
湖北大学第一届“天之骄女文化周”暨女生节活动策划 2

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湖北大学第一届“天之骄女文化周”暨女生节活动策划 2湖北大学第一届“天之骄女文化周”暨女生节活动策划 2 湖北大学第一届“天之骄女文化周”暨女生 节系列活动策划 一、活动背景 女生节自20世纪90年代产生以来,逐渐成为一个关爱高校女生、提升思想素质,展现高校女生风采的平台,受到越来越多的高校的欢迎。湖北大学女生素来在湖北大学学生总数中占有较大比例,在学校是一个庞大的群体,女生的发展问题值得我们关注。因此,在女生节即将到来之际,湖北大学学生会特举办女生节系列活动,促进女生发展。 二、活动主题 天之娇女,魅力湖大 三、活动目的 举办女生节系列活动,不仅可以丰富大学生校...
湖北大学第一届“天之骄女文化周”暨女生节活动策划  2
湖北大学第一届“天之骄女文化周”暨女生节活动策划 2 湖北大学第一届“天之骄女文化周”暨女生 节系列活动策划 一、活动背景 女生节自20世纪90年代产生以来,逐渐成为一个关爱高校女生、提升思想素质,展现高校女生风采的平台,受到越来越多的高校的欢迎。湖北大学女生素来在湖北大学学生总数中占有较大比例,在学校是一个庞大的群体,女生的发展问题值得我们关注。因此,在女生节即将到来之际,湖北大学学生会特举办女生节系列活动,促进女生发展。 二、活动主题 天之娇女,魅力湖大 三、活动目的 举办女生节系列活动,不仅可以丰富大学生校园生活,关爱我校女生,而且可以在这宅男宅女盛行的时代,加强我校男女生之间的交流,在活动中学习知识,增进友谊。同时,帮助女生树立自尊自爱、自立自强的积极健康形象,展示女生风采,突显女生魅力,增强广大女生的自信心。通过给每位在校女生送上节日祝福,创造良好的关爱女生、尊重女性的良好校园风气。 四、活动对象 湖北大学全体在校女生 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 五、活动时间 2014年3月3日--3月7日 六、活动地点 3月3日--3月5日:嘉会园及大学生活动中心门口 3月6日:湖北大学校园 3月7日:图书馆前求索广场 七、举办机构 主办单位:共青团湖北大学委员会 承办单位:湖北大学学生会 协办单位:各院学生会 八、前期准备工作 1、在2月28日召开全校文艺女工部长会议,通知各学院准备工作 2、在3月5日前收集完各学院车队报名以及闺蜜名单并确定好车队名单 3、从3月3日开始在一期、二期进行女生文化周展板宣传 九、活动组成及 “天之骄女文化周”暨女生节系列活动以及相关流程如下: 1、心愿墙 活动时间:3月3日——3月6日 活动地点:嘉会园和大活门口 具体流程:每天设置一块展板作为墙,分别名为姻缘墙、愿望墙、白墙、 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 私人定制墙,让有心愿的女生写下心愿,贴在相应的位置。其中,会从私人定制中选取一部分实现性强的愿望,在3月7日当天为她们圆梦。剩下的所有愿望将在女生节这天用氢气球放飞。与此同时,在心愿墙旁边设置一个为湖大男生准备的箱子,名为“我在湖大暗恋你”,男生可以写出自己的表白话语,投在箱中,并且留下女生的联系方式,工作人员将在最快的时间内将此信送达。 2、爱心车队 活动时间:3月6日 活动地点:湖大校园 具体流程:从各院征集愿意参加爱心车队的男生作为车手,在每辆车上系上红色气球等装饰。在校园各宿舍门口接载女生到教学楼上课。 3、女生节当天系列活动 活动时间:3月7日 活动地点:求索广场 具体活动: 一?乐器体验:民乐团琴瑟和鸣开场。 二?服装秀场:参加活动的女生穿上我们提供的古装衣服,摆好姿势站在指定区域,由工作人员拍下参加女生的照片并予以保存,而后发至湖北大学学生会文艺女工部官博,记录下自己最美的那一刻,号召大家参与话题 三?