian. With wire E', P', C', resp 分不够,标准的针对性不强,执行时“刚性”不够。这种“低标准”的生产经营方式很容易导致食品安全事故的发生。比如“苏丹红”事件和“毒奶粉”事件。其次是经营者为追求个人利益最大化,置公众利益而不顾,在生产经营过程中刻意降低成本,缺乏必要的食品安全保障措施的问题。比如餐饮业中餐用具不消毒或消毒不合格和“回收油”的再用等问题。最后是经营者违法成本太低,违法行为难以遏制的问题。由于现行的食品安全法律法规在对违法行为的处罚属行政处罚范畴,只有违法后果十分严重,触犯了《刑法》才可能实施司法处罚,行政处罚和司法处罚之间缺少有机联系。而行政处罚本身力度较弱,受社会稳定、地方经济发展等执法环境因素干扰和制约比较大,很难使违法者倾家荡产或者被限制人身自由,违法成本过于低廉。这就使得违法行为打而不死,频频发生,且花样百出,很难做到防微杜渐,防止重大食品安全事故的发生。从违法经营的小作坊、小餐饮、小摊点、家庭工厂、地下黑工厂等的存在就可见一斑。 三是制度流程执行力不足。我国的食品生产经营管理从2003年起施行多部门分段监管的模式是基于当时食品经济发展状况划定的。通过近五年的实践证明,这种模式是不完善的,难以确保法律法规的有效执行。主要存在标准不一、责任不明、职能交叉、力量不均、相互推委,综合效率低下等问题。它没有真正做到“无缝”衔接,而且“缝隙”会随着食品经济的发展愈来愈大,使得监管会更加脱节,食品安全会漏洞百出。比如对奶牛饲料生产、原料奶到奶制品生产企业的流通过程、奶农的健康体检等方面就存在监管盲区,这不利于杜绝 4body of the device; Equipment grounding should contact is good, solid, reliable and identified the obvious.n the bare grounding conductor or neutral connection is complete; point should be connected to the grounding grid, cannot be used iated in the sourcing is correct, contact is solid and reliable, is properly connected to ground online; devices close to the is loce wiring, electrical equipment and wiring insulation resistance test. 2 grounding or the checking of zero: review one by one nnections completed, light boxes, lamps, switches, outlets, insulation resistance testing before the seated or finished beforing cocommissioning before commissioning before preparing serial number checking contents 1 wire and insulation resistance test wirnstruction, require close cooperation among various types to ensure equipotential bonding the always conducting. Electrical of conk, potential link is effective of, as found guide pass bad of pipeline connection at, should for across wiring. At the time potential link range within of metal pipeline, metal body end Zhijian of resistance is unlikely to Yu provides value, can thi and,load voltage for 4~24V of DC or Exchange power, test current not should is less than 0.2A, if, potential link Terminal Board -oal of test method local, potential link installation finished Hou, should for guide proclaim test, test with power can used ntentiectively connected to the corresponding terminal on the meter e, p, c. Grounding resistance test wiring schematic, popotential detection needle P' to insert grounding very E' and current detection needle C' Zhijian. With wire E', P', C', resp 有毒有害物质进入源奶和预防传染病。又如对于无证无照无生产许可证从事食品生产加工的违法单位进行取缔时,按照分段管理原则,监督管理属于质量监督部门。但卫生许可证取得属于营业执照发放的前置条件,且两证的取得又属于发放生产许可证的前置条件,而三证的发放又分属于卫生、工商和质监三个行政管理部门。按照谁发证谁监管的原则,就导致了该由哪个部门取缔的责任不明确等一系列问题,很难保证对这种违法行为的有力打击。另外,监管部门力量不均,一些监管部门力量严重不足,监管工作量大面宽,很难作到监管的全覆盖,难以确保所监管的环节不出现监管漏洞,为食品安全埋下了隐患。比如,卫生、农业、畜牧等部门。同时,也存在一些地方政府或部门不能正确处理依法治国与社会和谐的关系问题。以人为本,构建和谐社会是我国政府治国理念,只有依法治国,确保正常的社会经济秩序,维护国家和人民的利益才能构建和谐的社会环境。但是,在一些地方或部门,为了地方或者少数人的利益和“和谐稳定”,缺乏大局观念,不顾国家利益,存在有法不依、执法不严等监管不力,甚至是违法执法的行为,对食品生产经营者的违法行为打击不力,食品安全事故难以得到有效控制。 四是制度信息不对称。主要指经营和监管的信息公开度不够,社会监督缺乏。目前我国的食品安全法律法规没有明确要求食品生产经营单位和监督管理部门向社会公开食品原料采购、基本配方、生产加工方式、检验检测结果、被监督管理情况等重要信息,就造成了食品安全信息不能及时、准确的被公众所了解不对称状况。