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2012.12托业考试听力练习资料2012.12托业考试听力练习资料 考研辅助网 www.5730.net 这篇关于2012.12托业考试听力练习资料,是考研屋www.kaoyanwu.com特地为大家整理 的,希望对大家有所帮助~ DAVID GREENE, HOST: When you watch a presidential debate, it's easy to think that the nation is deeply divided over economic policy. But when you talk to the exper...
2012.12托业考试听力练习 考研辅助网 www.5730.net 这篇关于2012.12托业考试听力练习资料,是考研屋www.kaoyanwu.com特地为大家整理 的,希望对大家有所帮助~ DAVID GREENE, HOST: When you watch a presidential debate, it's easy to think that the nation is deeply divided over economic policy. But when you talk to the experts, to economists, turns out they agree on an enormous number of issues. Our Planet Money team wondered what it would sound like if you could take some of those academic ideas about the economy and put them in a candidate's mouth. NPR's Robert Smith finds out. ROBERT SMITH, BYLINE: To create a dream candidate, you need a dream team. We took five leading economists of all different stripes - conservative, liberal. UNIDENTIFIED MAN #1: You could probably describe me as left of center, to be fair. LUIS ZINGALES: Pro-market but not necessarily pro-business. UNIDENTIFIED MAN #2: I'm a pretty hardcore free market guy. KATHERINE BAICKER: I'm a professor of health economics at the Harvard School of Public Health. UNIDENTIFIED MAN #3: I think of myself as a radical pragmatist. SMITH: And we said to this team, put all your differences aside and tell us what can you actually agree on. In an ideal world, what should the presidential candidates be talking about? 考研人必备的交流学习网站----考研辅助网 www.5730.net 考研辅助网 www.5730.net Luigi Zingales from the University of Chicago Booth School started off with something pretty uncontroversial - the United States tax code is a disaster. ZINGALES: All the loopholes and differences and in particular deductions. SMITH: Now, politicians say this all the time and they rarely give a solution. But our economists all agree on a pretty good way to fix it. The United States, they all said, needs to get rid of a giant tax deduction that unfortunately millions of Americans love and enjoy. UNIDENTIFIED MAN #4: The mortgage interest deduction. BAICKER: The mortgage interest deduction. ZINGALES: Mortgage interest is extremely perverse. SMITH: If you own a home, pay a mortgage, you can write off the interest on your taxes. And if you're o 考研辅助网 www.5730.net 考研路上必备的交流学习网站 考研人必备的交流学习网站----考研辅助网 www.5730.net
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