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林氏木业林佐义:绑定大淘宝林氏木业林佐义:绑定大淘宝 林氏木业林佐义:绑定大淘宝 来源: 天下网商 发布时间:2013-06-25 接受《环球企业家》记者采访时,阿里顺林家具有限公司总经理林佐义刚刚参加完天猫的会议回到佛山。接下来,他又开始为旗下品牌林氏木业的六周岁店庆忙碌。 的确应该庆祝一下。2007年,22岁的林佐义将大而笨重的家具搬到了互联网上销售,借助小小的淘宝店当年实现200万销售额。当时整个互联网只有3家企业敢这么干。2008年进驻淘宝商城(天猫前身);2009年他的淘宝店得到第一颗皇冠,同年建立第一家工厂;2011年开设第一家体验...
林氏木业林佐义:绑定大淘宝 林氏木业林佐义:绑定大淘宝 来源: 天下网商 发布时间:2013-06-25 接受《环球企业家》记者采访时,阿里顺林家具有限公司总经理林佐义刚刚参加完天猫的会议回到佛山。接下来,他又开始为旗下品牌林氏木业的六周岁店庆忙碌。 的确应该庆祝一下。2007年,22岁的林佐义将大而笨重的家具搬到了互联网上销售,借助小小的淘宝店当年实现200万销售额。当时整个互联网只有3家企业敢这么干。2008年进驻淘宝商城(天猫前身);2009年他的淘宝店得到第一颗皇冠,同年建立第一家工厂;2011年开设第一家体验馆,涉水O2O,当年销售额2亿元;2012年这一数据飙升至3.8亿元,成为互联网家具第一品牌。 林氏木业是地地道道的淘品牌,生于淘宝,长于淘宝,连公司名称也显示着阿里巴巴的烙印。创始人林佐义对天猫淘宝(下称大淘宝)的规则烂熟于心,且善于运用。他透着粤商的精明,也有着潮汕商人的务实。 每天有3万多个独立IP进入林氏木业天猫旗舰店。目前林氏木业销售渠道主要集中于大淘宝,形成2家C店+6家天猫店的格局。“像家具这样的品类,也只有大淘宝这样的平台才可以支撑起来。”林佐义表示。 林佐义进入这个行业纯属误打误撞。计算机专业毕业的他在学校曾为别人创建网站。毕业后,到一家家具城发传单,开始接触家具行业。但林佐义的性格俨然不适合这份工作,每当遭遇路人的冷眼,他便灰心丧气。一个偶然的机会,他听说可以在网上销售家具,便动上of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge 了电子商务的脑筋。“这样既可创业,又不用每天直接面对各式各样的人。” 据他回忆,第一次登陆淘宝,也就是他开网店的那一刻。在佛山南海的家具企业聚集地,突然冒出一个80后的小伙子,经常出没各大家具厂。没有资金,没有工厂,林氏木业全部代销其它品牌家具。但从一开始,林佐义就要求凡是通过林氏木业网店售出的家具必须印有“林氏木业”标识。品牌,从那个时候,他就注意到了,而当时很少有网店关注这样的细节。 之后,林佐义又适时地进驻淘宝商城。随着电商的风生水起,林氏木业的品类最高时达到3000款,并延伸至家纺用品。但很快,林佐义开始有意收缩品类,精简款式,最终回归大家具定位,并只做住宅,不涉足酒店。目前其留下1000款经典风格的产品,选择欧式、中式等别具一格的个性化产品,并以田园、现代、乡村等风格主导分类。 去年,林氏木业在淘宝上开了第二家店,至此,其在整个大淘宝已拥有8家店铺,并且全部自己运营。“家具这个品类,因为仓储、物流和利润方面的因素,并不适合分销,未来也不会考虑这种模式。” 淘品牌成功的一大因素便是适应并且善于利用大淘宝规则,而林佐义透露的一个“不能说的秘密”也展现了其强大的适应能力。按照淘宝的规则,一个店铺在每一页显示的产品不能超过两个。“比如搜索‘床’、‘沙发’,尽管你的产品符合条件,并且会被筛选多显示几个,但页面已经限定了,一个店铺只能显示两个,所以我们的对策就of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge 是多开几个店铺。” 8家店铺,分工明确。天猫旗舰店囊括全部风格的产品,子店则主要负责一个或者两个风格的产品。林佐义建立了一套主店带动更多子店的发展模式,而他的主要精力也大都倾注于天猫旗舰店。“一旦子店成熟,我们会安排一个团队独立运营。” 与林氏木业同期崛起的很多小网店已不复存在,其中很重要的一个因素在于,大淘宝平台的营销成本越来越高。林氏木业则成功保证了毛利与营销推广成本的平衡。林佐义表示,他善于数据分析,专注精准营销。有节奏有选择地参加大型促销活动,青睐于钻石展位、淘宝首页广告、品牌推广等方式。 但随着传统大品牌逐步渗透线上,逼迫林佐义不断追加营销推广成本预算,每年已升至百万元级别。