而信息的不对 5the device; Equipment grounding should contact is good, solid, reliable and identified the obvious. g conductor or neutral connection is complete; point should be connected to the grounding grid, cannot be used in the body ofundinthe sourcing is correct, contact is solid and reliable, is properly connected to ground online; devices close to the bare gro ctrical equipment and wiring insulation resistance test. 2 grounding or the checking of zero: review one by one is located in, eles completed, light boxes, lamps, switches, outlets, insulation resistance testing before the seated or finished before wiringbefore commissioning before preparing serial number checking contents 1 wire and insulation resistance test wiring connection ioningion, require close cooperation among various types to ensure equipotential bonding the always conducting. Electrical commissl link is effective of, as found guide pass bad of pipeline connection at, should for across wiring. At the time of constructtentiaial link range within of metal pipeline, metal body end Zhijian of resistance is unlikely to Yu provides value, can think, poe for 4~24V of DC or Exchange power, test current not should is less than 0.2A, if, potential link Terminal Board and, potentload voltag-est method local, potential link installation finished Hou, should for guide proclaim test, test with power can used nonected to the corresponding terminal on the meter e, p, c. Grounding resistance test wiring schematic, potential of tectively conpotential detection needle P' to insert grounding very E' and current detection needle C' Zhijian. With wire E', P', C', resp 称是造成社会监督缺乏,防止潜在威胁扩大或演变成食品安全事故的重要原因。只有尽量作到信息对称,公众才能知情,才能科学选择和有效监督,也才能弥补行政监管的不足和放大行政监管的效果,有效的防止安全事故的发生,确保食品安全。 通过以上分析,不难看出在我国以《食品卫生法》为主的食品安全法律法规严重“老化”,不够科学合理。食品安全制度体系建设严重滞后,出现了法律监管盲区,难以保证我国的食品安全。制度效率低、竞争力弱,已很难适应我国高速发展的社会和经济形势。同时,层出不穷的食品安全事故严重影响了我国食品等产品的声誉和国际竞争力,使我国食品经济损失严重。 针对以上问题,我认为必须推陈出新,尽快建立以《食品安全法》为主体的、科学完善的食品安全制度体系。努力提升制度资本、降低制度成本,从而充分提升制度效率,确保我国食品安全,维护人民群众的切身利益。 一是尽快完善我国食品安全法律法规体系。尽快出台《食品安全法》,并完善以《食品安全法》为主体的食品安全法律法规体系。我国的《食品安全法》草案已修改多次,很快就会正式出台,从而取代现有《食品卫生法》而成为主导我国食品安全的主要法律。同时,根据《食品安全法》,应对相关的法律法规进行修改和完善,特别是对于食品添加剂等化学物质的生产、销售和使用的监管必须系统化、科学化和严谨化,最好将其纳入危险违禁物品进行专门管理,确保食品生产、加工、销售、消费等各个环节都不被化学物质污染。从而建立 6body of the device; Equipment grounding should contact is good, solid, reliable and identified the obvious.n the bare grounding conductor or neutral connection is complete; point should be connected to the grounding grid, cannot be used iated in the sourcing is correct, contact is solid and reliable, is properly connected to ground online; devices close to the is loce wiring, electrical equipment and wiring insulation resistance test. 2 grounding or the checking of zero: review one by one nnections completed, light boxes, lamps, switches, outlets, insulation resistance testing before the seated or finished beforing cocommissioning before commissioning before preparing serial number checking contents 1 wire and insulation resistance test wirnstruction, require close cooperation among various types to ensure equipotential bonding the always conducting. Electrical of conk, potential link is effective of, as found guide pass bad of pipeline connection at, should for across wiring. At the time potential link range within of metal pipeline, metal body end Zhijian of resistance is unlikely to Yu provides value, can thi and,load voltage for 4~24V of DC or Exchange power, test current not should is less than 0.2A, if, potential link Terminal Board -oal of test method local, potential link installation finished Hou, should for guide proclaim test, test with power can used ntentiectively connected to the corresponding terminal on the meter e, p, c. Grounding resistance test wiring schematic, popotential detection needle P' to insert grounding very E' and current detection needle C' Zhijian. With wire E', P', C', resp 和完善确保食品安全的法律体系。 