放飞贴满女生心愿的气球 四?化妆体验:在图书馆左侧依次摆放,化妆,美甲等点,按照到场女生签到名单先后进行化妆指导。 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 1.人员分工安排: A 方案:美妆团共分为7组,每组两名人员,每一组可接纳六 人(需要两张并排桌子,同一时间段可接纳42人,40分钟左右可完成一次化妆。 B 方案:美妆团共分为7组,每组两名人员,每组接纳三人 一张桌子即可,同一时间段可接纳21人,20-30分钟可完成一次化妆。前期物资准备:做好当天所需产品的准备(因为是以众多女生同时对自己进行彩妆打造,所以物品必须齐全充分,才能在同时进行) 流程开展: (1)参与者们通过美妆团成员的介绍,了解自己皮肤肤质,根据自己的皮肤状况进行分组,同属于油性皮肤的分一组,干性皮肤的分一组,分别对应相应的美妆指导员 (2)由美妆指导员开始对参与者进行皮肤分析,填写皮肤分析卡。 (3)首先介绍护肤品的种类以及使用顺序,并将平时护肤误区与大家相分析,并指导正确护肤手法,打好彩妆基础。 (3)关于护肤的提问环节,如果参与者有问题,则可以向美妆指导员提问。 (4)美妆指导员大致介绍一下美妆顺序,根据不同参与者服装、肤source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 色等搭配各自适合的彩妆造型,并告诉大家每一部分的步骤,悉心教导大家,指出错误之处,进行半张脸的造型,然后协助指导参与者完成另外半张脸。 (5)全部完成后可以参加女生节系列活动的拍照活动,分享美丽与收获。 五?游戏闯关: 第一板块(游园活动) 游园活动流程: 1(共四个靶,编号ABCD,代表“婴儿,童年,成长,现在”, 面积由 大到小依次为A B C D 2(每人每靶有三次投飞镖的机会,每靶只要投到7以上就可以晋级 奖励规则:4个轮盘有2个中的奖励一颗棉花糖,3个的奖励一个特制书 签,4个的奖励一朵手工玫瑰花和某学院女生节嘉年华的入场抢先票(数量有限,先到先得) 第二板块 A、游戏区活动模式: ?游戏者先在入口通过转动转盘选出第一个要到达的环节。(转盘分4部分,包括“完美嫁衣”、“梦不落”、“童年忆趣”与“摘星之旅”) ?游戏者利用自己的聪明才智挑战游戏,挑战成功后获得奖励印章的同时,可获得一次转转盘机会,从而选择出下一个目的地。(转盘中有5部分,按source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 游戏难度划分大小,“完美嫁衣”与“梦不落”占位最大,“童年足迹”与“摘星之旅”占位减少,“塔罗之梦”占位最少) ?游戏者每集齐4个印章也可获得一次进入“塔罗之梦”的机会(工作人员会划掉4个印章),游戏者可在此环节通过塔罗牌预测自己的 爱情、财富、健康等等,每次只限预测一方面,若游戏者希望预测其他方面就必须继续努力挑战游戏了(此时游戏者可自行选择起始游戏,之后的步骤不变)。 ?游戏者最后可凭借手中的记分册到兑奖区兑换奖品,3个印章兑换一个气球模型或一朵纸质玫瑰花。每个游戏摊位也会对游戏者送出相应的糖果作为奖励。 游戏规则: 1.“童年忆趣” 回到童年的时光隧道,回忆体味儿时学走路的奇趣。选手要踩着竹马在规定的时间内(1分钟)跨越由塑料板做成的不同的障碍物。 2.“摘星之旅” 时间渐渐拉长,你也渐渐长大。这是个考验女生细心和耐心的游戏。将帐篷的3面围起来,女生用放大版的扑克牌在红地毯上成功叠出一个3层的金字塔即可通关。 3.“梦不落” 少女时代的你,智慧而明朗。女生先要跳瑶族的竹篙舞来跨越竹篙阵,在source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 竹篙阵的尽头是一大纸箱,纸箱内装满彩色气球,游戏者向现场工作人员领取一把小扇子,利用小扇子拍打箱子中的一个气球,并将其运送到令一指定箱子中。 