在营销方面,身经百战的林佐义也摸索出自己的一套方法。去年,林氏木业参加了“双十一”电商大型促销。“要考虑这个活动的周期,在什么时间段,以什么方式投是最有效的。例如前期预热,在打造一些活动款上,直通车用的比较多;在预热的中期,可能就转向于品牌的推广;而到活动已经开始了,整个推广费用比较贵的时候,天猫可能会有一定的免费资源支持,我们就会考虑怎么收缩一下推广,让大家走得更畅顺一些。” 如果说,成功的服装、化妆品互联网品牌更多依赖线上,那么家具这样的品类不只于网络资源,更在于线下的服务。 林佐义有空的时候,也会到家具城转悠转悠,体验一下传统品牌的服务。而每次回来,他都试图进一步优化用户体验。显而易见,对 of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door 亿邦动力网——电子商务专业媒体 and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge 于消费者而言,网购家具最大的障碍在于体验性差。材质、摆放格局等因素都难以通过网络图片完美呈现,加上因体积庞大受限于物流配送,因此,价格昂贵的家具品类发展始终慢人一步。 如何打通线下线下,为解决这一问题,2011年,林佐义首先启动佛山体验馆,涉水O2O。此后相继在深圳、北京也建立了体验馆。他一度也也曾想在线下和线上之间寻找平衡点,但均以失败告终。“我希望通过线上店来推线下店,当线下店发展的很好时,又可以对线上店形成一个互动反推,但现在我们通过测试发现,这两个加在一起不是更强了,反而会有一些冲突。”林佐义暂时放弃了这一想法,“目前还是以线下体验馆为主。” 线下体验这一短板,林佐义还在通过其它方面补足。目前,其供货商依然以20家家具厂为主,自己生产的数量仅占30%。但所有OEM的产品除了打上林氏木业的商品,为保证产品质量,还必须统一进入林氏木业的仓库,经过检验后,统一发往全国各?地。 林氏木业拥有120名客服人员,今年准备扩充至250人。据林佐义介绍,每位客服均是一对一服务。“整个购买过程,所有的问题都可以联系到固定的客服人员,售前、售中、售后全部由其一个人来负责。因为家具不像衣服,完成一个订单,可能需要不断交流一个月到两个月。” 用户一旦下了订单,林氏木业的仓储物流网络便开始启动。之前,其多采用专线物流,即选择一家物流公司,将订单运往购买者所在的中心区域,然后由用户自行提取。但从2010年开始,林氏木业推出of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge 一项“三包”服务,即送货上门,上门安装和终身维护服务。“这是有偿服务,用户可以自由选择。”林佐义表示。目前,这项服务以涵盖50多个城市,他将此项计划列入今年主推项目,计划到9月份实现100个城市的覆盖。 非标、不规则、又大又重,家具自身的特点也让电商的管理环节错综复杂。相比其它品类,仅配送一环,就难以短时间内完成,据悉,林氏木业从下单到收货,期间将近一个月。而一旦出现零部件缺失,或者家具损坏,公司则要承担零件配送和退货费用,耗时耗力费钱。而这也成为林佐义最头疼的事情。 但谈到库存,林佐义的眉头舒展开来。因为林氏木业以代购为主,一般根据用户的实际订单数定量向工厂订货,因此不同于服装,库存压力并不明显。但当促销季来临,他也会提前入库一些热销产品。 穿着Nike运动鞋,一身休闲风的林佐义显然已经习惯了电商领域风诡云谲,当我问到如何面对传统品牌渗透互联网时,他显得从容不迫,“我们欢迎大品牌的加入,他们会调动更多的需求,创造一个更好的家具网购氛围。”同时,他也开始加速向上游生产进军,“这是林氏木业未来的核心竞争力。” ----------关于亿邦动力网---------- 亿邦动力网是电子商务新闻门户,秉承独立立场、专业精神、严谨态度,做好电子商务新闻。 of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door 亿邦动力网——电子商务专业媒体 and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge 订阅亿邦动力网官方微信,每日获取最新电商动态,回复关键字 可获取更多电商新闻。 of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge
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