二是尽快完善我国食品安全行业标准体系。我国的食品安全行业标准体系建设很不完善,标准不全、标准不科学等问题依然严重。比如奶制品蛋白质含量测定标准的不科学导致了添加三聚氰氨的恶性事件。所以,须尽快修改和完善我国食品安全各项行业标准,以指导食品的生产经营和监督管理,使我国食品行业真正步入科学发展的轨道。 三是尽快完善我国食品安全监督管理体系,强化依法治理,严厉打击违法行为。根据《食品安全法》,采取科学的食品监督管理模式,并依法设置和完善相应的监督管理职能部门,整合部门资源,明确职责,提高监督管理效率;同时,实行责任追究制度,大力推进依法治理,加强执法力度,增加违法成本,切实保障正常经济秩序,确保食品安全。 四是建立“从农田到餐桌”的全程质量控制和风险评估体系。这也成为我国食品安全保障体系建设的重要内容。其中,尤为重要的是食品安全风险评估建设。从监测的角度看,欧洲很多国家也是在发生大的食品安全事件之后才建立起风险评估的科研机构和监测机构,如一系列风险评估的实验室等。建立类似的实验室,应成为我国食品安全风险评估建设的重要发展方向。建立科学的质量安全管理,其核心是风险为基础的安全管理,风险评估是食品安全科技支撑能力的核心。在基础研究方面,需要重点开展与风险评估密切相关的监测、溯源、预警等技术研究;在应用研究方面,应围绕风险管理目标,重点开展 7the device; Equipment grounding should contact is good, solid, reliable and identified the obvious. g conductor or neutral connection is complete; point should be connected to the grounding grid, cannot be used in the body ofundinthe sourcing is correct, contact is solid and reliable, is properly connected to ground online; devices close to the bare gro ctrical equipment and wiring insulation resistance test. 2 grounding or the checking of zero: review one by one is located in, eles completed, light boxes, lamps, switches, outlets, insulation resistance testing before the seated or finished before wiringbefore commissioning before preparing serial number checking contents 1 wire and insulation resistance test wiring connection ioningion, require close cooperation among various types to ensure equipotential bonding the always conducting. Electrical commissl link is effective of, as found guide pass bad of pipeline connection at, should for across wiring. At the time of constructtentiaial link range within of metal pipeline, metal body end Zhijian of resistance is unlikely to Yu provides value, can think, poe for 4~24V of DC or Exchange power, test current not should is less than 0.2A, if, potential link Terminal Board and, potentload voltag-est method local, potential link installation finished Hou, should for guide proclaim test, test with power can used nonected to the corresponding terminal on the meter e, p, c. Grounding resistance test wiring schematic, potential of tectively conpotential detection needle P' to insert grounding very E' and current detection needle C' Zhijian. With wire E', P', C', resp 以全程质量控制和可追溯为主的技术研究,加快研发种养殖业过程控制和源头治理的实用技术,搞好组装配套,积极推广应用。食品的原材料大多是农产品,按照全程管理的要求,需要对产地环境、生产过程包括种养殖过程、储运过程、加工过程,以及最后的消费过程进行全程监控。这需要重点做好关键控制点的工作。一是农业产业化与标准化的关系,农业产业化的过程,也是农业标准化的过程;二是食品安全知识与标准化知识的普及。可以利用现有的农技推广体系资源,将农业科技推广与标准化普及结合起来,将最先进的农业科技成果和标准化的技术直接送到生产源头,杜绝不合格产品进入市场。 五是建立对相关管理人员实行责任倒查机制。首先应建立对负有监管职责的部门及监管人员的责任倒查机制,必须对准入不严或监管不力造成重大食品安全隐患的、以及对食品安全事故的直接和间接责任的责任人进行倒查责任追究。其次是对从事健康体检、检验检测等技术服务的机构弄虚作假、玩忽职守等造成重大食品安全隐患或事故的责任人必须实行责任倒查追究。最后是对造成重大安全隐患或安全事故的生产经营单位直接责任人,以及有业务往来关系的相关单位的间接责任人必须倒查追究。 六是建立健全食品生产经营单位食品安全社会信用体系和信息公开制度。即建立食品安全信用档案,对食品质量安全卫生情况进行跟踪监测,丰富食品安全监管信息,确定食品安全信用等级,引导食品生产经营单位依法经营。