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生命之舟爱心铸就生命之舟爱心铸就 “生命之舟,爱心铸就”主题班会教案 2013,2014学年度第二学期 八年六班主题班会 一、 班会目的: 生命是美丽的,世界的美好也正在于生命的存在。我们每天都可以看到无数的生命,而且我们每个人就是一个生命。那么,我们关注过这个熟悉而又陌生的生命吗,当代的很多中学生因所处的家庭环境、社会环境很优越,因而养成了一种安逸享乐的习惯,解决困难的能力,心理承受力都较差。因此,当困难(在成人眼里算不上困难)突然降临时,往往不知所措,采取逃避的态度,有的甚至“轻生”。生命只属于我的一次,我们该把她打扮得更加光彩...
生命之舟爱心铸就 “生命之舟,爱心铸就”主班会 2013,2014学年度第二学期 八年六班主题班会 一、 班会目的: 生命是美丽的,世界的美好也正在于生命的存在。我们每天都可以看到无数的生命,而且我们每个人就是一个生命。那么,我们关注过这个熟悉而又陌生的生命吗,当代的很多中学生因所处的家庭环境、社会环境很优越,因而养成了一种安逸享乐的习惯,解决困难的能力,心理承受力都较差。因此,当困难(在成人眼里算不上困难)突然降临时,往往不知所措,采取逃避的态度,有的甚至“轻生”。生命只属于我的一次,我们该把她打扮得更加光彩,生命是一个完整的过程,无论成功还是失败,都不会在你的背后留下空白。我们要让生命得有意义,必须对自己负责任。 二、 活动形式: 诗朗诵,学生讨论等 三、活动时间: 2014年5月14日 四、活动地点: 八年六班教室 五、参加对象: 八年六班全体学生。 主持人:岳欢欢 付研琦 六、活动准备: the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development concept-driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smooth (,)搜集准备有关生命教育的资料;可从网站上下载,或者报纸新闻中获取。 (,)每位同学谈谈自己对生命的理解及身边发生的故事。 七、活动过程 ,.开场白 主持人发言:生命是美丽的,世界的美好也正在于生命的存在。我们每天都可以看到无数的生命,而且我们每个人就是一个生命。那么,我们关注过这个熟悉而又陌生的生命吗,当代的很多中学生因所处的家庭环境、社会环境很优越,因而养成了一种安逸享乐的习惯,解决困难的能力,心理承受力都较差。因此,当困难(在成人眼里算不上困难)突然降临时,往往不知所措,采取逃避的态度,有的甚至“轻生”。生命只属于我的一次,我们该把她打扮得更加光彩,生命是一个完整的过程,无论成功还是失败,都不会在你的背后留下空白。我们要让生命得有意义,必须对自己负责任。 ,(诚然生命是非常可贵的、非常美好的,我们应该好好珍惜~下面请听秦月同学带来的诗朗诵《热爱生命》: 当我一次次被遗忘在角落,找不到黑暗的出口,我以为自己的生命就要结束时,内心仍然挣扎的警醒我:热爱生命 当我仍在迷雾中穿梭,把握不住生命的方向,我以为自己的前程像汪洋中的小船时,勒住风帆的手依然告诫我:热爱生命 当我的行为被周围人所不理解,我的解释像东风一样无力,我以为自己将要被世间所遗弃,坚定的脚步仍然告诉我:热爱生命 the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development concept-driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smooth 当生活的苦难像雨后的春笋一样冒出,甚至一次次将我逼到人生的死角,我感到窒息甚至无所依附时,我的精神依然像阳光一样洒出:热爱生命 当疾病的恶魔总是缠绕凄苦的人生,把生命的力量吸尽到软弱,我感到自己的身体像秋叶般飘零,不屈服的性格紧抓住人生的尾翼呼喊:热爱生命 也许我的未来是沉浸在百年寒冰下的雪莲,永远是属于观赏而不可及的美好,也许我的生命是九九曲回的羊肠,永远在荆棘之间匍匐,请相信,我依然会执著的去为—— 生命喝彩,生活高歌~ 