4.“完美嫁衣” 朝着镜子灿烂微笑,做自己的公主,学会掌握自己的幸福,编织自己的完美嫁衣。帐篷内有4个纸板模特(3女一男)及各种款式的衣服鞋子。(均是纸板模型,其中模特没有头)选手挑选自己喜欢的款式根据个人喜好将各种服饰贴到模特身上进行搭配。完成之后也可以与模特合照留念。 5.“塔罗之梦” 每个女生都有想象过自己的未来,时光机带你来到未来。让我们用古埃及传达天神旨意的神秘之书为你检视自身,探索未来。 B、表演区活动: 于场地中央设置一舞台,邀请动漫社进行三场cosplay表演,表演内容待定,会以女生过去熟悉的动漫卡通作为表演主题。(时间分别为:15:00—15:15;16:00—16:15;17:00—17:15) C、展览区活动: 于舞台两则各介绍2个经典的女生游戏,分别是“挑木棒”、“跳皮筋”以及“跳房子”、“翻绳”。现场会以文字及图片,并提供相应的游戏道具,为女生展示70、80年代的经典游戏,女生们也可以亲身参与其中,体味乐趣。 游戏介绍内容: ?挑木棒:过去吃上一根冰棒是很幸福的。小孩便把冰棒纸和小木棒像宝source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 物一样保留着,并且还使它们成为一种游戏的玩具。各人拿出相同数量的小木棒放在一起,头家把木棒整理齐,然后轻轻地往地上一掷,木棒一根压一根乱七八糟地倒在地上。头家拿起留在手上的一根小木棒,去挑动倒在地上的小木棒,小心翼翼地从最上面那根挑起,挑出来的就属于自己赢的,如果碰动了其它木棒,就自动让权,由另一个人接着挑。 ?跳皮筋:两人做桩牵着橡皮筋,先从脚踝位置跳起,再升至膝盖处,腰部,胸部,脖子,最后两手高高举起。在中间跳的女孩跳的难度越来越大,而且并不像跳高那么简单,跳过了事,还必须在同一高度跳出几种花样,才取得“升级”的资格,否则就算输,只得去做桩。通常分一关二关直至天关,边跳边唱歌谣,动作优美,婀娜多姿。十余年后小女孩们一个个都出落得苗条匀称,多半跟当年跳皮筋有很大的关系。 ?跳房子:一般先是在较平坦的土地上画好房子(如图),游戏时,把瓦片掷于最底下的那间房,玩者单脚跳入,并将瓦砾踢入下一格,一直踢到屋顶,背着身子捡到瓦块,然后单脚跳回来(并排的两间房内可以双脚着地),算是玩玩一圈。跳完一圈便可“占房”一间,依次下一圈即可将瓦块掷于第二格内,跳至自己占到的房内可双脚落地,别人跳时则须跨过该“房”。碰上下面的房子都被别人占去而无法跨越的时候,玩者可以在房间外借过。玩时,应遵循以下游戏规则:另一只脚不能落地、瓦块不能压在划线上、脚也不能踩在划线上,否则都算犯规,犯规者出局等待下一轮。最后,谁占的“房”多谁为胜者。 ?翻绳:这个游戏不需要场地,随时随地可以玩,只需要一根上被子的线绳就可以了。一人可以玩,两人也可以玩,大多为女孩玩耍。玩时,用线source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 绳将两端打结,套于手指上,通过手指的穿插、交错、缠绕等手法,使线绳变换成各种形状:如降落伞、太阳、锯、鱼、天窗、面条、担架、五角星等。 六?女生节趣味运动会 项目一 项目名称:赶球 项目时间:9:00—9:20 项目介绍: 1.比赛人数及分组:每队5名队员。 2.比赛距离:20米 (于10米处设置障碍物) 3.比赛赛制:一场决定胜负,用时最少的队伍获胜。 4.比赛规则:每个队5名队员同时站在起点处排成一路纵队,第一名队员手持木棒,当听到裁判发令后,利用木棒将起点处的球赶至障碍物绕过障碍物回到终点,然后再从终点赶回起点交与下一名队员。 项目二 项目名称:两人三足接力 项目时间:9:20—9:40 项目介绍:2人为一组,2个人中有一只脚与对方的一只脚绑在一起。