
应用文写作说课稿 终稿

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应用文写作说课稿 终稿应用文写作说课稿 终稿 《应用文写作》说课稿 应用文科学院秘书系 李冰 各位专家、领导、老师们,大家好~我是应用文科学院秘书系教师李冰,今天能有机会在这里与各位交流,感到非常荣幸。我说课的内容是《应用文写作》,不当之处还望各位评委批评指正。 一、课程性质 (一)课程性质 《应用文写作》课程是目前高职高专院校开设的一门公共基础课,应用文写作能力已经成为高职学生必备的能力之一。我校所有专业均开设该课程。所不同的是,本课程属于文秘专业核心课、考试课,属于其他专业职业基础课、考查课。本次说课是针对电子信息学院应用电子技术专...
应用文写作说课稿 终稿
应用文写作说课稿 终稿 《应用文写作》说课稿 应用文科学院秘书系 李冰 各位专家、领导、老师们,大家好~我是应用文科学院秘书系教师李冰,今天能有机会在这里与各位交流,感到非常荣幸。我说课的内容是《应用文写作》,不当之处还望各位评委批评指正。 一、课程性质 (一)课程性质 《应用文写作》课程是目前高职高专院校开设的一门公共基础课,应用文写作能力已经成为高职学生必备的能力之一。我校所有专业均开设该课程。所不同的是,本课程属于文秘专业核心课、考试课,属于其他专业职业基础课、考查课。本次说课是针对电子信息学院应用电子技术专业进行的。 (二)在应用电子技术专业中的地位、任务 本着基础课服务于专业课的教学理念。在应用电子技术专业的就业岗位群中,该课程主要围绕毕业生的实际工作需要来选择应用文文种进行讲授,如:、通知、总结、报告、请示、求职信等。对学生职业能力的培养和职业素养的养成起着夯实基础的作用。 其任务是通过23种应用文体知识的讲授与练习,使学生获得必备的写作能力,以适应今后从事工作的需要,提高管理水平和服务能力。 二、课程目标 (一)学情分析 《应用文写作》课程授课对象为电子信息学院应用电子技术专业大一学生。优点:学生接受新事物的能力强,渴望提高自己的综合能力与素质,提高职业竞争核心力。缺点:写作基础参差不齐,写作能力和写作水平普遍不高。学习兴趣欠浓,懒惰,眼高手低。从该专业学生将来就业岗位来看,短期内可能是基层技术人员,但从职业发展前景来看,也不排除有不少的学生可能或将走上管理岗,甚至领导岗。针对这种情况结合应用电子技术专业特色和学生将来就业岗位,通过本课程学习学生应达到以下目标。 (二)课程总目标 international, Unicom international market, adapted future people on city of development needs, based Yu industry support, and traffic advantage, and Yangtze River culture, and ecological civilization, advantage, established city development target: radiation absorb Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou of regional center, and international ecological landscape culture city. 2.3.2 economic development in Yibin city, goal 2020 GDP reached 300 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 58000 2030 regional GDP reached 800 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 138000. 2020 industrial structure adjustment in Yibin city as 9:56:35; 2030 industrial structure adjustment for the 6:47:47. Industrial output by 2020 of 510 billion yuan in 2030 and reach 1.2 trillion yuan. 2.4 of the urban population and land size 2.4.1 Yibin city, population size according to the different forecasting methods and the size of population environmental capacity check, the downtown main future population projections for the year are as follows: downtown main future population projections for the year (unit: million) forecast methods, 2020, 2030, balancing method for 130-150 table 2.4-1 170-190 ultra high speed development of relationship between economic and labour law development of 150 210 140 180 General develop 130 1.7 million people, resources and environment capacity check land population carrying capacity--280 water resources and population capacity-does not constitute a binding comprehensive prediction of ecological resources coupled--310 results of 140-180 in 2020, the actual resident population of about 1.4 million people; 2030 the actual resident population of about 1.8 million people. 2.4.2 the use of scale, Yibin city 2030 per capita index of urban construction land in the center of 100 square meters per person. Yibin city construction land standards and scale of table table 2.4-2 year population size (mass) land size (km2) land per capita ((km2/people) 2012 82.5 76.19 92.4 2020 140 140 100 2030 2030 Yibin 180 180 100 figure 2.4-1 figure 2.5 land-use planning layout of urban space in central 使学生能够掌握常用应用文体的写作知识,并能运用所学知识,完成23种应用文体的规范写作。 (三)知识目标 1、掌握9种会写文种的写作格式; 2、了解8种会看文种基本特点和内容,领会写作要求; 3、懂得同一项目中不同文种的区别。 (四)能力目标 1、会写9个文种(计划、总结、通知、请示、启事、请柬、求职信、条据、商洽函)的应用文,要求格式正确,语言流畅; 2、会看8个文种(调查报告、报告、批复、、协议、典型经验、邀请函、会议议程),要求学生通过瑕疵文案分析,掌握正确的写作; 3、会赏析 6个文种(策划书、会议纪要、会议致辞、会议简报、消息、个人简历),要求学生通过鉴赏优秀例文,提高学生应用文写作技能和语言表达水平。 (五)素质目标 培养学生对写作的兴趣,以自信和积极向上的精神面貌应对就业竞争,以及给学生铺垫一个实现人生长远目标的基础。 三、课程内容 (一)教材分析 本课程所选教材为秘书系课程组研究成果《新编高职应用文写作》,由姜媛主编,赵华、张宇主审,秘书系全体教师参编的一本校本教材。由天津大学出版社出版。是教育部高职高专公共事业类专业教学指导委员会推荐教材、高等职业教育“十二五”规划教材。本着对社会负责、对学生负责的精神和高度的责任感,课题组成员下企业到机关,同时还对近十届毕业生展开广泛的社会调查,并综合多年的一线教学经验,在《应用写作教程》的基础上重新编写成该教材。本教材的最大特点是体现出新的时代精神和社会需求。体系鲜明、例文规范、突出实用,针对性较强。本教材较好地贴合了我校学生的实际情况。 (二)内容体系 我们针对应用电子技术专业的学生采取“量身定做”教学内容的方法,因为 does not constitute a binding comprehensive prediction of ecological resources coupled-280 water resources and population capacity--vironment capacity check land population carrying capacityop 130 1.7 million people, resources and en190 ultra high speed development of relationship between economic and labour law development of 150 210 140 180 General devel-1 170-150 table 2.4-it: million) forecast methods, 2020, 2030, balancing method for 130ar (unwntown main future population projections for the year are as follows: downtown main future population projections for the yeopulation size according to the different forecasting methods and the size of population environmental capacity check, the doity, ptput by 2020 of 510 billion yuan in 2030 and reach 1.2 trillion yuan. 2.4 of the urban population and land size 2.4.1 Yibin cindustrial structure adjustment in Yibin city as 9:56:35; 2030 industrial structure adjustment for the 6:47:47. Industrial ou2020 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 58000 2030 regional GDP reached 800 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 138000.er, and international ecological landscape culture city. 2.3.2 economic development in Yibin city, goal 2020 GDP reached 300 l centtion, advantage, established city development target: radiation absorb Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou of regionaty of development needs, based Yu industry support, and traffic advantage, and Yangtze River culture, and ecological civilizainternational, Unicom international market, adapted future people on ci2use planning layout of urban space in central-1 figure 2.5 land-ibin 180 180 100 figure 2.42 year population size (mass) land size (km2) land per capita ((km2/people) 2012 82.5 76.19 92.4 2020 140 140 100 2030 2030 Y-ndards and scale of table table 2.4nd staty 2030 per capita index of urban construction land in the center of 100 square meters per person. Yibin city construction laf about 1.4 million people; 2030 the actual resident population of about 1.8 million people. 2.4.2 the use of scale, Yibin ci180 in 2020, the actual resident population o-310 results of 140-- 有限的32课时要讲授23种应用文种再加上4次阶段测试,要想取得好的教学效果是很有难度的。因此我们本着“以必需、够用为度,以讲清概念、强化应用为重点”的高职教育原则,把应用文写作的内容体系分为行政公文、事务文书、专用文书及会议文书四个部分,又围绕工科毕业生的实际工作需要,从40余个文种中选取了使用频率较高的23个文种,再根据应用电子技术专业学生需要掌握的程度把23个应用文种分为会写文种、会看文种、赏析文种三个层次。 写作项目 会写文种(9种) 会看文种(8种) 赏析文种(6种) 行政公文的写作 通知、请示 报告、批复 会议纪要 事务文书的写作 计划、总结、启事 典型经验 专用文书的写作 条据 调查报告、合同、协议 办会(活动)过程会议:请柬 邀请函、会议议程 会议致辞、会议简报 中的文种写作 活动:商洽函 策划书、消息 招聘会:求职信 个人简历 (三)教学重点、难点 1、教学重点:正确撰写计划、总结、通知、请示、启事、请柬、求职信、条据、商洽函9个应用文文种。 2、教学难点:提高学生写作兴趣;提高学生撰写应用文的能力。 3、解决: 结合岗位实际,结合学生人生长远规划,通过任务驱动、案例分析、讨论与教师讲评等方法使学生获取理论知识。在实训环节上反复“写”反复“改”,让学生动手写作,“讲、写、改”结合促使学生将写作理论转化为写作技能,以实现“会写—会改—写好”的教学要求,提高学生撰写应用文的能力。 四、课程教学设计 (一)课程设计理念 《应用文写作》作为电子信息学院的职业基础课,课程设计理念为: “以职业为导向,以素质为本位,服务专业”。我们在课程设置上首先立足职业需要培养学生的应用文写作能力,提高写作素质。其次坚持“理论够用,实践过硬”的原则精讲多练,强化文种写作训练。 (二) 课时分配 -1 170-150 table 2.4-ancing method for 130ar are as follows: downtown main future population projections for the year (unit: million) forecast methods, 2020, 2030, balthe yecasting methods and the size of population environmental capacity check, the downtown main future population projections for .2 trillion yuan. 2.4 of the urban population and land size 2.4.1 Yibin city, population size according to the different foreeach 1as 9:56:35; 2030 industrial structure adjustment for the 6:47:47. Industrial output by 2020 of 510 billion yuan in 2030 and rregional GDP reached 800 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 138000. 2020 industrial structure adjustment in Yibin city 2030 ture city. 2.3.2 economic development in Yibin city, goal 2020 GDP reached 300 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 58000: radiation absorb Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou of regional center, and international ecological landscape culd traffic advantage, and Yangtze River culture, and ecological civilization, advantage, established city development targetinternational, Unicom international market, adapted future people on city of development needs, based Yu industry support, an3use planning layout of urban space in central-1 figure 2.5 land-figure 2.4 ibin 180 180 1002 year population size (mass) land size (km2) land per capita ((km2/people) 2012 82.5 76.19 92.4 2020 140 140 100 2030 2030 Y-in the center of 100 square meters per person. Yibin city construction land standards and scale of table table 2.4lion people. 2.4.2 the use of scale, Yibin city 2030 per capita index of urban construction land 180 in 2020, the actual resident population of about 1.4 million people; 2030 the actual resident population of about 1.8 mil-310 results of 140--urces coupleddoes not constitute a binding comprehensive prediction of ecological reso-280 water resources and population capacity--ing capacityent of 150 210 140 180 General develop 130 1.7 million people, resources and environment capacity check land population carry190 ultra high speed development of relationship between economic and labour law developm 本课程共32学时,其中理论教学14.5学时,实践教学17.5学时。 课程教学内容与课时安排: 讲授(理论)写作(实训)写作项目 教学内容 小计 课时 课时 通知、请示 2 2 报告、批复 1 1 8 行政公文的写作 会议纪要 1 0 阶段测试一 0 1 计划、总结、启事 3 3 事务文书的写作 8 典型经验 0.5 0.5 阶段测试二 0 1 条据(收条、借条、请假2 2 条、留言条) 专用文书的写作 8 调查报告、合同、协议 1.5 1.5 阶段测试三 0 1 请柬、商洽函、求职信 2 2 邀请函、会议议程 0.5 0.5 办会(活动)过 程中的文种写作 8 会议致辞、会议简报、策1 1 划书、消息、个人简历 阶段测试四 0 1 合 计 14.5 17.5 32 (三)课程教学内容的组织与设计 《应用文写作》课程教学设计是以“职业能力本位”为课程结构体系,打破了原来以文体建构的模式,以职场情境创设为导入,以项目和任务为载体,对课程教学程序进行整体设计。通过市场调研,了解到工科行业从业人员的岗位能 280 water resources and population capacity--vironment capacity check land population carrying capacityop 130 1.7 million people, resources and en190 ultra high speed development of relationship between economic and labour law development of 150 210 140 180 General devel-1 170-150 table 2.4-it: million) forecast methods, 2020, 2030, balancing method for 130ar (unwntown main future population projections for the year are as follows: downtown main future population projections for the yeopulation size according to the different forecasting methods and the size of population environmental capacity check, the doity, ptput by 2020 of 510 billion yuan in 2030 and reach 1.2 trillion yuan. 2.4 of the urban population and land size 2.4.1 Yibin cindustrial structure adjustment in Yibin city