同时,为了切实加强社会监督,在确保商业机密的前提下,适当增加食品生产经营单位食品生产经营过程关键 8body of the device; Equipment grounding should contact is good, solid, reliable and identified the obvious.n the bare grounding conductor or neutral connection is complete; point should be connected to the grounding grid, cannot be used iated in the sourcing is correct, contact is solid and reliable, is properly connected to ground online; devices close to the is loce wiring, electrical equipment and wiring insulation resistance test. 2 grounding or the checking of zero: review one by one nnections completed, light boxes, lamps, switches, outlets, insulation resistance testing before the seated or finished beforing cocommissioning before commissioning before preparing serial number checking contents 1 wire and insulation resistance test wirnstruction, require close cooperation among various types to ensure equipotential bonding the always conducting. Electrical of conk, potential link is effective of, as found guide pass bad of pipeline connection at, should for across wiring. At the time potential link range within of metal pipeline, metal body end Zhijian of resistance is unlikely to Yu provides value, can thi and,load voltage for 4~24V of DC or Exchange power, test current not should is less than 0.2A, if, potential link Terminal Board -oal of test method local, potential link installation finished Hou, should for guide proclaim test, test with power can used ntentiectively connected to the corresponding terminal on the meter e, p, c. Grounding resistance test wiring schematic, popotential detection needle P' to insert grounding very E' and current detection needle C' Zhijian. With wire E', P', C', resp 信息的透明度。让安全隐患、违法行为暴露在公众的视野中,更加有效的弥补行政监管的不足,逐步形成优胜劣汰的机制,有效防止和杜绝食品安全事故的发生。 2009年5月 ctrical equipment and wiring insulation resistance test. 2 grounding or the checking of zero: review one by one is located in, eles completed, light boxes, lamps, switches, outlets, insulation resistance testing before the seated or finished before wiringbefore commissioning before preparing serial number checking contents 1 wire and insulation resistance test wiring connection ioningion, require close cooperation among various types to ensure equipotential bonding the always conducting. Electrical commissl link is effective of, as found guide pass bad of pipeline connection at, should for across wiring. At the time of constructtentiaial link range within of metal pipeline, metal body end Zhijian of resistance is unlikely to Yu provides value, can think, poe for 4~24V of DC or Exchange power, test current not should is less than 0.2A, if, potential link Terminal Board and, potentload voltag-est method local, potential link installation finished Hou, should for guide proclaim test, test with power can used nonected to the corresponding terminal on the meter e, p, c. Grounding resistance test wiring schematic, potential of tectively conpotential detection needle P' to insert grounding very E' and current detection needle C' Zhijian. With wire E', P', C', resp9the device; Equipment grounding should contact is good, solid, reliable and identified the obvious. g conductor or neutral connection is complete; point should be connected to the grounding grid, cannot be used in the body ofundinthe sourcing is correct, contact is solid and reliable, is properly connected to ground online; devices close to the bare gro
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