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2017-12-12 4页 doc 16KB 8阅读




来看看业界巨头早上都会读什么来看看业界巨头早上都会读什么 精品文档 来看看业界巨头早上都会读什么 Staying informed is a constant struggle for most of us, let alone people with high-profile, high-pressure jobs. There's usually not time to leisurely read a favorite paper over coffee. 了解时事热点对普通人而言都要费点功夫,更何况是那些 水平高、工作压力又大的大神们。他...
来看看业界巨头早上都会读什么 精品文档 来看看业界巨头早上都会读什么 Staying informed is a constant struggle for most of us, let alone people with high-profile, high-pressure jobs. There's usually not time to leisurely read a favorite paper over coffee. 了解时事热点对普通人而言都要费点功夫,更何况是那些 水平高、工作压力又大的大神们。他们常常可是连喝杯咖啡, 读读报纸的时间都没有。 Yet catching up on news is an important part of what's often a very early morning for many of the world's most successful people. And it turns out some very important people have their own favorite sources of news. 但是对于世界上大多数成功人士来说,了解热点新闻是很 重要的。不同的人喜欢的阅读来源也不一样。 1.Bill Gates reads the national papers and gets a daily news digest. 1.比尔?盖茨读的是全国性的报纸并对新闻进行整理。 The Microsoft co-founder gets a daily news digest with a wide array of topics, and he gets alerts for stories on Berkshire Hathaway, where he sits on the board of directors. Gates also reads the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and the Economist 1 / 4 精品文档 cover-to-cover, according to an interview with Fox Business. 微软创始人之一比尔?盖茨整理的新闻内容丰富。作为伯 克希尔?哈撒韦公司的董事会成员,他从公司运营中获得借 鉴。据福克斯商业的采访,比尔?盖茨会把《华尔街日报》、 《纽约时报》和《经济学人》一页不落的翻阅玩。 2.Dave Girouard reads the New York Times and Wall Street Journal on his Nexus 7, and mixes in some Winston Churchill. 2.戴夫?吉鲁阿尔会在他的Nexus 7平板电脑上阅读《纽 约时报》、《华尔街日报》,有时再加上丘吉尔的演讲。 Girouard, CEO of Upstart and former president of Google Enterprise, told Business Insider that he's a big fan of Winston Churchill's speeches. He's currently reading "Never Give In! The Best of Winston Churchill's Speeches." For news, he scrolls through the New York Times and Wall 上一篇英语: 扒一扒那些让人无语的离职方式下一篇英语: 没有了查看更多关于异域风情的文章网友同时还浏览了: 扒一扒那些让人无语的离职方式 感受星巴克的中国经营模式 2 / 4 精品文档 各国旅游小贴士 留学在外对美国的四年 美国时遭遇的生活 用英文讲述萨摩亚的生活 Street Journal. 吉鲁阿尔是Upstart的总裁,前谷歌总裁。他透露自己是 丘吉尔的粉丝。现在他正在读的就是丘吉尔最棒的演讲《绝 不屈服》。至于新闻方面,就是《纽约时报》和《华尔街日报》 了。 3.David Heinemeier Hansson flicks through tech blogs. 3.大卫?汉森浏览技术博客 The Danish programmer and creator of the programming language Ruby on Rails consumes a tech-filled fare each morning. He tells Business Insider that his daily round consists of Reddit, Hacker News, Engadget, the Economist, Boing Boing, and Twitter. 丹麦程序员大卫?汉森是程序语言Ruby on Rails的发明 者。他每天早上的精神食粮一定和技术有关了。他说自己会 看的网站和籍包括Reddit、Hacker 新闻,瘾科技网,《经 济学人》,波音波音和Twitter。 上一篇英语: 扒一扒那些让人无语的离职方式下一篇英语: 3 / 4 精品文档 没有了查看更多关于异域风情的文章网友同时还浏览了: 扒一扒那些让人无语的离职方式 感受星巴克的中国经营模式 各国旅游小贴士 留学在外对美国的四年 美国时遭遇的生活 用英文讲述萨摩亚的生活 4 / 4
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