as 9:56:35; 2030 industrial structure adjustment for the 6:47:47. Industrial ou2020 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 58000 2030 regional GDP reached 800 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 138000.er, and international ecological landscape culture city. 2.3.2 economic development in Yibin city, goal 2020 GDP reached 300 l centtion, advantage, established city development target: radiation absorb Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou of regionaty of development needs, based Yu industry support, and traffic advantage, and Yangtze River culture, and ecological civilizainternational, Unicom international market, adapted future people on ci4use planning layout of urban space in central-1 figure 2.5 land-ibin 180 180 100 figure 2.42 year population size (mass) land size (km2) land per capita ((km2/people) 2012 82.5 76.19 92.4 2020 140 140 100 2030 2030 Y-ndards and scale of table table 2.4nd staty 2030 per capita index of urban construction land in the center of 100 square meters per person. Yibin city construction laf about 1.4 million people; 2030 the actual resident population of about 1.8 million people. 2.4.2 the use of scale, Yibin ci180 in 2020, the actual resident population o-310 results of 140--does not constitute a binding comprehensive prediction of ecological resources coupled- 力需求,根据不同职业岗位所需求的知识结构、能力结构及综合职业素质,形成了“公文、事务文书、专用文书、会议、求职”等与学生职业人生密切相关的项目。在每一个项目下,又设计了若干个任务。如会议项目下,设计了“函、会议通知、会议致辞、会议记录、会议纪要、会议简报”等几个任务,从而构筑了基于业务流程和以项目和任务为载体的应用文写作课程。教学中,坚持“理论够用,实践过硬”的原则精讲多练,强化文种写作训练。 《应用文写作》每节课教学程序设计思路是: 会写文种:情景导入提出任务——基本理论——案例评析或错例修改——情景模拟训练——实战练习; 会改文种:案例阅读——归纳基本写作理论——案例评析或错例修改——实战练习。 赏析文种:范文案例阅读——教师或学生评析 我以本次讲授“请示”文种为例介绍教学组织与设计。 步骤一:创设情境,布置任务导入新课 我们班准备去校外秋游,要征得学校同意。请你以班委会的名义起草一份公文,该用什么文种, 步骤二:范文示例,归纳请示结构格式(基本理论一) 看书P107例文一、例文二 步骤三:仿照范文,写请示(实训一) 步骤四:阅读案例,探究请示适用范围(基本理论二) 步骤五:写作实训,修改错例(实训二) 步骤六:归纳总结撰写请示的注意事项(基本理论三) 步骤七:实战练习,写——评——改(实训三) 步骤八:学以致用,换情景再写(实训四) 本次课的教学归纳起来就是:“ 看、写、改、练”,反复写、反复改,将学生获取的理论知识转化为写作技能,从而提高学生的写作水平,达到教学目标完成教学任务。 (四)教学方法 目前很多课程挖掘出许多新的教学方法,《应用文写作》作为写作课,一方面要把基本知识讲透,另一方面在教学过程中,要严格遵循“写、改、练”一体的原则,改变以教师讲课为中心的传统教学模式,要以学生为主体,教师为主导,让学生反复写反复练,从学生的实际能力出发,引导学生先从写好小文种开始, 280 water resources and population capacity--ing capacityent of 150 210 140 180 General develop 130 1.7 million people, resources and environment capacity check land population carry190 ultra high speed development of relationship between economic and labour law developm-1 170-150 table 2.4-ancing method for 130ar are as follows: downtown main future population projections for the year (unit: million) forecast methods, 2020, 2030, balthe yecasting methods and the size of population environmental capacity check, the downtown main future population projections for .2 trillion yuan. 2.4 of the urban population and land size 2.4.1 Yibin city, population size according to the different foreeach 1as 9:56:35; 2030 industrial structure adjustment for the 6:47:47. Industrial output by 2020 of 510 billion yuan in 2030 and rregional GDP reached 800 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 138000. 