比赛开始,2人从起点向终点跑去,用时少者获胜。 项目三 项目名称:乒乓接力 项目时间:9:40—10:00 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 项目介绍: 1.比赛人数及分组:每队10名队员。 2.比赛距离:20米 。 3.参赛队伍在起点与终点分别站5个人,第一个参赛者单手用乒乓球拍托着乒乓球,从起点出发把球传给终点的另一个队员,依次循环进行,传的最快组获胜。 注意:传球过程中不得掉球、手触球。 项目四 项目名称:背球接力 项目时间:10:00—10:20 项目介绍: 1.比赛人数及分组:每对8名队员 2.2人为一小组,4小组进行接力。2人不能用双手抱球,只能用背部夹住1个篮球,从起点出发绕过终点的障碍物再回到起点,然后把球传给下一组的队员,4小组轮换后,最快的那一大组就是获胜队。注意在传球的过程,哪一小组出现掉球和用手扶球现象均为犯规 项目五 项目名称:踩气球 项目时间:10:20—10:40 项目介绍:在一个5平方米的区域内,每个人每只脚捆绑3个气球,参赛人员用脚踩破他人脚上捆绑的气球,直到游戏时间结束。每个人不允许出圈,只能用脚,否则视为违规,取消继续比赛的资格。听裁source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 判发出哨音,开始。 胜负判定:单位时间踩气球,剩下多的队胜。以现场裁判判定的结果为准。 时间用一块总表计算。 项目六 项目名称:小型保龄球 项目时间:10:40—11:10 项目介绍:每个人有2次机会掷球,从发球线开始滚动篮球,砸中的奖品归个人所有。(每个部门限3人参赛) 项目七 项目名称:拔河 项目时间:11:10—11:30 项目介绍:工作人员随机安排10男10女为一支队伍,共两支队伍。三局两胜制。 现场画像:在游戏环节中闯关成功者,可由艺术学院专业人士为其画像,画成功后免费赠与对方。 十、经费预算 宣传单页800份?0.1元/份=80元 卡纸20张?2元/张=40元 粘胶卷10卷?3元/卷=30元 气球15袋?12元/袋=180元 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 氢气 300元 展板15x20=300元 茶水 200元 宣传横幅若干400元 活动道具采办300元 活动奖品400元 古装租借10x80元/套=800元 共计:3030元 湖北大学学生会 2014年2月27日 附录一 宣传方案 本次活动宣传工作为我校学生会宣传部及各院学生会宣传部配合院团委,进行统一宣传和自由宣传。具体宣传方案分为三部分: 前期宣传: 1,校学生会宣传部要与各院学生会宣传部密切配合做好宣传工作。在活动报名阶段,我们的宣传主要以宣传板、海报、条幅、宣传单为主, source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 2,结合校报、校广播站(提供比赛相关信息)、校各大网站、校贴吧等媒体,进行全方位立体式宣传。我们的目的在于烘托活动气氛,激发同学们关注活动的热情,并且可以适当的走进各寝室,面对面向同学们阐述这次活动的详细内容及奖励方式,使活动成为同学们的日常话题,调动同学们参加活动的积极性,使我们的活动真正深入民心。 中期宣传: 1,各宣传部要及时更新海报、宣传板内容,如有条件,在主干道摆放各自学院女生节专栏,展出学院女生风采,以吸引同学们的目光。 后期宣传 结合校报、校网站,以及楚天都市报等媒体,对活动进行后续报道,使这个活动成为我校的3月份的中心活动,成为校园的话题。 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of
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