也许我的爱情是冬夏的冰火,永远在痛苦中灼烧,在热烈中消亡,我依然会为爱情的美好而赞美,不信,请看我的诗歌,那里面依然有为爱情的歌唱:热爱生命 也许我的生活落魄的如乞丐般的潦倒,也许生命的尽头仍是孤独寂寞,我仍会为曾经的追求和热烈的生命历程而举杯~ 朋友们,热爱生活吧,也许他赐予我们的总是比想象的少得多,也许他不公平的天平总是倾向别人的枝头,我们依然要感谢生命的阳光和那些为苦难而作斗争的日子,只有品尝了生活的五味百态,我们才能感受到生命的美好,人生的不易,请记住,无论什么时候,我们都要坚定的: 热爱生命,相信自己~ ,(从这首诗中我们感受到了生命的可贵,纵使遭遇再大的苦难the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development concept-driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smooth 我们应该勇敢的活下去,那么热爱生命是不是仅仅指活下去呢,无庸置疑是否定的,那么怎么才是真正的热爱生命呢,在你遇到挫折困难时,是如何面对的,(学生自由讨论并发言) 4.学生提供材料分析:(试分析当今青少年对待生命的态度如何) 资料一:“我走了~你们把书给我烧来,证明我还是爱学习的~”话音刚落,初一学生小涛(化名)纵身从教学楼4楼跳下。瞬间,双腿着地,强烈的痛苦扭曲了小涛那稚嫩的小脸———这是11月21日上午10点发生在四川三台县某中学的一幕。而就在两个多月前,三台某小学少先队大队长、12岁的小强(化名)在早晨上学之前纵身从住家跳楼自尽„„ 为什么在成年人眼中衣食无忧、快乐天真的孩子会以这样的方式选择结束自己那幼小的生命,是怎样的原因让他们做出这样的选择呢, 资料二:哈市某学校五年级学生李爽(化名)是一个内向的孩子,几乎没有朋友。其父母是经商的,平时很忙对他关心得很少,李爽感觉一直很寂寞。放暑假时,父母答应带他去旅游,却因临时有应酬而取消了。李爽对此非常生气与伤心,认为父母都不关心他,活着也没有意思,就准备跳楼报复父母。幸亏邻居及时发现,并报了警,消防队员将他解救了下来。听了这二则资料后大家有什么感想,(小组讨论,并由组长发言) ,.歌曲《热爱生命》 ,.学生论谈——畅谈我们的人生 the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development concept-driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smooth ,.主持人小结: “路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”。 珍爱生命不仅仅是珍爱肉体的生命,更要珍爱精神层面上的生命。珍爱生命是一种执着,执着于理想、信念、爱情、事业;珍爱生命是一种心态,或豁达、或清净,或悲壮,亦或坚韧;珍爱生命是一种挑战,挑战外物,更是挑战自我;珍爱生命也是一种牺牲,牺牲小我,成就大我;珍爱生命还是一种崇高,一种绚烂,一种追求,一种自信。也许我们的理解还太感性,还不太成熟,还有待完善。但无庸置疑的是我们一定会把握好生命中的每个阶段。积极进取,奋勇直前,充实人生,使我们的生命如夏花之绚烂。 ,.班主任发言: 每一个生命都是美丽的,所以每一朵花都不应该拒绝开放。一个人活着,你的生命就不再是你的一个人的所有。我们的生命是父母给予的。保护好自己的生命,以便让其他的生命更好的活着。 在我们的成长道路上,不可能是永远是一帆风顺的,也可能是充满坎坷。但我们不抱怨,不气馁,要坚持不懈,努力进取,享受这样的过程,是这些经历让我们变得更加成熟。 前锋农场中学 二零一四年五月十四日 the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development concept-driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smooth
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