2020 industrial structure adjustment in Yibin city 2030 ture city. 2.3.2 economic development in Yibin city, goal 2020 GDP reached 300 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 58000: radiation absorb Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou of regional center, and international ecological landscape culd traffic advantage, and Yangtze River culture, and ecological civilization, advantage, established city development targetinternational, Unicom international market, adapted future people on city of development needs, based Yu industry support, an5use planning layout of urban space in central-1 figure 2.5 land-figure 2.4 ibin 180 180 1002 year population size (mass) land size (km2) land per capita ((km2/people) 2012 82.5 76.19 92.4 2020 140 140 100 2030 2030 Y-in the center of 100 square meters per person. Yibin city construction land standards and scale of table table 2.4lion people. 2.4.2 the use of scale, Yibin city 2030 per capita index of urban construction land 180 in 2020, the actual resident population of about 1.4 million people; 2030 the actual resident population of about 1.8 mil-310 results of 140--urces coupleddoes not constitute a binding comprehensive prediction of ecological reso- 如借条、请假条。从弄清写作的格式,再到语言的表达,最后所写文章力求做到准确、规范、得体。我采用任务驱动下的学生自主学习法和反复写反复改为主的教学法,其它多种教学方法灵活运用。 1、任务驱动下的学生自主学习法 我感觉任务驱动下的学生自主学习法是一个十分适用于应用文写作的一种教学方法。例如:围绕着商洽函的拟写这个项目,我给学生布置一个写作任务:如某公司与某大学商量进行员工培训…….我们可以它分解为接受来函、分析函件和回复函件等几个任务,再把学生分成三组完成相应任务(略)。伴随着完成任务,再对任务的完成情况进行评价。把学习的自主权交给学生,学生在完成任务的过程中,始终处于主体地位,既学到了知识,又培养了动手实践能力,从而提高学生的写作兴趣。 教学活动中,教师是学习情境(函件的接受和回复)的创设者、学习任务(函件的拟写)的设计者、学习资源(上网接受函件、拟写、回复)的提供者、学习活动(商洽函的拟写)的组织者和学习方法(学生自主学习学习法)的指导者。在任务的驱动下,学生自己去发现、去归纳、去掌握,变被动为主动。 2、案例教学法 案例教学法是传统的教学方法,但在教学中却又十分有效的。在写作课上适时选用案例特别能调动学生学习兴趣(提高写作兴趣是教学的难点)。在案例选择上我尽量选择与学生现状及就业关系比较密切的一些案例。如在讲授合同、协议时我就举了月薪4000元的案例(略)。此案例不仅解决了写作文种中出现的问题,还渗透了就业中容易出现的现实问题。体现了教师不仅是知识的传授者还是学生的良师益友。 病案修改法。因为学生缺乏实践工作素材,进行病例修改是行之有效的学习方法。改写结合,以改为主。这个方法是应用文写作最常使用的实践方法。尤其是要求“会看”的应用文文种如:报告、策划书等篇幅较长的文种多使用此方法。 3、讨论法 在课堂教学中拿出一定的时间开展课堂讨论。通过学生之间的相互讨论,加深对文种和例文以及写作技巧的理解和掌握,提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。 4、反复“写”法、反复“改”法 针对“写”作课,根据多年的教学经验我采取了既传统又古老的反复写、反 vironment capacity check land population carrying capacityop 130 1.7 million people, resources and en190 ultra high speed development of relationship between economic and labour law development of 150 210 140 180 General devel-1 170-150 table 2.4-it: million) forecast methods, 2020, 2030, balancing method for 130ar (unwntown main future population projections for the year are as follows: downtown main future population projections for the yeopulation size according to the different forecasting methods and the size of population environmental capacity check, the doity, ptput by 2020 of 510 billion yuan in 2030 and reach 1.2 trillion yuan. 2.4 of the urban population and land size 2.4.1 Yibin cindustrial structure adjustment in Yibin city as 9:56:35; 2030 industrial structure adjustment for the 6:47:47. Industrial ou2020 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 58000 2030 regional GDP reached 800 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 138000.er, and international ecological landscape culture city. 2.3.2 economic development in Yibin city, goal 2020 GDP reached 300 l centtion, advantage, established city development target: radiation absorb Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou of regionaty of development needs, based Yu industry support, and traffic advantage, and Yangtze River culture, and ecological civilizainternational, Unicom international market, adapted future people on ci6use planning layout of urban space in central-1 figure 2.5 land-ibin 180 180 100 figure 2.42 year population size (mass) land size (km2) land per capita ((km2/people) 2012 82.5 76.19 92.4 2020 140 140 100 2030 2030 Y-ndards and scale of table table 2.4nd staty 2030 per capita index of urban construction land in the center of 100 square meters per person. Yibin city construction laf about 1.4 million people; 2030 the actual resident population of about 1.8 million people. 2.4.2 the use of scale, Yibin ci180 in 2020, the actual resident population o-310 results of 140--does not constitute a binding comprehensive prediction of ecological resources coupled-280 water resources and population capacity-- 复改的教学方法。对9种要求会写的文种,课上反复写反复练,写完就改,改完再写。对8种要求会看的文种采取病例修改的方法,学生可互换改,还可让学生上黑板上改其他同学发表点评意见。经过多年实践对于写作课来说此方法对学生形成写作能力效果最好。 五、考核与评价 《应用文写作》课程的考核方式采取应用文科学院本学期新推出的学生成绩管理办法。考核的按照高职教育以能力培养为本位、以技能培养为重点、以提高素质为核心的价值标准,对课堂教学活动的诸因素及发展变化进行科学的价值判断,选择适当的评价方式,构建合理的评价体系。 考查课考核与评价内容如下: 考核项目 成 绩 说 明 出勤与课上表现考勤 25% 每节课3分,(50%) 每次课6分 课堂提问、讨论等的参与度 25% 阶段测试(50%) 阶段测试一:行政公文的写作 12.5% 每个项目教 学完成后,以 阶段测试二:事务文书的写作 12.5% 试卷或作业 的形式进行阶段测试三:专用文书的写作 12.5% 阶段测试。 阶段测试四:办会(活动)过程中12.5% 的文种写作 100% 100% 六、教学效果预评 由于教学中按照“实践—理论—实践”的顺序进行教学,符合人的认识规律,课堂上教师充分调动了学生的主观能动性,精讲多练,加强了实训环节,预计能很好完成教学任务。本教研组全体教师还将继续摸索探讨,为提高学生应用文写作能力,为学生专业学习、职业生涯和可持续发展做出贡献。 以上是我本次说课的全部内容,请专家、领导批评指正~ -150 table 2.4-ancing method for 130ar are as follows: downtown main future population projections for the year (unit: million) forecast methods, 2020, 2030, balthe yecasting methods and the size of population environmental capacity check, the downtown main future population projections for .2 trillion yuan. 2.4 of the urban population and land size 2.4.1 Yibin city, population size according to the different foreeach 1as 9:56:35; 2030 industrial structure adjustment for the 6:47:47. Industrial output by 2020 of 510 billion yuan in 2030 and rregional GDP reached 800 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 138000. 2020 industrial structure adjustment in Yibin city 2030 ture city. 2.3.2 economic development in Yibin city, goal 2020 GDP reached 300 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 58000: radiation absorb Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou of regional center, and international ecological landscape culd traffic advantage, and Yangtze River culture, and ecological civilization, advantage, established city development targetinternational, Unicom international market, adapted future people on city of development needs, based Yu industry support, an7use planning layout of urban space in central-1 figure 2.5 land-figure 2.4 ibin 180 180 1002 year population size (mass) land size (km2) land per capita ((km2/people) 2012 82.5 76.19 92.4 2020 140 140 100 2030 2030 Y-in the center of 100 square meters per person. Yibin city construction land standards and scale of table table 2.4lion people. 2.4.2 the use of scale, Yibin city 2030 per capita index of urban construction land 180 in 2020, the actual resident population of about 1.4 million people; 2030 the actual resident population of about 1.8 mil-310 results of 140--urces coupleddoes not constitute a binding comprehensive prediction of ecological reso-280 water resources and population capacity--ing capacityent of 150 210 140 180 General develop 130 1.7 million people, resources and environment capacity check land population carry190 ultra high speed development of relationship between economic and labour law developm-1 170
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